Johann Sebastian Mastropiero


Johann Sebastian Mastropiero is a fictional music composer. It has its origins in the group of Argentine musicians and comedians Les Luthiers who, in each of their presentations, use various characters, among which Mastropiero stands out, who appears repeatedly in their shows as the author of many of their musical numbers. In addition to the name Mastropiero, he has been referred to by other pseudonyms, such as: Peter Illich, Wolfgang Amadeus and Etcétera Mastropiero (The Enchanted Lake); Johann Severo Mastropiano and Klaus Müller (The Tsar...); Vaclav Cashorcheck (Sonatas for Latin and piano, English version).

Character Origin

Johann Sebastian Mastropiero is a satire on classical composers, taking the names of the popular Johann Sebastian Bach and the last name of an old character invented by Marcos Mundstock, named Freddy Mastropiero. It appeared for the first time in 1968, on the television program We are all bad people.

Fictional Biography

It is suspected that he was born on February 7, without knowing the year, nor the century, nor even the place, various countries dispute his nationality, and up to now none of them have compromised in accepting him. His given name, Johann Sebastian, is a matter of discussion, since he was also known by other names: Peter Illich, Wolfgang Amadeus, Etcétera (for example, he signed his third symphony as & # 34; Etcétera Mastropiero & # 3. 4;). It is known that he was born to an Italian mother and that he had a mafia twin brother, named Harold Mastropiero, residing in the United States.

The life of Johann Sebastian Mastropiero was never rigorously documented. His biographical data, unverified, scattered and full of gaps and inconsistencies, make it very difficult to write a minimally complete biography. However, many vicissitudes are known about very specific events in the Master's life, usually related to the composition of some of his works. As an example, we should remember when he performed Mastropiero's tangum gloria in the Vatican. A Gloria that he had to hastily compose from the scores of one of his tangos. He arranged the Latin text as best he could and gave each musician his part. When the work was performed before the Synod, the surprise was great. The Bishops were shocked and outraged. Mastropiero was immediately excommunicated, and the Swiss Guard threw the instruments, the scores and Mastropiero out of the window.

Despite his many love affairs, he was for a time in a stable relationship with the Countess of Shortshot. With her he had several children, whose surnames mean the same as her mother's (& # 34; short shot & # 34;) in different languages.

His reputation as a musical author is essentially bad, as presented by the group that performs him in the following quote: "Whenever -due to economic necessity- Mastropiero was forced to compose music by request or commission, produced mediocre and inexpressive works. On the contrary, when he only obeyed his inspiration, he never wrote a note.& # 34; In addition, as Marcos Mundstock pointed out in one of his shows (and despite the various different musical numbers of Mastropiero performed by Les Luthiers), his works used to have the same music, differing only in the lyrics. Mastropiero answers one of the most important questions on the planet: "Was it a joke that just when he opened his mouth, only snakes and scarecrows came out of it?" Probably yes'. In truth, the only thing that is known for sure about Mastropiero is that on Good Friday in 1729, the Leipzig Cathedral witnessed the premiere of a Saint Matthew Passion that definitely does not belong to him.

He had a very active love life. This is demonstrated in the gypsy period of Mastropiero, with Azucena who would later adopt her son, she went courting Gundula even knowing that she had her husband. He met the Countess of Shortshot with whom he had a long-lasting relationship. And he wrote an operetta for Elizabeth, who subsequently left him for someone else. His death is unknown, it is said that he died at the hands of his brother Harold when he discovered that he was posing as him to frequent Harold's wife Margaret, and shot him dead when he surprised him. The other rumor is that he committed suicide when he finished composing the operetta for Elizabeth. Although, it is known that in 1999 he composed an exorcist hymn at the request of & # 34; The Order of Nostradamus & # 34;, to stop the birth of the antichrist. Also in the show "Lutherapia" in the final part it is mentioned that he was a lover of Satan, disguised as a woman, and apparent father of Daniel Rabinovich and the antichrist.

Known Master Facts

  • He was born on February 7, although the year and place are not known.
  • He had a twin brother, Harold, who lived in the United States.
  • He had a nurse named Teresa Hochzeitmeier.
  • His father's only got distant references.
  • He had an aunt named Matilde.
  • He served a gypsy named Azucena and adopted his son.
  • He recognized a son of Countess Shortshot as his own.
  • She had a very intense love life.
  • He had a Welsh butler.
  • Some of his teachers were:
    • The priest of his parish.
    • Franz Schutzwarg.
    • Wolfgang Gangwolf
    • Sausage Philemon.
  • It was a while in the court of Mantua.
  • He led the Centro de Altos Estudios Musicales Manuela.
  • He carried out various scientific research:
    • He was passionate about historical research.
    • He studied the play music in depth.
    • He investigated the influence of music on animals.
  • He worked as an official musician of the Government of the Republic of Banania.
  • I compute music for Dr. Alberto Ortega's election campaign.
  • He made several trips:
    • To the United States to compose music for cinema.
    • To the United States to reconcile with his brother.
    • To the Soviet Union.
    • Middle East.
    • To Prague.
    • To Rome.
    • Banania.
  • He lived in Buenos Aires for a while.
  • He lived a while in Paris.
  • He was accused of plagiarism by the composer Günther Frager.
  • The exact date of his death is not known (not even if he died or not).

Composite works

Among Mastropiero's extensive repertoire, there are the following works:


  • Laxaton Cantat (formerly called Modaton).
  • The madrigal Opus 7 "To Ramona."
  • "El Látigo y La Diligencia" (Opus 12), for the homonymous film by director Ralph Cocarda.
  • The "Blues Opus 14" also known as Rhapsody in Balls or Blues del Fortín.
  • For marriage practice Rudolf and Gundula von Lichtenkraut, composed the Opus 17 sonata cycle for Latin and piano.
  • The three slightly obscene songs:
  • "If I see you by the sea" (cuyanito), the "Song of the bed of oblivion", and "The Polen is already spread through the air", Opus 21.
  • Opus 22, Cantatat of Family Planning and its two movements, "Untrust the natural cycle" and the "Calypso of Pills".
  • "Know the interior", also called "Lysérgic Acid Chacarera" (Opus 24)
  • On native rhythms of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata composed the "Zamba of absence" (Opus 25)
  • Opus 28, also called the Ventilator.
  • The cradle song Opus 36 "Berceuse", composed for a beautiful creature.
  • The ballet in five scenes Opus 37 "The Lake Charm", its only ballet.
  • The Opus 44 Quartet dedicated to her aunt Matilde.
  • The "Epopeya de Edipo de Tebas" (Opus 47).
  • The Opus 48 " Thales Theorem".
  • The concerted scherzo "The joyful hunter who returns home with a heavy pain here" (Opus 53).
  • The "Concert Grosso Alla Rustica" (Opus 58).
  • The "Collector's Candonga", candombe and milonga hybrid (Opus 61 in Sonamos, however, Opus 28 in Dear Countess).
  • Children's oratory Opus 61, "Las Ratas" (known as "El Orratorio" or "Orratorio de las Ratas").
  • The Opus 62 bowler " Mastropiero Bull".
  • Opus 68.3 "Vote a Ortega", proselytist music, at the request of Dr. Alberto Ortega.
  • The Priest-Police Nomenclator "Gloria Hosanna, That's The Question" (Opus 83).
  • Three Opus 115, according to Hoffmeister. According to Kreutzer 109. According to Glokenkrantz 117).
  • The madrigal "La Bella y Graciosa Moza Marchose A Lavar La Ropa" commissioned by the Duke of Lowbridge.
  • The madrigal "Amami, Oh! Beatrice", composed for one of his lovers, Beatrice Corsini.
  • The "Suite of Film News" at the request of the International Film Press Association.
  • For the filmmaker Skinny Walrus, he composed the music for the film "The Mysterious Killer" by director Ralph Smith, "the abominable beast."
  • The music for the informative documentary about the University of Wildstone, "Visit to the University of Wildstone".
  • And also for the western muda film "Kathy, Queen Del Saloon" at the Vieux Royal.
  • He also composed the music of the episode "Who killed Tom McCoffee?" from the series "Deber Imposible", later renamed by the critics "Imposible of View"
  • The music hall number "Lazy Daisy" premiered at the clandestine cabaret of his brother Harold.
  • The Ten Step "Pepper Clemens Sent The Messenger; Nevertheless The Reverend Left The Herd" at the repudiation party to Dr. Schmerz von Utter.
  • The sonata "For Elisabeth".
  • On the lyrics of the country poet Harvey Johnson composed the song "We just need".
  • The "Tymide Serenade."
  • "From how the Cunegunda Princess of Rochester mocked her lover Robin of the Parmentiere, in complicity with her paje (the paje of her), and how she despised her musical instruments one by one" (The Princess Caprichosa).
  • The singer narrated the adventures of Don Rodrigo Díaz de Carreras, the "Cantata del Adelantado Don Rodrigo Díaz De Carreras, De Sus Hazañas En Tierra De Indias, De Los Singulares Acontecimientos en Que Se Vio Envuelto Y De How Se Desenvolvió", whose life read in the library of the Marquesa de Quintanillas.
  • On request, he composed the music of the three versions of "El Beso de Ariadna"
  • The Russian opera, "The Tsar And A Fist of Russian Aristocrats Huyen From The Persecution of Revolutionarys In A Precarious Sleeve, Defying the Wind, The Snow and the Acecho de Los Lobos" under the pseudonym of Klaus Müller.
  • The medieval opera "El Cruzado, el Arcángel y la Harpía"
  • The opera "The Weddings of the Pholip King"
  • The opera "Don Juan De Mastropiero", which always attracted bad luck.
  • The opera "La Hija de Escipión"
  • The opera "Il Sitio De Castilla", with music by Johann Sebastian and Azuceno Mastropiero, book by Portimiglia, Cildáñez, Camiluzzi, Caldocane, Ospedalicchio and Lazzaretti.
  • The opera "Cardoso in Gulevandia", written almost entirely in gulevache, extinct language.
  • The singer "The Miracles of San Dádivo".
  • The "Coro de los patriotes Siracusanos", composed on the basis of a poem that fell into his hands attributed to Archimedes of Syracuse.
  • "The Romance of the Young Count, The Mermaid, The Cucus Bird. And La Oveja", inspired by the hacienda of his friend Gustav Schafdörfer.
  • In the Republic of Banania, under the rule of General Eutanasio Rodríguez "El Protectorísimo", he composed "the song of homage to Eutanasio" in an act with the presence of it.
  • The Merengue Pass "The Black Wants to Dance."
  • The "Forgive" bolerole, plagiarizing a passage from the third symphony of Günther Fragher.
  • The "bolera" "I don't love you anymore, Raúl", composed by the singer Guadalupe Luján.
  • For the state suicide care center he composed "Life is beautiful."
  • The sanitary work "Loas to the bathroom".
  • "Gloria de Mastropiero", a tango that was translated into Latin to the rushes.
  • The Symphony Tale "Teresa and The Bear"
  • The Russian song "Oi Gadóñaya", dedicated to a Russian coating named Natasha Frotalascova.
  • For the wedding day of Sheikh Nomemojes composed the "Serenata Medio Oriental"
  • The ballad "A La Playa Con Mariana", composed at the request of her lover and protector, the duchess Sofia Von Stauben.
  • Epistemological cumbia "Dilema de amor".
  • The Creole waltz "Aria Agraria".
  • The work "Valdemar y el Hechicero".
  • The music to exorcite from "The Day of the End", at the request of the order of Nostradamus to avoid the arrival of antichrist to the earth.

Never executed

  • The opera "El suplicio de sor Angélica", which carries the same music as "La cortesana de Lamermour".
  • The opera "Non voglio mangiare: no, no!"
  • The ballet "The Silfides, and how to prevent it."
  • The series of symphonies: "La Patética", "La Improvisada", "La Imperfecta", "El Mamarracho" and "La Asquerosa".
  • His symphony number three: "La Fogosa", the number fifteen: "La Reflexiva", the number sixteen: "La Inconclusa" and the number seventeen, in Fa mayor, "La Impotente".
  • The opera "Sion and the wandering Jew".
  • The hymn for the admirer convention of Doctor Miles Flannagan, distinguished dentist of Nebraska.
  • The music of the television series "Hospital de Urgencias", "Masacre" and "Canino Squad".
  • The children's song "The Innocent Bunny", whose censored version said: "There was once... and ate perdices" and the song "Viva la Libertad", composed of verses of a poet. Unfortunately, the name of the poet or the poet was not preserved."
  • The sonatas Mastropiero dedicated to Beatrice Corsini: "La Apasionata", "La Romántica", "La Risueña", and "La Gorda".
  • The "Sonata in My Bemol."
  • "Concert for left hand" (for violin), the Aryan of Baritone "I am the queen of the night" and the Obertura Supra Heroica Opus 78.
  • Love songs "Don't forget Cristina" and "You were the only Elisa."
  • The song "Friends' Tour."

Alleged plagiarism of Mastropiero to Günther Fragher (fictional character)

The Argentine musician-humorist group Les Luthiers invented this fictitious plot in the life of Johann Sebastian Mastropiero, where it is indicated that Mastropiero had plagiarized one of the works of Günther Frager (fictional character).

History of the plagiarism of Günther Frager

Günther Fragher is a fictional character created by the Argentine musical comedy group Les Luthiers. One of the works of this group is the "bolérolo" Forgive her (out of the program in the show Bromato de Armonio - 1996) In the introduction of said work, Mundstock reveals that Mastropiero was accused of plagiarism by another musician named Günther Fragher, precisely for having copied the aforementioned bolero: «After listening to the bolero Forgive her, the great composer Günther Fragher wrote to Mastropiero indignantly accusing him of having plagiarized a passage from his third symphony. Faced with this accusation, Mastropiero wrote a letter to the composer responding:

"You offend me. Just to me, I always say that the artist who takes over the idea of another numbs the waters of the spring of the spirit. "
Famous phrase by Günther Fragher.

This case and similar ones that show us Mastropiero plagiarizing the composer Günther Frager appear in Mastropiero's own autobiography. According to Mundstock, his autobiography is a verbatim copy of Günther Fragher's memoirs , including the chapter "Mastropiero is a wretch." Also by the title of the work: "My name is Mastropiero, like my name is Günther".

The character of Günther Fragher is also mentioned in one of the scenes on the couch starring Daniel Rabinovich and Marcos Mundstock in the play Lutherapia (2008), where they reaffirm Mastropiero's status as a plagiarist.

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