Jar Jar Binks


Jar Jar Binks is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, played by Ahmed Best. This character appears in the first episode of the saga. In August 2015, the creator of Star Wars; George Lucas revealed that he was inspired by Goofy, the clumsy Disney dog, to create Jar Jar Binks.

Jar Jar, a Gungan amphibian from the planet Naboo, was a down-on-his-luck exile from his city, Otoh Gunga, surviving alone in the swamps eating raw crustaceans and whatever he found in the swamp. His long muscular tongue allows him to extract shellfish from shells and tasty gumbols from their tree burrows. During the invasion of Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn meets this Gungan and saves him. His sense of honor binds him to the Jedi for life, although at first Qui-Gon preferred not to have to put up with it and Obi-Wan Kenobi considers Jar Jar an annoying being who has to be put up with and little else, the truth is that the Gungan He quickly shows that he can be useful when he tells the Jedi of an underwater city where they can take refuge and escape the Trade Federation forces. When the Royal ship arrives on Tatooine after escaping from Naboo, Qui-Gon Jinn goes to Mos Espa for hyperdrive parts, and Jar Jar accompanies him. Qui-Gon knows that the strange Gungan will help him blend in among the city's population of strange beings. Jar Jar worries about exposing his amphibian skin to heat and suns.

His exile

Jar Jar is rather reticent when discussing his exile from Otoh Gunga, downplaying the fact that he flooded most of Chief Nass's mansion and several adjacent bubbles while bartending at a high society party. Since this was not Jar Jar's first serious accident, or even the first serious flood he caused, Chief Nass was furious and Jar Jar was exiled from his own city on pain of execution.

Jar Jar is best known for the Otoh Gunga City Patrol, which has gotten him out of all kinds of trouble in the past, from petty fights over stealing food to the ruckus he caused when he inadvertently popped half the bubbles. Otoh Gunga Zoo. They know that Chief Nass will not be happy to see this infamous Gungan in his quarters again.

A Survivor

Like all Gungans, Jar Jar has a cartilaginous skeleton, which makes him flexible like rubber. Even the skull and jaw are ductile, giving the clumsy Gungan a wide range of facial expressions. His personality is also elastic and bends to changes in fortune without letting his temper break. Alone, in the company of the Jedi or even royalty, Jar Jar blunders through life with his unbridled good humor, panic attacks aside.

Some time later, Jar Jar was sent to Coruscant as a representative of the Gungans before the Galactic Senate, ending up replacing Senator Padmé Amidala in her role of extreme cases, reaching the point of giving Palpatine special powers to create an army at the service of the Galactic Republic. It is believed to be related to Scorrias.


In the video game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Jar Jar Binks can be seen frozen into a carbonite plate in a trophy room of Imperial Captain Ozzik Sturn on the planet Kashyyyk, along with the heads of many other creatures from the Star Wars universe and a caged Wookiee. Even so, this has definitely been declared non-canonical. But Jar-Jar is a survivor, and many claim that he retired when the Empire ruled the galaxy.

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