January 17


January 17 is the 17th (seventeenth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 348 days left to the end of the year (349 in leap years).


  • 1024: In the hot room of the Caliphal Baths of the Andalusian Alcázar of Córdoba, the caliph Abderramán V was killed during a riot perpetrated by his cousin Muhámmad III, who would proclaim himself 11 caliph after the regicide.
Interior of the hot room of the Caliphal Baths of Córdoba today.
  • 1287: in the Balearic Islands the Aragon king Alfonso III invades Menorca.
  • 1299: birth of the Ottoman Empire by the hand of Osman I.
  • 1362: On the North Sea, the third day of the second flood of St. Marcelo, a storm that ravaged the Netherlands, England and northern Germany, causing between 40 000 and 100,000 deaths.
  • 1562: Catalina de Médici enacts in France the "Edict of Saint-Germain" which consecrates freedom of conscience and freedom of worship for Protestants.
  • 1608: In Ebenat (Ethiopia), the soldiers led by the emperor Susenyos I surprise an army of gold; in the battle die 12 000 gold and 400 imperial.
  • 1694: in Spain the first descent is made in Rome of the image of the Virgin of the Fuensanta from her sanctuary to the city of Murcia.
  • 1784: for the first time, the date stamps for the letters are established in Madrid.
  • 1793: The French Convention decides by one vote the death penalty of King Louis XVI.
  • 1811: Battle of the Calderon Bridge between the realistic army and the Mexican insurgent army, in which the first defeated.
  • 1817: in Mendoza, General José de San Martín, in charge of 4000 men, begins the crossing of the Andes mountain range for the campaign in Chile.
  • 1852: Britain recognizes in the Sand River Convention the independence of Transvaal, which is called from that time South African Republic.
  • 1871: Mexico founded the Preparatory College of Sciences and Arts, now known as the Secondary School and Bachelors of Arts and Crafts, this being the first school in its kind in that country.
  • 1881: In Peru—in the framework of the Pacific War—the Chilean army takes the city of Lima.
  • 1904: in Moscow (Russia) it is serene The garden of the cherry treesAntón Chéjov.
  • 1912: British explorer Robert Falcon Scott arrives to the south, a month after he had done the Norwegian Roald Amundsen.
  • 1913: Raymond Poincaré is elected President of the French Republic.
  • 1914: the international commissions end the delimitation of borders between Peru and Bolivia.
  • 1917: The United States Government acquires the Virgin Islands to Denmark for US$ 25 million.
  • 1919: in Greece five hundred people die in the shipwreck of the ship Chaouina, on a journey to El Pireo.
  • 1920: In France, Paul Deschanel is elected president.
  • 1920: In the United States the Dry Law came into force, which prohibited (unsuccessfully) the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • 1922: in Venezuela the metric decimal system is adopted.
  • 1930: The Soviet Union does not recognize the Locarno treaties and orders two warships to cross the Dardanelos.
  • 1930: Paraguayan troops reject the attack of the Bolivian army on the island of Poy.
  • 1933: The U.S. Congress defeats President Herbert Hoover for a two-thirds majority and votes for the independence of the Philippines—invaded and judged by the United States.
  • 1934: the new working letter drafted by the German Government abolishes collective contracts, arbitration, the right to strike and the strike imposed by employers.
  • 1935: the Council of the League of Nations agrees to incorporate the Sarre basin into Germany.
  • 1937: in Spain – in the framework of the Civil War – Manuel Azaña moves to Valencia the seat of the presidency of the Republic.
  • 1938: The first international exhibition of surrealism is held in Paris.
  • 1939: Nazi Germany prohibits professional activity for Jewish dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists.
  • 1942: British troops conquer the passage of Halfaya in North Africa, and make 5000 prisoners.
  • 1943: the British offensive in Libya resumed.
  • 1944: In Buenos Aires, Juan Domingo Perón and Evita meet at the Luna Park gala for those affected by the earthquake in San Juan.
  • 1945: Warsaw is liberated from the Nazis by Soviet forces.
  • 1947: Dr. Enrique Hertzog is elected president of Bolivia.
  • 1948: The Netherlands and Indonesia sign an armistice.
  • 1952: They are detained in Tunisia Habib Burguiba and numerous Neo Destur militants.
  • 1954: Milovan Đilas, President of the Federal Assembly and Vice-President of the Republic of Yugoslavia, is dismissed from his posts.
  • 1954: opening of the Valgrande-Pajares Winter and Mountain Station in the Port of Pajares (Asturias), being one of the first ski resorts in Spain.
  • 1958: in Lima (Peru) the Canal Televisión Nacional is inaugurated, today TV Perú.
  • 1959: In Buenos Aires, in the early morning, President Arturo Frondizi sent the Army to repress the thousands of strikers. War tanks knock down the gates. 5,000 workers are thrown out.
Patrice Lumumba, national hero of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • 1961: In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the CIA and the Belgian government murder Congolese nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba.
  • 1966: two American planes are colliding near the coast of Spain. Four atomic bombs fall, three in the vicinity of Palomares and another in the vicinity of Almeria.
  • 1969: The Beatles launch the soundtrack of his film Yellow Submarine.
  • 1974: in Colombia, the 19 April Movement takes the Fifth of Bolivar, and subtracts the sword of the Libertador, in the first public act of that movement.
  • 1975: American artist Bob Dylan released his influential album Blood on the Tracks (“Blood on the Tracks”).
  • 1980: Charles Weismann announced that they have succeeded in producing human interferon through the use of biotechnology.
  • 1980: a Spanish destroyer is machine-gunned in Saharan waters by a Moroccan plane.
  • 1982: Ginaecologist Julio Iglesias Puga, father of Julio Iglesias, kidnapped by the ETA terrorist gang on December 29 of the previous year.
  • 1983: Luis Vigoraux is assassinated, animator and Puerto Rican producer.
  • 1984: The Conference on Disarmament in Europe was opened in Stockholm, with representatives from 35 countries participating.
  • 1986: The protocol establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and Spain is signed at The Hague.
  • 1991: the multinational troops stationed in the Persian Gulf begin their attack on Iraq.
  • 1993: the composer Carmelo Bernaola entered the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando.
  • 1994: An earthquake in Los Angeles (California) causes 54 deaths and 5420 injured.
  • 1995: a 7.2-degree earthquake on the Richter scale shakes the Japanese region of Kansai and causes 5,500 dead and 26 000 wounded.
  • 1996: ETA kidnapped the prison officer, José Antonio Ortega Lara.
  • 1997: tens of thousands of people manifest throughout Spain to demand the freedom of Cosme Delclaux and Ortega Lara, kidnapped by the terrorist group ETA.
  • 1998: The Turkish Constitutional Court illegalizes the Islamic Welfare Party to protect the secularity of the State.
  • 1999: Serbian police massacre the population of Racak south of Kosovo in search of guerrillas of the Liberation Army.
  • 2001: the so-called "Barcelona Command" of the terrorist band ETA tries to kill the radio announcer Luis del Olmo with a car bomb.
  • 2002: in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, the eruption of the Nyiragongo volcano causes half a hundred deaths and devours entire neighbourhoods of the city.
  • 2002: Ariel Sharon denies the European Union its requests to soften the pressure on the Palestinian Territories.
  • 2006: Black Eyed Peas Publish the Canción Pump It of the album Monkey Business
  • 2008: In Pasto, Colombia, the Galeras volcano erupted at 20:06 (local time).
  • 2010: in Chile, it is elected Sebastián Piñera as president of the Republic, ending twenty years of the government of the Concertación.
  • 2014: in Spain the political party of the left can be led by Pablo Iglesias Turrión.
  • 2019: in Bogotá, Colombia, a car bomb explodes at the military academy Francisco de Paula Santander, leaving a balance of 21 dead and more than 60 wounded.
  • 2020: American singer Halsey (sing) launches her third album, Manic (album).
  • 2021: Alexei Navalny, the highest opponent of Vladimir Putin, returns to Russia after his failed poisoning. However, the political leader was arrested at Moscow International Airport.
  • 2021: In San Juan, Argentina the end of the Diego Armando Maradona Cup between Boca Juniors and Banfield is contested. Cup in honor of the star of the dead world football during 2020.


  • 1432/1433: Antonio Pollaiuolo, Italian painter and sculptor (f. 1498).
  • 1463: Frederick III, “the Sabio”, Prince Elephant (f. 1525).
  • 1501: Leonhart Fuchs, German scientist (f. 1566).
Pius V.
Pedro Calderón de la Barca.
  • 1504: Pius V, Italian potato between 1566 and 1572 (f. 1572).
  • 1560: Caspar Bauhin, botanist and Swiss doctor (f. 1624).
  • 1600: Pedro Calderón de la Barca, Spanish playwright (f. 1681).
  • 1612: Thomas Fairfax, British General (f. 1671).
Benjamin Franklin.
  • 1706: Benjamin Franklin, American scientist and diplomat (f. 1790).
  • 1734: François-Joseph Gossec, French musician (f. 1829).
  • 1739: Pedro Palacios y Sojo, religious and master of Venezuelan music (f. 1799).
  • 1761: James Hall, British geologist and geophysicist (f. 1832).
  • 1783: Pedro Gual, lawyer, journalist, politician, statesman and Venezuelan diplomat (f. 1862).
  • 1800: Caleb Cushing, American diplomat (f. 1879).
  • 1806: Richard Joseph Courtois, doctor, botanist and Belgian explorer (f. 1835).
  • 1814: Ellen Wood, British writer (f. 1887).
  • 1820: Anne Brontë, a British novelist and poet (f. 1849).
  • 1824: Guilherme Schüch Capanema, Brazilian engineer and physicist (f. 1908).
  • 1829: Catherine Booth, British religious (f. 1890).
  • 1837: Antonio José Fernández de Villalta and Uribe, a Spanish politician and lawyer (f. 1921).
  • 1851: Arthur Burdett Frost, American illustrator (f. 1928).
  • 1851: Antonio Hernández Fajarnés, professor and Spanish writer (f. 1909).
  • 1858: Tomás Carrasquilla, a Colombian writer (f. 1940).
David Lloyd George.
Mack Sennett.
  • 1863: David Lloyd George, British politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom between 1916 and 1922 (f. 1945).
  • 1867: Carl Laemmle, German filmmaker (f. 1939).
  • 1871: David Beatty, British Admiral (f. 1936).
  • 1871: Nicolae Iorga, Romanian historian and politician (f. 1940).
  • 1875: Pedro Mata and Domínguez, a Spanish writer (f. 1946).
  • 1875: Charles Rousselière, French tenor (f. 1950)
  • 1875: Florencio Sánchez, playwright, journalist and Uruguayan anarchist (f. 1910).
  • 1875: Tomás Soley Güell, economist and Costa Rican historian (f. 1943).
  • 1878: Joaquín Benjumea, a Spanish politician (f. 1963).
  • 1880: Mack Sennett, American producer and filmmaker (f. 1960).
  • 1881: Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown, a British social anthropologist (f. 1955).
  • 1882: Antonio de la Paz Guerra, attorney and Mexican military (f. 1916).
  • 1883: Compton Mackenzie, British writer (f. 1972).
  • 1885: Emmy Hennings, German poet and novelist, Dadaist (f. 1948).
  • 1889: Ralph H. Fowler, American physicist (f. 1944).
  • 1895: Antonio Martín Escudero, cantaor y anarcosindicalista español (f. 1937).
  • 1897: Nils Asther, Swedish actor (f. 1981).
  • 1897: Marcel Petiot, a French serial killer (f. 1946).
Al Capone.
  • 1899: Al Capone, American gangster and businessman (f. 1947).
  • 1905: Louis Armand, engineer and senior French official (f. 1971).
  • 1905: Peggy Gilbert, American jazz saxophoneist (f. 2007).
  • 1905: Guillermo Stábile, Argentine footballer (f. 1966).
  • 1906: Tomás Alvira, pedagogue and Spanish edaphologist (f. 1992).
  • 1909: Rafael García Herreros, a Colombian religious (f. 1992).
  • 1911: George Stigler, US economist, Nobel Prize in Economics 1982 (f. 1991).
  • 1913: Werenfried van Straaten, a Dutch Catholic priest (f. 2003).
  • 1914: Anacleto Angelini, a Chilean entrepreneur of Italian origin (f. 2007).
  • 1914: Jerry Siegel, American hysterist, Superman co-creator (f. 1996).
  • 1917: Ramón Cardemil, a Chilean rodeo rider (f. 2007).
  • 1919: Antonio Mingote, Spanish graphic humorist (f. 2012).
  • 1919: Antonio Palenzuela, Spanish bishop (f. 2003).
  • 1921: Antonio Prohías, Cuban cartoonist (f. 1988).
  • 1921: Elisa Frota Pessoa, experimental Brazilian physics (f. 2018).
Luis Echeverría Álvarez.
  • 1922: Luis Echeverría Álvarez, Mexican lawyer, president of Mexico between 1970 and 1976 (f. 2022).
  • 1922: Betty White, American actress (f. 2021).
  • 1922: Sheila van Damm, British rally driver (f. 1987).
  • 1925: Robert Cormier, American writer (f. 2000).
  • 1926: Antonio Domingo Bussi, Argentine military (f. 2011).
  • 1926: Manuel Millares, a Spanish painter (f. 1972).
  • 1926: Nélida Romero, an Argentine actress (f. 2015).
  • 1927: Eartha Kitt, American actress and singer (f. 2008).
  • 1927: Roberto Rodríguez Luna, guitarist and Uruguayan singer (f. 1992).
James Earl Jones.
  • 1931: James Earl Jones, American actor.
  • 1932: Andrés Selpa, Argentine boxer (f. 2003).
  • 1932: Sheree North, American actress (f. 2005).
  • 1932: Aniceto Utset, Spanish cyclist (f. 1998).
  • 1933: Dalida, singer and French actress (f. 1987).
  • 1939: Maury Povich, American TV presenter.
Tabaré Vázquez
  • 1940: Tabaré Vázquez, Uruguayan physician and politician, president of Uruguay between 2005-2010 and 2015-2020 (f. 2020).
  • 1940: Rosa Posada, a Spanish lawyer and politics (f. 2014).
  • 1942: Forges, Spanish graphic humorist (f. 2018).
  • 1942: Muhammad Ali, American boxer (f. 2016)
  • 1943: René Préval, a Haitian acronym politician and engineer, president of Haiti between 1996-2001 and 2006-2011 (f. 2017).
  • 1943: Elsa López, a Spanish writer.
  • 1943: Chris Montez, American singer.
  • 1944: Concha Cuetos, Spanish actress.
  • 1944: Françoise Hardy, French singer (f. 2015).
  • 1944: Beatriz Lockhart, a Uruguayan pianist and composer (f. 2015).
  • 1946: Luis Figuerola-Ferretti, Spanish journalist.
  • 1948: Davíð Oddsson, Icelandic politician, Iceland's prime minister between 1991 and 2004.
  • 1949: Andy Kaufman, American actor (f. 1984).
  • 1949: Juan Gossaín, journalist and Colombian writer.
  • 1949: Carlos Alberto Solari, «Indio Solari», Argentine singer.
Mick Taylor.
  • 1949: Mick Taylor, British musician, of the band The Rolling Stones.
  • 1950: Cristina Galbó, actress and Spanish dance teacher.
  • 1950: Luis López Nieves, Puerto Rican writer.
  • 1952: Luisa Albinoni, an Argentine actress.
  • 1952: Ryūichi Sakamoto, Japanese musician.
  • 1954: Marina Rossell, Spanish singer.
  • 1954: Raúl Taibo, Argentine actor.
  • 1955: Steve Earle, American singer.
  • 1955: Esteban Vigo, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • 1955: Mami Koyama, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1955: Ismael Ivo, Brazilian dancer and choreographer (f. 2021).
  • 1956: Lalo de los Santos, bajista y cantautor argentina (f. 2001).
  • 1956: Paul Young, British singer.
  • 1959: Susanna Hoffs, American vocalist, of the Bangles band.
  • 1961: Angel Petisme, Spanish singer and poet.
  • 1961: Maia Chiburdanidze, Soviet chess.
Jim Carrey.
Michelle Obama.
  • 1962: Jim Carrey, Canadian actor and comedian.
  • 1962: Lorenzo Rico, Spanish basketball player.
  • 1962: Luis Estrada, Mexican filmmaker.
  • 1963: Kai Hansen, German musician, creator of power metal and founder of Helloween and Gamma Ray.
  • 1963:Viridiana Alatriste, Mexican actress (f. 1982)
  • 1964: Michelle Obama, American lawyer and first lady.
  • 1965: Manuel Sánchez Delgado, Spanish footballer.
  • 1966: Stephin Merritt, American singer, of the band The Magnetic Fields.
  • 1966: Karim Aïnouz, film director, screenwriter and Brazilian visual artist.
  • 1968: Steven Levitsky, American political scientist.
  • 1968: Svetlana Masterkova, Russian athlete.
  • 1969: Naveen Andrews, British actor.
  • 1969: Lukas Moodysson, screenwriter and Swedish filmmaker.
  • 1969: DJ Tiësto (Tijs Verwest), disc jockey Dutch.
  • 1970: Genndy Tartakovsky, Russian American animator.
  • 1971: Richard Burns, British pilot of rallis (f. 2005).
  • 1971: Leonardo Ciampa, American composer.
  • 1971: Javier Gutiérrez Álvarez, Spanish actor.
  • 1971: Kid Rock, American singer.
  • 1971: Sylvie Testud, French actress.
  • 1972: Ken Hirai, Japanese singer.
  • 1972: Lil Jon, American rapper.
  • 1972: Juan Fernando Velasco, Ecuadorian musician.
  • 1973: Cuauhtémoc Blanco, footballer and Mexican politician.
  • 1974: Ladan and Laleh Bijani, Iranian Siamese (f. 2003).
  • 1975: Freddy Rodriguez, Puerto Rican actor.
  • 1975: Patrick Zwaanswijk, Dutch footballer.
  • 1977: Kevin Fertig, American professional fighter.
  • 1977: Leigh Whannell, Australian actor and screenwriter.
  • 1978: Pampita, Argentine model.
  • 1978: Ricky Wilson, British musician, of the Kaiser Chiefs band.
  • 1979: Ricardo Cabanas, Swiss footballer.
  • 1979: Stefano Carozzo, Italian farmer.
  • 1979: Micaela Ramazzotti, Italian actress.
  • 1980: Zooey Deschanel, American actress.
  • 1981: Daniel Diges, Spanish actor and singer.
  • 1981: Ray-J, American singer.
  • 1982: Dwyane Wade, American basketball player.
  • 1982: Alex Varkatzas, American vocalist, of the Atreyu band.
  • 1983: Alvaro Arbeloa, Spanish footballer.
  • 1983: Alexander Meier, German footballer.
  • 1983: Chris Rolfe, American footballer.
  • 1984: Calvin Harris, Scottish musician and producer, specialized in electronic music.
  • 1984: Filip Hološko, Slovak footballer.
  • 1985: Adriana Ugarte, Spanish actress.
  • 1985: Simone Simons, mezzosoprano and Dutch vocalist, from the Epic Band.
  • 1985: Diego Sanz Fuentes, Biologist, philosopher and thinker, goat of puzzles and platform games, Son of Jose 'the fly', Lourdes and the noble village of Talamanca of Jarama. Allergy to Risk. Belonging to the distinguished Sanz Pascual family.
  • 1987: Arjan van Dijk, Dutch footballer.
  • 1988: Mykola Morozyuk, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 1989: Kelly Marie Tran, Canadian actress.
  • 1989: Darío Álvarez, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1990: Esteban Chaves, Colombian cyclist.
  • 1990: Kaj Ramsteijn, Dutch footballer.
  • 1991: Michelangelo Albertazzi, Italian footballer.
  • 1994: Lucy Boynton, British actress.
  • 1994: Queen Ueda, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1994: Kristoffer Haraldseid, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1996: Chani singer, model, MC and South Korean actor, member of the SF9 group.
  • 1996: Sebastian Villalobos, actor, singer and youtuber Colombian.
  • 1997: Charithra Chandran, British actress and model of Hindu descent.
  • 1997: Jake Paul, actor, boxer and youtuber American.
  • 1997: Sondre Brunstad Fet, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1997: Sebastiano Arman, Italian curling player.
  • 1997: Andreas Hanche-Olsen, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1998: Lovro Majer, Croatian footballer.
  • 1998: Jeff Reine-Adélaïde, French footballer.
  • 1998: Anthony Zambrano, Colombian athlete.
  • 1998: Ronaldo Ariza, Colombian footballer.
  • 1999: Isa Briones, American actress and singer.
  • 1999: Nérilia Mondésir, Haitian footballer.
  • 1999: Julián Zea, Colombian footballer.
  • 1999: Mauro Méndez, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1999: Francesca Napodano, Italian volleyballist.
  • 1999: Carlos Almada, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1999: Cristian Cardo, Argentine basketball player.
  • 2000: Kang Chan-hee, South Korean singer and actor.
  • 2000: Luis Palma, Honduran footballer.
  • 2000: José Bolivar, Peruvian footballer.
  • 2000: Piero Vivanco, Peruvian footballer.
  • 2000: Devlin DeFrancesco, a Canadian motor racing pilot.
  • 2000: Augusto Schott, Argentine footballer.
  • 2000: Ayo Dosunmu, American basketball player.
  • 2000: Marco Antonio García Robledo, Mexican footballer.
  • 2000: Barbora Veselá, Czech athlete.
  • 2000: Daniel Roy, American swimmer.
  • 2001: Enzo Fernández, Argentine footballer.
  • 2001: Angie Vázquez, Mexican singer.
  • 2002: Samuel, American singer.
  • 2004: Harry Collett, British actor.
  • 2005: Jaydon Hibbert, Jamaican athlete.
  • 2005: Yolanda Sierra, Spanish footballer.


  • 356: Saint Anthony Abbot, Egyptian religious (n. 251).
  • 395: Theodosius I the Great, Eastern Roman Emperor between 379 and 395 and Western between 394 and 395 (n. 347).
  • 764: Joseph de Frisinga, German bishop (n.?).
  • 1675: Bernard Frénicle de Bessy, French mathematician (n. 1605).
  • 1689: Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra, a Spanish painter (n. 1638).
  • 1705: John Ray, British naturalist (n. 1627).
  • 1706: Philipp Peter Roos, German painter (n. 1657).
  • 1751: Tomaso Albinoni, Italian composer and violinist (n. 1671).
  • 1815: Marie-Louise O'Murphy, French courtier, lover of Louis XV of France (n. 1737).
  • 1824: Carlos Martínez de Irujo y Tacón, diplomat and Spanish politician (n. 1763).
  • 1826: Juan Crisóstomo de Arriaga, Spanish composer (n. 1806).
  • 1861: Lola Montez, Irish dancer and adventurer (n. 1821).
  • 1863: Horace Vernet, a French painter (n. 1789).
  • 1869: Aleksandr Dargomyzhski, Russian composer (n. 1813).
  • 1874: Chang and Eng Bunker, Thai Siameses (n. 1811).
  • 1889: Juan Montalvo, Ecuadorian writer and philosopher (n. 1832).
  • 1891: Thomas Graham Balfour, Scottish surgeon, pioneer of the use of statistics in medicine (n. 1813).
  • 1893: Rutherford B. Hayes, American lawyer, president between 1877 and 1881 (n. 1822).
  • 1899: Panos Koronaios, military and Greek politician (n. 1809).
  • 1903: Gabriel Baudry-Lacantinerie, French jurisconsult (n. 1837).
  • 1907: Antonio Montes Vico, Spanish bullfighter (n. 1876).
  • 1911: Francis Galton, British explorer and scientist (n. 1822).
  • 1926: Adolfo Bonilla, Spanish philosopher (n. 1875).
  • 1927: Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo, priest, martyr and Mexican saint (n. 1886).
  • 1933: Louis Comfort Tiffany, American artist and designer (n. 1848).
  • 1934: Mariano Dubón, priest and Servant of God Nicaragua (n. 1862).
  • 1941: Virginio Arias, Chilean sculptor. (n. 1855).
  • 1942: Walter von Reichenau, German quarterback (n. 1884).
  • 1946: Jenny Nyström, Swedish painter and illustrator (n. 1854).
  • 1947: Piotr Krasnov, Russian historian and general (n. 1869).
  • 1961: Patrice Lumumba, politician and Congolese prime minister in 1960 (n. 1925).
  • 1961: Zhambyl Tulaev, Soviet sniper (n. 1905)
  • 1964: Terence Hanbury White, British writer (n. 1906).
  • 1973: Juan Adsuara, Spanish sculptor (n. 1893).
  • 1973: Tarsila do Amaral, Brazilian painter (n. 1886).
  • 1975: Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, a Colombian military dictator between 1953 and 1957 (n. 1900).
  • 1980: Agustín Yáñez, Mexican writer (n. 1904).
  • 1982: Osvaldo Zubeldía, footballer and Argentine coach (n. 1927).
 1983: Luis Vigoraux animator and Puerto Rican producer.
  • 1989: Alfredo Zitarrosa, Uruguayan singer (n. 1936).
  • 1991: Olaf V, Norwegian aristocrat, king between 1957 and 1991 (n. 1903).
  • 1994: Helen Stephens, American athlete (n. 1918).
  • 1995: Miguel Torga, doctor, poet and Portuguese writer (n. 1907).
  • 1996: Barbara Jordan, American lawyer, educator and politics (n. 1936).
  • 1997: Clyde Tombaugh, American astronomer (n. 1906).
  • 2001: Homero Cárpena, Argentine actor (n. 1910).
  • 2001: Gregory Corso, American poet (n. 1930).
  • 2002: Camilo José Cela, Spanish writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1989 (n. 1916).
  • 2003: Richard Crenna, American actor (n. 1926).
  • 2003: Roberto Huerta, an Argentine military and aeronautical engineer (n. 1917).
  • 2003: Jaime Vivanco, pianist and Chilean composer (n. 1960).
  • 2005: Virginia Mayo, American actress (n. 1920).
  • 2007: Art Buchwald, American satirical writer (n. 1925).
  • 2007: Juan Reynoso Portillo, Mexican composer and violinist (n. 1912).
  • 2008: Bobby Fischer, an Icelandic chess player of American origin (n. 1943).
  • 2008: Allan Melvin, an American actor (n. 1923).
  • 2008: Carole Lynne, British actress (n. 1918).
  • 2010: Daisuke Gōri, Japanese seiyū (n. 1952).
  • 2010: Erich Segal, American writer (n. 1937).
  • 2010: Enrique Velasco Ibarra, Mexican politician (n. 1927).
  • 2011: Eloy Linares Malaga, Peruvian historian (n. 1926).
  • 2012: Carlos Pujol, Spanish writer and translator (n. 1936).
  • 2012: Johnny Otis, American blues musician (n. 1921).
  • 2013: Jakob Arjouni, German writer (n. 1964).
  • 2013: Yves Debay (58), Belgian journalist (n. 1954).
  • 2013: Fernando Guillén, Spanish actor (n. 1932).
  • 2013: Claudio Leo, Italian guitarist, of the band Lacuna Coil (n. 1972).
  • 2014: Salvador Breglia, Paraguayan soccer player and coach (n. 1935).
  • 2014: Luis Tomasello, Argentine plastic artist (n. 1915).
  • 2015: Origa, a Soviet-born Russian singer (n. 1970).
  • 2018: Augusto Polo Campos, ex-copcía, musician and Peruvian composer (n. 1932).
  • 2019: Vicente Álvarez Areces, Spanish politician, president of the Principality of Asturias between 1999 and 2011 (n. 1943).
  • 2020: Terence Hallinan, American politician (n. 1936).
  • 2023: Lucile Randon, a French Catholic and supercentenary religious (n. 1904).
  • 2023: Jay Briscoe, American professional fighter (n. 1984)


San Antonio Abad
  • SpainBandera de EspañaSpain
    • Albacete: Fiestas de San Antón.
    • Menorca (Islas Baleares): Menorca Day.
    • Elgóibar (Guipuzcoa): patronal feast in honor of San Antón.
    • Arcenillas (Zamora): Patrons party in honor of St Antón.

Catholic saints list

  • San Antonio, abad (356).
  • Saints Espeusipo, Elausipo, Melasipo and Leonila de Capadocia, martyrs.
  • San Julián Sabas, asceta (c. 377).
  • Saint Marcelo de Die, Bishop (510).
  • St. Pius Sulpice, Bishop (647).
  • Beato Gamalberto de Baviera, priest (c. 802).
  • Saint Roselina of Celle, priora (1329).
  • San Jenaro Sánchez Delgadillo, priest and martyr (1927).

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