Konqueror, free web browser; use the KHTML engine.

KHTML is the free HTML rendering engine developed for the KDE project.

It was created for the KDE web browser, Konqueror. The engine was later ported in January 2003 by Apple for its Safari browser, and the company returned all improvements made to the original code, as required by the license. Another company using KHTML is YellowTAB, which markets a BeOS distribution.

KHTML was written in C++ and is released under the LGPL license.

Standard support

KHTML supports the following standards:

  • HTML 4.01
  • CSS 1: complete
  • CSS 2: complete
  • CSS 3: part
  • DOM: 1, 2 and partially 3
  • ECMAScript-262/Javascript: 1.5
  • Netscape plugins
  • SVG: Partial support (through KSVG)
  • Graphical formats: PNG, MNG, JPEG and GIF

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