

Kufra is a region in southeastern Libya where there is a major water and irrigation project planned by the Libyan state to develop vegetable crops in the desert.

Irrigation is done with groundwater, since rainfall in the region is practically non-existent. Irrigation is carried out through the radial system.

The Kufra oasis is one of the best human creations that can be seen from space. Each circle is 1 km in diameter (approx).

In 1979, the International Astronomical Union approved naming a crater on the planet Mars, known as Kufra, after the town.


2011 Libyan War

The battle of Al Yauf was a clash between the troops loyal to the Libyan leader Muamar the Gaddafi and his opponents for the control of the village of Al Yauf and its environs during the 2011 Libyan War.

Al Kufrah District

Al Kufrah (in Arabic): الكفرةAl Kufra), together with 21 other districts, the administrative division of Libya. Its capital city is the city of Al Jawf. The location of this district is in the Libyan southeast.

It is the only district in Libya that has international borders with three countries. It borders the northeast with the New Valley Governorate, Arab Republic of Egypt. It constrains the east with the Republic of Sudan, more precisely with the State of the North and southeast with the state of Northern Darfur. It borders the Republic of Chad to the south, specifically with the Borkou-Ennedi-Tibesti Region.

Within Libya, it shares borders with Murzuq districts west, Al Jufrah northwest, Al Wahat north.


Libyan Desert
The Libyan Desert or Libyan Desert (in Arabic): الصحراء الليبية) is located northeast of the Sahara Desert. It occupies the western Nile area in Egypt (hereinafter the term "West Desert" describing its Egyptian portion), the eastern part of Libya and the northwest of Sudan next to the Nubia desert. It covers an area of 1 100,000 km2, extends 1100 km from east to west and 1000 km from north to south, in the form of a rectangle. Like most of the Sahara, the desert is mainly composed of sand and hammock or rocky plain.
Arenisca aquifer system

Extending almost entirely on a desert or arid area, the aquifer has enormous potential importance in the development of the countries it covers. The most ambitious project to date is the so-called Great Artificial River in Libya. This project consists of the extraction of water to irrigate various farms, mainly the Kufra oasis as well as the supply through large canals to the coastal areas of Libya that have a very limited natural water supply. The project extracts water at a rate of 2.37 km3 per year. In addition, a project for the recovery of deserted land in the south, near the Abu Simbel area, has been under way since 2001.

Since 2006, the International Atomic Energy Agency has worked in cooperation with the four aquifer countries in a project to study it with the objective of establishing equitable and rational use and administration for the socio-economic development of the region (IAEA-UNDP-GEF Nubian Project). This project also collaborates with the Global Environment Facility, UNESCO and the United Nations Development Programme.

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