Juliaca (in Quechua: Hullaqa) is a Peruvian city, capital of the district of the same name and of the province of San Román, located in the department of Puno. It is located at 3824 m s. no. m. (meters above sea level) on the Collao plateau, northwest of Lake Titicaca, in the vicinity of the Chacas lagoon, the Maravillas river and the Chullpas de Sillustani. It is the largest economic center in the department and one of the largest commercial areas in the country.
The Juliaca metropolitan area is made up of three districts: Juliaca, San Miguel and Caracoto. Juliaca is the ninth most populous city in the country with 307,417 inhabitants. in 2020, according to the INEI.
The city hosts every year between February and March the festival in honor of the "Pachamama" (Carnivals), where the participants dressed in colorful costumes take to the streets to dance typical dances of the altiplano in one of the most popular events in the region; Likewise, the festival of San Sebastián is celebrated on January 20 of each year.
It has a good land transportation system: highways and railway lines that interconnect it with the southern region of the country (Puno, Cusco, Arequipa, Tacna), as well as the Plurinational State of Bolivia, which makes it a transit point for travelers from this area of the nation.
The name Windy City is due to the fact that there are winds during a large part of the year, due to being located within the collao plateau.
It is also called Ciudad Calcetera, because in the past its inhabitants were dedicated to making hosiery or socks, including sweaters, scarves, etc., with fiber from alpaca, sheep, etc. Currently, the production of garments has been transformed, until it has reached an industrial level.
From the hierarchical point of view of the Catholic Church, it is part of the Diocese of Puno in the Archdiocese of Arequipa.
Historian Ramón Ríos affirms that Juliaca comes from the Quechua words Chhullasqa kaypi (it had drizzled) alluding to the fact that when the Inca hosts arrived in this part of the collao, chasing the collas, they noticed that it had drizzled on Huaynarroque hill.
However, Justo Ruelas affirms that Juliaca comes from the Quechua words Ch'ulla Qaqa (dew in the rocky field), because in the vicinity of the Huaynarroque and Santa Cruz hills, you can see small quartz particles, which resembles the morning dew that falls on the rocks.
Ancient time: 10,000 B.C. C. – 1532 AD.
The Altiplano was inhabited from around 4000 years BC by sedentary communities dedicated to agriculture and livestock (llamas and guinea pigs).
Uro presence in Juliaca
The legendary Lake Titicaca, has sheltered locals and strangers, keeping an implacable memory, although it is true, Juliaca was part of these events that happened there. The Uros settled in the riverside towns, taking advantage of the benefits of the reeds and the fish in their waters, they settled in the surrounding lagoons: Chacas, Qoriwata, Cochapampa, and the Juliaca River, today the Coata River.
"The Indians who call Uros live on the river of the lagoons where they fish, with which they sustain... they are recite Indians and of good disposition and there are many who are in the lagoons without making seeds or clothes eating from roots that call totora"Garcí Díez
The constitution of these settlers were registered as Uros de Coata and Uros de Desaguadero, from where the Uros de Coata would be better communicated, and related to Juliaca, by the river that linked them, likewise these riverside settlers developed the technique of navigating, on rafts made of reeds, fastened with ropes spun from ichus, which would serve as a support for fishing and sometimes transport from Lake Titicaca to the smaller lakes that were between the territories of Juliaca.
"As a testimony of the very ancient presence of the Uros, in the Balearic bias, and then in the rafts of Juliaca, there are some names left of places: Totoral, Torococha..."René Calsín
Between the years 1000 and 500 B.C. C. Juliaca flourished under Qaluyo influence; In the place of Qumir Muqu (Taparachi), archeology discovered a small village dating from this time, whose inhabitants ate potatoes, quinoa, kañiwa, carachi, guinea pig, among others. They developed a special textile and ceramic industry.
In the years 200 a. C. and 200 AD. C. the domain of the Pucará culture expanded in this region of the highlands. Between the 3rd and 4th centuries the Huaynarroque social group developed. Later the hegemony of Tiahuanaco, Colla and Inka arises consecutively. The Kollas and Inkas were bitter rivals and only under the military command of Pachacútec and his son Mayta Cápac were they able to subdue the brave Sapana, Chuchicápac and Huaynarroque, after bloody wars of conquest.
Viceregal period: 1550 AD. C. – 1825 AD. c
During the first Hispanic incursions, Juliaca was documented in several ways. Pedro Cieza de León wrote this:
"From Pucará to Hatuncolla there are fifteen leagues; in the middle of them are some towns such as Nicasio, Xullaca and othersPedro Cieza de León
During the viceregal period, Juliaca was a Repartimiento. An important document is the one that organizes the Corregimiento del Collao (later the Corregimiento de Lampa or Cabana) and dates from June 23, 1565 signed by Lope García de Castro. There Juliaca is consigned as Repartimiento entrusted to Don Diego Hernández.
Spanish Foundation
There is information about certain historical books found in the parish archive of the Iglesia Matriz de Santa Catalina that testifies to the Spanish foundation of Juliaca, whose name was: Pueblo de Santa Catalina de Juliaca
In the parish archive of the Iglesia Matriz de Santa Catalina, there are books that contain historical documents that prove this designation. Being the following:
- Book of Accounts and Property of the Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament, which was founded on February 11, 1684. This book contains documents such as: records, writings and others until October 1755, that is, it was at the service of the people for 70 years, it has 165 pages.
- Book of Indian Baptisms with games from 1757 to 1766. The text of each departure begins with the paragraph: "In the village of Santa Catalina de Juliaca and Sanctuary of Our Lady", it has 259 pages.
- Book of Baptism dating from 1773 to 1784 (11 years). The text of all headings begins as follows: "In the village of Santa Catalina".
The books in question are manuscripts bound in parchment, true jewels of the History of Juliaca.
These data show that Juliaca had a Spanish foundation, which took place on November 25, because in the Spanish Catholic calendar it is the day of Santa Catalina de Alejandría Virgin and Martyr.
It is known that the Spaniards, [among them Ramón Arapa father of Benito Arapa who was one of the contributors to the literacy of the indigenous], when founding towns, put a religious name before the original name, such as San Felipe de Caracoto, San Santiago de Huancané, Villa Hermosa de Nuestra Señora de Arequipa. Likewise, the so-called Spanish foundations have been nothing more than installations of Spaniards in already existing towns, with the consequent ceremony of distribution of lots for the Church, the square and the founders, as well as the placement of the roll in the new square and the pillory. in front of the church.
At that time, the feast of Santa Catalina was celebrated with great solemnity and joy (every November 25). The indigenous people of all the ayllus met in the town to pay homage to the Saint by presenting a warrior dance (Soldados de Santa Catalina), currently efforts are being made to preserve this tradition.
During the events in Laykakota that shook the stability of the Viceroyalty and led to the arrival of Viceroy Conde de Lemos in 1668, Juliaca was the headquarters of the rebels, the Salcedo brothers. Also during the liberation deed of Túpac Amaru II, it is worth mentioning Colonel Juan Cahuapaza, who as chief of Juliaca fought in the so-called Great Rebellion.
Republican period: 1825 AD. C. -
At the beginning of the republican life, Juliaca had a rural conformation, until in 1873 the railway station was installed that revolutionized the economic and social panorama of the Altiplano, with the presence not only of technology, but also of visionary people from Europe, Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, etc.
At the end of the XIX century, Juliaca had a more urban profile. Thus its citizens concentrated on raising Juliaca to a higher category; urban, social and economic growth justified it.
- In 1896, at the request of Mr. José Albino Ruíz and Calixto Aréstegui the deputy Miguel Morales presented the first bill with that aspiration, and to say of Dr. Augusto Lanza Zevallos had to be called Independence Province.
- In 1906 at the request of the Mayor Juan Cavagnari and Calixto Aréstegui, the deputy for Sandía Luis F. Luna is committed to promoting the first bill, but he cannot find it in Congress.
- On October 3, 1908, a huge step is taken: Law No. 757 is enacted which recognizes and gives the City Title to Juliaca. (102 years from city to 2010).
- On October 25, 1911, Senator Mariano H. Cornejo introduced the bill calling for the creation of the Independence Province, with its capital Juliaca.
- In 1921, both in the Regional Congress of the South and in the National Congress, there are facts that hinder the advance of this initiative, and even the desire of the deputy Encinas to transfer the capital of the province of Lampa to Juliaca.
- In 1921 the deputy Luis F. Luna promoted the project of Dr. Cornejo and obtained a favorable report from the Geographical Society of Lima.
- By observing the prosperity of the Dr. Encinas, deputy Luis F. Luna on October 6, 1921 presents a new project calling for the creation of the Province of Juliaca. This project was approved by the Chamber of Deputies on October 3, 1923.
- On January 16, 1925 in the House of Senators, it was determined that the new province was called San Román, in homage to the illustrious Pupee who presided over the Republic of Peru between 1862 and 1863.
- After several debates at the National Congress (Deputies), and at the request of Senator Pedro José de Noriega, at the session of August 17, 1926 he approved the creation of the Province of San Román and on August 31, he subscribed to such determination.
- On September 6, 1926, the President of the Republic, Augusto Bernardino Leguía and Salcedo ordered the printing, publication, circulation and compliance with Act No. 5463 establishing the Province of San Román with its capital, Juliaca.
Civic strike of November 4, 1965
November 4, 1965, was a commemorable date, due to the events that took place in the city of Juliaca, as the population claimed the Government of the Republic:
- Expanding and improving drinking water services.
- Construction of camal, market and hospital.
- Industrial park.
- Improving the airport.
- Renunciation of CORPUNO managers. Other
For this, an assembly was called, where a large part of the hosiery population met and reached agreements to abide by the strike.
In the days before, the press focused all its attention on the event that was coming, the day before the strike, the then Minister of Government and Police Javier Alva Orlandini arrived in Juliaca, ignoring the issue and promising a future dialogue, more In an inexplicable attitude, he continued his journey to the City of Puno along an unknown path, a fact that further fueled Juliaqueña's anger.
On November 4, the strike was complied with, it was Puno's anniversary. The Central Government ordered a group of the Peruvian army to cruelly repress the strike protesters. At the end of the day there was talk of more than sixty wounded, forty dead and twenty missing.
It is here, too, where the so-called Martyrs of November 4th immolated themselves:
- Santiago Mamani
- Patricio Quispe
- Germán Humpiri
- Mariano Pandia
Today in the city there are important streets and shreds whose names commemorate those people who lost their lives that day during the demonstration.
Timeline of the History of Juliaca
Date | Development |
10 000 - 3000 a. C. | People of the Altiplano with a subsistence economy |
1200 - 1300 was current | Huaynaroque culture is established in the area (later dominated by the Kollas). |
1350 - 1400 | Major clashes between Collas and Incas take place in Juliaca. |
1400 - 1450 | It is probably founded the 'Xullasca' a distribution of Inka culture. |
1549 | Don Pedro Cieza de León visits the town of Xullasca and records it in his chronicles. |
1565 (25 June) | Believe the correcting of the Collao and Juliaca's distribution, appointing Don Diego Hernández as his encomendero and governer at the same time. |
1570 | It is estimated that the population of Juliaca reaches 3640 inhabitants. |
1612 (5 June) | King Philip III issues a Royal Clause that provides for the new limits of the Diocese of Arequipa and Cusco, with Juliaca being the southern limit of the second. |
1630 | The Jesuits arrive in this area and baptize the village of Xullasca with the name Santa Cecilia de Juliaca. |
1649 | The parish priest Pedro Alfonso de Rivera and Casas has the construction of the Temple of Saint Catherine. |
1666 - 1668 | The Salcedo brothers, after being expelled from the mining seat of Laykakota, settled in Juliaca and from here they made a regional autonomy movement against the Hispanic domain. |
1774 | The construction of the Temple of Saint Catherine is completed. |
1780 (December) | José Gabriel Condorcanqui (Tupac Amaru II) named Juan Cahuapaza as a Juliaqueño cacique. |
1825 (5 August) | Simon Bolivar makes his way through Juliaca from Cusco to Alto Peru (now Bolivia), within his so-called triumphal journey through the victories obtained in Junín and Ayacucho. |
1854 (2 May) | As part of the reforms in the national administrative policy, President Ramón Castilla creates the province of Puno including this one to the district of Juliaca, separating it from the province of Lampa. (this fact causes multiple protests in the Jewish population) |
1871 | Construction of the Arequipa-Puno railway begins |
1873 | The Construction of the South Railway was completed, with Juliaca the distribution axis to Cusco (to Sicuani in 1893 and Cusco in 1908), Arequipa and Puno. |
1873 (14 September) | The first train convoy arrives at the Juliaqueña station and the service of the South Railway is inaugurated, 4 months later it does in the city of Puno. |
1879 (November) | In the first year of the Pacific War and after the events that occurred after the capture of the Chilean ship Transportation by the Peruvian Navy in which he takes as prisoners of war the regiment "Carabineros de Yungay", arrives to Juliaca a train convoy with a part of them after his stay in Arequipa where his physical integrity was threatened by the population due mainly to the taking of Pisagua by the Chilean army. In Juliaca the group of Chilean prisoners were cared for and fed for their subsequent shipment to the barracks of the city of Puno. |
1882 (30 August) | In the framework of the Pacific War, Admiral Lizardo Montero arrives in Juliaca from Arequipa on the north end of the city through the town of Chiguata (an internal conflict in that department prevented the use of the railroad) in order to reorganize his army and try to counterattack the enemy. Montero arrived in the district of Saint Lucia from where he took the train to Juliaca and later to Puno. |
1883 (3 November) | The battalions 'Lautaro' and 'Coquimbo' of the Chilean army arrive in Juliaca in 4 ferroviary convoys in command of Colonel Diego Dublé Almeyda from the city of Arequipa, at the juliaqueña Dublé station receives a telegram from the municipal mayor of Puno in which he communicates that there is no military personnel for a possible defense of the city and that the arriment of the Chilean army is expected. Finally, on November 4, the Punish authorities immediately handed over the city and declared themselves in favor of the government of Miguel Iglesias. |
1887 | The first Yachayhuasi is born, with the name of Municipal School No. 883, with only 13 students, being its first director and founder, the teacher Don Mariano E. Jáuregui. Today Public Education Institution No. 71014 Manuel Núñez Butrón - Glorious Centenary 1121. |
1889 | The construction of the temple of Merced (Remodelada in 1945) began. |
1897 | Born Jorge Rivera del Mar, a prominent musician and artist from Juliaqueño, author of the hymn music to Juliaca. |
1908 (3 October) | By Law No. 757, Juliaca is granted the title of City. |
1913 (25 September) | Because of the bloody conflicts that occurred in the districts of Huancané and Azángaro (especially in the district of Saman) between peasants and landowners, President Guillermo Billinghurst sends the sergeant Major Teodomiro Gutiérrez Cuevas who arrives at Juliaca to prepare a report about such events. Emissary Gutierrez accomplishes his task, however Billinghurst is overthrown by Colonel Óscar Benavides and the actions to be taken recommended in that report are truncated. Three years later, Teodomiro Gutiérrez identified with the peasants and the abuses committed against them, adopted the pseudonym of "Rumi Maqui" and launched a series of revolutionary movements against the central government. |
1917 | The non-official functioning of the Colegio Particular Liceo San Luis Gonzaga run by the Presbyter Franciscano Velarde, served as a basis for the creation of the future San Roman Franciscan College. It ends its period of activities in 1922. |
1925 (15 March) | Classes opened at the primary level of the San Roman Franciscan College, with 92 students, the enrolment process had begun on March 2. |
1926 (6 September) | The President of the Republic Augusto B. Leguía promulgates Law No. 5463, which creates the province of San Román with its Capital Juliaca, appointing as the first provincial mayor the citizen Pedro Manuel de Noriega together with 11 governers. |
1926 (24 October) | Mariano E. Núñez, Mariano H. Cornejo, Luis Felipe Luna, Pedro José de Noriega after arduous administrative tasks inaugurate the creation of the New and Flamante province of San Román. |
1938 (March) | The Special College of Ladies "Elena de Santa María" begins at the secondary level with 84 students, and it also starts the boarding school. The first Director and founder was the Rvda. Mother Reinhildis Ferber O.P. |
1939 (7 November) | Faced with the threat of a war conflict with Colombia, the government of General Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro inaugurates the recent construction of the Artillery Headquarters "Bolognesi" (GAC N° 4), as part of a comprehensive program of building and/or renovating military installations throughout the country. |
1948 (4 July) | Lt. Col. Alfonso Llosa González Pavón, head of the Juliaca Artillery Group No. 4 together with other military units of the department, was taken up in order to promote a coup d'etat and overthrow President José Luis Bustamante and Rivero. By this subversive act the Juliaca Headquarters was owed through a bombardment by a national aviation squad. |
1951 | Juliaqueño writer Dionisio Torres Juárez writes the famous phrase: "Today Juliaca lives at an accelerated rate of unmatched progress; it is the capital of narrow steps that advances and advances, opening through the slow march of other peoples, It has a handful of athletes and resistance of the Roman fighter. No people in Peru have conquered in these times the outposts that Juliaca has achieved, on the long way of Progress." |
1952 (28 March) | Ernesto Guevara makes his way through Juliaca in the so-called "First Latin American Trip", his destiny was Cusco. |
1954 (29 May) | The current hymn to Juliaca is recognized and officialized by Ministerial Resolution No. 5121, signed by Minister Alejandro Freundt and Rosell. The hymn consists of a choir with 8 verses and 24 verses. |
1958 | The I.P.S. (Peruvian Social Security Institute) (Now Es Salud) initiates its operations in the city, as social insurance of the employee, at that first stage it makes it as a tramitting office of insurance records for the reimbursement of particular attentions, |
1964 (6 July) | The city's arms shield is created and officialized. |
1965 (4 November) | The Juliaqueña population, together with its authorities, led a strike against the central government, led at that time by the president of Peru Fernando Belaúnde Terry, demanding basic services; the same one that culminated in cruel repression, by the police and the army, for demanding the expansion and improvement of the services of drinking water, drainage and electricity, as well as for claiming the construction of a Camal, market, hospital, etc. |
1968 (18 May) | The brothers Roger and Néstor Cáceres Velásquez founded the National Front of Workers and Peasants (FNTC). |
1981 (17 March) | There is a rail accident on the Juliaca-Imata route. The train-convoy of passengers signified with the N12 code made up of 17 cars had departed from the juliaqueña station on the night of 16 March and parked in the town of Imata waiting for the N11 and N153 convoys (passagers and cargo respectively) from Arequipa (they were at 3:07 a. m. approx.), because of the last way of the N12 convoy this did not reach
Shortly after being stationed (it is said only a few minutes), the N12 convoy was packed on the back by another cargo convoy signposted with the N154 code that was also directed from Juliaca to Arequipa, the intense fog of the place prevented the Machinists from achieving on time the stationed convoy causing the accident that left a balance of 30 dead and more than one hundred wounded. From then on, and due to the seriousness of the accident, the wooden carriages were banned from circulating because the personal damage was caused mainly by the yarding of the wood. |
1983 (28 December) | By Law Nro. 23738 is created the Denominated Private University "Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez" (UANCV), the first professional careers it offers are: Accounting, Civil Engineering, Administration, Education and Obstetrics. |
1985 | The Carlos Monge Medrano Hospital is opened. |
1986 (26 October) | Manco Cápac International Airport is opened. |
1986 | By order of its citizens, Panamericana Televisión becomes the first open signal channel to transmit its signal in the city. |
1987 | The "White Christ" is inaugurated a statue of the Redeemer Christ located in the Cerro Huaynarroque of the city. |
1988 (25 October) | The Fokker F-28 (Destino Lima, Arequipa) aircraft of the AeroPeru company, rushed to land after taking off the Inca Manco Cápac International Airport in the sector called "Unocolla" (quechua: Unuqulla), the ship took off with 58 passengers of which 12 died. It was the first and only air accident recorded to date in the Peruvian Altiplano. |
1995 (31 October) | The Gloria S.A. Consortium is declared the Subasta winner for 100% of the actions of the Cementos factory South Cemetery, located in the Caracoto district, was created in 1952 and entered into operation in 1963. |
2007 (10 July) | The executive branch (hereinafter headed by Premier Jorge del Castillo in the government of Alan García Pérez) presents to Congress a bill to create the National University of Juliaca (UNAJ), with legal status of public law and based in the district of Juliaca, province of San Román, department of Puno. |
2007 (20 July) | By LEY N.o 29074, JULIACA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY is created, the document aims to create the National University of Juliaca (UNAJ), with legal status of internal public law, based in the district of Juliaca, province of San Román, department of Puno. |
2008 (18 September) | Finally the district of Caracoto (Jurisdiction of the Province of San Roman) is defined as the location of the ZEEDE-PUNO, specifically 5 km from the main square of Caracoto, in the area of Collana Chillora, in a space of 133 hectares located on the right margin of the road Juliaca-Puno. |
2011 (5 September) | The Qashwa dance of Machu Aychas and Chiñipilcos of the feast of San Sebastian is declared a Cultural Heritage of the Nation. |
2023 (9 January) | Within the framework of the Protests in the country against the Government of Dina Boluarte and on the sixth day of indefinite strike, there is fierce police repression against the demonstrators who left at least 17 dead and 73 injured according to MINSA reports. Most deaths occur in the vicinity of Inca Manco Capac Airport, a place that has become a main point and goal during the last days of the strike. Two days later, there is a massive deployment of the population Juliaqueña carrying on the shoulders the federations of the fallen while the population declares itself in 3 days of mourning by raising black flags or half a stool in their homes. |
The city of Juliaca is located in the northern part of the province of San Román, in the center of the department of Puno. The district capital is located at 15° 29′ 27″ south latitude and 70° 07′ 37″ longitude west, at 3825 m s. no. m., ranking 45th among the highest cities in the world.
The city of Juliaca is located in the northern part of the province of San Román and on the northwest side of Lake Titicaca and 35 km. This. The geographical area of the Juliaca district occupies the central part of the department of Puno and the Collao plateau. Due to its geoeconomic importance, in 1926 Juliaca became part of the Province of San Román as its capital.
Various measurements indicate the following altitudes:
- 3824 m. n. m. in the airport area.
- 3825 m. n. m. in the railway station area
- 3828 m. n. m. in the area of the Maravillas Bridge.
The average and official altitude is 3824 m a.s.l. no. m.
In Juliaca we distinguish two types of relief:
Flat relief
Constituted by extensive pampas with slight undulations, which make up the largest extension of its surface.
Protruding relief
Constituted by small and medium elevations or hills grouped together in most cases.
The main hills of Juliaca are:
- Huaynarroque
- Iquinito
- Santa Cruz
- Finn
- Monkeys
- Chullunquiani
- Pojraqasi
- Huchuy Apacheta
- Jatun Apacheta
- Rancho Cunca
- One hull
- Mucra
- Wallatani
- Esquen
- Leke Leke Mucra
Populated Centers
Juliaca has 51 registered and settled population centers in the surroundings of the district.
Numeric | Alphabetical |
1 | Sector Adjudication Chingora |
2 | Ayabacas Sector Flores Pampa |
3 | Mercedes Ccaccachi |
4 | Kokan Chañocahua |
5 | One-colla Chañocahua |
6 | Ilo Ilo |
7 | Move one and two. |
8 | Ccaccachi |
9 | Rancho Tacamani Chañocahu |
10 | Chingora |
11 | Ayabacas Sector Maravilla |
12 | Collana Choja |
13 | Yocara |
14 | Chullun Quiane |
15 | Huray Jaran |
16 | Rancho La Victoria |
17 | Rancho Tacamani (canguru Suatia) |
18 | Huichay Jaran |
19 | Jaran Center |
20 | Santa Maria |
21 | Ayabacas Sector Sutuca |
22 | Nativity Ccaccahi |
23 | Chimpa Jaran |
24 | Sector Moquegachi Corisuyo |
25 | Rancho Sollata |
26 | Cocha Quinray |
27 | Rancho Pucachupa |
28 | Rancho Tacamani Central |
29 | Poste Pata Corisuya Sector |
30 | Central Island |
31 | Corisuyo Island |
32 | Esquen Tariachi Chaupiccacca |
33 | Annex |
34 | Isla Canteria |
35 | Ayabacas |
36 | Wonders |
37 | Mucra |
38 | Kokan |
39 | Vilcapata |
40 | Chacas |
41 | Antipampilla Island |
42 | Central Esquen |
43 | Collana Juliaca |
44 | Jatum Jallpa |
45 | Juliaca (Distrito) |
46 | Partial Aviation |
47 | Escuri Corihuata |
48 | Moro Cachi |
49 | Accomocco |
50 | Chilla |
51 | Pampa Taparachi |
In Juliaca we distinguish the following rivers:
Juliaca River
Constituted by the so-called Maravillas and Cacachi that are part of the Coata River.
Torococha River
A few centuries ago it was a very important river, now it becomes a sewer. It enters from the northeast sector of the city (Urb. la Capilla, San Julián) crossing the entire city, obviously in the central part it is channeled into a covered gutter, on whose surface is for example Jr. Pierola among other adjacent streets, leading to in the area called El Totoral (San Isidro) southeast of the city.
The following gaps exist:
- Laguna de Chacas: Located northwest of the city.
- Laguna Escuri: Located north of the city and close to the Maravillas Bridge
The climate in the city of Juliaca presents a wide oscillation between day and night, although the cold predominates, being this more intense in winter, mainly in the months of June and July, reaching values below 0 °C
As for its average temperature, it ranges from 4 to 10 °C, the maximum temperature remains uniform throughout the year during all months with an average of 17.08 °C, not in the same way the minimum temperature that averages −7.5 °C during the month of July.
Generally, summer is the wet season, it includes the months of December to March, in which the average rainfall varies between 85.9 mm and 183.3 mm, the best season to visit Juliaca is spring, between September and December, since it is sunny and with little humidity.
![]() ![]() | |||||||||||||
Month | Ene. | Feb. | Mar. | Open up. | May. | Jun. | Jul. | Ago. | Sep. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. | Annual |
Temp. max. abs. (°C) | 24 | 21 | 20 | 20 | 21 | 19 | 20 | 20 | 23 | 22 | 22 | 24 | 24 |
Average temperature (°C) | 16.7 | 16.7 | 16.5 | 16.8 | 16.6 | 16.0 | 16.0 | 17.0 | 17.6 | 18.6 | 18.8 | 17.7 | 17.1 |
Average temperature (°C) | 10.15 a.m. | 10.1 | 9.85 | 8.7 | 6.4 | 4.5 | 4.25 | 5.8 | 8.1 | 9.45 | 10.15 a.m. | 10.35 | 8.2 |
Temp. medium (°C) | 3.6 | 3.5 | 3.2 | 0.6 | −3.8 | −7.0 | −7.5 | −5.4 | −1.4 | 0.3 | 1.5 | 3.0 | -0.8 |
Temp. min. abs. (°C) | 2 | 1.7 | −3.1 | −7.5 | −12.0 | −11.0 | −13.5 | −12.6 | −11.7 | −6.0 | −6.6 | −1.7 | −13.5 |
Total precipitation (mm) | 133.3 | 108.7 | 98.5 | 43.3 | 9.9 | 3.1 | 2.4 | 5.8 | 22.1 | 41.1 | 55.3 | 85.9 | 609.4 |
Source: Hong Kong Observatory, |
As it is located in the middle of the Altiplano, a geographical feature of almost entirely flat relief, Juliaca is exposed to the region's own winds, which can reach a speed of 40 km/h, depending on the season.
According to the 2017 national census, Juliaca has 307,417 inhabitants.
Evolution of the urban population of Juliaca* | ||
Year | Population | |
1573 | 5938 | |
1583 | 7894 | |
1689 | 8695 | |
1862 | 10 725 | |
1865 | 12 497 | |
1876 | 16 276 | |
1916 | 17 746 | |
1940 | 20 034 | |
1961 | 26 351 | |
1969 | 96(+34) 965 | |
1981 | 107 159 | |
1993 | 145 147 | |
1994 | 164 714 | |
1995 | 170 445 | |
1996 | 175 408 | |
1997 | 179 840 | |
2000 | 191 530 | |
2005 | 208 918 | |
2006 | 211 755 | |
2007 | 216 716 | |
2008 | 223 427 | |
2009 | 243 710 | |
2010 | 249 269 | |
2012 | 254 947 | |
2017 | 307 417 |
Juliaca is made up of the following three urban districts:
- Juliaca.
- Caracoto.
- San Miguel (does not present statistical table as it was recently created, 2016).
Juliaca has the highest urban concentration in the region.
Municipalities The City | Extension (km2) | Population 2007 census (hab) | Minor population 1 year (Natality) Census 2007 (hab) | Housing (2007) | Density (hab/km2) | Altitude (m. n. m.) | Distance on the road from the center (km) | Provincial Map of San Román |
Juliaca ** | 533.47 | 225 146* | 3802* | 66 871 | 422,04 | 3824 | 0 | |
Caracoto** | 285,87 | 6058* | 0.121* | 1374 | 21,19 | 3820 | to the "Plaza de Armas" 9,35 km | |
Total | 2179.08 | 227 615* | 4414* | 51 024 | 511,742 | - | - | |
♪INEI census data | ||||||||
**Districts of urban agglomeration |
Monuments and places of interest
The city of Juliaca and its surroundings have various tourist attractions, both natural and historical, among the most prominent are the church of Santa Catalina, the Huaynarroque hill, the Chacas lagoon and the Kokan community.
Matrix Church of Santa Catalina
Located in the Plaza de Armas, it presents an indigenous baroque architectural style. The beginning of its construction dates from the year 1649, initiated by the Jesuits; however it was not completed until 125 years later. Proof of this is its only bell tower, built entirely with ashlar brought from the quarries of Arequipa. It is currently under the command of the Franciscan congregation.
Church of La Merced
This church is a beautiful work of architecture from the Republic era. It is located in the west wing of Plaza Bolognesi in the center of the city. Carved in red limestone (hence its characteristic color) and with a structure typical of the modern era (iron frame). Like the main Church of Santa Catalina, it only has a bell tower arranged symmetrically, unlike the previous one, also a clock with four circular faces stands out. Its construction is due to a group of faithful devotees who commissioned the construction to Don Gregorio Layme. It was inaugurated in 1959 and renovated in 1995, where indigenous elements were included.
Franciscan Convent
Also called the Convent of Santa Bárbara. It is a four-story building built on the Hatun Rumi or Santa Bárbara hill (Spanish denomination), 40 m from the Plaza de Armas in Juliaca, it presents an essentially Romanesque style.
Due to its importance in the past, today it is one of the main tourist attractions of the city.
White Christ of the Huaynarroque Viewpoint
Located southeast of the Plaza de Armas, on the top of Cerro Huaynarroque. The White Christ, embodied in concrete and fiberglass, stands out on the Juliaca horizon. At the foot of the monument there is a viewpoint, from which you can see the urban and non-urban area that includes the city of Juliaca. The complex was built in just two and a half weeks, and was inaugurated in 1987.
The Hosiery Gallery
It is a three-story store, located in the north wing of Plaza Bolognesi. It is a commercial center for handicrafts, in which all kinds of garments are sold (socks, chullos, booties, scarves, sweaters, rugs, gloves, etc.) woven or made with native materials (llama, alpaca, vicuña), the visitor You can also view the handwork done by the artisan ladies with their typical clothing (called hosiery makers), in different types of wool and fibers, highly appreciated in the international market.
Chacas Lagoon
Located 10 km northwest of the city of Juliaca, in the area surrounding the towns of Kokan and Chacas. It is a lagoon surrounded by vast hills, such as Iquinito (which is the highest in the area), the lagoon has a fusiform shape and an area of approximately 6.2 km². Local flora and fauna abound in this lagoon, mainly during the summer (rainy season).
Work Activities
The city of Juliaca, from the XIX century, developed a great activity related to commerce, also constituting a center of exchange and intermediation, serving as a link to the entire southern region of Peru.
It has a commercial and geopolitical importance due to its fluid communication with the main cities of southern Peru.
At the end of 2012, the Chamber of Commerce - Puno has estimated that Juliaca will be the fourth most important economy in Peru by the year 2020, due mainly to the installation of different financial entities as well as transnational chains with their respective centers of commerce, the dynamism of the economic flow in the city, even suggests that said estimate could be given much earlier.
The city has an economically active population of 90,573 inhabitants, the main activities being the following:
Main economic activities of the city of Juliaca | ||
Economic activity | Population | Percentage |
Total | 84 035 | 100% |
Farming, hunting and forestry | 64 105 | 4.88 % |
Fisheries | 17 | 0.02 % |
Exploitation of mines and quarries | 875 | 1.04 % |
Manufacturing industries | 11 950 | 14.22 % |
Electricity, gas and water supply | 148 | 0.18 % |
Construction | 5463 | 6.50 % |
Sale, mant.y rep.veh.autom.y motoc. | 2448 | 2.91 % |
Wholesale trade | 1391 | 1.66 % |
Child trade | 22 060 | 26.25 % |
Hotels and restaurants | 4863 | 5.79 % |
Transp.almac.y communications | 10 439 | 12.42 % |
Financial intermediation | 436 | 0.52 % |
Activit.inmobil., empres.y rents | 2895 | 3.44 % |
Admin.pub.and defense;p.segur.soc.afil. | 2604 | 3.10 % |
Education | 6929 | 8.25 % |
Social and health services | 1768 | 2.10 % |
Other activi. serv.común., soc. and personal | 2052 | 2.44% |
Private homes and domestic services | 1252 | 1.49 % |
Unspecified economic activity | 2340 | 2.78 % |
Source: Demographic Projections 2008, INEI-PERU. |
The industrial sector of the city is one of the most dynamic in southern Peru and the largest in the Puno region. It consists mainly of the Taparachi Industrial Park, located at the exit to Puno. In this, there are several companies, among which Alicorp, Backus, Direpsur, Tecnología e Importación, Embotelladora Juliaca, Inca Motors, Compañía Textilera, Cementos Sur, etc. stand out.
The city of Juliaca receives around 109,000 tourists annually, this is because Juliaca is home to the Puno region airport that serves as a link to the region's tourist destinations.
In recent years, the city has been experiencing an increase in employment in different areas, with commerce being one of the main driving activities for said increase. In the period August 2010 - August 2011, formal labor employment grew by 11.7% with the average hiring of 10 or more workers according to a report from the Puno Socio-Economic Labor Observatory.
The commerce sector has been boosted by the installation and expansion of supermarkets that operate in Juliaca, the main reason for hiring qualified labor.
In August 2012, the Ministry of Labor reported that the Juliaca-Puno axis led employment growth by 8%, followed by cities such as Cajamarca, while seven of 29 cities that make up the Peruvian urban ring reported negative variations such as Huancavelica (-13%) and Puerto Madonado (-4%).
Among the main activities that promote employment in Juliaca are the services, commerce, extractive and transport sectors, as well as the storage and communications sector.
This is the main economic activity of the city, occupying around 26.5% of the EAP (Economically active population); Juliaca in 2008 had 15,439 commercial establishments, which represents 41% of the establishments in the Puno region, this due to demographic density (225,175 inhab.).
In 2007, the incidence of total poverty (poverty and indigence) in the Puno region was 67.2%, while in the province of San Román (Juliaca) it was 44.5%.
The city of Juliaca is recently a good place for capital investments, this is mainly due to the reduction in poverty that has been occurring in recent years, the high population density, and the higher per capita income they present its citizens. An example of this is that since 2010 the Real Plaza Juliaca has been operating in this city, a shopping center operated by the Interbank Group (Plaza Vea, Oeschle, Cineplanet, etc.), built with an investment of around 2 million dollars.
Banks and finance companies
- Banco de Crédito del Perú
- BBVA Continental Bank
- Scotiabank
- Interbank
- Bank of the Nation
- Inter-American Finance Bank
- Financial bank
- Banco Azteca
- MyBanco
- Credicoop Island
- Caja Municipal de Cusco
- Arequipa Municipal Fund
- Municipal Box of Piura
- Sullana Municipal Fund
- Tacna Municipal Fund
- Caja Rural Los Andes
- Raíz
- Financial solidarity
Juliaca Carnival
It is the largest festivity in the city and has wide popular acceptance with an approximate duration of one month (which includes different festivities), hence the name of the largest, most lavish and long-lasting carnival in Peru. Folkloric dance contests are traditional, which are held in different locations in the city. These contests are characterized by the color of their costumes, the grace of their choreographies, as well as the great joy that their participants enjoy, without a doubt a unique experience, the mysteries of this carnival are only understood by living it.
San Sebastian Qashwa
It is an Andean collective dance that is performed during the Chico de San Sebastían Carnival festivity in the city of Juliaca (San Román Province - Puno Department). In the local tradition it is believed that this dance arose during the pre-Inca era, to celebrate the defeat of the Lupacas of the south by the Collas.
Currently this dance is considered: Intangible cultural heritage of Peru.
Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles of Juliaca
It is a religious devotion that takes place every year in October. The Lord of Miracles is the Patron of Peru. The brotherhood has a hundred people who are devotees, they perform differently from Peru to celebrate the mission and faith in God. Currently this invocation of Jesus Christ is considered: Patron of Peru.
Wings Fair
This festivity is one of the largest in the Andean Altiplano, also celebrated in Bolivia. Alasitas is an aimara word that means "buy me".
In this fair, all kinds of miniature items are sold, like toys, many of them already motorized by the merchants. It is celebrated on May 3.
Feast of the Virgen de las Mercedes
This festivity is one of the largest and most important of the festivities, it is given in honor of the patron saint of the city" the virgin of Mercedes". It is celebrated on September 24 of each year, with a large influx of faithful devotees and some tourists and the population itself.
In this festivity a great parade and veneration is made to express the faith and devotion of the faithful; He is in charge of several ensembles and folkloric groups with altiplanic dances such as morenadas, diabladas, caporales among many others.
Between 1933 and 1937 in the rural areas of the Peruvian Altiplano, a social movement with continental repercussions broke out, which managed to become a pioneering experience for subsequent crusades in other countries of the world.
During his Activity, he carried out a work impregnated with nationalism, promoting actions tending to liquidate endemic evils (smallpox), illiteracy, serfdom and gamonalism of those years.
These movements of health, educational, journalistic, artistic and literary actions had the name Rijcharismo, the city of Juliaca as its main headquarters, Runa Soncc'o as spokesperson, and leader to Dr. Manuel Núñez Butrón.
In one of the monthly reports that were presented in this regard, reference is made to the fact that the movement had visited different districts of the city of Juliaca teaching hygiene principles and vaccinating against smallpox.
Dr. Manuel Núñez Butrón for this pioneering work, in the Soviet town of Alma-Ata, was recognized by the World Health Organization as: a pioneer in primary care in the world.
Primary Education
- Colegio Particular "Fe y Libertad"
- James Baldwin College
- I.E.P. "Gilmar Teran Wood"
- Colegio de Ciencias Aplicadas Nuestra Señora del Carmen
- British Peruvian College Francis Aston
- Colegio Salazar Bondy
- Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola
- Centro Educativo Mariano Nuñez 70565
- Centro Educativo Manuel Núñez Butrón 71014-1121
- Education Centre No. 11204
- Centro Educativo María Auxiliadora 1122
- Centro Educativo Carlos Dante Nava
- Colegio Educativo Santa María 70536 -1131
- San Roman Franciscan College
- Tupac Amaru Education Center No. 70545
- Colegio Adventista Fernando Stahl
- Colegio Particular de Damas Elena de Santa María
- Colegio Santa Catalina
- Primary Education Institution No. 70610 of the Urb. Santa Adriana
- Colegio Particular Luz y Ciencia
- I.E. P.N.P. Santa Rosa de Lima - Juliaca
- Colegio San Juan Bosco
- College Gregor Mendel
- Colegio Pedro kalbermatter
- M.H.C. College trade 32
Secondary Education
- Colegio "Gran Unidad Escolar José Antonio Encinas"
- British Peruvian College Francis Aston
- College of Applied Sciences "Our Lady of Carmen"
- James Baldwin College
- I. E. S. "San Francisco de Borja"
- College "Sacred Heart of Jesus"
- Colegio Salazar Bondy
- Colegio José María Arguedas Industrial 45
- Colegio Martín Lutero
- Colibrí College
- Colegio Mariano Melgar
- Colegio Horacio Zevallos Gamez
- "Great school unit Las Mercedes"
- Regional Polytechnic College "Los Andes"
- College "Commerce 32"
- Colegio San Ignacio de Recalde
- Gregor Mendel College
- Colegio Pedro Vilcapaza
- College "Brigham Young School"
- Colegio San Vicente de Paúl
- Colegio Eduardo Forga Selinger
- Colegio Claudio Galeno
- College Alexander Fleming
- ELIM College
- College Federico Moore
- Colegio Marcelino Champagnat
- Colegio Enrique Guzmán y Valle
- Colegio Alfredo Bryce Echenique
- Colegio Danielle Miterrand
- Colegio Santa Catalina
- San Roman Franciscan College
- I.E. P.N.P. Santa Rosa de Lima - Juliaca
- Colegio Elena de Santa Maria
- Colegio Nacional Las Mercedes
- Industrial College INA 91
- Colegio "Luz Andina Reyna de las Américas"
- Men's Annex "Andean Light"
- Colegio Técnico Industrial Perú Birf
- I.E.P. "The Salle"
- Adventist College "Tupac Amaru"
- American Adventist College
- Colegio Adventista Fernando Stahl
- Adventist College of Titicaca
- Adventist College "Belen"
- College "Simon Bolivar"
- Colegio Nacional "CESAR VALLEJO"
- Colegio "Real Convictorio"
- Sigma College
- Private Educational Institution "Mary Jesus"
- College of Sciences "Good Shepherd"
- I.E.P San José "La Esperanza"A
Universities and Higher Institutes
- Instituto Superior Pedagógico Público - Juliaca
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado Nazaret
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado Salazar Bondy
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado San Juan Bautista la Salle
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado Tecnotronic
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Privado UNITEK
- Instituto Superior Tecnológico Público Manuel Nuñez Butron
- E.S.F.A. High School of Art Training - Juliaca
- Escuela de Gastronomía y Turismo Los Andes.
- Instituto superior Privado cetpro crear juliaca
- SENATI - Juliaca
- Universidad Andina Néstor Cáceres Velásquez.
- National University of Juliaca.
- Universidad Peruana Unión
- Los Angeles Catholic University of Chimbote
- Private University of Moquegua
Numerous newspapers and magazines circulated in the years of provincial life, it is worth noting:
- Runa Soncc'o (1935 - 1948)
- The Voice of Juliaca (1946)
- Sayariy (1975)
- Calcetera (1974)
- Dance and progress (1992 - 1993)
- Action (1950 - 1961)
- Go ahead. (1946)
- Horizons of Culture (1964)
- Huaynarroque (1967)
In 1950, the affiliate of the Federation of Journalists of Peru was formed, under the command of Dr. Manuel Nuñez Butrón and the persistent work of Moisés Calatayud Chávez.
In 1971, the branch of the National Association of Journalists was formed at the initiative of Carlos Bustamante Luza. On February 18, 1968, the circle of journalists was established with the presidency of Javier Romero García.
On July 27, 1959, the broadcasting of the first station in the city officially broke out: Radio Juliaca, under the direction of Víctor Urviola Garrido.
Art in Juliaca is fundamentally in charge of the Juliaca Higher School of Public Artistic Training, in charge of deepening and reinforcing the art of hosiery.
In Juliaca the most spoken languages are Spanish and Quechua, followed by Aymara.
The original language in Juliaca is Quechua, being displaced by Spanish, thanks to the settlement of people from other places, and more recently a large number of people who speak the Aymara language have settled (and are settling down)., due to many migrations from the northeast area of the Altiplano (Huancané and Moho), these being their dialects:
Languages and dialects of the city of Juliaca | ||
Language | Dialect | Population |
Spanish | Andino | 134 408 |
Quechua | Puneño | 58 535 |
Aimara | Altiplana | 19 310 |
Asháninka | - | 22 |
Other | - | 27 |
Aliens | - | 23 |
Puneña cuisine is characterized by having a great variety of culinary dishes and by having rich sources of calcium.
- Thimpo: Prepared with potatoes, whole chunks, muña, garlic, ají and meat (trucha, lamb or alpaca) and accompanied by red encebollado; from which the sancochado derives.
- Huarjata: Plato similar to Thimpo, but prepared with the rubber head
- Caldo de kharachi: Traditional kharachi-based dish, black and white cuffs of particular flavor, to which it is attributed to provide nutrients that stimulate the intelligence of people
- Kankacho: Baked meat, served with potatoes and llajwa.
- Salteña: Juicy and stuffed meat, hard egg, spices, and other ingredients, cooked in the oven has particular appearance due to seam at the top of your body.
- Mazamorra de quinua: Extremely rich in calcium based on ground quinoa and accompanied by ralled cheese and salt milk serum
- Pesq'e: Cheese made from whole quinoa, grated cheese and salted milk serum; sometimes served with red chinua.
- Fried trout: Made with trouts of the various water sources near the city.
- Pejerrey ceviche: Prepared with pejerrey (40 to 50 cm in length), excellent white meat and pleasant taste.
- Heat of head: Heat with pieces of lamb head, black, black and potatoes.
- Chairo: Soup based on Chuño chancado, chunchuli and Charqui.
- Prick: Plate made from chicken, fried rice and various herb species as well as a chairu that gives it a characteristic color (this dish is very similar to chifa)
- Chuño lagua: Moulded chunky mammorrh.
- Chicken sajta: Cheese prepared with hens, onion and ají (palillo); of which derives the modern chili of hen.
- Quispiño: Quinua molida loops, steamed formed in various bodies similar to the special flavor cookies, are regularly accompanied with cheese to serve.
- Huatia: Typical foods cooked in an oven made with shampoo (ground bodies).
- Anticuit: Coal-coated meat loops, with potatoes and aji.
- Chunchuli: Pieces of Panza and Tripas (cordero or res) served with potatoes and aji.
- Oven quinoa cake: Postre similar to peanut cake
- Potato salad smooth: A light salad serves as a companion to other dishes
- Cañihuaco Torta: Altiplastic dessert consumed during holidays
- P'asanqalla: It is the popcorn of the highland
- Alpaca Chicharron: High temperature fried alpaca meat
- Chupe de quinua: Soup made from quinoa with vegetables.
The most popular sport in the city of Juliaca is soccer, just like in the rest of the country. The oldest soccer team in Juliaca is the American Star. The team with the greatest tradition and popularity for the local fans is the Red Devils.
Football clubs
Sports venues
The city has various scenarios suitable for sports, in which the following can be mentioned:
- Monumental Stadium of Juliaca UANCV (in construction)
- Estadio Guillermo Briceño Rosamedina
- Stadium Manuel A. Odria.
- Chancalata Stadium - Regional Polytechnic "Los Andes"
- Municipal Stadium of Caracoto
- Stadium of San Isidro
Final League 1 2019
At the end of 2019, Juliaca hosted the first League 1 final, the Guillermo Briceño Rosamedina stadium was the venue for the first leg match between the teams Deportivo Binacional and Alianza Lima. The particularity of the event is that the V.A.R. system was used for the first time in Peruvian professional soccer for said final.
The coordination between the FPF and Conmebol made it possible for the installation of the necessary equipment and infrastructure to be satisfactory in the environments destined for it within the Guillermo Briceño Rosamedina stadium.
Titles and nicknames
Honorary Degrees
The city of Juliaca, throughout its history, received important honorary titles, which are the following:
- Pearl of the Altiplano
- Capital of Andean Integration (Law No. 24746)
- City of Winds
- Calcetera
Due to its location and importance, the city of Juliaca has different names:
- Pearl of the Altiplano
- Cosmopolita City
- Cuna de Machuaychas y Chiñipilcos
- City of winds
- Flower of the Altipampa
Roads of communication and transportation
Juliaca is a city that has all the means of communication, this includes the Inca Manco Cápac International Airport, whose runway is the longest in Latin America, it also provides train service (South Section of the Southern Railway) and buses.
Juliaca is the starting point for the entire journey in the highlands. Due to its strategic geographical location, it is connected to:
- Arequipa: 273 km
- Cuzco: 337 km
- Puno: 45 km
- Lima: 1288 km.
Air transportation
Juliaca has an air terminal, the only one in the entire Puno region, the Inca Manco Cápac International Airport, which is located in the northwest area of the city. This airport holds the title of the longest runway in Latin America with more than 4.2 km long by 45 meters wide, and is managed by Aeropuertos Andinos del Perú. The Inca Manco Cápac International Airport allows the landing of almost all types of aircraft.
At the beginning of 2013, the Boeing company announced the flight test of the Boeing 747-8 commercial airplane, in addition to its Genx-2B engines and its corresponding flight software, Juliaqueño airport, according to the American company, has been selected for its favorable combination of facilities, topography and climate; The tests carried out in the middle of that year have been satisfactory.
Its main destinations are the cities of Lima, Cusco and Arequipa
The following airlines serve this airport:
- Avianca Peru
- LATAM Peru
- Star Peru
- LAN Peru
- American Airlines
- Peru Pacific Airlines
- Estelar Peru
- Viva Air
- Peruvian Airlines
- Sky Peru
Ground Transportation
Ground transportation in Juliaca is a very important activity. Due to its geographical location, Juliaca is the central axis of communications for the entire southern zone of Peru. Paved roads lead from Juliaca to Cuzco (North), Arequipa (Southwest), Puno (South), Huancané (North-East), Lampa (Northwest), among other places.
Section IV of the South Interoceanic Highway connects the city of Juliaca with Brazil.
In the second half of 2009, the company "Concesionaria Vial del Sur" (COVISUR) resurfaced the Juliaca-Puno road (42 km) in its entire section, making this road much more passable and faster. After some pre-feasibility studies, it has been suggested that a second road be built in this section due to the high passenger traffic and heavy cargo between these cities, during 2015, under the government of former President Ollanta Humala, the first stone was laid to the execution of the second carriageway, the work (valued at approximately 280 million soles) should have been completed by 2017, however to date (2019), only 28 kilometers of the 40 that comprise the original section have been enabled, As of May 2019, said section is operational in both lanes, marked and with road safety elements.
Rail Transportation
The Southern Railway runs through the city, managed by the company Ferrocarril Transandino S.A. and operated by PeruRail that offers tourist and cargo transport services to the cities of Puno, Cusco and Arequipa.
This transport system was very important during the republic, having already existed for more than a century (1871), it allows communication between the main towns in the south, bringing with it different levels of progress and expansion of the populated centers located in its margins. The Southern section of the Southern Railway is made up of the lines: Cusco-Juliaca-Puno Station, Cusco-Juliaca-Arequipa and Arequipa-Juliaca-Puno. It is of great strategic importance within a multimodal communication system in the southern macro-region; since it is the most efficient and economical way to transport heavy loads over long distances.
Currently the Belmond Andean Explorer tourist train service is classified as First Category, in addition to the incomparable landscape context, traveling by train becomes pleasant seeing the varied landscapes of the altiplano.
Telephony, Mobile Telephony and Internet Service
According to data published by OSIPTEL 2012-2013, Juliaca has close to 7,000 Internet connections between public and residential, it also concentrates 47% of the fixed lines in the department of Puno, 39.6% of the connections to Internet and 44.3% of cable television deployed in the Puno region.
Open Television Channels
- Latin Frequency (Canal 2.1)
- Global TV (Before America Next) (Canal 5.1)
- Premiere TV (Canal 6.1)
- America Television (Canal 7.1)
- TV Peru (Canal 9.1)
- Pan American Television (Canal 11.1)
- ATV Sur (Canal 13.1)
- Latin Frequency (Canal 2)
- South TV (Canal 4)
- Global TV (Before America Next) (Canal 5)
- America Television (Canal 7)
- TV Peru (Canal 9)
- Pan American Television (Song 11)
- ATV Sur (Song 13)
- Cositel (Canal 15)
- South antenna (Canal 21)
- ATV (Song 23)
- Leader (Canal 25)
- Fama TV (Song 27)
- Radio and television in Peru (RTP) (Canal 31)
- CTV (channel 33)
- Grami TV (Canal 35)
- TBN-Link (Canal 39)
- Andean Integration (Canal 41)
- DIGITAL (Canal 43)
- TELEFE (Song 47)
- Arussa (Canal 51)
Frequency Modulated Radio Broadcasters
- Radio Ministerio Mundial Asociados (88.3)
- Radio Programs of Peru (RPP News) (88.9)
- Radio Exitosa (89.5)
- Radio La Inolvidable Your Music of Remembrance (90.1)
- Radio Juliaca (90.9)
- Radio Moda (91.7)
- Radio Las Vegas (94.3)
- Radio La Karibeña If it sounds (94.9)
- Radio La Zona Lots of varied music (96.5)
- Radio San Pedro Good music all day (98.1)
- Radio Ritmo Romántica Your Baladas Radio (98.9)
- Radio Calor (99.9)
- National Radio of PeruYour Voice on Radio (100.5)
- Radio Bethel (101.3)
- Radio Panamericana (102.1)
- Radio Onda Cero (102.7)
- Radio Maria (103.9)
- Radio Sol de Los Andes (104.5)
- Radio Nueva Q (105.3)
- Satellite Radio (106.1)
- Radio Perú (106.7)
- Radio San Román - Juliaca (107.3)
- Radio Frontera (107.9)
Online Radio Broadcasters
- Radio Super Color FM (On line)
- www.supercolorfm.com
Amplitude Modulated Radios
- Radio Nuevo Tiempo ''The Voice of Hope''(780)
- Radio Programs of Peru (810)
- Radio News (1050)
- Radio Lider (1150)
- Radio Juliaca'la decana (1300)
- Radio Perú (1320)
- Radio Sudamericana (1340)
- Radio Qollasuyo... The different (1420)
- Radio Red Andina (1430)
- Radio Sol de los Andes (1460)
Mobile, Fixed and Internet Telephony Services, distributed by the transnationals Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Chile.
Twinned cities
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