Jordi Sierra i Fabra


Jordi Sierra i Fabra (Barcelona, July 26, 1947) is a Spanish writer. His works of children's and youth literature have been published in Spain and Latin America. He has also been a scholar of pop music since the late 1960s. He was one of the founders of the Cadena Ser program 'El Gran Musical'. He is known in schools for his book " The murder of the Music teacher.


He was born on July 26, 1947. At the age of 8 he had a serious accident, and from the ages of ten to twelve he wrote several hundred-page novels; At twelve he already had written one of five hundred. He finished school at sixteen and passed his high school exam in the summer of 1964. He suffered violent bullying by the schoolyard bullies. He commented on his childhood and youth that the Public Order Court (TOP) booked him at age 21 for writing in a clandestine magazine and took away his passport. He bribed a soldier to avoid military service. In October 1964 he started working in construction during the day and studying to be a quantity surveyor at night, in a night school, he was forced by his father. Over the next six years he began listening to the radio and saving to buy rock records and learned English by listening to it by ear.

Thanks to the insistent twenty-page letters that he sent per week to the Radio Madrid program (Cadena SER) El Gran Musical, he was commissioned to write a magazine in 1968. He also published articles and collaborations in La Prensa of Barcelona and Nuevo Diario of Madrid. He then went on to direct the weekly Disco Exprés (1970-1978) and published his first book in 1972: 1962-72 History of Pop Music , the first of its kind in Spain and widely sold. He collaborates in a large number of music magazines: Top Magazine , Extra etc. He had two sons. He was a founding member, editor and finally director of Popular 1 (1973-1976), a monthly rock magazine, and of Super Pop . In 1978 he was a finalist (fourth place) for the Planeta award, and in 1979 he received the Ateneo de Sevilla award. In 1981 he received his first Gran Angular Prize for youth literature, which he received again in 1983 and 1991; He has a great success with Young Lennon , best-seller juvenile. His work has been translated into Italian, German, French, Greek, Bulgarian, Portuguese, Slovak, Dutch, English, Japanese, etc. Some of his titles have been adapted to film, television or theater. In 2002 a survey declared that he is the most read living author in schools in Spain. He is also the same in libraries. In 2012 he published My (first) 400 books. Literary memoirs of Jordi Sierra i Fabra.

Author of children's, youth and adult literature, he has published a total of 527 books until 2021. His novel, Like Tears in the Rain , won the Lazarillo Prize and is Spain's candidate for the 2022 Hans Christian Andersen Prize.

Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundations

The Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundation of Barcelona, inaugurated in 2004, is a private, non-profit entity financed by its promoter, with the primary objective of helping young writers at the beginning of their literary career, in addition to promoting pleasure in reading as an essential vehicle of training. This foundation annually awards the Jordi Sierra i Fabra Literary Prize for young people.

The same year, the author created the Jordi Serra i Fabra Taller de Letras Foundation in Medellín (Colombia) with the aim of promoting reading and literary creation among children, young people and adults. She was awarded the IBBY-ASAHI International Award in 2010 for the best work promoting reading for the Formation of a Reading Community project.


Narrative and essay

  • Miguel and I-1975
  • The world of golden rats - Ed. Mars 1975

Living nightmares! -Castillo 2008 The revolution of December 32nd – Ed. ATE 1976

  • Complot in Madrid – Ed nes Heres 1978
  • Blood-false tears
  • Terror and death in the world – Publications Heres 1978
  • Manicomio - Ed. ATE 3000
  • In the Canary Islands the sun has been set – Planet 1979
  • The roll of our every day - Ed. ATE 1980
  • Crazy Planet - Ed. ATE 1981
  • Night - Ed. Clip 1991
  • The dogs of the rain – Plaza & Janés 1991
  • Unitat de plaer – Column 1993
  • Johnny Pickup's return – Calpe Stadium 1995
  • The skin of memory – Baula 1995
  • Els miralls de la nit – Column 1996
  • Cuba, the night of the rider – Editions of the Bronze 1997
  • Comrade Orlov – Editions of the Bronze 1998 / Reading Point 2005
  • Flashback (Clau: MX) – Cruïlla 1998
  • Les veus de la ciutat – Column 1998
  • The mirrors of the night – Editions of the Bronze 1999
  • The drac vol. – Column 1999
  • Seven nights of a life – Editions of the Bronze 2000
  • My savages rockers – Mask 2000
  • Return to Havana – Editions of the Bronze 2001
  • The weight of silence – Editions of the Bronze 2002
  • The Time of Exile, Vol. 1: Dark Years - Planet 2002
  • The time of exile, vol. 2: The years of waiting - Planet 2003
  • The Time of Exile, Vol. 3: The Red Years - Planet 2003
  • Schizoid – Pagès Editors 2004
  • The pell of the revolt – Column 2004
  • Earth Chronicle 2 – Minotauro 2005
  • Assassinat to El Club – Column 2005
  • Sinaia – Column 2007
  • Return to Havana – Robinbook 2007
  • Dialogues – Espuma 2009 pages
  • The Murder of Johann Sebastian Bach – Belacqva 2010
  • Dear Son, we are on strike 2012

Inspector Mascarell Series

  1. Four days of January/ Quatre dies de gener. 2008.
  2. Seven days of July/ Set dies of Julyl. 2010.
  3. 5 October/ Cinc dies d'octubre. 2011.
  4. 2 days of May/ 2 dies de maig. 2013
  5. Six days of December/ Sis dies. 2014.
  6. 9 April/ Nou dies d'abril. 2015.
  7. Three days of August/ Three dies d'agost. 2016.
  8. Eight days of March/ Vuit dies de març. 2017.
  9. Ten days of June/ Deu dies de juny. 2018.
  10. A day of September and some of October/ A day of sethembre i uns quants d'octubre. 2019.
  11. Some days of November. 2020.
  12. Some days of January. 2021.
  13. Some days of February. 2022.
  14. Some days of April. 2023

Commissioner Soler Series

  1. The Death of the Census - 2017
  2. Filo de sable -2017
  3. on the other side of hell -2017
  4. Just a bitter movie -2018
  5. Me and Miguel-1975


  • 1962-1972 History of Pop Music – Edunisa 1970
  • Annex to History of Pop Music – Professional Group 1973
  • Myths of English pop – Professional Group 1973
  • Història i poder del Rock Català – Edicommunication 1977
  • The book of the year – Publications Heres 1977
  • History of Rock Music – Edicommunication 1978-1986
  • Disc-rock-prints, the rock gold book – Edicommunication 1981
  • History of Rock Music – Orbis 1981-1983
  • Heavy Metal Encyclopedia – Edicommunication 1987
  • Good-looking Cadáveres (Black Rock Chronicle) – Ultramar 1988
  • Rock, the music of our time - FS 1990
  • It generated rock – Column 1991
  • The Beatles Dictionary – Plaza y Janés 1992
  • A-Z Big Rock Encyclopedia – Orbis Fabri 1994-1996
  • Journal of the Beatles – Plaza y Janés 1995
  • The big pop-rock album – Lesson Circle 1997
  • Good-looking birds – The Mask 1999 (with Jordi Bianciotto)
  • The era rock 1953-2003 – Steps 2003
  • Bob Dylan – Folio 2005 (amb Jordi Bianciotto)
  • History and power of Catalan rock – Enderrock 2006
  • The blue kiss - HarperCollins Ibérica 2015
  • History of rock - Siruela 2016

The lost stories


  • Pink Floyd (1) – Edicommunication 1976
  • Rolling Stones (1) – Edicommunication 1976
  • Who – Edicommunication 1000
  • Beatles (1) – Edicommunication 1976
  • David Bowie – Edicommunication 1977
  • Rick Wakeman – Edicommunication 1977
  • Santana – Edicommunication 1977
  • Peter Frampton – Edicommunication 1977
  • John Lennon (1) – Edicommunication 1978
  • John Mayall – Edicommunication1978
  • Bee Gees – Edicommunication 1978
  • Bob Dylan (1) – Edicommunication 1979
  • Led Zeppelin – Edicommunication 1979
  • Rod Stewart – Edicommunication 1980
  • Miguel Bosé - Ed. ATE 1980
  • John Lennon (2) – Edicommunication 1981
  • Pink Floyd (2) – Edicommunication 1982
  • Miguel Ríos – Lesson Circle 1985
  • Bob Dylan (2) – Lesson Circle 1986
  • Paul McCartney – Edicommunication 1986
  • Elvis Presley – Lesson Circle 1986
  • Beatles (2) – Lesson Circle 1987
  • Bruce Springsteen (1) – Edicommunication 1988
  • Michael Jackson – Edicommunication 1988
  • Joan Manuel Serrat – Ed.Thor 1988
  • Frank Sinatra – Lesson Circle 1988
  • Rolling Stones (2) – Reader Circle 1990
  • John Lennon (3) – Reader Circle 1990
  • John Lennon (4) – Empuries 1990
  • Sting – The Magrana 1991
  • Gandhi - FS 1991
  • Bruce Springsteen (2) – Empuries 1992
  • My name is Gandhi. - STJ 2000
  • John Lennon (5) – Editions Folio 2003
  • Bob Dylan (3) – Editions Folio 2005 (with Jordi Bianciotto)
  • John Lennon. Imagine this was real – Panamericana (Colombia) 2005
  • John Lennon, biography – Reading Point 2005
  • Estimat Ronaldinho / Dear Ronaldinho – Empúries 2004 / The Aleph 2005


  • Songs, poems and feelings – Theorem 1981
  • I confess I have dreamed – Theorem 1987
  • Tales and poems for any month - Oxford 2005

Youth narrative

  • The hunter - FS 1981
  • a place called Earth (Trilogy “The Earth Cycle”) – SM 1983
  • Just love - Ed. Martínez Roca 1983
  • Back to a place called Earth (Trilogy “The Earth Cycle”) – SM 1986
  • The will of a place called Earth (Trilogy “The Earth Cycle”) – SM 1987
  • Last summer Miwok - FS 1987
  • Young Lennon – SM 1988 / Cruïlla 1992
  • When logic fails, the System calls... Zuk-1 - Pirene 1989
  • Shakanjoisha - FS 1989
  • The 21st Century Ballad - FS 1989
  • John Lennon's guitar – Timun Mas 1990
  • Looking for Jim Morrison – Timun Mas 1990
  • Kaopi – Alfaguara 1990
  • The Great Rock Festival – Timun Mas 1990
  • Blues Soul – Timun Mas 1990
  • The last set - FS 1991
  • Another song in paradise – Timun Mas 1991
  • The Cloud Factory - FS 1991
  • The sounds of silence – Timun Mas 1991
  • Soundtrack – Siruela 1993 / 2006
  • A pizza for A.F.Mac, private detective – Grijalbo Junior 1993
  • Fans – Calpe Espasa 1993
  • Friday night – Alfaguara 1993
  • Only for Zuk-1 - Celeste 1994
  • Bad Lands - FS 1994
  • Sgt.Pepper's killer – Edebé 1994
  • We'll never be rock stars – Alfaguara 1995
  • Six stories around Mario – Calpe Stadium 1995 / Oxford Planet 2005
  • The temps of l'oblit – Column 1993
  • The morning star - FS 1996
  • Moon Night in the Strait – Grijalbo 1996
  • Playing in the shadows of light – Edebé 1996
  • Concert in Sol Mayor (Joaquim Ruyra Youth Narrative Award) – La Galera 1997
  • Strawberry fields - FS 1997
  • Portrait of a stained teenager – Bruño 1997
  • The inner voice - FS 1997
  • The door of the Beyond – Spass 1997
  • Where my heart is – Edebé 1998 (Premi CCEI)
  • The music of the wind - Bronze 1998
  • A man with a fork in a land of soups – Bruño 1998
  • The Memory of Lost Beings - FS 1998
  • The Voices of the Future - FS 1998
  • The elect – Edebé 1998
  • Wire girls – Alfaguara 1999
  • Victor Jara (Reviewing Silences) - FS 1999
  • Rabia - FS 2000
  • Dear son, you're fired. – Alfaguara 2000
  • The gold of the gods - Bronze 2000
  • Sleeping on the mirrors – Associate Editors 2001
  • The Furies – Alfaguara 2001
  • Where the wind turns – Edebé 2001
  • 97 ways of saying "I love you" – Gross 2001
  • One (simple) love story – Steps 2001
  • The face of the crowd - FS 2001
  • Mars XXIII – Grupo Editorial Norma (Colombia) 2001
  • 27, fucking age – Alfaguara 2002
  • Casting - FS 2002
  • Invisible pain – Diagonal / Empúries 2002
  • In a place called war – Associate Editors 2002
  • The skin of memory – Edelvives 2002
  • Interior areas – Destination 2002 / Planet Oxford 2004
  • The murder of the math teacher - Anaya 2004
  • Dead time – Spass 2002
  • Looking for Bob - Anaya 2005
  • The Messenger of Fear – Bruño 2003
  • Day of shooting – Bruño 2003
  • The Song of Mani Blay – Bruño 2003
  • No time to dream – Bruño 2003
  • Border - FS 2003
  • The other side of the mirror – Destination 2005
  • The war of my brother - FS 2004
  • The celestial funeral – Bruño 2004
  • The smile of the devil - Algar 2004
  • The forgotten – Bruño 2004
  • In a corner of the heart – Bruño 2004
  • Soledades de Ana - Algar 2005
  • The gate of paradise – Edebé 2005
  • Crazy hill – Edelvives 2005
  • Out of the game - FS 2005
  • Seven minutes for revolution - FS 2005
  • The secret of the pearls – Panamericana (Colombia) 2005
  • No turning back - FS 2005
  • Kafka and the traveling wrist - Siruela 2006
  • Calling the gates of heaven – Edebé 2006
  • Blind on the golden beach - Pearson 2006
  • And they called him Columbus. – Edebé / Rodeira 2006
  • Gauditronix – Edebé 2006
  • The trace of the Magno ring – Edelvives 2006
  • L'assassinat del professor de matemàtiques – Barcanova 2006
  • Kafka i la nina que se'n va anar de viatge / Kafka y la wrist viajera / Kafka eta panpina bidaiaria – Empúries 2008 / Siruela 2006 / Elkar 2008
  • The teeth of the dragon - FS 2007
  • The frontiers of hell - FS 2007
  • Radiograph of noia amb tatuatge / X-ray girl with tattoo – Galera 2007
  • Memory Focs / Memory Fires – Bromera 2008 / Algar 2008
  • Blood tears – Alfaguara 2008
  • Les filles de les tempestes, vol.1: L'enigma maia / The daughters of storms, vol.1: The Mayan enigma – Edebé 2008
  • A sweet story of butterflies and dragonflies - Siruela 2008
  • The eyes of the soul – Pearson 2008
  • Les filles de les tempestes, vol.2: La creu del Nil / The daughters of the storms, vol.2: The cross of the Nile – Edebé 2008
  • Me. - FS 2008
  • Clouds in the sky – Intermón Oxfam 2008
  • Trilogy of land - Siruela 2008
  • L'empremta del silenci – Column 2009
  • Les filles de les tempestes, vol.3: The cinquè crystall / The daughters of the storms, vol.3: The fifth crystal – Edebé 2009
  • The Wars of Diego - Siruela 2009
  • Anatomy d'un «incident aïllat» – Cruïlla 2009
  • Movie verge (Perverse Counts) / Virgin Film (Perverse Counts) – Intermón Oxfam 2009
  • The island of the poet - Siruela 2009
  • Poe – Red Fox 2009
  • Don't you... – Column 2009
  • Conflict room / Conflict room – Baula / Edelvives 2009
  • The rest of the silenci – Àbacus 2009
  • History of a Second Editorial SM 2010
  • The new land – Alfaguara 2010
  • The barefoot model - Siruela 2010
  • Tester (Prover) / Tester (Probator) – Edebé 2010
  • The case of the false accident (Berta Mir 1) - Siruela 2010
  • The night of Sant Jordi - Alfaguara 2011
  • Dear Son, we are on strike – Alfaguara 2012
  • " Maybe tomorrow the word love... " -- FS 2012
  • Professor Palermo / L’extraordinari enginy parlant of professor Palermo – La Galera 2013
  • Plot – Anaya 20913
  • The heart of jade / The jade cor — SM/Cruïlla 2013
  • The White Hammer Case (Berta Mir 4) — Seruela 2013
  • They were also young / També van ser joves — Bamboo 2013
  • 1714 – La Galera 2013
  • The terra sang – Onada 2014
  • Special effects / Efektu bereziak – Edelvives 2014 / Ibaizabal 2017
  • Denuda – SM 2014
  • For a handful of kisses (A little April, some May, all September) / Per un grapat de petons – Montena / Bromera 2014
  • Zigzag – Alfaguara 2014
  • The case of the invisible killer (Berta Mir 5) – Seruela 2014
  • South of No Part – Edebé 2014
  • All the girls are called Clara – Destination 2015
  • Just a machine! / I am a machine! – Bromera/Algar 2015
  • The apprentice of witch and the Invisible – Edebé 2016
  • Les paraules ferides - Amsterdam 2016
  • Short stories of endangered animals - Bruño 2016
  • Nobody on the other side - FS 2016
  • Dear child you have four parents - FS 2017
  • Paradise Rock - FS 2017
  • Tambè van ser joves - Bamboo 2017
  • A bag of fries in Polynesia - FS 2018
  • Revenge of the math teacher - 2018
  • Summer of the traveling rubber ball - Barcanova 2018
  • Don't go after you. - FS 2018
  • The Great Dream - Santillana Education 2018
  • Palmyra - 2018
  • 36 questions to meet you and 4 minutes to love you – Edebé 2018
  • What I think (of all) / The one I think (about tot) / Or that I believe (of all) – Kalandraka 2018
  • Bad days (but bad, bad, bad) / Dies dolents (però dolents debò) – Algar / Bromera 2018
  • Dear Son, we are on strike
  • The fabulous world of letters
  • The murder of the language teacher


  • Spanish pop mythology - Ed. Mars 1973
  • Barcelona unusual - FS 1991
  • Anthology of texts - FS 1996
  • 50 raons per SER / NO SER from Barça – Column 2000
  • The written page — FS 2006
  • How strong! Planet Comic 2012

Awards and distinctions (selection)

  • 1975 Villa de Bilbao Award
  • 1979 Ateneo Prize in Seville
  • 1996 Award im Ruyra of youth narrative, by Concert en sol major
  • 2003 Ramón Muntaner Award for Youth Literature, by L'altra band of mirall
  • 2004 Néstor Luján Prize for historical novel, by The pell of the revolt
  • 2005 Fiter i Rossell Award for Sinnaia
  • 2007 National Prize for Child and Youth Literature of Spanish Letters, by Kafka and the traveling wrist.
  • 2007 Bancaixa Youth Narrative Award, by The Focs of Memory
  • 2011 Barcanova Prize, for L'estrany
  • 2012 Vicent Silvestre Award, by The day Gluck goes up to Terra
  • 2012. Cervantes Chico Award for the whole work and cultural commitment of the Jordi Sierra i Fabra Foundations in Spain and Colombia.
  • 2013. Anaya Award for Child and Youth Literature
  • 2013. Young Readers Award The Galera for Professor Palermo's extraordinary ingenuity
  • 2013. Ibero-American Prize of LIJ for the whole of the work.
  • 2016 Edebé Award for Infant and Youth Literature, by The apprentice of witch and the invisible
  • 2017- Medal of Gold to Merit in Fine Arts (Ministry of Culture and Sports)
  • 2018- Medal of Gold to Merit in Fine Arts For the whole of his work in the field of child and youth literature.
  • 2018 Creu de Sant Jordi, awarded by the Generality of Catalonia.
  • 2020 Lazarillo Award, for Like tears in the rain.
  • 2021 Critical Award for The Wounded Words.
  • 2022 Water Tower Award for a lifetime.

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