Jamie siles


Jaime Siles Ruiz (Valencia, April 16, 1951) is a prominent Spanish poet, philologist, literary critic, translator and professor of Classical Philology.

Jaime Siles was part of the group of newest ones, decisive in Spanish poetry from 1970. Although he had already published some poems in magazines and plaques, he became known above all with his book Canon. His youth was a true desire to expand his knowledge. Polyglot, scholar and humanist, he has developed his intellectual work in numerous areas of culture as a critic of literature, art and theater. As a specialist in classical culture, he has stood out in the field of Classical Philology for his research on the pre-Roman languages of the Iberian Peninsula, pre-literary and archaic Latin, Latin literature from the classical period and its survival in modernity. His other fields of research have been Baroque poetry and Spanish poetry of the XX century, with special dedication to the generation of 27.


He began his university studies in Philosophy and Letters in Valencia in 1968, and two years later he moved to the University of Salamanca, where in 1973 he graduated in Classical Philology with an Extraordinary Prize, earning a doctorate at the same University and specialty in 1976, also with Extraordinary Prize. His thesis, Lexicon of Iberian inscriptions , is considered the first devoted entirely to a pre-Roman language, Iberian; Published nine years later, this work has been the seed of numerous investigations on the Iberian language.

With a scholarship from the Juan March Foundation, he furthered his studies at the University of Tübingen under the direction of Antonio Tovar (1974-1975). Subsequently, from 1975 to 1976 he worked as a contract researcher at the Department of Linguistics at the University of Cologne, where he collaborated with Jürgen Untermann in the writing of the Monumenta Linguarum Hispanicarum .

From 1976 to 1980 he was interim professor of Latin Philology at the University of Salamanca; from 1980 to 1982, by opposition, full professor in Alcalá de Henares. In 1983 he obtained the chair of Latin Philology at the University of La Laguna (Tenerife). That same year he was appointed Director of the Spanish Cultural Institute in Vienna and Cultural Attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Austria. Honorary Professor at the University of Vienna (1984-1986); Gastprofessor of the Universities of Graz and Salzburg (1985 and 1986); Visiting Professor at the Universities of Madison-Wisconsin and Bergamo (1989 and 1990); Professor at the University of Bern (1990 and 1991); Ordentlicher Professor at the University of St. Gallen (1989-2002) of whose Faculty of Cultural Sciences he was dean (1997-1998); Visiting Professor of Turin and the University of Geneva (1996 and 2000-1), among others. He is currently Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Valencia. He has been editorial secretary of the Revista de Occidente, president of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies (2008-2016), director of the Classical Studies Classroom of the Alfonso El Magnanimo Institution of the Valencia Provincial Council, director of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Valencia, and advisor on culture at the Permanent Representation of Spain before the Office of the United Nations Organization.

At the age of eighteen he published his first book of poetry, Génesis de la luz, which began a fruitful and successful poetic career, recognized by numerous awards: Ocnos Award (1973); National Critics Award (1983); Loewe International Award (1989), Generation of 27 International Award (1999), Jaime Gil de Biedma Award (2018). For all of his work, he has been awarded the Teresa de Ávila Prize (2003), the Valencian Literature Biennial Prize (2004) and the Andrés Bello Prize (2017); in 2006 he obtained the José María Pemán Prize for journalistic articles.

From 1991 to 1998 he was a literary critic for the newspaper ABC and, from 1993 to 1997, he worked as a theater critic for the magazine Blanco y Negro; then in La Razón and in El Cultural of El Mundo , a newspaper for which he was also a columnist; since March 2005 he has been a literary critic for the newspaper ABC . He has been distinguished with the Commendation of the Order of Civil Merit (R. D. of June 23, 1990) and the Grand Cross of Honor for services rendered to the Republic of Austria (1991). Full Member of the Royal Academy of Valencian Culture and Full Member of the Hispano-American Academy of Good Letters of Buenos Aires (Juan Ramón Jiménez chair) and Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos of the Royal Academy of History and the San Telmo Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 2013 the Valencia City Council named him the favorite son of the city of Valencia. And in 2014, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Generalitat distinguished him as the writer of the year. And also that same year he was named doctor 'honoris causa' by the University of Clermont-Ferrand (France).


Jaime Siles was a very precocious poet: at just 18 years old he published his first collection of poems, Génesis de la luz, with an epilogue by Guillermo Carnero. Since he was young, he has shown a great interest in avant-garde poets —especially Lorca, Alberti, Aleixandre— and proof of this is, in addition to his prolific readings, his friendship with Vicente Aleixandre, with whom he has maintained an abundant epistolary correspondence. that has been published.

Poetic work

  • Genesis of the lightMalaga, 1969.
  • Biography SolaMalaga, 1971.
  • Canon, Barcelona: Llibres de Sinera, Ocnos, 1973, Ocnos Award 1973.
  • Allegory, Barcelona: Víctor Pozanco, 1977.
  • Poetry 1969-1980, Madrid: Visor, 1982.
  • Music of Water, Madrid: Visor, 1983. Valencian Country Critics Award and National Critics Award 1983.
  • Poems backwards, Madrid: Editions El Tapir, 1987.
  • Colvmnae, Madrid: Visor, 1987.
  • poetic work 1969-1989. Reality and LanguageAlcalá de Henares: Municipal Archives and Libraries Service, 1989 i.e. 1990.
  • lights, lights, Madrid: Visor, 1990. International Prize Loewe de Poesía Foundation 1989.
  • The Gliptodonte and other songs for bad children, Madrid: Austral Juvenil, Espasa-Calpe, 1990. New edition in IGLU EDITORIAL in 2022.
  • Poetry 1969-1990, Madrid: Visor, 1992.
  • Tardi Hymns, Madrid: Visor, 1999. I International Prize “Generation of 27”.
  • Steps in the snow, Barcelona: Tusquets Editors, 2004.
  • Never fixed state: (anthology), Malaga: Culture Area, Malaga City Council, 2004.
  • Poetical Anthology, Valencia: Institució Alfons El Magnánim, 2007.
  • Tapices Collection, Department of Publications of the José Hierro Popular University, City Council of San Sebastián de los Reyes, 2008. José Hierro National Poetry Award 2008.
  • Naked and watered, Madrid: Visor, 2009. XXII Prize Tiflos de Poesía
  • Cenotafio: poetic anthology (1969-2009), Edition, selection and introduction of Sergio Arlandis, Madrid: Chair, 2011.
  • Overtime, Leon: University of León, Everest, I Prize “Universidad de León” in Poesía, 2011.
  • Dissolution Cantic (1973-2011) Selected Poems. Edition, selection and epilogue by Martín Rodríguez-Gaona. Madrid: Verbum, 2015.
  • Voids Inhabited, AEREA/Personal Selection, RIL Editores, Santiago de Chile, 2017.
  • This sum of successive sons / Cette somme de sons sucessifs, French version of Henry Gil, Cuadernos de Casa Bermeja (Argentina)-MAGO Editores (Chile), Santiago de Chile, 2017.
  • Anthology (1969–2014), Editorial Entorno Gráfico, Colección O cat que ri, Granada, 2017.
  • Rare antique gallery. XXVIII Prize for Poetry Jaime Gil de Biedma. Madrid: Visor, 2018.
  • A me without me. Olelibros. Collection Back of Tuerca. 2018.
  • Oblique architecture. José Manuel Lara Foundation. Vandalia Collection. Seville, 2019.
  • The Convex Bird, unpublished poems by Jaime Siles, images of José María Yturralde. Del Centro Editores, Collection Triptic No9, Madrid, 2022.
  • The GliptodonIGLU EDITORIAL, 2022.
  • Double background, Madrid, ed. Visor, 2022.

Translated poetic work

  • Musik des Schweigens, Gedichte: Spanisch und Deutsch; ausgewält, übertragen und mit einen Nachwort verhen von Hans Hinterhäuser; herausgeben von roswitha und Horst Heiderhoff, Eisingen: Horst Heiderhoff, 1986.
  • Genèse de la lumière. Biographie seule. Canon, Séminaire "Poésie Espagnole Contemporaine et Traduction", École Normale Supérieure, 1988-1989, Paris: Presses de L'Ecole Normale Supérieure, 1990.
  • Ich bin der König aus Rauch, Poesie aus SpanienHrsg. Gregor Laschen & Jaime Siles, edition die horen, Bremerhaven, 1991.
  • Alfabeto Notturno / Alfabeto Nocturno, Testi Scelti e Tradotti da Emilio Coco, Introduzione di Gabriele Morelli, Bari: Levante Editori, 1991.
  • Suite der See. Neueste Gedichte, herausgegeben, übertragen und mit einem Nachwort verhen von Tobias Burghardt, Stuttgart: Edition Delta, 1992.
  • Musique d’eau et ColumnaeEdition bilingue. Traduction de l’espagnol, préface et postface par Françoise Morcillo, Collection in’hui, Le Cri-Jacques Darras, Bruxèlles, 1996.
  • Hymnes tardifs, H. Gil (trad.), Belval: Les Éditions Circé, 2003.
  • Duas Janelas / Two windows. Anthology of poems by Jaime Siles. (None Judice, trad.), Milideias (Évora): Nâo Ediçôes, 2014,
  • Speech acts / Acts of parole. Édition bilingue présentée par François Morcillo; traducition de l’espagnol par Henry Gil, Orléans, Éditions Paradigme, 2017.

Essay and research books

  • Baroque in Spanish poetry. Linguistic awareness and historical tension, Madrid: Doncel, 1975, 196 p.; second expanded edition, Pamplona: Editions Universidad de Navarra, 2006; new edition, Oviedo: Entre Acacias, Colección Ars Poética, 2019.
  • About a possible Greek loan in IberianValencia: Prehistoric Research Service, Provincial Council, 1976.
  • Diversifications, Valencia: Fernando Torres-Editor, 1982.
  • Introduction to Latin Language and Literature, Madrid: Istmo, 1983.
  • Lixic of Iberian inscriptions, Madrid: Ministry of Culture, General Directorate of Fine Arts and Archives, 1985.
  • New. Neueste spanische PoesieSt. Gallen: Edition Rosenberg, 1991.
  • Mayans or The Failure of Intelligence, Valencia: Institució Alfons el Magnànim, 2000.
  • Knowledge of the self and poetization of the medium: the poetics and poetry of Caesar Simon, Discurs llegit on the 1st of juny of 2000 in the seua reception com acadèmic de numero per l'Ilm. Mr. D. Jaime Siles Ruiz i replied of l'acadèmic de numero Ilm Sr. D. Xavier Casp Vercher, Valencia: Real Academia de Cultura Valenciana, 2000.
  • Beyond the Signs, Madrid: Huerga " Fierro, 2001.
  • Poetry and translation: issues of detail, Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2005.
  • Consciousness States: essays on contemporary Spanish poetry, Madrid: Abada, 2006.
  • Bambalina and stretchya, C. Oliva (ed.), Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2006.
  • Baroque in Spanish poetry: linguistic awareness and historical tension ().
  • Tramoya y bambalina, Murcia: Publications Service of the University of Murcia, 2008.
  • Poetry and philology, Salamanca: Society of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (SEMYR), 2011.
  • Five writers, five writings. Editorial UCA, University of Cadiz. Cadiz, 2019.
  • Eliot for Spanish. Seville: Athenaica Ediciones, 2021.
  • Five women writers, five ways of writing. Translated by Juhl Díaz, Carla; Molina Durán, Jasmine. Editorial UCA, University of Cadiz, Collection Letra small, not 4. Cadiz, 2021.

Translated books

  • Wordsworth: Poems, Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1976.
  • Ten poems by Paul CelanValencia: Septimomiau, 1981.
  • Art in socialist countries, Madrid: Chair, 1982.
  • Vocabulary of the Indo-European institutions of Emile Benveniste, Madrid: Taurus, 1983.
  • The heart of stone: a historic novel of 1954 by Arno Schmidt, Madrid: Foundations, 1984.
  • Aesthetic and literary hermeneutic experience by Hans Robert. Jauss, Madrid: Taurus, 1986.
  • Trans-texts, Barcelona: Juan Pastor, 1986.
  • Horse in flight by Martin Walser, Madrid: Alfaguara,1987.
  • The Vendaval by Pere Gimferrer, Barcelona: Editions Península, 1988.
  • A winter trip by Antoni Marí, Barcelona: Peninsula,1989.
  • Hebras de Sol by Paul Celan, Madrid: Visor, 1989.
  • Matèria dels astres: bilingual text by Antoni Tàpies-Barba, Barcelona: Peninsula, 1992.
  • Aesthetic and literary hermeneutic experience: essays in the field of aesthetic experience by Hans Robert Jauss, Madrid: Taurus, 1992.
  • Arde the sea, the vendaval, the light: first and last poetry by Pere Gimferrer, Barcelona: Circle of Readers, 1992,183-197.
  • Time and room by Botho Strauss, Madrid: Centro Dramatic Nacional, Teatro María Guerrero, 18 January to 27 February 1996.
  • The Old Marine Balada / The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Barcelona: Reading Circle, 2002.
  • Verses of 1887 by Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, Malaga: Instituto Municipal del Libro, 2006.
  • Trans-texts, La Laguna (Santa Cruz de Tenerife): Artemisa, 2006.
  • Correspondence:(1951-1970) Paul Celan - Gisèle Celan-Lestrange. Bertrand Badiou Edition. With Eric Celan's participation. Prologue of Francisco Jarauta. French translation of Mauro Armiño. Translation of the German poems by Jaime Siles, Madrid: Siruela, 2008.
  • The Persians de Esquilo, F. Suárez (dir.), Madrid: Teatro Español, 2011.
  • The flowers of evil: the forbidden poems by Charles Baudelaire, Barcelona: Books of the Red Fox, 2012.
  • My Wild saying (Anthology 1979-2015) by Franco Buffoni, Edition and Epilogue of Valerio Nardoni. Prologue of Jaime Siles. Translation by Jaime Siles, Jesús Díaz Armas, Valerio Nardoni and Juan Carlos Reche. Ed. Bilingual. Pre-Textos, Valencia, 2020.


  • Anthology by Josep Piera, Valencia: Edicions Alfons El Magnànim, Institució Valenciana d'Estudis i Investigació, 1990.
  • Studia palaeohispanica et indogermanica J. Untermann ab amicis hispanicis oblata, I.J. Adiego, J. Siles, J. Velaza (ed.), Barcelona: Universitat, D.L. 1993.
  • Selected products by Agustín de Foxá, Madrid: Consejería de Educación: Visor Libros, 2003.
  • Poetical Anthology by Rafael Alberti, Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 2003.
  • Poetry I by Rafael Alberti, Editorial of Jaime Siles, Barcelona: Coedición de Editorial Seix-Barral y Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2003.
  • Closed Paradise: Spanish-language poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries, Barcelona: Gutenberg-Circle of Readers, 2004.
  • Poetry III by Rafael Alberti, Editorial of Jaime Siles, Barcelona: Coedición de Editorial Seix-Barral y Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales, 2006.
  • From a failure I write: poetic anthology by José Luis Tejada, Seville: José Manuel Lara Foundation, 2006.
  • Essential potential of Ernestina de Champourcin; introduction and selection of Jaime Siles, Madrid: Fundación Banco de Santander, 2008.
  • Insomn movements. poetic anthology 1964-2014Clara Janés. Selection, introduction and edition of Jaime Siles. Barcelona: Gutenberg Galaxy, 2015.


1990: Commendation of the Order of Civil Merit (R.D. of June 23, 1990).

· 1990: Member of the Collegium Romanicum of Switzerland.

· 1991: Grand Cross of Honor for services rendered to the Republic of Austria.

· 2001: Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Carlos.

· 2003: Silver Medal for Emigration.

· 2005: Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of History.

2013: Doctor honoris causa from the University of Clermont-Ferrand.

2013: Favorite son of the city of Valencia

2017: Academic Number of the Hispano-American Academy of Good Letters of Buenos Aires (Juan Ramón Jiménez chair).

2018: Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Telmo (Málaga).

2019: "Fontiveros Minstrel of the Year" (Ávila).

2019: Academic number of the Academy of Minstrels of San Juan de la Cruz.

· 2019: Member of the Grand Duke of Alba Institution, Philology and Literature Section, Hon. Provincial Council of Avila.

2019: Adoptive son of the city of Fontiveros (Ávila).

2019: Honorary member of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies.

2021: Honorary member of the Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Digital Humanities (IEMYRhd) of the University of Salamanca.

Teaching and public management

Teaching positions held

· Interim Associate Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Salamanca: October 1976 to September 30, 1980.

· Associate Professor of Latin Language and Literature at the University of Alcalá de Henares: October 1980 to November 1982.

· Full Professor of Latin Philology at the University of La Laguna: October 1982 to November 1990.

· Honorary Professor at the University of Vienna (1984-1988).

Gastprofessor of the University of Graz: summer semester 1986.

Gastprofessor of the University of Salzburg: summer semester 1986.

· Visiting Professor at the University of Madison-Wisconsin: winter semester 1989.

· Visiting Professor at the University of Bergamo: March-April 1990.

· Full Professor of Latin Philology at the University of Valencia. November 1990 to date.

· Visiting Professor in the Doctorate Course (1993-1994): 'Discourse Analysis' at the Jaume I University of Castellón, March 1-20, 1994.

· Visiting Professor at the University of Turin: February 15 to March 15, 1996.

· Gastprofessor of the University of Geneva: winter 2000/2001, winter 2001/2002 and 2002-2003.

· Gastprofessor of the University of Bern: winter semester 1990, summer semester 1991, winter semester 1991, summer semester 2002, summer semester 2003, winter semester 2003/4.

· Ordentlicher Professor at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland): from October 1989 to September 2002.

· Professor in the Quality Doctorate Program 'Interculturality and Translation' offered by the Department of Modern Philology of the University of León: 2003-2004, 2004-2005 and 2005-2006.

· Visiting Professor at the Università degli Studi de Firenze, Neolatine Language and Literature Department: summer semester of 2006.

· Professor in the Master's Degree in Secondary Education 'Classical languages and cultures: Latin and Greek' in the academic year 2009-2010, University of Valencia.

· Professor in the X Advanced Specialization Course in Hispanic Philology at the Center for Human and Social Sciences of the CSIC, Madrid, October 1-15, 2010.

· Research stay at the University of Geneva (February 1-28, 2011).

· Guest Professor at the Université d'Orléans: summer semester 2011 (March 7-22).

· Professor of the Master's Degree in Territory and Landscape during the 2010-2011 academic year at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Miguel Hernández University, teaching from April 18 to May 11 the course "History and aesthetic evolution of landscape".

· Visiting Professor at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon: summer semester 2011 (June 3-July 3).

· Visiting Professor at the Blaise Pascal University of Clermont-Ferrand: summer semester 2012 (January 15-February 15).

· Guest Professor l’Université d’Orléans: summer semester 2013 (March 1-31).

· Guest Professor at the Université Marne-La Vallée: summer semester 2014 (March 3-April 4).

Public management performed

Coordinator of Latin and Greek of COU in the university district of Alcalá de Henares, courses 1980-81 and 1981-82. Alcala de Henares University.

· Director of the Spanish Cultural Institute in Vienna: 1983-1990.

· Cultural Attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Vienna: 1986-1990.

· Cultural Advisor at the Permanent Representation of Spain before the UN and International Organizations based in Vienna: 1987-1990.

· Member of the working group of the European Convergence Innovation project of the Faculty of Philology of the University of Valencia during the 2005-2006 academic year.

· Director of the Classroom for Classical Studies of the Most Excellent Provincial Council of Valencia since 2011.

· President of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies, Section of Castellón and Valencia: 2004-2008.

· National President of the Spanish Society of Classical Studies: 2008-2016.

· From the Serra Húnter Programme, Member of the committee for the lecturer in Latin Philology (UB-LE-7033) post, Central University of Barcelona.

· Director of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Valencia: 2004-2006; 2015-2018, 2018-2021.

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