Jactatio capitis nocturna


The nocturnal jactatio capitis is a non-epileptic paroxysmal phenomenon typical of childhood. It occurs in stages 1 and 2 of NREM sleep or before sleep. It consists of stereotyped movements of the head or the whole body.


Emotional factors have been one of the variables that have been handled as the cause of the disorder, however the cause is unknown, but it is usually of family origin, it is a characteristic disorder of childhood. This disorder can persist into adulthood. It is considered a sleep disorder, although its severity is mild, despite this the child must be protected, modifying their sleeping environment, in a safer way, to avoid blows of greater intensity. Its appearance is in children from 9 to 24 months, and its symptoms are spaced out with the passage of time, until remitting. Its origins are currently debated, a fundamental theory is that they are movements of rocking to fall asleep, however another theory believes that it is a form of expression of activity and even childhood stress accumulated during the day. As previously mentioned, if these symptoms last for years, it is considered a disorder of family and contextual origin.


Tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines can be used for treatment. From behavior therapy, an aversive stimulus associated with the episode (for example, a light or a sound) can be used. It is also advisable to place protections on the beds to avoid bruises. There is not only clinical or psychological treatment, you can also resort to physical treatments through natural remedies, either passion flower (natural treatment for nervousness) or other infusions. When taking into account this last way of presenting the different ways of dealing with the situation, we must take into account consumption and its precepts, since in most cases we are talking about minors, that is, people who are growing and still without development. complete.

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