January 14


January 14 is the 14th (fourteenth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 351 days left to end the year and 352 in leap years.


  • 574 (or 575): in Gansu (Central China) an earthquake of 5.5 degrees of the Richter seismic scale and a magnitude of 7 degrees is recorded.
  • 1236: King Henry III of England married Leonor of Provence.
  • 1466: between Salerno and Potenza (Italy) at 21:00 (local time) there is an earthquake of 4.6 degrees of the Richter scale, which destroys the majority of the dwellings (at that time, of adobe) tens of kilometres round.
  • 1506: In Rome, the famous sculpture of Ancient Greece is discovered Laocoonte and her children.
  • 1514: In Spain, Fernando el Católico, regent of the Kingdom, issues a real class authorizing the marriage of Spanish men with indigenous women.[chuckles]required]
  • 1526: the Treaty of Madrid, between Francisco I of France and Carlos I of Spain, was signed after the battle of Pavia.
  • 1601: In Rome, the church burns the Hebrew books.
  • 1668: In Azerbaijan, 140 km west of the Caspian Sea coast, and 40 km south of the current border with Russia, an earthquake of 7.8 degrees on the Richter seismic scale (with an epicentre of 40 km deep) destroys all the towns round, leaving a balance of 80,000 dead.
  • 1696: the judges of the trials of the witches of Salem make the official confession of the errors and murders committed during them.
  • 1739: Spain and England sign El Pardo Conventionwhich lays the foundations for trade in American colonies.
  • 1761: Panipat's third battle in India is waged among Afghans under Ahmad Shah Durrani and the Marathas.
  • 1784: The Congress of the Confederation ratified the Treaty of Paris with Britain, formally ending the United States War of Independence.
  • 1807: in Argentina, English troops of the ship Diadema, anchored in Montevideo, ask virrey Rafael de Sobremonte for the surrender of Buenos Aires (second English invasion). They'll be repelled.
  • 1809: England and Spain signed an alliance to fight together against Napoleon Bonaparte, whose armies had invaded Spain.
  • 1812: In Spain, the Courts of Cadiz decree the suppression of the gallows.
  • 1814: In the Treaty of Kiel, Denmark concedes Norway to Sweden and it renounces the Pomerania region for Denmark.
  • 1822: During the Greek War of Independence, Acrocorinto is captured by Theodoros Kolokotronis and Dimitrios Ipsilantis.
  • 1826: In Chile the battle of San Carlos de Chiloé is waged, in which the Chilean forces defeat the realistic ones. It has as a result that the Spanish armies withdraw definitively from Chile.
  • 1851: In Spain, Juan Bravo Murillo is commissioned by Queen Isabel II to form a new government.
  • 1856: In Venezuela, Father Macario Yépez takes the Divine Shepherd to Barquisimeto and sacrifices himself for cholera and a procession is carried out annually in his honor of the virgin.
  • 1858: in Paris, France, an attack on Napoleon III when he was on his way to the opera with Empress Eugenia. They both turned out unharmed.
  • 1858: In Spain, Francisco Javier Istúriz Montero is appointed president of the government.
  • 1866: In Peru, the government made a declaration of war, as it was considered aggrieved by that of Spain.
  • 1866: Mexico founded the National Conservatory of Music in Mexico City.
  • 1875: In Spain, Alfonso XII arrived in Madrid to occupy the throne.
  • 1887: In the United States, the senate dissolves the sect of Mormons.
  • 1897: In Argentina, the Swiss Matthias Zurbriggen made the first climb to Mount Aconcagua.
  • 1900: the opera is released Tosca by Giacomo Puccini at the Costanzi Theatre in Rome.
  • 1907: In Jamaica, an earthquake of 6.5 degrees on the Richter seismic scale partially destroys the city of Kingston, killing more than 1 000 people.
  • 1913: Balkan States resume hostilities against the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1933: In Brazil, they arrive in Manaos, in the Amazon, the Colombian troops who would face the Peruvians who had taken over the Colombian city of Leticia.
  • 1935: aparece en Madrid (Spain) el primer número del diario Right..
  • 1937: In the framework of the Spanish civil war, the offensive of the rebel troops against Malaga begins.
  • 1940: In the framework of World War II, Finnish troops enter the USSR by the Kuhmo front.
  • 1942: In Washington, United States, the conference concludes Arcadiawhich decides the landing of allies in North Africa.
  • 1943: Casablanca Conference between Roosevelt, Churchill and the French generals Giraud and De Gaulle.
  • 1943: As part of World War II, Japan begins Operation Ke, the successful operation to evacuate its forces from Guadalcanal during the Guadalcanal Campaign.
  • 1944: In the Soviet Union—in the framework of the Second World War—the Red Army launches the offensive of Leningrad-Nóvgorov, which allows to completely break the site of Leningrad and free Nazi troops from northern Russia.
  • 1945: Turkey opens the straits to the allies.
  • 1953: Josip Broz Tito swears as president of Yugoslavia.
  • 1959: in Buenos Aires, President Arturo Frondizi privatized the Municipal Frigorífico Lisandro de la Torre. Your 9000 employees will start a strike. Barricades and bombings.
  • 1960: the Bank of the Reserve of Australia, the central bank of the country and the issuing authority of banknotes is established.
  • 1962: in South Vietnam, protests for the help granted by China Popular to North Vietnam.
  • 1965: In Ireland, the first ministers of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland met for the first time in 43 years.
  • 1968: The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 4.
  • 1971: The United States grants logistical support to the South Vietnam forces fighting in Cambodia.
  • 1973: In the United States, Elvis Presley holds the first concert in history transmitted via satellite to the world in the so-called Aloha from Hawaii.
  • 1979: Jimmy Carter proposes that the day of the birth of Martin Luther King be festive.
  • 1982: The first Andorran government is composed, with Óscar Ribas Reig as Head of Government.
  • 1986: In Guatemala, the demochristian Vinicio Cerezo took office as president.
  • 1987: the Spanish government announces a new industrial reconversion, which will result in the loss of 30,000 jobs.
  • 1989: in Vienna, the NATO countries and the Warsaw Pact agree to begin negotiations on conventional disarmament in Europe.
  • 1990: in Zaragoza, the Flying disco is set on fire, leaving a balance of 43 dead.
  • 1991: in Guatemala, Jorge Serrano Elías assumes the presidency.
  • 1992: In Mongolia, Parliament adopts a new Constitution, which establishes parliamentary democracy and universal suffrage.
  • 1992: Act of New York IIa peace treaty between the FMLN and the government of El Salvador.
  • 1994: In the United States, the first images are presented after the Hubble telescope space mission.
  • 1994: In Russia, the presidents of Russia (Borís Yeltsin), the United States (Bill Clinton) and Ukraine (Leonid Kravchuk) sign in Moscow a tripartite agreement to eliminate all exsoviet strategic nuclear missiles.
  • 1996: in Portugal, the socialist Jorge Sampaio is elected president of the Republic.
  • 1996: In Guatemala, Álvaro Arzú assumes the presidency.
  • 1997: José María Gil-Robles is elected president of the European Parliament.
  • 2000: in Guatemala, Alfonso Portillo assumes the presidency.
  • 2001: In the United States, Sid Vicious (WWE) fractured the tibia and the Peron in a struggle.
  • 2004: In Guatemala, Óscar Berger assumes the presidency.
  • 2008: In Guatemala, Álvaro Colom assumes the presidency.
  • 2010: Yemen declares an open war against the Al Qaeda terrorist group.
  • 2011: In Tunisia, a series of protests and riots force President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali to resign and leave the country, refusing in Saudi Arabia.
  • 2011: In Spain, the Global Canarian transport company broadcasts a statement beginning the implementation of the card without contact, pioneering experience in that country.
  • 2012: maritime accident, in which a ship from Costa Cruceros encalla and shipwrecked, causing the death of 25 people and other wounds.
  • 2012: in Guatemala, Otto Pérez Molina assumes the presidency.
  • 2014: in Mexico, the Federal Police and the army assume control of security in the state of Michoacán.
  • 2016: In Indonesia, there are 5 explosions and several chains of terrorist attacks, there are 2 deaths (5 dead terrorists) and 19 wounded.
  • 2016: in Guatemala, Jimmy Morales assumes the presidency.
  • 2020: Ends Windows 7 and Windows 10 Mobile support.
  • 2021: The game is officially launched Lotus Reverie: First Nexus, It is held one year from the end of support of Windows 7.
  • 2021: The President of the Argentine Nation, Alberto Fernández, promulgates the Legalisation of Abortion in Argentina, after being approved in the Chamber of Deputies and the Argentine Senate.


  • 83 B.C.: Marco Antonio, a military and a Roman politician (f. 30 B.C.).
  • 1451: Franchino Gaffurio, Italian composer (f. 1522).
  • 1507: Catherine of Austria, Portuguese queen (f. 1578).
  • 1684: Jean-Baptiste van Loo, French painter (f. 1745).
  • 1702: Nakamikado, Japanese emperor (f. 1737).
  • 1705: Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier, French navigator and explorer (f. 1786).
  • 1741: Benedict Arnold, American General (f. 1801).
  • 1767: María Teresa Josefa of Austria, Austrian archduchess (f. 1827).
  • 1801: Adolphe Theodore Brongniart, French botanist (f. 1876).
  • 1807: Hilario Ascasubi, Argentinian poet (f. 1875).
  • 1818: Agostino Todaro, Italian botanist (f. 1892).
  • 1821: Jesús Terán Peredo, lawyer, politician and Mexican diplomat (f. 1866).
  • 1835: Marcelo Spínola, a Spanish religious (f. 1906).
  • 1836: Henri Fantin-Latour, French painter (f. 1904).
  • 1841: Berthe Morisot, French painter (f. 1895).
  • 1847: Charles René Zeiller, French botanist (f. 1915).
  • 1850: Jean de Reszke, Polish tenor (f. 1925).
  • 1850: Pierre Loti, French writer (f. 1923).
  • 1854: Paul Natorp, German philosopher (f. 1924).
  • 1861: Mehmed VI, Ottoman sultan (f. 1926).
  • 1875: Felix Hamrin, Swedish politician (f. 1937).
  • 1875: Albert Schweitzer, theologian, philosopher, musicologist and German missionary doctor, Nobel Peace Prize in 1952 (f. 1965).
  • 1883: Nina Ricci, French Italian modist (f. 1970).
  • 1886: Hugh Lofting, British writer (f. 1947).
  • 1886: Martin Niemöller, German Lutheran pastor (f. 1984).
  • 1888: Manuel Lustres, politician, journalist and Spanish writer (f. 1936).
  • 1892: Hal Roach, producer, filmmaker and American screenwriter (f. 1992).
  • 1892: Juan Antonio Scasso, Uruguayan architect (f. 1973).
  • 1896: John Dos Passos, American novelist (f. 1970).
  • 1899: Carlos P. Rómulo, Filipino politician (f. 1985).
  • 1904: Henri-Georges Adam, French sculptor and painter (f. 1967).
  • 1904: Cecil Beaton, British photographer (f. 1980).
  • 1905: Takeo Fukuda, Japanese Prime Minister (f. 1995).
  • 1906: Alejandro Galindo, Mexican filmmaker (f. 1999).
  • 1908: Caridad Bravo Adams, Mexican writer (f. 1990).
  • 1908: Russ Columbo, singer, violinist and American actor (f. 1934)
  • 1909: Joseph Losey, American filmmaker (f. 1984).
  • 1909: Felix Likiniano, Spanish anarchist (f. 1982).
  • 1910: Aurelio Suárez, a Spanish painter (f. 2003).
  • 1914: Harold Russell, actor and U.S. war veteran (f. 2002).
  • 1915: Javier Benjumea Puigcerver, Spanish entrepreneur (f. 2001).
  • 1918: Dimitri Tsafendas, a Mozambican activist who fought against colonialism and apartheid (f. 1999).
  • 1919: Giulio Andreotti, an Italian politician (f. 2013).
  • 1920: Chava Flores, Mexican actor and composer (f. 1987).
  • 1921: Murray Bookchin, an American anarchist (f. 2006).
  • 1924: Fernando Álvarez de Miranda, a Spanish politician (f. 2016).
  • 1924: Guy Williams, American actor (f. 1989).
  • 1925: Yukio Mishima, a Japanese writer (f. 1970).
  • 1928: Carlos Luis Álvarez, Cándido, a Spanish journalist (f. 2006).
  • 1928: Enrique Sdrech, Argentine journalist (f. 2003).
  • 1928: Garry Winogrand, American photographer (f. 1984).
  • 1928: Luis Bambarén, Peruvian Jesuit bishop (f. 2021).
  • 1931: Caterina Valente, singer, actress and Italian comedian.
  • 1931: Joseph Pérez, French hypnist (f. 2020).
  • 1932: Harriet Andersson, Swedish actress.
  • 1933: Ursula Acosta, German-Puerto Rican writer and essayist (f. 2018).
  • 1933: Stan Brakhage, American filmmaker.
  • 1934: Richard Briers, British actor (f. 2013).
  • 1935: Juan de Ribera Berenguer, a Spanish painter (f. 2016).
  • 1936: Reiner Klimke, German rider (f. 1999).
  • 1937: Erland Kops, Danish bádminton player (f. 2017).
  • 1940: Georgie Dann, a French singer based in Spain. (f. 2021).
  • 1940: Wayne Hightower, American basketball player (f. 2002).
  • 1940: Julian Bond, American activist (f. 2015).
  • 1941: Faye Dunaway, American actress.
  • 1942: Judith Merkle Riley, American writer (f. 2010).
  • 1943: Mariss Jansons, director of Latvian orchestra (f. 2019).
  • 1943: Miguel Angel Ladero Quesada, Spanish historian.
  • 1943: Silvia Montanari, Argentine actress (f. 2019).
  • 1943: José Luis Rodríguez, Venezuelan singer and actor.
  • 1943: Ralph Steinman, Canadian immunologist (f. 2011).
  • 1944: Peter Fechter, the first young man killed for trying to pass the Berlin Wall (f. 1962).
  • 1946: Harold Shipman, British serial killer (f. 2004).
  • 1946: Jenaro Talens, writer, essayist and Spanish translator.
  • 1948: Carl Weathers, football player and American actor.
  • 1949: Lawrence Kasdan, American filmmaker.
  • 1951: Carme Elías, Spanish actress.
  • 1952: Carlos Morete, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1953: Elizabeth Dupeyrón, Mexican actress.
  • 1954: Cecilia Morel, first Chilean lady.
  • 1954: Jim Duggan, American Professional Fighter
  • 1956: Ben Heppner, Canadian tenor.
  • 1956: Rosina Lippi-Green, American writer.
  • 1956: Francis Mallmann, Argentine cook.
  • 1956: Luis Ventura, journalist, businessman and Brazilian-Argentine coach.
  • 1957: Anchee Min, Chinese American writer.
  • 1959: Geoff Tate, American musician, from the Queensrÿche band.
  • 1959: Lars Høgh, Danish footballer (f. 2021).
  • 1963: Steven Soderbergh, American filmmaker and screenwriter.
  • 1964: Mark Addy, British actor.
  • 1964: Omar Bello, Argentine publicist and journalist (f. 2015).
  • 1965: Shamil Basáyev, military leader of the Chechen guerrillas (f. 2006).
  • 1965: Toni Cantó, Spanish actor and politician.
  • 1966: Marco Hietala, composer, bassist and Finnish singer, of the Nightwish and Sinergy bands.
  • 1967: Emily Watson, British actress.
  • 1967: Zakk Wylde, American rocker, Black Label Society.
  • 1968: LL Cool J, American rap singer.
  • 1969: David Grohl, American rock musician, Nirvana and Foo Fighters.
  • 1969: Jason Bateman, American actor winner of a Golden Globe.
  • 1970: Fazıl Say, pianist and Turkish composer.
  • 1971: Manel Fuentes, Spanish journalist.
  • 1972: Raimondas Rumsas, Lithuanian cyclist.
  • 1973: Giancarlo Fisichella, Italian motor racing driver.
  • 1974: Federico Lussenhoff, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1975: Alberto Olmos, Spanish novelist.
  • 1975: Rodolfo Sancho, Spanish actor.
  • 1975: Marta Nebot, Spanish journalist and actress.
  • 1977: Narain Karthikeyan, Indian motor racing pilot.
  • 1977: Iñaki Urrutia, Spanish humorist.
  • 1977: Yandel, Puerto Rican singer, Wisin & Yandel duo.
  • 1977: Gustavo Bezares, footballer and Spanish coach.
  • 1977: Juan Pablo Raba, Colombian actor.
  • 1978: Just Blaze, American hip-hop music producer.
  • 1978: Kuno Becker, Mexican actor.
  • 1978: Shawn Crawford, American athlete.
  • 1978: Oscar Fabián Ibarra, Chilean footballer.
  • 1979: David Bermudo, Spanish footballer.
  • 1979: Kathy Anderson, pornographic actress and Czech erotic model.
  • 1979: Chris Albright, American footballer.
  • 1979: Angela Lindvall, American model and actress.
  • 1980: Cory Gibbs, American footballer.
  • 1980: Carlos Alvarado Quesada, Costa Rican politician, president of Costa Rica since 2018.
  • 1980: Yūko Kaida, Japanese voice actress.
  • 1981: Abdelmalek Cherrad, Algerian footballer.
  • 1981: Rosa López, Spanish singer.
  • 1982: Victor Valdés, Spanish footballer.
  • 1982: Caleb Followill, American rock musician, of the band Kings of Leon.
  • 1983: Alan Bahia, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1986: Ronald Ramón, Dominican-American basketball player.
  • 1987: Indira Vizcaíno Silva, Mexican politics.
  • 1988: Esther Borao Moros, Spanish industrial engineer.
  • 1988: Paulo Cárdenas, Chilean footballer.
  • 1989: Inna Afinogenova, Russian journalist, press director of the Russia Today channel.
  • 1989: Frankie Bridge, British singer, actress and dancer, S Club 8.
  • 1989: Chino Darín, an Argentine actor.
  • 1989: Karine Thomas, Canadian swimmer.
  • 1990: Grant Gustin, American actor.
  • 1992: Robbie Brady, Irish footballer.
  • 1994: Kai, dancer, singer, actor, rapper and South Korean model.
  • 1994: Ross Murdoch, British swimmer.
  • 1994: Abi Phillips, singer and British actress.
  • 1997: Bryan Segura, Costa Rican footballer.
  • 1997: Anastasy and Maria Tolmachovy, Russian singers.
  • 1997: Evandro da Silva, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1997: Francesco Bagnaia, Italian bike rider.
  • 1997: Juan Tejada, Panamanian footballer.
  • 1997: Cedric Teuchert, German footballer.
  • 1997: Josh Steel, British basketball player.
  • 1997: Nikolay Obolskiy, Russian footballer.
  • 1998: Isabela Souza, Brazilian actress and singer.
  • 1998: Roman Fuchs, French swimmer.
  • 1998: Niilo Mäenpää, Finnish footballer.
  • 1998: Aapo Mäenpää, Finnish footballer.
  • 1998: Odile van Aanholt, a Dutch sailor.
  • 1999: Emerson Royal, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1999: Karl Wallinius, Swedish basketball player.
  • 1999: Lautaro Valenti, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1999: Sebastián Pereira Arredondo, Chilean footballer.
  • 1999: Ștefan Berariu, Romanian remero.
  • 1999: Luciana Fuster, Peruvian model.
  • 1999: Ivan Smirnov, Russian cyclist.
  • 1999: Sambiid Nambicőfzadő, azeri athlete.
  • 1999: Andrija Marjanović, Serbian basketball player.
  • 1999: Francisco Montero Rubio, Spanish footballer.
  • 1999: Declan Rice, British footballer.
  • 2000: Jonathan David, American-Canadian footballer.
  • 2000: Line Christophersen, Danish badminton player.
  • 2000: Artem Petrov, a Russian motor racing pilot.
  • 2000: Luis Ingolotti, Argentine soccer player.
  • 2000: Veronica Herrera, Venezuelan footballer.
  • 2000: Edanyilber Navas, Venezuelan footballer.
  • 2000: Junior Angulo, Ecuadorian Yudoca.
  • 2000: Marios Vichos, Greek footballer.
  • 2000: Mohammed Kna'an, an Israeli footballer.
  • 2000: Bartol Franjić, Croatian footballer.
  • 2000: Diego Valencia, Chilean footballer.
  • 2000: Víctor Ramón Rosa Neto, Brazilian footballer.
  • 2003: Martim Neto, Portuguese footballer.
  • 2005: Kim Yoo-bin, South Korean actress.


  • 1331: Odorico de Pordenone, a traveller and a Franciscan Italian (n. 1286).
  • 1676: Francesco Cavalli, organist and composer and Italian singer (n. 1602).
  • 1742: Edmund Halley, British mathematician and astronomer (n. 1656).
  • 1753: George Berkeley, Irish philosopher (n. 1685).
  • 1772: Mary of Great Britain, consort of Frederick II (n. 1723).
  • 1817: Pierre-Alexandre Monsigny, French composer (n. 1729).
  • 1833: Gottlob Ernst Schulze, a German philosopher (n. 1761).
  • 1867: Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, French painter (n. 1780).
  • 1874: Philipp Reis, German scientist and inventor (n. 1834).
  • 1888: Stephen Heller, Pianist, composer and Hungarian teacher (n. 1813)
  • 1892: Alberto Victor de Clarence, British aristocrat (n. 1864).
  • 1898: Lewis Carroll, British writer and mathematician (n. 1832).
  • 1901: Victor Balaguer, Spanish writer and politician (n. 1824).
  • 1901: Charles Hermite, French mathematician (n. 1822).
  • 1909: Arthur William à Beckett, British journalist (n. 1844).
  • 1909: Zinovy Rozhestvensky, Russian admiral (n. 1848).
  • 1920: Eduardo Liceaga, Mexican doctor (n. 1839).
  • 1942: Porfirio Barba Jacob, a Colombian poet and writer (n. 1883).
  • 1943: Tomás Soley Güell, economist and Costa Rican historian (n. 1875).
  • 1945: Arthur Wynne: crucigram builder and British editor (n. 1871).
  • 1949: Joaquín Turina, Spanish composer (n. 1882).
  • 1949: Amedeo Bassi, Italian tenor (n. 1872).
  • 1952: Artur Kapp, Estonian composer (n. 1878)
  • 1957: Humphrey Bogart, an American actor (n. 1899).
  • 1957: Irene Caba Alba, Spanish actress (n. 1899).
  • 1958: José Miaja, a Spanish military officer (n. 1878).
  • 1961: Juan Antonio Aznárez, Catholic archbishop and professor of Spanish Sacred Scripture.
  • 1961: Barry Fitzgerald, an American actor of Irish origin (n. 1888).
  • 1963: Louis Azéma, bass and French painter (n. 1876)
  • 1965: Jeanette MacDonald, American singer and actress (n. 1903)
  • 1966: Curt Backeberg, German horticultor (n. 1894).
  • 1972: Federico IX, Danish king (n. 1899).
  • 1976: Juan D’Arienzo, Argentine tango musician (n. 1900).
  • 1977: Eulalio Gutiérrez Treviño, Mexican engineer and politician (n. 1916).
  • 1977: Anthony Eden, British politician (n. 1897).
  • 1977: Anaïs Nin, Franco-American writer (n. 1903).
  • 1977: Peter Finch, British actor (n. 1916).
  • 1978: Kurt Gödel, Austrian mathematician (n. 1906).
  • 1978: Robert Heger, composer and director of German orchestra (n. 1886)
  • 1982: Juan José Espinosa San Martín, Spanish politician (n. 1918).
  • 1984: Paul Ben-Haim, composer and director of Israeli orchestra (n. 1897).
  • 1984: José Fernando Diceta, Spanish actor and writer (n. 1929).
  • 1984: Ray Kroc, American businessman (n. 1902).
  • 1985: Ernst Hoffman (Lama Anagarika Govinda), German Buddhist writer (n. 1898).
  • 1985: Jetta Goudal, a Dutch actress (n. 1891).
  • 1986: Donna Reed, American actress (n. 1921).
  • 1986: Thierry Sabine, founder of the Dakar Rally (n. 1949).
  • 1988: Georgi Malenkov, Soviet politician, Prime Minister between 1953 and 1955 (n. 1902).
  • 1993: José Comas Quesada, Spanish watercolor painter (n. 1928).
  • 1994: Federica Montseny, Spanish anarchist trade unionist (n. 1905).
  • 1994: Delio Rodríguez, Spanish cyclist (n. 1916).
  • 1995: Esteban Laureano Maradona, Argentine physician (n. 1895).
  • 1999: Sabina Olmos, an Argentine actress and singer (n. 1913).
  • 2001: Julio Robles, Spanish bullfighter (n. 1951).
  • 2002: Michael Young, a British sociologist and politician (n. 1915).
  • 2003: Francisco José Iturriza, Venezuelan Catholic priest (n. 1903).
  • 2005: Aldo Braga, an Argentine actor (n. 1931).
  • 2005: Ofelia Guilmáin, Spanish television actress and Mexican cinema (n. 1921).
  • 2005: Jesús Soto, a Venezuelan artist (n. 1923).
  • 2006: Shelley Winters, American actress (n. 1920).
  • 2008: Judah Folkman, American biologist and oncologist (n. 1933).
  • 2009: Ricardo Montalbán, Mexican actor (n. 1920).
  • 2010: Antonio Fontán, professor, journalist and Spanish politician (n. 1923).
  • 2010: Andrés Pazos, Uruguayan actor of Spanish origin (n. 1945).
  • 2011: José Paz Vélez, sculptor and imager of Seville (n. 1931).
  • 2011: Liu Huaqing, general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, father of the modernization of the Navy (n. 1916)
  • 2011: Sun Axelsson, poet, novelist, translator and Swedish journalist (n. 1935).
  • 2012: Arfa Karim, Pakistani girl, computer prodigy; cardiorespiratory strike (n. 1995).
  • 2012: Txillardegi, Spanish politician (n. 1929).
  • 2013: Conrad Bain, a Canadian actor of American nationality (n. 1923).
  • 2014: Juan Gelman, Argentine writer (n. 1930).
  • 2014: Mae Young, American professional fighter (n. 1923).
  • 2015: Nélida Romero, an Argentine actress (n. 1926).
  • 2016: Franco Citti, Italian actor (n. 1935).
  • 2016: Alan Rickman, British actor (n. 1946).
  • 2016: Rene Angélil, Canadian singer (n. 1942).
  • 2017: Alberto Ruiz Novoa, Colombian military and political, Minister of War of Colombia between 1962 and 1965 (n. 1917).
  • 2017: Nicolás del Hierro, Spanish writer (n. 1934).
  • 2017: Zhou Youguang, Chinese linguist (n. 1906).
  • 2018: Dan Gurney, U.S. Motor Vehicle Engineer and Pilot (n. 1931).
  • 2018: Pablo García Baena, Spanish poet (n. 1923).
  • 2019: Maty Huitrón, Mexican actress (n. 1936).
  • 2019: Paweł Adamowicz, Polish politician and jurist, mayor of Gdansk between 1998 and 2019 (n. 1965).
  • 2020: Carl McNulty, American basketball player (n. 1930).
  • 2020: Chamín Correa, Mexican musician (n. 1929).
  • 2020: María Teresa La Porte, a Spanish university professor (n. 1961).
  • 2020: Steve Martin Caro, American rock musician (n. 1948).
  • 2021: Carlos Armando Biebrich, Mexican politician, governor of Sonora between 1973 and 1975 (n. 1939).
  • 2021: Leonidas Pelekanakis, Greek regatist (n. 1962).
  • 2022: Alice von Hildebrand, philosopher, writer, university professor and Belgian-American Catholic theologian (n. 1923).
  • 2022: Anastasia Voznesenskaya, a Soviet actress (n. 1943).
  • 2022: Angelo Gilardino, classical guitarist, composer and Italian musicologist (n. 1941).
  • 2022: Carmen de la Maza, Spanish actress (n. 1940).
  • 2022: Leopoldo Valiñas Coalla, linguist, researcher and Mexican academic (n. 1955).
  • 2022: Ricardo Bofill, Spanish architect (n. 1939).
  • 2022: Ron Goulart, American writer (n. 1933).
  • 2022: Thiago de Mello, Brazilian poet (n. 1926).


  • World Logic Day
  • Old New Year (celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia).
  • VenezuelaBandera de Venezuela Venezuela: Feast of the Divine Shepherd.
  • GuatemalaFlag of Guatemala.svgGuatemala: Takes possession of the president, vice president, mayors and deputies. (Each four years)

Catholic saints list

  • San Potito de Sárdica, martyr.
  • San Glicerio de Antioch, deacon and martyr.
  • Saint Felix of Nola, priest (s. III/IV).
  • Saint martyrs of Mount Sinai, monks (c. s. IV).
  • Saint Nino of Georgia (s. IV).
  • St Fermin de Gévaudan, bishop (s. V).
  • Saint Euphrasius of Arvergne, bishop (515/516).
  • Saint Dacio of Milan, bishop (552).
  • St Fulgencio de Écija, bishop (c. 632).
  • Beato Odon de Novara, priest (c. 1200).
  • Beato Odorico de Pordenone Mattiuzzi, priest (1331).
  • Blessed Pedro Parars, priest (1887).

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