July 25

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July 25 is the 206th (two hundred and sixth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar and the 207th in leap years. There are 159 days left to end the year.


  • 285: In Rome, the Diocletian emperor designates Maximian as a co-directing Caesar.
  • 306: Constantine I is proclaimed Roman emperor by his troops.
  • 315: near the Colosseum, in the city of Rome, Italy, the Arch of Constantine is inaugurated to commemorate the victory of Constantine I over Majencio at the Ponte Milvio.
  • 864: The Edict of Pistres de Carlos el Calvo orders defensive measures against the Vikings.
  • 1139: In the Baixo Alentejo (Portugal) the Portuguese defeat the Almoravids in the battle of Ourique and proclaim King Afonso Henriques, who four years later will be recognized as a monarch of Portugal by Alfonso VII, the Leon emperor.
  • 1261: the city of Constantinople is recaptured by the forces of the Empire of Nicaea under the orders of Alejo Estrategópulos, re-establishing the Byzantine Empire.
  • 1278: In Algeciras—in the framework of the Spanish Reconquest—the Emirate of Granada and the Marian dynasty defeat the kingdom of Castile in the battle of Algeciras.
  • 1467: In Molinella, near Bologna (Italy) the battle of the Riccardina is waged, which is the first battle in Italy in which many firearms were used.
  • 1492: In Rome, according to the chronicler Stefano Infessura, Pope Inocencio VIII, sick, drinks the blood of three ten-year-olds; this causes the death of children by hemorrhagic shock and later by the pope. Some authors consider it the first known case of blood transfusion. However, there is no evidence that this has occurred and is often considered to be a tendentious account.
  • 1496: the conquest of Tenerife, and the Canary Islands, by the Spanish. In the current municipality of Los Realejos, a chapel is erected (the present Parish Matriz of the Apostle Santiago).
  • 1510: in the present Libya (North of Africa), the Spanish Navy conquers the village of Tripoli.
  • 1512: Castilian troops, sponsored by Fernando the Catholic and commanded by Fadrique Álvarez de Toledo conquer Pamplona.
  • 1523: In current Mexico, the Spanish conqueror Gonzalo de Sandoval founded the village of Colima.
  • 1524: In the present Guatemala, the Spanish conqueror Pedro de Alvarado founded the village of Santiago de los Caballeros de Guatemala (now Iximché (South of the city of Tecpan Guatemala).
  • 1526: from Spain the expedition of García Jofre de Loaísa to ensure the Spanish domain on the Molucas Islands.
  • 1531: Mexico founded the village of Santiago de Querétaro.
  • 1536: In current Colombia, the Spanish conqueror Sebastian de Belalcázar founded the village of Santiago de Cali (now Cali city with three million inhabitants).
  • 1540: In Peru, the Spanish explorer Juan Pérez de Guevara founded the village Moyobamba by orders of the Spanish conqueror Alonso de Alvarado.
  • 1547: In the current Ecuador, the Spanish conqueror Francisco de Orellana founded the village of Santiago de Guayaquil.
  • 1553: In Argentina, the Spanish conqueror Francisco de Aguirre founded the village of Santiago del Estero.
  • 1554: In the cathedral of Winchester, the English Queen Mary Tudor marries the future King Philip II of Spain.
  • 1561: France publishes the July Edict, which prohibits holding public or private assemblies and administering the holy sacraments outside the traditional method.
  • 1567: In Venezuela, the Spanish conqueror Diego de Losada founded the village of Santiago de León de Caracas.
  • 1577: in Coahuila, Mexico, is founded the Villa del Santiago de Saltillo (today Saltillo).
  • 1581: in Lisbon (Portugal) Philip II of Spain solemnly enters and is crowned king of Portugal.
  • 1582: the Marquis of Santa Cruz obtains for Spain a decisive naval victory of the island Terceira against the supporters of Don Antonio, prior of Crato, self-proclaimed king of Portugal against Felipe II.
  • 1593: In France, Henry IV decided to abjure Protestantism to achieve the throne.
  • 1609: The English ship Sea Venture, on route to the Virginia colony, is dragged south by a storm. The settlers founded a new colony in the Bermuda Islands.
  • 1643: The king of Spain Philip IV establishes Santiago as the patron of Spain and orders that on this date an annual offering of 1000 shields be made to the Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela.
  • 1668: in Shandong, China, at 20:00 local time, a violent earthquake of magnitude 8.5 in the seismological scale of Richter leaves a balance of 47,615 victims (See Earthquakes prior to the 20th century).
  • 1693: In the current state of Nuevo León (Mexico), the Spanish Ignacio de Maya founded the village of Real Santiago de las Sabinas (current Sabinas Hidalgo).
  • 1788: in Vienna, Austria, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart completes his Symphony n.o 40 in the lower sun (K550).
  • 1792: In Paris the Manifesto of Brunswick is published, which promises revenge if any member of the royal family was injured.
  • 1794: in France the poet André Chénier is executed in the guillotine.
  • 1797: the Militias Canarias, under the command of General Antonio Gutierrez de Otero, victoriously reject the attack of a powerful British fleet commanded by Horatio Nelson, who intended to take over Santa Cruz de Tenerife. In this action, Nelson loses more than 300 soldiers, and the right arm.
  • 1798: in Cairo, Egypt, triumphant Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • 1807: the population of the Territory of Tarija called an open lobby where they proclaimed the autonomy of the territory within the Crown of Spain and the independence of the government of Salta, because of the conflicts in Spain they would leave the territory at the disposal of their authorities, achieving that the territory of Tarija is constituted in a governorate of the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, but in the religious sphere integrating the bishop of Salta.
  • 1812: In San Mateo, the head of the Venezuelan independence forces, Francisco de Miranda, is capitulated to the advance of the realistic troops of General Monteverde.
  • 1819: in the vicinity of Bonza (Boyacá) the battle of the Vargas Pantano is waged. Simon Bolivar exclaims the famous phrase "Coronel, save you the Homeland" causing the defeat of the realistic troops of General Barreiro and causing the Battle of Boyacá.
  • 1824: in Costa Rica the Nicoya Party is annexed to the Costa Rican territory under its own will
  • 1834: the exclusion of the succession to the Crown of Spain from the so-called Carlist Carlos María Isidro de Borbón is decreed.
  • 1837: In London, William Cooke and Charles Wheatstone demonstrate for the first time the commercial use of telegraph between the Euston and Camden Town districts.
  • 1851: in Ecuador, General José María Urbina takes power and issues a decree to keep the slaves. A year later, the Constituent Assembly ratified the decree and provided the necessary funds for the submission.
  • 1853: in California Joaquín Murrieta, the famous Californian bandit, known as the Robin Hood of El Dorado, is dead.
  • 1855: approximately 40 km southeast of Montreaux (Switzerland, 46°06′N 7°12′E / 46.1, 7.2) a magnitude 8.5 earthquake occurs on the seismological scale of Richter.
  • 1866: The Piron Tuer commits his first offence and begins his life as a bandit outside the law.
  • 1868: the Wyoming region becomes the territory of the United States.
  • 1885: the new diocese of Madrid-Alcalá, created by the Concordat of 1851, is established.
  • 1889: in La Gaceta Madrid publishes the correct edition of Civil Code.
  • 1893: The Corinth Canal is opened in the Gulf of Corinth (Greece).
  • 1893: in Managua (Nicaragua), the Liberal troops of General José Santos Zelaya López entered, succeeding the Liberal Revolution that fourteen days earlier, on July 11, had exploded in León.
  • 1894: The Japanese open fire on the Chinese warship Gaosheng. First Syno-Japanese War begins.
  • 1898: After two months of shelling from the sea, U.S. forces in charge of General Nelson Miles invade the island of Puerto Rico by the port of Guánica, without the Spanish troops opposing too much resistance.
  • 1901: Emilio Aguinaldo, a supporter of the independence of the Philippines, leads an insurrection against the United States.
  • 1902: The Olympic Club is founded in Paraguay.
  • 1903: Perrin and Palacios are processed by the representation of their satirical and political magazine The Gordo Thunder.
  • 1905: In Björkök, William II of Germany and Nicholas II of Russia sign a treaty.
  • 1908: in Japan, the chemical Kikunae Ikeda of the Imperial University of Tokyo discovers that the key ingredient of kombu soup is monosodium glutamate and patents a process to manufacture it. Ajinomoto is founded.
  • 1909: in Barcelona begins the Tragic Week.
  • 1909: the French pioneer of aviation Louis Bleriot, on board the Bleriot XI biplane, manages to cross the Channel of La Mancha from Calais to Dover in 37 minutes. It is the first human being who passes through a body of water in an artifact heavier than air (he had already crossed into aerostatic balloon).
  • 1911: in the square of Cordoba, the Angelillo bullfighter suffers a serious catch.
  • 1914: The Austrian Empire breaks diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Serbia. Three days later he will invade her, which will trigger World War I. The Russian Empire knows that it will not tolerate any attack on Serbian sovereignty.
  • 1915: In front of the coasts of Ireland, German submarines sink two American merchant ships.
  • 1915: In the First World War, Captain Lanoe Hawker of the RFCs becomes the first British military aviator to get the Cross of Victory, to take down three Luftstreitkräfte (German biplace observation aircraft) in one day, on the western front.
  • 1917: In Canada, Prime Minister Robert Borden introduces the first income tax as a temporary measure (the lowest rate is 4% and the highest is 25%).
  • 1920: in Syria, the French army captured Damascus.
  • 1921: the mortal remains of The Cid Champion are transferred from the City Hall to the Cathedral of Burgos.
  • 1921: In Spain, prior censorship is established on the issues relating to Morocco.
  • 1925: the Franco-Spanish Conference of Madrid on Morocco was successfully concluded.
  • 1925: In the Soviet Union, the TASS agency (Association of Telegraphs of the Soviet Union) was founded.
  • 1928: by royal decree a national lottery is established to obtain resources for the construction of the University City of Madrid.
  • 1932: the Soviet Union and Japan sign a non-aggression treaty.
  • 1934: In Vienna, Austria, Austrian Democratic Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss, was killed during an attempt, aborted, by a coup d ' état of the Nazis.
  • 1936: Spain, Civil War, Sale of Barcelona to the front of Aragon the Ascaso Column with about 2000 militias.
  • 1938: In the Ebro River, Spain, the Republican Army launches a furious offensive against the Francoists. The famous Ebro battle begins.
  • 1943: in Italy, after the landing ally in Sicily, Benito Mussolini is overthrown by his own Great Council and imprisoned with his collaborators. It replaces Pietro Badoglio.
  • 1944: World War II, Operation Cobra begins. Panzer Lehr Division receives the worst part of the attack
The United States expelled some 4000 natives of the Bikini atoll to detonate the Baker atomic bomb (1946).
  • 1946: In the Bikini atoll lagoon (in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), the United States detonates underwater the Baker atomic bomb (the fifth nuclear detonation of human history, and the second after the atomic bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945). Due to the amount of involuntary pollution, the first nuclear disaster is considered. In 1968, the United States will reinstate 4000 natives who had lived there until 1946 in the atoll, but due to illnesses it will have to re-expulse them to other more distant islands.
  • 1946: The London conference is held, a frustrated attempt by the British to bring together David Ben Gurión and Hadj Amin to peacefully resolve the coexistence between Jews and Palestinians.
  • 1946: at Club 500, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the actors Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis first presented themselves as a comic duo.
  • 1947: in Ecuador, President José María Velasco Ibarra resigns from office in favor of the coup Colonel Mancheno.
  • 1948: Ecuador opens the conference of Quito, in which Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela study how to constitute a single political and economic unit.
  • 1950: Walter Ulbricht is elected General Secretary of the Unified Socialist Party of Germany.
  • 1952: The Constitution of Puerto Rico is promulgated as a United States Free Associated State.
  • 1953: in the Montserrat massif (Spain) a crash of three trains of the zip railway causes 6 dead and 107 wounded.
  • 1956: the Italian transatlantic SS Andrea Doria shipwreck after collision in the middle of a dense fog with the Swiss flag ship MS Stockolm. He sinks the next day, and 51 people die.
  • 1957: Tunisia proclaims the republic after 250 years of monarchy.
  • 1958: In the United States, Luz Marina Zuluaga is crowned as Miss Universe being the first Colombian to win the contest.
  • 1958: The first congress of the PRA (African Regrouping Party) is held in Cotonou.
  • 1959: the hovercraft SR.N1 crosses the Channel between Calais (France) and Dover (England) in two hours.
  • 1961: In a speech, U.S. President John F. Kennedy threatened that any attack on Berlin would represent an attack on NATO.
  • 1965: at the Folk Festival in Newport the American singer Bob Dylan stops playing “acoustic” and performs an “electric” interpretation, giving a transcendental turn to rock and folk music. Folk-rock is born.
  • 1968: in the Vatican City, Pope Paul VI publishes the encyclical Humanae vitae.
  • 1970: The U.S. Senate examines agreements with Spain and reduces financial aid to increase defense support.
  • 1972: in the United States, the newspaper Washington Star It reveals the Tuskegee experiment: since 1932 the Government had deceived 400 families of Macon (Alabama), sick of syphilis, providing them with placebos instead of treatment.
  • 1973: The Soviet Union launches the space probe Mars 5 to planet Mars.
  • 1975: Turkey regains control of all U.S. bases to protest against the arms embargo.
  • 1975: in Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya (Spain) the state of emergency ends.
According to the phenomenon of pareidolia, this mountain in Cydonia (Mars) looks like a human face (the "face of Mars").
  • 1976: under the Viking program, the spacecraft Viking 1 takes the famous photograph of Cydonia, unleashing on Earth a phenomenon of pareidolia (the display of the "rostro" on Mars).
  • 1977: the day of the Galician country is instituted.
  • 1978: In a hospital in England was born the first “bebé probeta”, Louise Brown.
  • 1978: In Santiago de Compostela, 40 000 people are concentrated on the Galician National Day.
  • 1978: in Cerro Maravilla (Puerto Rico) Puerto Rico police murder two young independentists (Caso del Cerro Maravilla).
  • 1979: In Nicaragua, the revolutionary government board nationalizes the banks and financial companies of Somocist capital.
  • 1979: Israel returns to Egypt 6,000 hectares of the Sinai Peninsula.
  • 1980: Back in Black is published by the Australian Hard Rock AC/DC band. It would become the third best-selling album in history.
  • 1980: in Honduras, the National Assembly elects General Policarpo Paz García as Acting President.
  • 1982: In ten Spanish provinces the "red fence" is decreed because of the drought.
  • 1984: the Soviet cosmonaut Svetlana Savítskaya becomes the first woman to walk through space.
  • 1985: In the United States it is published that actor Rock Hudson suffers from AIDS.
  • 1988: General Ne Win resigns in Burma in power since 1962.
  • 1989: Spanish Socialist MP Enrique Barón is elected president of the European Parliament.
  • 1991: in Santiago de Querétaro (Mexico), the Government of Guatemala and the guerrillas sign an agreement to achieve the democratization of the country.
  • 1992: in Madrid, Spain, King Juan Carlos I opened the Casa de América in the presence of 19 heads of State and Government.
  • 1992: In the Olympic stadium of Barcelona the XXV Olympic Games are opened.
  • 1993: Israel launches a massive attack on Lebanon—the Operation Accountability (according to Israel) or the Seven Days War (according to the Lebanese).
  • 1993: In the South African city of Kenilworth, Cape Town, the massacre of the Saint James church takes place.
  • 1993: cyclist Miguel Induráin wins the Tour de France for the third consecutive year.
  • 1993: Bolivia takes away the historical undefeatedness of Brazil in deletion of the football World by winning for 2 to 0.
  • 1994: King Hussein of Jordan and Israeli Prime Minister Isaac Rabin signed a historic reconciliation in Washington, ending 46 years of war between the two countries.
  • 1995: at St. Michel station on line B of the RER (Paris regional railway network) it operates a gas cylinder. Eight people die and 80 are injured.
  • 1996: in Burundi, Pierre Buyoya deposes Sylvestre Ntibantunganya.
  • 1996: In Los Realejos (Canary Islands) the fifth centenary of the erection of the Parish Matriz of the Apostle Santiago, which was the first Christian temple in the islands, ordered to build by the Spanish Alonso Fernández de Lugo when the invasion of the island ended on 25 July 1496.
  • 1998: east of Algeria, the army kills one hundred fundamentalists within the operation initiated against members of the GIA (Armed Islamic Group).
  • 2000: in France, a plane Concorde suffers an accident (Air France's Flight 4590). The 109 people die on board, and 4 on land.
  • 2000: at the Camp David Peace Summit sponsored by U.S. President Bill Clinton, Palestinians and Israelis do not reach agreements on the future of the region.
  • 2001: in front of the door of her house, in New Delhi, India, the legendary former “raise of the bandits” was killed by MP Phoolan Devi, who had become a parliamentarian.
  • 2002: Etihad Stadium is inaugurated in Manchester (England).
  • 2003: Argentine President Néstor Kirchner repeals the decree preventing the extradition of the torturers of the military dictatorship.
  • 2003: in the Barcelona Swimming Championships, the Japanese Kosure Kitajima set a new world record in the 100 meters Braza (59.78 s).
  • 2004: CES (Economic and Social Centre) warns that the plans of the Spanish Government to comply with the Kyoto Protocol can negatively affect employment.
  • 2004: Portugal calls for international assistance to control the fires that devastate the country.
  • 2004: More than 100,000 Israelis protest against the plan of Ariel Sharon to withdraw from the Gaza Strip.
  • 2004: A railway accident is charged 14 victims in Turkey.
  • 2004: the Santander Group forms an offer to acquire the Abbey National Bank; sixth British bank.
  • 2005: in the streets of Manila tens of thousands of Filipinos demand the resignation of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
  • 2007: In India, Pratibha Patil becomes the first female president.
  • 2009: Regional elections are held in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region (in Iraq). In the elections the president of the Kurdish Autonomous Region (by direct vote) and the regional parliament are elected; the elections are another important milestone in the process of normalization and pacification of Iraq, and they are important to define the relations between the Kurdish community and the rest of the country.
  • 2010: WikiLeaks publishes the secret documents about the war in Afghanistan, one of the largest leaks in U.S. military history.
  • 2018: As-Suwayda attacks are taking place, a series of terrorist attacks by the Islamic State in that governorate, within Syria. It was the worst attack of the year, leaving 315 dead (including 7 suicide bombers and 56 others killed) and more than 200 wounded.
  • 2022: Deploy from the United Kingdom the E-3 Sentry aircraft acquired by the Chilean Air Force to this country


  • 1016: Casimiro I, Polish aristocrat (f. 1058).
  • 1109: Alfonso I of Portugal, Portuguese king (f. 1185).
  • 1336: Alberto I de Baviera, aristocrat of the Wittelsbach family (f. 1404).
  • 1562: Katō Kiyomasa, Japanese warrior (f. 1611).
  • 1653: Agostino Steffani, an Italian diplomat (f. 1728).
  • 1657: Philipp Heinrich Erlebach, German composer (f. 1714).
  • 1658: Archibald Campbell, aristocrat and Scottish chancellor (f. 1703).
  • 1734: Ueda Akinari, a Japanese writer (f. 1809).
  • 1750: Henry Knox, American military (f. 1806).
  • 1753: Santiago de Liniers, militar y virrey del Río de la Plata (f. 1810).
  • 1782: Mariano Boedo, Argentine lawyer and politician (f. 1819).
  • 1788: Santiago Mariño, Venezuelan military (f. 1854).
  • 1797: Francisco Javier Echeverría, Mexican politician (f. 1852).
  • 1808: Johann Benedict Listing, German mathematician (f. 1882).
  • 1822: Santiago Arcos Arlegui, a Chilean politician and journalist (f. 1874).
  • 1833: Mariano Casanova, a Chilean Catholic archbishop (f. 1908).
  • 1842: Mariano de la Bárcena, botanist, naturalist and Mexican engineer (f. 1901).
  • 1844: Thomas Eakins, American artist (f. 1916).
  • 1848: Arthur Balfour, British conservative politician, Prime Minister (f. 1930).
  • 1853: Manuel Florencio Mantilla, jurist and Argentine politician (f. 1909).
  • 1853: David Belasco, American playwright (f. 1931).
  • 1874: Jaime Mendoza Gonzáles, doctor, poet, philanthropist, Bolivian writer and geographer (f. 1939).
  • 1878: José Betinotti, Argentinean musician and payer (f. 1915).
  • 1880: Benito Lynch, Argentine writer (f. 1951).
  • 1883: Alfredo Casella, composer, orchestra director and Italian pianist (f. 1947).
  • 1886: Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora, a Spanish neurologist and psychiatrist (f. 1971).
  • 1892: José Monegal, Uruguayan writer and journalist (f. 1968).
  • 1893: Dorothy Dickson, American actress and singer (f. 1995)
  • 1894: Walter Brennan, American actor and singer, winner of three Oscars (f. 1974).
  • 1894: Gavrilo Princip, an anarchist Serb-bosnio who killed Prince Franz Ferdinand of Austria (f. 1918).
  • 1895: Yvonne Printemps, French actress (f. 1977).
  • 1896: Josephine Tey, British writer (f. 1952).
  • 1898: Camilo Daza, first Colombian to pilot a plane (f. 1975).
  • 1900: Enrique Amorim, Uruguayan writer (f. 1960).
  • 1901: Lila Lee, American actress (f. 1973).
  • 1902: Eric Hoffer, American writer and philosopher (f. 1983).
  • 1905: Elías Canetti, Bulgarian-British writer, 1981 Nobel Literature Prize (f. 1994).
  • 1905: Matías Vega Guerra, a Spanish politician (f. 1989).
  • 1906: Manuel Díez-Alegría, a Spanish military officer (f. 1987).
  • 1907: Johnny Hodges, American saxophoneist and clarinetist (f. 1970).
  • 1908: Jack Gilford, American actor (f. 1990).
  • 1908: Luce Fabbri, anarchist italo-uruguaya (f. 2000).
  • 1909: Gianandrea Gavazzeni, director of orchestra and Italian musician (f. 1996).
  • 1914: Woody Strode, American actor (f. 1994).
  • 1914: Pável Dubinda, Soviet military, Hero of the Soviet Union (f. 1992)
  • 1915: Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., American aviator (f. 1944).
  • 1920: Carlos Alconada Aramburú, a radical Argentine politician, minister of the dictatorship (f. 2003).
  • 1920: Jean Carmet, French actor (f. 1994).
  • 1920: Rosalind Franklin, British molecular biologist (f. 1958).
  • 1921: Lionel Terray, French mountaineer (f. 1965).
  • 1921: Paul Watzlawick, Austrian psychotherapist (f. 2007).
John B. Goodenough
  • 1922: John B. Goodenough, German-American physicist.
  • 1922: Elisa Christian Galvé, an Argentine actress (f. 2000).
  • 1923: Estelle Getty, American actress (f. 2008).
  • 1923: María Gripe, Swedish writer (f. 2007).
  • 1924: Luis Suárez Fernández, Spanish historian.
  • 1925: Jerry Paris, an American actor (f. 1986).
  • 1927: Carlos Romero Galiana, doctor and Spanish molinologist (f. 2008).
  • 1928: Dolphy, actor, singer and Filipino producer (f. 2012).
  • 1929: Alba Castillo, Argentine actress (f. 2013).
  • 1930: Maureen Forrester, Canadian contract (f. 2010).
  • 1930: Annie Ross, British jazz singer (f. 2020).
  • 1933: Laly Soldevila, a Spanish actress (f. 1979).
  • 1934: Don Ellis, American trumpetist (f. 1978).
  • 1934: Claude Zidi, French director and screenwriter.
  • 1935: Barbara Harris, American actress and singer (f. 2018).
  • 1935: Adnan Khashoggi, Arab entrepreneur (f. 2017).
  • 1935: Santiago Marraco, Spanish politician.
  • 1935: Lars Werner, Swedish politician (f. 2013).
  • 1936: Glenn Murcutt, Australian architect.
  • 1937: Colin Renfrew, British archaeologist.
  • 1940: Sergio Faraco, Brazilian writer and translator.
  • 1941: Raúl Ruiz, Chilean filmmaker (f. 2011).
  • 1941: Nate Thurmond, American basketball player.
  • 1942: Bruce Woodley, Australian singer, songwriter and guitarist, by The Seekers.
  • 1943: Jim McCarty, British singer and drummer, from the band The Yardbirds.
  • 1943: Erika Steinbach, German politics.
  • 1945: Juan Carlos Cárdenas, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1945: Ventura Pons, Spanish filmmaker.
  • 1946: José Areas, Nicaraguan drummer, of the Santana band.
  • 1946: Rita Marley, Cuban singer.
  • 1947: Gabriel Parra, Chilean drummer, Los Jaivas (f. 1988).
  • 1947: Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, Argentine politician, president in 2001.
  • 1948: José María Benegas, a Spanish socialist leader.
  • 1948: Zipacna de León, Guatemalan artist (f. 2002).
  • 1951: Verdine White, American bassist, of the Earth, Wind and Fire band.
  • 1952: Eduardo Souto de Moura, Portuguese architect.
  • 1952: Huang Wenyong, Malaysian actor-singapureano (f. 2013).
  • 1953: Margarita Isabel, Mexican actress.
  • 1953: Robert Zoellick, American banker, former World Bank president.
  • 1954: Santiago Auserón, Spanish musician, of the bands Radio Futura and Juan Perro.
  • 1954: Lynne Frederick, British American actress (f. 1994).
  • 1954: Walter Payton, American footballer (f. 1999).
  • 1955: Iman, Somali model.
  • 1956: Frances Arnold, American scientist.
  • 1957: Steve Podborski, Canadian skier.
  • 1958: Alexei Filippenko, American astrophysicist and educator.
  • 1958: Thurston Moore, singer, composer, guitarist and American producer, from the bands Sonic Youth and Ciccone Youth.
  • 1959: Anatoly Onoprienko, Ukrainian murderer (f. 2013).
  • 1959: Nicanor Vélez, Colombian poet (f. 2011).
  • 1963: Julian Hodgson, British chess player.
  • 1964: Anne Applebaum, American journalist and writer.
  • 1965: Illeana Douglas, actress, director, producer and American screenwriter.
  • 1966: Ricardo López, Mexican boxer.
  • 1966: Jaume Fort, Spanish player and basketball coach.
  • 1967: Matt LeBlanc, American actor and producer.
  • 1969: Jon Barry, basketball player and American sports commentator.
  • 1970: Ernesto Alterio, Argentine actor.
  • 1970: Jorge Javier Vázquez, Spanish television presenter.
  • 1971: Tracy Murray, American basketball player.
  • 1973: David Denman, American actor.
  • 1973: Mauricio Aspe, Mexican actor.
  • 1973: Dani Filth, singer, composer and British actor, of the band Cradle of Filth.
  • 1973: Kevin Phillips, British footballer.
  • 1973: Igli Tare, Albanian footballer.
  • 1973: Guillermo Mota, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1973: Zé María, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1974: Kenzo Suzuki, Japanese professional fighter.
  • 1974: Lauren Faust, American animator.
  • 1974: Paul Epworth, musician, composer and British record producer.
  • 1975: Jody Craddock, British footballer.
  • 1975: Jean-Claude Darcheville, French footballer.
  • 1975: El Zorro, Mexican fighter.
  • 1976: Tera Patrick, American porn actress.
  • 1976: Javier Vázquez, Puerto Rican baseball player.
  • 1977: Kenny Thomas, American basketball player.
  • 1978: Louise Brown, first probet girl, British personality.
  • 1978: Paco Peña (Francisco Peña Romero), Spanish footballer.
  • 1978: Carmen Gloria Bresky, Chilean actress
  • 1979: Margarita Magaña, Mexican actress.
  • 1979: Juan Pablo Di Pace, an Argentine actor.
  • 1980: Diam's, French rap singer.
  • 1980: Samuel Sheinbein, American-Israeli murderer (f. 2014).
  • 1980: Toni Vilander, Finnish racing pilot.
  • 1981: Conor Casey, American footballer.
  • 1981: Konstantinos Charalambidis, Cypriot footballer.
  • 1981: Fergal Devitt, Irish professional fighter.
  • 1982: Brad Renfro, American actor (f. 2008).
  • 1983: Nenad Krstić, Serbian basketball.
  • 1984: Loukas Mavrokefalidis, Greek basketball player.
  • 1984: Shotta, Spanish rapper.
  • 1985: James Lafferty, American actor.
  • 1985: Nelson Piquet, Jr., Brazilian motor racing pilot.
  • 1985: Hugo Rodallega, Colombian footballer.
  • 1985: Shantel VanSanten, American actress and model.
  • 1986: Barbara Meier, German model.
  • 1986: Hulk, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1987: Michael Welch, American actor.
  • 1988: Yonny Hernández, a Colombian bike rider.
  • 1988: Sarah Geronimo, singer, songwriter, dancer and Philippine actress.
  • 1988: Heather Marks, Canadian model.
  • 1988: Paulinho, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1988: Anthony Stokes, Irish footballer.
  • 1989: Andrew Caldwell, American actor.
  • 1990: Carlos Carbonero, Colombian footballer.
  • 1990: Wakaso Mubarak, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1993: Karol Mészáros, Slovak footballer.
  • 1992: Lucia Aiello, artist and dancer.
  • 2000: Meg Donnelly, American actress and singer.
  • 2002: Adam Hložek, Czech footballer.


  • 306: Constancio Cloro, Roman emperor (n. 250).
  • 851: Teodomiro, Mozárabe martyr, natural and patron of the city of Carmona.
  • 1409: Martin the Young, a Sicilian king (n. 1374).
  • 1471: Thomas à Kempis, German priest and mystic (n. 1380).
  • 1472: Carlos de Artois, aristocrat and French military (n. 1394).
  • 1492: Inocencio VIII (Giovanni Battista Cybo), Italian pope (n. 1432).
  • 1564: Fernando I of Habsburg, German emperor (n. 1503).
  • 1572: Isaac Luria, Rabbi and Mystic Ottoman (n. 1534).
  • 1608: Pomponio Nenna, Italian composer (n. 1556).
  • 1616: Andreas Libavius, German physicist and chemical (n. 1550).
  • 1790: Johann Bernhard Basedow, German educator and reformer (n. 1723).
  • 1794: André Chénier, French poet (n. 1762).
  • 1834: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, British poet, critic and philosopher (n. 1772).
  • 1842: Dominique-Jean Larrey, a French surgeon (n. 1766).
  • 1843: Charles Macintosh, inventor and Scottish chemist (n. 1766).
  • 1853: Joaquín Murrieta, a Mexican criminal (n. 1829).
  • 1854: José Lino Matute, Honduran politician, president of his country (n. 1780).
  • 1887: John Taylor, American Mormon Leader (n. 1808).
  • 1912: Fernando Álvarez de Sotomayor y Flores, militar e inventor española (n. 1844).
  • 1918: Carlos Guido Spano, Argentine poet (n. 1827).
  • 1933: Gustav Embden, German biochemical (n. 1874).
  • 1934: Engelbert Dollfuß, Austrian chancellor, assassinated by the Nazis (n. 1892).
  • 1934: Néstor Majnó, anarchist Ukrainian (n. 1889).
  • 1943: Tomás Rueda Vargas, a Colombian writer and educator (n. 1879).
  • 1949: Guillermo Tell Villegas Pulido, journalist and Venezuelan politician (n. 1854).
  • 1959: Wolfram Hirth, German pilot and aviation engineer (n. 1900).
  • 1963: Ugo Cerletti, Italian neurologist (n. 1877).
  • 1966: Frank O'Hara, American poet (n. 1926).
  • 1969: Otto Dix, German painter (n. 1891).
  • 1972: Américo Castro, Spanish historian (n. 1885).
  • 1980: Vladimir Vysotski, Russian poet, singer and actor (n. 1938).
  • 1982: Hal Foster, American cartoonist (n. 1892).
  • 1984: Big Mama Thornton, American singer, drummer and composer (n. 1926).
  • 1984: José Mauro de Vasconcelos, Brazilian writer (n. 1920).
  • 1985: Santiago Montero Díaz, Spanish historian (n. 1911).
  • 1986: Vincente Minnelli, American filmmaker (n. 1903).
  • 1988: Josep Raich, Spanish footballer (n. 1913).
  • 1988: Judith Barsi, American child actress, murdered (n. 1978).
  • 1989: Steve Rubell, owner of the night club Studio 54 (n. 1943).
  • 1991: Lazar Kaganóvich, Soviet politician (n. 1893).
  • 1991: Román Perpiñá Grau, Spanish economist (n. 1902).
  • 1991: Eduardo de Guzmán, Spanish writer (n. 1908).
  • 1992: Alfred Drake, American actor and singer (n. 1914).
  • 1992: Clemente Vargas Jr., locutor and disc jockey of Venezuelan radio (n. 1935).
  • 1995: Toru Kumon, Japanese mathematician (n. 1914).
  • 1995: Osvaldo Pugliese, pianist, director of orchestra and Argentine composer (n. 1905).
  • 1997: Ben Hogan, American golfer (n. 1912).
  • 1998: Tal Farlow, American jazz guitarist (n. 1921).
  • 1998: Evangelos Papastratos, Greek businessman, co-founder of the Papastratos cigar company (n. 1910).
  • 2001: Phoolan Devi, Indian policy (n. 1963).
  • 2001: Carmen Portinho, a civil engineer, urbanist and Brazilian feminist (n. 1903).
  • 2002: Guillermo Borda, renowned Argentine jurist dedicated mainly to the study of civil law. In addition to Minister of the Interior and Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice (n. 1914).
  • 2002: Abdel Rahman Badawi, Egyptian philosopher and poet (n. 1917).
  • 2002: Rudi Dornbusch, German economist (n. 1942).
  • 2003: Ludwig Bölkow, German aviation engineer (n. 1912).
  • 2003: Erik Brann, American singer and guitarist, from the Iron Butterfly band (n. 1950).
  • 2003: John Schlesinger, British filmmaker (n. 1926).
  • 2005: Albert Mangelsdorff, German jazz thrombonist (n. 1928).
  • 2006: Carl Brashear, American military and diving teacher (n. 1931).
  • 2007: Bernd Jakubowski, German footballer (n. 1952).
  • 2007: Jesse Marunde, American strongman and halterophilus (n. 1979).
  • 2008: Randy Pausch, American computer teacher (n. 1960).
  • 2009: Harry Patch, British Supercentennial Soldier (n. 1898).
  • 2010: Vasco de Almeida e Costa, Portuguese military, prime minister in 1976 (n. 1932).
  • 2010: José Antonio Corrales, Spanish architect (n. 1921).
  • 2010: José Segú, Spanish cyclist (n. 1935).
  • 2011: Michael Cacoyannis, filmmaker and Cypriot screenwriter (n. 1922).
  • 2012: Franz West, Austrian painter and sculptor (n. 1947).
  • 2013: Steve Berrios, American drummer (n. 1945).
  • 2013: Hugh Huxley, British-American biologist (n. 1924).
  • 2013: Bernadette Lafont, French actress (n. 1938).
  • 2013: Kongar-ol Ondar, Russian singer (n. 1962).
  • 2018: Sergio Marchionne, Italian businessman (n. 1952).
  • 2019: Béji Caïd Essebsi, Tunisian politician and lawyer, president of Tunisia between 2014 and 2019 (n. 1926).
  • 2020: John Saxon, American actor (n. 1935).
  • 2020: Juan Carlos Ricci, Argentine actor and director (n. 1950).
  • 2020: Peter Green, British guitarist, of the Fleetwood Mac band (n. 1946).
  • 2021: Claudio Valdés, Chilean Gypsy singer (n. 1992).
  • 2022: Paul Sorvino, an American actor (n. 1939).


  • international
    • According to WHO
      • International Day for the Prevention of Drowning
  • Bandera de ArgentinaArgentina:
    • Province of Mendoza
      • Patron and non-workable provincial holiday in honor of Santiago Apostle.
  • ChileBandera de ChileChile:
    • Chilean Baterist and Percussionist Day
  • MexicoFlag of Mexico.svg Mexico:
    • Anniversary of Saltillo, Mexico.
    • Anniversary of Querétaro, Mexico
  • SpainBandera de EspañaSpain:
    • Patron Festival, in honor of Santiago Apostle.
    • Galicia - National Day of Galicia
    • Cebrecos (Burgos) - Santiago and Santa Ana
    • La Solana (Ciudad Real) – Santiago and Santa Ana
    • Granátula de Calatrava (Ciudad Real) – Santiago, Santa Ana and San Pantaleón
    • Navezuelas – Santiago Apostle
    • Vitoria - Bluse Day
  • Dominican RepublicBandera de la República DominicanaDominican Republic:
    • Yaque del Norte River Day
  • GuatemalaFlag of Guatemala.svgGuatemala:
    • San Cristóbal Verapaz
      • Patron Festival, in honor of Cristóbal de Licia and Santiago Apostle.
    • Antigua and Barbuda
      • Patronal party, in honor of Santiago Apostle.
  • BoliviaFlag of Bolivia.svgBolivia:
    • Fiesta de Santiago, Toro Toro
  • PeruFlag of Peru.svg Peru:
    • Patron Festival, in honor of Santiago Apostle.
  • VenezuelaBandera de Venezuela Venezuela:
    • Fundación de la Ciudad de Santiago de León de Caracas by don Diego de Losada.
  • ColombiaBandera de ColombiaColombia:
    • Fundación de la Ciudad de Santiago de Cali.
    • Departmental Plain Day in Arauca.
  • EcuadorBandera de EcuadorEcuador:
    • Fundación de la ciudad de Santiago de Guayaquil by Francisco de Orellana in 1547.
  • Costa RicaFlag of Costa Rica.svgCosta Rica:
    • Annex to the Nicoya Party.

Catholic saints list

  • James the Major, Apostle
  • Santa Carmen Sallés
  • Santa Glodesindis
  • San Magnerico de Tréveris
  • Santa Olimpíada de Nicomedia
  • San Teodomiro de Córdoba
  • Beato Antonio Lucci by Bobino
  • Blessed Juan Soreth
  • Blessed Maria Teresa Kowalska
  • Blessed Miguel Ludovico Brulard
  • Beato Pedro de Mogliano Corradini

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