J. Jonah Jameson


John Jonah Jameson Jr. is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics, commonly in association with Spider-Man. The character was created by writer Stan Lee and artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March 1963).

Jameson is often depicted as the editor or editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, a fictional New York newspaper. Recognizable by his toothbrush mustache, flat haircut, and always presenting a cigar, he conducts a smear campaign against Spider-Man. He employs photojournalist Peter Parker, who, unknown to Jameson, is Spider-Man himself. Throughout the comics, Jameson has held other jobs, most notably as Mayor of New York City for several years before resigning.

Depictions of Jameson have varied over the years. He sometimes comes across as a stubborn and pompous tightfisted fool who yells at his employees and resents Spider-Man out of jealousy. Other writers have portrayed him more humanely, as a contemptuous but at the same time caring boss who, however, has shown great courage and integrity in the face of the various villains with whom the Clarín comes into contact, and whose campaign against Spider-Man stems more from fear of young people following his example. Regardless, he has continued to be a major part of the Spider-Man mythos.

He and Peter Parker are related by marriage as a result of his father's wedding to May Parker. Jameson's son, John Jameson, is the supporting character in the Marvel Universe who, in addition to his work as a famous astronaut, has become a Werewolf and Star-God and also married She-Hulk, making Jonah his father-in-law at the time.

Acclaimed actor J. K. Simmons played the character in both the Spider-Man trilogy (2002 - 2007) and will return in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films for Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in his cameo and Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), he also appears in the web series TheDailyBugle.net (2019-present) and an uncredited cameo in television in Sony's Spider-Man Universe film for Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021). Simmons also voices him in several additional works, such as The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Avengers Assemble, Ultimate Spider-Man, Lego Marvel Super Heroes: Maximum Overload and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.

Character Story


In keeping with the Behind the Mustache series, this is a story featured in the Spider-Man Tangled Web series #20 (January 2003), J. Jameson was raised as a child by David and Betty Jameson. David was an officer in the United States Army, a decorated hero war veteran. At home, however, he used to abuse his wife and son. As a result, Jameson grew up with the conviction that "no one is a hero every day of the week" and that "even true heroes can't remain so all the time." Subsequent issues of The Amazing Spider-Man clarified that David Jameson was actually Jonah's adoptive father and brother of J. Jonah Jameson Sr., J. Jameson's biological father, who left behind the child of him for unexplained reasons. It is unknown if Jameson Jr. remembers him.

He was a boy-scout growing up. In high school, his interests were primarily boxing and photography. He met his first wife, Joan, when they both joined their high school's photography club. When the top three athletes in the school started bullying him, he fought and defeated all three of them. This impressed Joan, and they began dating. They got married as soon as they finished school.

After school, Jameson sought employment as a journalist. In Marvel #1, a young journalist boasts to his colleagues that he will one day run the Daily Bugle; According to writer Kurt Busiek, he and artist Alex Ross thought this would be J. Jonah Jameson, but the Spider-Man line editor objected that Jameson was too young to have been alive during the 1940s, when the film was established. history. As it was too late to redraw the scene, the editor settled for Jameson's name being dropped from the issue. When the United States joined World War II in 1941, Jameson served as a war correspondent in Europe. Sergeant Fury and His Howling Commandos #110 featured him covering a mission for Sergeant Nicholas Fury, who led a team of commandos during the war.

After the war, he and Joan had a son, John Jonah III, who grew up to be an astronaut. When Jameson returned from a reporting assignment in Korea, he was saddened to discover that his wife had been killed in a mugging incident while he was away. Focusing on his professional life to dull the pain, he was eventually promoted to editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle, eventually becoming the owner of the paper, thus living up to his earlier boasts.

Jameson earned a well-deserved reputation for journalistic integrity, but his greedy opportunism and unwavering belligerent stubbornness made him more than a few enemies.

Due to real-time advancement, Jameson's wartime experiences have either been ignored or recovered.


Cosplayer that interprets the character.

When Spider-Man becomes a media sensation, Jameson works hard to cast a shadow over Spider-Man's reputation; casting the masked hero as a deranged vigilante not only increases circulation for the Bugle, but also punishes Spider-Man for outshining Jameson's astronaut son. When Spider-Man attempts to counter the bad press by rescuing his son from danger, Jameson accuses the hero of staging the situation for his own benefit. (A retcon had Jameson target Spider-Man first, then John was dumped from a talk show to make room for the hero).

This episode sets a pattern with Jameson and Spider-Man's relationship: Jameson publicly accuses Spider-Man of numerous crimes and misdeeds, only to continually feel compelled to print almost as many retractions after being proven wrong. The lead story of the next issue, Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963), establishes another part of the pattern: Peter Parker selling pictures of himself as Spider-Man to the Bugle with few questions asked., and Jonah using the footage to support his editorials against Spider-Man, unaware that he is giving him gainful employment in the process. After his accusations that Spider-Man is notorious crime leader The Big Man are discredited, Jameson admits that he is jealous of Spider-Man's bravery and altruism. Jameson believes that he cannot see himself as a good man as long as a hero like Spider-Man exists. Despite this, he openly idolizes Captain America, and Mary Jane Watson-Parker has suggested that Jameson hates Spider-Man. mainly because he acts outside the law. A psychiatrist suggests that it is the mask that bothers him, and that when Jameson sees people who "claim to be heroes, but cover their faces", he is subconsciously convinced that they are hiding a horrible secret., just like his adoptive father. While interviewing Spider-Man, Jameson says he used to think he was jealous or worried about children putting themselves in danger by following the hero's lead, but says the mask is why he doesn't care. like Spider-Man.

Though Jonah's grudge against Spider-Man sometimes subsides after he saves the life of one of his loved ones, his determination to find fault with the hero always returns soon. On his part, Spider-Man's reaction ranges from frustration and anger at the ungrateful editor, leading to occasional quips to antagonize him, to an amused acceptance of his self-destructive stubbornness.

Jameson messages rewards for Spider-Man's capture or secret identity, goes after him with Spencer Smythe's robotic Spider-Slayers, and even commissions super-powered agents to take down the masked man. He hires a private detective named MacDonald Gargan, subjects him to a genetic enhancement regimen and transforms him into the Scorpion, only for Gargan to go berserk and turn on his benefactor. Although Spider-Man protects Jameson from the Scorpion, Jameson maintains his role in the creation. of Scorpio's secret for years. He creates another superbeing, who became a supervillain, the Human Fly, who had his own vendetta against him. He hires Silver Sable and her Wild Pack to hunt down Spider-Man, and also hires Luke Cage to capture Spider. -Man when wanted for the deaths of Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn.

Though best known for his crusades against vigilante superheroes like Spider-Man, Jameson never hesitates to use the power of his role against supervillains, crime bosses (including the Kingpin) and corrupt politicians. He publishes a major exposé on presidential candidate Randolf Cherryh's criminal ties, acknowledging in advance that a retaliation lawsuit by Cherryh could bankrupt the Daily Bugle. Jameson later takes an aggressive stance against presidential candidate Graydon Creed, making him he attacks for his anti-mutant intentions and investigates the dark Operation: Zero Tolerance, though he never manages to discover the truth.

Family Ties

In Amazing Spider-Man #162 (November 1976), Jameson is introduced to Dr. Marla Madison, a distinguished scientist and daughter of a deceased friend of his. She enlists her help in creating a new Spider-Slayer, one of a series of robots created to defeat Spider-Man, though Spider-Man has managed to survive her attacks and destroy every one of them. Madison is interested in the challenge and joins Jameson in her efforts. The two grow closer, eventually getting married, but not before another attack by the Scorpion, who kidnaps Marla and is defeated by Spider-Man.Jameson remains a devoted, if slightly overprotective, husband to his second partner.

Marla Madison adopts Mattie Franklin, her niece and the daughter of one of Jonah's friends. Although Jonah is initially opposed to having a roguish teenager in his house, especially one who insists on affectionately calling her "Unca Jonah", he soon warms to Mattie, coming to regard her almost as a surrogate daughter. Two weeks after Mattie is kidnapped for the illegal extraction of mutant growth hormone, private investigators Jessica Drew and Jessica Jones track her down and inform Jonah and Marla that Mattie is also the vigilante Spider-Woman. In order to save Mattie, Jonah heavily promotes the agency. from Jones and later hires her as a reporter for the new Bugle magazine called Pulse.

Relinquishment Control

The guilt for creating the Scorpion catches up with Jameson when the Hobgoblin blackmails him about it. When he receives the threats, rather than succumb to the Hobgoblin, Jameson chooses to reveal it to the world in a public editorial. He steps down as Bugle's editor-in-chief, delegating the position to his immediate report, Joseph "Robbie" Robertson, but Jameson remains his editor.

Billionaire Thomas Fireheart buys control of the Daily Bugle from Jonah. Fireheart had felt that he owed Spider-Man a debt of honor and, in an attempt to repay the hero, bought the Daily Bugle and began a pro-Spider-Man campaign. Jameson starts a rival magazine that continues to produce articles. anti-Spider-Man. Spider-Man finds Fireheart's campaign shameful at best, and after repeatedly demanding that he stop, Fireheart challenges the intruder to a battle to the death in New Mexico. He then sells the Bugle back to Jameson for the sum of one dollar, on the condition that he print an obituary “To me or Spider-Man.” Jameson, though surprised by the request, agrees to the deal.

Blackmailed into selling the Clarin to Norman Osborn after threats were made against his family; simultaneously, he is attacked and chased by the supervillain Jack Furious. The time spent as Osborn's subordinate took a heavy mental toll, almost driving him to an assassination attempt, but he is eventually able to reclaim the Bugle after Osborn is driven into hiding for temporary insanity.


When a duplicate of Spider-Man, created by Mysterio, jumps in front of Jameson's car while driving home from work one day, Jameson crashes his car into a tree. He is believed to have died in the car accident, dying on impact, and the media blames Spider-Man for his tragic and untimely demise. Later, he is shown ascending to "the light", only for him to be condemned for all the injustices he committed in life. He is then shown descending into Mysterio's mounted version of Hell, where he is tormented by a Spider-Man-themed demon, though this is revealed to be part of Mysterio's revenge against Jameson. Eventually, Spider-Man rescues Jameson.

Spider-Man Unmasked

Jameson's influence on the paper as an editor is shown in Civil War 2006-2007: Front Line when he pressures his staff to support the federal government's Superhuman Registration Act, and continues to direct the overall tone of the paper, despite losing his hands more position. When Spider-Man unmasks himself and reveals himself to be Peter Parker, Jameson faints realizing that the man he called a menace had been on his payroll for years. In addition to Parker's revelation, Jameson is forced to deal with the idea that She-Hulk had become his daughter-in-law. This wasn't helped by the fact that She-Hulk and Spider-Man had previously sued him for libel.

It has since been revealed that Jameson had always believed that there was a bond of trust between himself and Peter Parker and that he had always regarded him as another son, the "last honest man" in the world; he had always bought photos of him, even the ones he considered inferior, to discreetly help him. After Peter's public confession, Jameson feels so betrayed and humiliated that he breaks their bond. He is determined to make Peter "pay up", despite the fact that Parker (as enforcer) and Jameson actively support the Superhuman Registration Act. He plans to sue Parker for fraud, demanding all the money he paid Peter over the years. However, he learns that the government has granted Parker amnesty for all the acts he had done to protect his secret identity, which included taking pictures of himself. Both this and his son's marriage to She-Hulk lead to Jameson goes into a fit of rage, and attacks his daughter-in-law with the original Spider-Slayer. She easily destroys him, and to smooth things over, comments that she's going to take on the fraud suit against Spider-Man (while privately trying to drag him out for as long as possible).

Later, Spider-Man bypasses the government in enforcing the Registration Act and joins Captain America's Secret Avengers, openly rebelling against the new law and fighting those who try to enforce it. Friendly Neighbor issues, Spider-Man reveals that Jameson posted a reward for bringing Peter back. He also commits libel against Parker by forcing Peter's old girlfriend, Debra Whitman, to write a false version of him; Betty Brant has secretly provided information about this to the Daily Globe, which then ran a front page exposé.

In the most recent development, Jameson's editor-in-chief and closest friend, Robbie Robertson, confronts Jameson and his poor treatment of Peter/Spider-Man over the years. Unable or unwilling to admit that he has gone too far in his hatred of Spider-Man, Jameson shoots Robertson. Later, Spider-Man learns of this from Betty Brant and decides that he and Jameson should have a long overdue "talk". Some time later, Jameson visits the Robertson house with a bottle of wine, two black eyes, and a broken hand. He tells Robbie that he discovered his office in the strap-covered Bugle, with an attached note telling him to meet Spider-Man at an old gangster hangout. Spider-Man tried to persuade Jameson to rehire Robbie, and Jameson gave him a choice: drop the suit against him or rehire Robbie. Spider-Man chose the former, revealing that he did so because he believes that Jameson only fired Robbie to get him over it. Spider-Man then told Jameson to hit him, as many times as he wanted, to finally work out his frustrations. Jameson was initially reluctant, until Spider-Man began pestering him, threatening to inform his wife and son of his "cowardice". Jameson snapped, and began hitting Spider-Man over and over again, resulting in his hand being broken. When it was all over, Spider-Man made his way to the rafters and returned a gazillion-copy roll of film to Jameson, and left. Later, at the Bugle, Jameson squashed the film under his foot, not quite sure why he was doing it. As he turned to leave, Betty Brant accidentally hit him in the face with a door, resulting in two black eyes from him. In the present, Jameson tells Robbie of his decision to rehire him and to drop the lawsuit against Peter.

Heart Attacks and Recovery

Jameson has his first heart attack, a minor one, in The Amazing Spider-Man #70, while being threatened by Spider-Man when the latter finally loses his temper after many years of abuse and defamation.

After the status quo in the Brand New Day story is revised, Peter's identity is once again a secret. The Daily Bugle has had a tough time as Peter didn't sell as many Spider-Man photos as usual and star reporter Ben Urich left. These circumstances led Jonah to face a purchase from wealthy Dexter Bennett. This forced Jonah to stop everyone's checks to build the capital needed to save the paper, and everyone at the Bugle temporarily worked for free as a sign of solidarity. Needing money for an apartment, Peter came to the Bugle claiming he owed him money, to which Jonah yelled at him, causing Peter to whine and yell, stating that his pictures kept the Bugle with what he sold while Jonah got the proceeds and paid him. to Peter a pittance. This caused Jonah to yell at Peter again, but he stopped dead in his tracks due to a second heart attack.

Peter spent an unknown period of time giving Jonah CPR to try to save him until the paramedics arrived; upon arrival, Jonah was taken to the hospital where he was depicted resting before surgery. His wife began talking to a lawyer about being able to sell the final shares of the Bugle without Jonah saying anything. When Peter, as Spider-Man, paid a visit, he accidentally let slip the Daily Bugle that he sold to Dexter Bennett, causing Jonah to suffer another heart attack, forcing Spider-Man to re-give him CPR.. Surprisingly, Jonah didn't blame Spider-Man for once, instead he kept muttering "Dexter Bennett."

Jonah's condition later improved, to the point where he is taking physical therapy sessions and tai chi classes. However, he loses his temper if he sees or hears about Dexter Bennett and the DB. Apparently, he's also in trouble with her wife, as he has yet to forgive her for selling her Bugle.

Mayor of New York

In a 2009 storyline, Jameson is elected mayor of New York City, while Spider-Man is in another dimension with the Fantastic Four, resulting in a month spent on Earth while they are just for a few hours. At his new office, Jonah is visited by his father, J. Jonah Jameson Sr., who demands Jonah stop his vendetta with Spider-Man, citing Spider-Man's many heroics and the fact that the Avengers and even Captain America had accepted it. Spider-Man then enters the mayor's office hoping to establish a truce with him only for Jonah to announce that he has assembled an "Anti-Spider Squad" to capture Spider-Man. Spider-Man responds by taking his superhero job into overdrive, committing heroics all over the city simply to anger Jameson. Jameson responds by placing his squad on double shifts, which puts a big hit on the city council's budget.

In the Dark Reign storyline, with Norman's rise to power, Dark Avengers member Spider-Man (actually Mac Gargan) seeks revenge on Jameson. When Jameson arrived at his house, he was shocked to find a dead stripper in his bed. When Gargan starts a gang war, Jameson goes to Osborn to help and is given " Spider-Man». He later discovers that Spider-Man has caused the gang war and attempts to confront Norman, though Spider-Man's name is cleared when he appears to save the Big Apple from Bullseye, Daken, and the gangs involved. Jameson's popularity jumps from having worked with Spider-Man to solve the problem, though he does not realize during the course of events that he is dealing with a different Spider-Man.

He also eventually learns that his father is marrying May Parker, something he personally doesn't like, but in the end reluctantly agrees, even offering to pay for the ceremony out of his own pocket and presiding over it. The marriage also technically makes him Peter Parker's brother/cousin, something he clearly doesn't like.

Later, Spider-Man tries to stop the Chameleon from setting off a bomb that would kill thousands. Jameson has his squad attacked with Mandroid suits. Spider-Man uses his knowledge of the Mandroid suits to disarm the bomb. The squad, instead of following orders and arresting Spider-Man, let him go. The next day, Jameson is shocked to learn that all the members of the squad have resigned, and Jameson's assistant tells him that Jonah is losing control due to Spider-Man's heroics. When Jameson yells about how the public has to see Spider-Man as a threat, the assistant says that this wasn't the Daily Bugle. He tenders his own resignation and tells Jameson that he has to choose between Spider-Man or helping the city.

Jameson then bails out Dexter Bennett to keep the Bugle afloat. This leads to a public backlash, which the villain, Electro, uses to his advantage. The electoral voters defeat the Bugle, a greedy corporation that begs for money, and draws the energy of their town supporters by turning on all their electrical appliances. In a confrontation with Spider-Man inside the building, Dexter Bennett is crushed by rubble, and the Daily Bugle building is completely destroyed. The destruction of the old Bugle headquarters is heartbreaking for Jameson, who is upset with his life's work and with all memories of him being destroyed.

During Spider-Man's encounter with the last Vulture in Amazing Spider-Man #623-624, a mob boss falsely claims that Jameson was responsible for his creation so that that Vulture will attack Jameson. As a result, Spider-Man fights the Vulture to protect Jameson. The security guard, Gabriel Graham, whose name Jameson didn't even know, gives his life to protect Jameson from the Vulture, something that greatly affects Jameson, and causes Peter to decide to take a doctored photo showing Jameson trying to fight the Vulture. While the factual image again endorses Jameson by some of the public, eventually causing several people to admit the truth of the situation, Jameson exposes the image as a fake and publicly fires Peter Parker, leading Peter to be blacklisted.

During the "Heroic Age" storyline, J. Jonah Jameson witnesses the reformation of the Avengers, and is later targeted by an assassin called the Extremist.

After Spider-Man saves all of New York from a bomb planted by Doctor Octopus, his son and Steve Rogers talk Jameson into holding a ceremony to give him the key to the city, much to his annoyance. At the same time In time, he cashes in the shares he owned in DB!, turning the money over to Robbie Robertson, so he can rebuild the Front Line into the new Daily Bugle.

During the events of the "Big Time" storyline, Alistair Smythe attempted to kill J. Jonah Jameson. Marla Jameson jumped in front of him saving his life, but was killed in the process. While holding Marla, Jameson did not blame Spider-Man, instead blaming himself. During the villain's attacks by Massacre, Jameson comforts a boy named Liam who lost his mother when Massacre attacked the bank he was visiting, the plans for Alistair Smythe to receive the death penalty for what happened to Marla. After Spider-Man defeats Deadpool and prevents the NYPD from killing him and turns him over to the police, Jameson berates Spider-Man for saving the life of an assassin. However, Spider-Man replies that "no one dies".

During the "Spider-Island" storyline, J. Jonah Jameson's popularity as mayor has plummeted and his Anti-Spider-Man squad is considered a huge tax waste. He is shown to have been infected with spider powers and soon mutates into a spider-like creature where he nearly kills Allistair Smythe, partly due to being responsible for the death of Jameson's wife. The Mayor is eventually cured. of the spider virus, along with the rest of the citizens of New York.

During the Until the End of the World storyline, Horizon Labs is shut down by Mayor Jameson (albeit without a warrant) on charges that it conducts dangerous experiments and harbors criminals like Morbius, where Max Modell's lawyer Hector Baez, had to fight the company's accusations. He puts the city under martial law with his Anti-Spider-Man Squad patrolling the streets to prevent any looting during the Until the End of the World” storyline. However, when Horizon Labs returns as heroes, Jameson is forced to reopen his New York facility to save face, though he still demands Morbius' ouster.

Working with Superior Spider-Man

After Superior Spider-Man (the mind of Doctor Octopus in Spider-Man's body) stops the Sinister Six, Mayor J. Jonah Jameson comes to thank him personally, while Peter Parker's conscience is shocked upon seeing Jameson's drastically changed attitude towards the hero. On top of the police station Jameson builds, Chief Pratchett and Carlie Cooper stand near the makeshift "Spider-Signal". Jameson brags about his wise government policy, while Carlie doubts the superior Spider-Man will ever appear. But she finally does it and short-circuits the signal. Jameson swears over the taxpayer money spent, and Superior Spider-Man explains that they can hamper him using the signal, humiliating Jameson between the lines. When Massacre drills through the doors of Grand Central Station to explode, this even worries Jameson.. While speaking at a press conference, Jameson is suddenly attacked by criminal pranksters Jester and Screwball who assault their victims and broadcast it over the Internet on a web show called "Jested" (similar to the popular TV show Punk'd) Both pranksters humiliate Jameson and broadcast it around the world, where even the Superior Spider-Man gets a laugh. Then Jameson himself summons him to City Hall, where he asks him to arrest Jester and Screwball. Superior Spider-Man dismisses him at first, but after Jameson reminded him of all the times Superior Spider-Man had played pranks on him (and even Otto remembers Peter's pranks against him), he agreed to watch them get their act together. patrol app. Superior Spider-Man beats up Jester and Screwball where his brutality is seen throughout the city, including Jameson (who enjoys the punishment).

Jameson argues with his father about Superior Spider-Man's actions. Jameson later recruits Superior Spider-Man to help oversee the execution of Alistair Smythe. Jameson arrives at the Raft for a final inspection before Smythe's execution, where he has said that all Raft inmates will be transferred once Jameson shuts it down, noting the infirmary where Boomerang, Vulture, and Scorpion are cared for. Jameson, along with Superior Spider-Man, his assistant Glory Grant, and Bugle reporter Norah Jones, watch the proceedings of Smythe's execution, as he claims to be a "better person."

Jameson reflects on the moment Smythe killed his wife Marla right in front of him and sadly proclaims that he will not make good on his last wish until Smythe dies, vowing not to leave the island. After Smythe's escape, Jameson, Glory Grant, Norah Winters and the remaining civilians are surrounded by Superior Spider-Man's Spider-Bots and are later informed by Otto (in a pre-recorded holorama) that he has taken steps to counter any escape attempts. for his Spider-Bots to safeguard them in a force field while reinforcements arrive, but Jonah refuses to stand inside the force field, willing to go and help Superior Spider-Man against Smythe. When Smythe gets the upper hand on the Superior Spider-Man, Jameson poses as a prison guard to shoot Smythe. Superior Spider-Man accuses Jameson of leaving the force field, but Jameson confronts Superior Spider-Man to tell him that he brought him in to ensure Smythe is executed by any means necessary, implying that he has given Superior Spider permission. -Man to directly kill him. Superior Spider-Man agrees and tells Jameson to return to the force field with the others. Smythe sends Scorpion to target Jameson. Jameson is attacked by Scorpion who was more than willing to kill him only to be stopped by the Lizard. Once aboard the rescue boat, Jameson prepares for a press conference, thinking that he will be happy once The Raft is destroyed. Superior Spider-Man separates him and tells him that he should give him the Raft for his new base of operations. Jameson refuses to be blackmailed by Superior Spider-Man with a recording of his meeting on the Raft, where Jameson grants Superior Spider-Man permission to kill Smythe. Fearing the repercussions (and in the process reigniting his hatred of Superior Spider-Man), Jameson agrees and makes the announcement at his press conference where he publicly gives Superior Spider-Man the Raft as his new superhero headquarters that Superior Spider -Man renames it "Spider-Island II".

During the Goblin King's Underground Goblin attacks, Mayor Jameson reveals the Goblin Slayers (which Mary Jane believes may be ancient Spider-Slayers) that he plans to use to combat the Goblin threat. Jameson orders one of the Goblins to be dispatched. Goblin Slayers to the robbery site and then go after Superior Spider-Man. His Spider-Slayers face off against Superior Spider-Man as Spider Slayers with Jameson's face projected onto the faceplate. Jameson replies that he is done blackmailed by him and he doesn't care if Jameson loses everything as long as he can finally defeat Superior Spider-Man, but his Spider-Slayers are reactivated by the Green Goblin and the voice sounds declaring that he has taken the control of the Spider-Slayers as the Green Goblin comments that Norman Osborn now runs this town. At New York City City Hall, Jameson is under heavy fire for the fact that his spider-slayers have turned on the people.. He tries to blame Alchemax, but his accusations are quickly rebuked by Liz Allan who appears via video link stating that Alchemax is cutting all ties with Jameson. Jameson shows his frustration at his personal downfall after the failure of the Spider-Slayers, but Tiberius Stone uses this as an opportunity to sell them as weapons to other nations. Spider-Man then retrieves his body. Octavius sacrifices his own mind to return Peter and acknowledges that Peter Parker is the real Spider-Man and that the Green Goblin's plan is thwarted. Spider-Man visits Jameson's office to confront him after what happened and returns the Spider-Bot that Doctor Octopus used to record his blackmail material. Jameson replies that he won't accept it since he wouldn't believe what Spider-Man says, now regarding him as a "monster" who doesn't accept the consequences of his actions and instead steps on others. Spider-Man replies that he won't expect him to believe this, but says that he shouldn't fear him, and that he shouldn't blame himself for everything Green Goblin caused, but rather stay and fight. Once Spider-Man leaves, Jameson reveals that he had already resigned from his position as mayor of New York City and leaves office, vowing to refuse from now on.

A New Direction

During the Original Sin storyline, the eye of the murdered Uatu the Watcher revealed that J. Jonah Jameson had fired a former Daily Bugle employee for viewing an embarrassing article he wrote in which he praised to Spider-Man in his early days as a fighter. Jameson later established the Data Channel. As Silk fights Electro and Spider-Man with the Black Cat, Jameson remains on the channel forcing the cameraman to film the action. Black Cat deflected one of Electro's bolts hitting Spider-Man, knocking him down in the process. Black Cat tries to unmask Spider-Man while Jameson (hearing the truth about Doctor Octopus) aims the camera. However, Jameson's angle prevents anyone from seeing Spider-Man's face long enough for Silk to take Cat down. Black and Spider-Man to get him to put his mask back on. They would later see him take over the Fact Channel's operations, acting as if he were the head of the company and taking an interest in Silk.

After Regent's defeat and Betty Brant's exposure, Jameson boasts to Glory Grant that his days at the Daily Bugle were when real journalism had passed. Jameson and Peter Parker later learned that his father Jay, estranged from the family, coughed up blood and collapsed.

While visiting his father in a private room at Mount Sinai Hospital at the beginning of the Dead No More: The Clone Conspiracy story, Jameson accuses Peter that his world travels could made him contract some kind of disease. Jay calms down his son. Jameson received a visit from the New U Technologies doctor when called by his father's doctor. Jameson suspects there is a "price" for this and leaves. Later, Jameson visits New U Technologies to speak with the doctor. To prove to Jameson that his talent for using a subject's DNA to clone replacement parts works, Jameson is shocked when the doctor calls in an apparently revived Marla Jameson. With his father's health failing, Peter has to endure Jameson and May's concerns over his extreme skepticism of using New U, with his secret identity preventing him from informing them of the real reason he is hesitating. Peter is adamant about following conventional procedure, and Jay has sided with him. Peter's superheroic efforts prevent him from accompanying May and Jameson as Jay's health reaches critical and he undergoes conventional surgery. To make matters worse, this is not enough and Jay passes away.

The revived Marla Jameson is revealed to be a clone that the Jackal had gathered to grow clones with false memories that span all the way to her death. Jameson was later pleased with Marla's clone and conceded with another clone. revived from Mattie Franklin. When Jameson wants one of his workers to investigate the New U setting in San Francisco, Cindy volunteers to get away from the city when Hector Cervantez (now calling himself Specter) accompanies her.. Jameson is excited for her because her family is back together and is going to dinner, but Cindy found out something about her behavior. Cindy's suspicions are confirmed when she finds Jameson talking to his deceased wife while Specter finds a room with several pod test subjects, Cindy is accosted in her apartment by Jameson. Cindy gives him Rafferty and Lola's research to express her skepticism about New U Tech and Jameson invites her to join him on a quick tour of the facility. He tells Cindy that he thinks they are doing a good job and introduces her to Mattie and Marla.

After J. Jonah Jameson is brought to Haven with his clone wife, he asked the Jackal to revive his father. Jackal told him to go upstairs to promote New U Technologies on TV. As Jameson is about to send a transmission message from the New U Technologies, the Jackal reactivated the transmission to tell the world that they will all die and be reborn as the Carrion Virus in all clones and will cause them to begin to decay rapidly. Jameson causes the Carrion virus to spread throughout the world. Spider-Man and Anna Maria Marconi arrive to stop the broadcast when Mattie reveals his superpowers to Jameson. After Spider-Man sends out the Webware Emergency Signal, Jameson and Silk find Marla and Mattie reduced to dust. After the Carrion virus is thwarted, Jameson is heartbroken when Spider-Man and Anna arrive. Jameson begs Spider-Man not to tell Peter that he was right about his suspicion of New U Technologies, Jameson later cleans out his office after he is fired by the Data Channel.

During the Secret Empire storyline, J. Jonah Jameson was in Manhattan when Baron Helmut Zemo used the Darkhold to amplify Blackout's powers to surround the city in Darkforce after Hydra took over. the United States. When Kraven the Hunter raided the Daily Bugle seeking information on Spider-Man's identity, Phil Sheldon's daughter, Jennie, ran over to warn Jameson that he might be in danger. When Jameson was attacked by Kraven the Hunter, Jennie Sheldon shot a signal flare into the sky long enough to attract the attention of Spider-Woman who defeated Kraven the Hunter.

Following a tense confrontation with Spider-Man sparked by a rogue branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., Spider-Man agreed to an exclusive interview with Jameson which culminated in the revealing of his secret identity, prompting Jameson to become more supportive of the Spider-Man. hero in the future.

Jameson is later kidnapped by Norman Osborn to find out who Spider-Man is. Osborn takes a brief break from the torture to kill Phil Urich while the self-proclaimed Goblin King was trying to attack one of his old warehouses. After Osborn dressed as the Green Goblin, Jameson informed the villain that he couldn't stop Spider-Man since Gwen Stacy's death. Those words made Norman remember that Spider-Man is Peter Parker, breaking the mental block on Spider-Man's identity. This left Jameson devastated by what he did.Jameson and Superior Octopus later help defend Aunt May from the Red Goblin. When Spider-Man removes the Green Goblin's Carnage symbiote, Spider-Man persuades Jameson not to shoot him.

Family members

These are the known relatives of J. Jonah Jameson:

  • David Burnoll - J. Jonah Jameson's stepfather. Later he revealed that he was also his paternal uncle.
  • J. Jonah Jameson, sir. - J. Jonah Jameson's separated father. Then she married Aunt May. In the history of The Clone ConspiracyJay died later in the hospital.
  • Joan Jameson - J. Jonah Jameson's first wife. She was killed by a masked attacker. This led to Jameson's anger problems, as well as his hatred for masked people like Spider-Man.
  • John Jameson - J. Jonah Jameson's son who works as an astronaut.
  • Marla Madison - J. Jonah Jameson's second wife. She was later murdered by Alistair Smythe.
  • Peter Parker - J. Jonah Jameson's cousin.
  • May Parker - stepmother of J. Jonah Jameson.

Other versions


In 1602: New World, the sequel to Marvel 1602, Jameson is an Irish settler and a friend of Ananias Dare. He prints the Roanoke colony newspaper, The Daily Trumpet, with the assistance of Peter Parquagh, whom he orders to learn more about the mysterious "spider," believing it to be a threat to the colony.

Earth X

In the alternate reality of Earth X, everyone on Earth has been affected by the Terrigen Mists, granting everyone superpowers. Jameson turns into a humanoid donkey (a human body with an equine head). It is also revealed that after publishing information exposing Peter Parker as Spider-Man, his reputation was ruined, as no one trusted a man who had spent years paying off the very hero he called a threat, and the Daily Bugle has come out. in bankrupt. He has captured Jack Russell (Werewolf) in the old Bugle offices and brings him food, presumably mistaking Russell for his son John the werewolf.

G.I. Joe

In the original GI Joe Marvel Universe, Jameson is seen pestering a news vendor over the apparent lack of Daily Bugle papers.

M's House

In the "House of M" reality created by the mad Scarlet Witch and in which mutants dominate baseline humans, Jameson is Peter Parker's battered publicist, here a celebrity with no secret identity. Despising Peter and only keeping his job for pay, Jameson gets the chance to completely ruin his boss when the Green Goblin gives him Peter's old journal. Learning that Peter is an alter rather than a mutant, Jameson reveals to the world's populace, that he comes to hate Peter for pretending to be a mutant. He is left heartbroken and guilt-ridden when Spider-Man appears to have killed himself.


In the MC2 continuity, an alternate future of the mainstream Marvel Universe, Jonah is still the editor of the Daily Bugle. His wife Marla is still alive and he hires May Parker, Peter's daughter, as a photographer. Ironically, he is very supportive of Spider-Girl, in contrast to his stance on her father (in the MC2 continuity, Spider-Man's identity was never made public). He also supported "Project Human Fly" 34;, another attempt at creating a superhero, this time in response to the death of Joseph "Robbie" Robertson at the hands of Doctor Octopus. When "Buzz" Bannon, the target of the Human Fly project, is killed and the suit stolen, immediately condemning The Buzz, the identity assumed by the person who stole the suit. However, he is unaware that his own grandson, Jack "JJ" Jameson and The Buzz are one and the same person.

Marvel Zombies

In the alternate universe of Marvel Zombies, Jameson is eaten by the zombie Spider-Man in his own office, when Zombie Spider-Man confronts him. In Marvel Zombies, he proves that he was right about Spider-Man being a threat. This occurs right after Spider-Man comments that he was "going to enjoy this part".

Spider Gwen

On Earth-65, J. Jonah Jameson is the mayor of New York City. He held a press conference against Spider-Woman after she supposedly killed Peter Parker.

Marvel 2099

In Marvel 2099, in an unnamed alternate reality, an aged J Jonah Jameson was apparently alive in the year 2099, where he was the new CEO of Alchemax. He is responsible for the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Act which calls for the forcible arrest and removal of all non-compliant superpowers. Eventually, it is revealed that he is a shape-shifting Skrull operative who was heavily brainwashed into believing that it was Jameson.


J. Jonah Jameson's counterpart at DC Comics is Daily Planet editor-in-chief Perry White, boss of Clark Kent (Superman).

In other media


  • J. Jonah Jameson first appeared on TV in the series Spider-Man (from 1967). He is a selfish, greedy and cowardly rascal who automatically accuses Spider-Man of any crime, even when the evidence clearly contradicts him. It is implied that he has some psychic ability in an episode in which the Green Dude tries to use it as a means for a demonic invocation. He is constantly against Spider-Man, for example in the episode "Farewell Performance", where he wants an old Castle Theatre to be destroyed, but when Spider-Man claims he agrees with the old buildings that are being shot down, Jameson says that the Daily Bugle now tries to preserve the old buildings, which is what Spider-Man wanted. He makes a trait for magic in his role when he is sent free tickets from Blackwell the Magician, showing his pettyness. In the "Sting of the Scorpion" episode, he realizes that he saved the employees, even though he added most of the time. In the episode of the second season "King Pinned" (which followed the episode "The Origin of Spider Man"), Jameson's attitude towards Spider-Man warms up a bit until he helps Spider-Man defeat Kingpin and expose a drug during his first meeting. Not openly hostile, Jameson seems to be more surprised that Spider Man actually exists. Earlier in the episode, Jameson gives Peter a job in the Bugle when he remembers that Peter is the nephew of the late Uncle Ben. In the third season, he blamed Spider-Man for crimes.
  • It also appears in the series Spider-Man (of "real image"), 1977, incarnated by Robert F. Simon (except for the pilot chapter, where David White interpreted it). In both incarnations, the abrasive and flamboyant personality of J. Jonah Jameson was attenuated and the character was portrayed as a more avuncular figure.
  • It also appears in Spider Man and his amazing friends (1981-1983), in episodes, "The Origin of Iceman", "Spider-Man: Unmasked" and "The Origin of the Spider-Friends".
  • It appears in the series Spider-Man, Anniversary Series (1994). In this series, the aversion of the Spider-Man character is less based on his powers and actions and more on his concealment of his identity behind a mask like his wife was murdered by a masked gunman in this continuity. The series also portrays his integrity as a journalist, refusing to hide the truth even when it is in his best interest and portrays his allegiance to those who work for him. Examples of the previous include shooting Eddie Brock, when John Jameson confirms the Spider-Man version of which he stole a mineral that John and a fellow astronaut have brought from an asteroid and the publication of an article on chemical weapons are developed by Oscorp despite being one of his shareholders and council members. In this series, he secretly hired attorney Matt Murdock when Peter Parker was framed by Richard Fisk and personally discovered the evidence that exonerated Robbie when he was framed by Tombstone. The character's trademark is not included in the most recent television series in the series. In "Farewell Spider-Man," J. Jonah Jameson of Spider-Man's high-tech reality doesn't hate him and is represented as Peter Parker's godfather.
  • It appeared in only episode 1 of the animated series Spider-Man Unlimited (1999-2001).
  • He also appeared in some episodes of The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008-2009). This version carries a soul patch along with its brand moustache (which together form an exclamation mark) and shows a level of hyperactivity not seen in any of its previous incarnations, as well as an obsession for time, punctuality and the similar deadlines to the JK Simmons film is a popular portrait of the character. Apart from that, it retains its aversion to Spider-Man from comics, and delights in anything that can discredit or defame him and describes Spider-Man as a threat and a vigilante. He also retains much of his cynical, avuncular, and abruptly with his staff and shares a similarity with his counterpart in comics from the main stream of comics in the 1970s. He also tends to be busty and difficult to get along, although his secretary Betty Brant seems waterproof by his bloviating. Although he considers Spider-Man a threat (if at least a photo-dignite), he seems to be fond of Peter Parker while he suggests the tomato juice to the boy to kill the garbage stench on him after a photo shoot in a junkyard and protects him from Rhino covering him bravely while he can escape. When she finds out Aunt May had a heart attack during the Six Sinisters attack on Broadway, she says she'll tell Peter the news. It also blames Spider-Man for the sudden profusion of psychopaths disguised as Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin and Rhino in New York City (although this assumption is really correct in the episode "The Invisible Hand" when Tombstone reveals that at least some of the Super-villains were created specifically to occupy Spider-Man so that the most common criminals can continue their activities without obstacles). At one point, he calls for the title of " Spiderman: Threat or Threat?" In the second season, his hatred of Spider-Man gets worse. After your son John is affected by the spores that a rider in the symbiont makes him grow and have great resistance and jumping the high limits, John convinces his son to be a superhero and take Spider-Man down. The spores then take the mind of John making him violent and aggressive. After Spider-Man gets rid of the spores with electricity, Jonah then witnesses to his son longing for spores powers and blaming Spider-Man for destroying his son. When Venom (Eddie Brock) reveals Parker's identity to Spider-Man, Jonah hardly believes it, although he still wants to make sure. On Valentine's Day, his wife Joan Jameson makes him go to an opera even though he doesn't want to. After making an excuse to his wife to get out of the stage, he witnessed the battle of the crime lords Tombstone, Dr. Octopus and Silvermane just as Jameson ironically made an excuse to leave the opera. After Spider-Man stops them and reveals Tombstone as the Big Man, Jameson accuses Spider-Man of assaulting an outstanding citizen, but Frederick Foswell discards him by whispering in his ear. Jameson responds angryly by saying "It doesn't matter." After Norman Osborn evaluates the safety of the vault by putting Spider-Man there, Jameson regoes on it. After Spider-Man manages to escape the vault, Jameson states that Spider-Man and all villains are working together to increase their blood pressure.
  • It also appears in the series The Avengers: The Most Powerful Heroes of the Planet (2012) of the second season, only in episode 13, "The Arrival of the Spider". When Tony Stark visits Jameson trying to tell him that Captain America who appeared on TV was a Skrull disguised. He made it clear that several high-level people have told him this including the President, but he "still" does not believe them and has been calling Captain America as a traitor. During the conversation, Stark points out that Jameson has been campaigning against Spider-Man similar to what he now does to Captain America for years. Jameson suggests Tony should take Betty Brant and Peter Parker to get proof of Captain America's innocence. Jameson later has the Daily Bugle print a story about Captain America saves the people of Spider-Man and the Society of the Snake who lead Spider-Man to go "to shut his mouth with spider."
  • It appears in the new series Ultimate Spider-Man (2012-2017), with the voice of JK Simmons. Like his Ultimate counterpart, he gets rid of and distrusts the spider-man's masked guards a lot. He runs the news network Daily Bugle Communications:
    • In the first season, in his first two appearances "A Great Power" and "A Great Liability," he said there will be an arrest warrant for Spider-Man. He is seen at the end of "A Great Responsibility" reporting the battle that Spider-Man, Power Man, White Tiger, Iron Fist and Nova defeat the Four Terrible. In the episode "La Exclusiva", Mary Jane Watson follows Spider-Man for an exclusive interview in order to sell the images of a contest held by the Daily Bugle. Although Mary Jane did not win the contest after the Hulk fight with Zzzax, Jameson sends Mary Jane a new camera. In the "Down with the Beetle" episode, Jameson is targeted by the Beetle to start campaigning to expose him to Spider-Man and his team entering the Daily Bugle to stop the attempted murder of Beetle. After Escarabajo is defeated by the Spider-Man team and finds out about Jameson is not in his office, but in the monitor representations, Mary Jane unplugs the monitor after she comes for interviews. In the "Daños" episode, Jameson sends one of his people to record the Spider-Man team helping Damage Control to clean up the area that was destroyed in the fight against the demolition brigade that is transmitted. After Spider-Man's team, the CEO of Damage Control and Mac Porter, defeated the Demolition Brigade that was also recorded, Jameson appears on the nearby television monitor stated that Spider-Man's victory over the Demolition Brigade still doesn't prove anything.
    • In the second season, episode "Hombraraña!", Jameson puts a reward of $10,000.000 in the apprehension and unmasking of Spider-Man. Near the end of the episode, Jameson withdraws Spider-Man's reward by claiming that the ratings of his broadcast lowering "had nothing to do with Spider-Man as he is in Boston, because only Manhattan can tolerate Spider-Man." In the episode "El Hombre-Lobo", Jameson invites the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury to fix a rescue team to look for his son, John Jameson. After John was rescued, Jameson mentioned in his transmission that he blamed Spider-Man for his son's Wolf Man transformation. When Jameson asks Nick Fury what he's gonna do about it, Fury tells Jameson that his son was rescued by Spider-Man. Before you finish your transmission with Jameson, Nick Fury tells you to "put that information on your mustache and chew it." In the "El Regreso del Hombre de Arena" episode, Jameson reports about Spider-Man working with the Arena Man where Jameson makes some negative comments about the Arena Man causing him to go in a riot.
    • In the third season, episode, "Agent Venom," Jameson comments on people's opinions about Spider-Man changing after he had worked with the Avengers. In the episode "The Univers-Araña, Part 1", Jameson's 2099 version makes its transmission through a hologram where it reports on Spider-Man 2099. The version of the changing gender reality of J. Jonah Jameson is an older lady named J. Joanna Jameson reporting on Spider-Girl. In the episode, "The Univers-Araña, Part 2", the Noir version of J. Jonah Jameson is shown as an image with his voice that is heard in his radio broadcasts. In the reality of Spider-Ham, J. Jonah Jackal appears where his Spider-Ham speech that made him temporarily abandon the superhero business. In the episode, "The Univers-Araña, Part 3", a version of the medieval reality of J. Jonah Jameson is a city pregoner (which is referred to in the subtitle and credits like "J. Jonas James'Son") that rents about Spyder Knight, while telling people to pay the Alchemist for protection. The latest version of Marvel by J. Jonah Jameson shows where he still thinks Spider-Man is a threat to the current Spider-Man being Miles Morales. In "Pesadilla en las Fiestas", Jameson makes a bad Spider-Man critique of causing havoc for Christmas, in front of the fight against Shocker.
    • In the fourth season, episode, "Fuerzas de la Naturaleza", when seen as a cameo on the Hydro-Man vault. In "La Saga Simbionte, Pt. 2", you see on the screen being dominated by Carnage along with Manhattan.
  • It also appears in the new series Avengers Assemble (2013) again with the voice of JK Simmons. In the first season, episode "The Protocol of Avengers, Part 2", reports on the Avengers' fight among themselves on the Mansion grounds when they were taken by M.O.D.O.K. microbots. In the "Hyperion" episode, Jameson reports about Hyperion of his heroic activities. When Hyperion starts fighting the Avengers, Jameson reports on this action stating that Hyperion had the right message, but that he is the wrong messenger. After the Avengers defeated Hyperion, Jameson later stated that Hyperion was not a superhero.
  • It also appears in the new series Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. (2013-2015) again with the voice of JK Simmons:
    • In the first season, episode "Portal to Destruction, Pt. 1" when Rick Jones talks about Jameson's conversations about Hulk, Rick tries to double his voice so that Jameson can say good things about Hulk. In the episode "The Collector", Jameson compares Spider-Man and Hulk as threats until Hulk breaks television during the poker game of the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. with La Mole. In the episode "Ego Questions", Jameson reports on Ego's approach to the Living Planet and that S.H.I.E.L.D. says there's nothing to worry about. Jameson then reports that the end is near as Ego continues to approach Earth. After Ego the Living Planet was repelled, Jameson states that 'The Spider-Man plot' was arrested. In the episode, "Monsters Never More", Jameson reports about S.M.A.S.H. Agents helping the 4 Fantastics stop the Tribbitites from invading the Earth. When C.R.A.S.H. agents attack Green View using adamantium protective belts on a plot to discredit S.M.A.S.H. Agents, Jameson withdraws his compliments on them as he mentions how they are "attacking" Green View.
    • In the second season, episode "The Feature", Jameson reports on the disappearance of S.M.A.S.H. agents. When he commented on where they are, Jameson says, "Who cares?" In the episode "Arana, I enlarged Dinosaurus," Jameson reports that Spider-Man and S.M.A.S.H. agents have unleashed the Devil Dinosaur in Manhattan. In the episodes of "Un Futuro Aplastante" presented alternative versions of J. Jonah Jameson's timeline. In the episode "A Future Squatter, Part 1: The Era of Dinosaurs", the timeline dominated by dinosaurs presented a version of Jameson dinosaur called J. Jonah Jamesosaurus who reported on Spider-Raptor activities. In the episode "A Future Squatter, Part 3: Dracula", the Vampire-dominated timeline introduced a Jameson vampire who informs all human beings to allow them to become vampires. In the episode, "A Future Squatter, Part 4: The Years of HYDRA," Hydra's timeline presented a version of Jameson reporting a message to the Leader (who is the leader of HYDRA).
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in the second season Spider-Man with Bob Joles' voice. It appears for the first time in "How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation", where it is angry with Eddie Brock for not providing good-quality Spider-Man images. Thanks to Randy calling for a favor from his father, Peter Parker requests a job at the Daily Bugle. In the episode "Take Two", Peter gives Jameson the images of Spider-Man fighting against Salvaje Group, for great anger of Eddie Brock. Jameson is satisfied with the footage and Betty Brant gave Peter a check. Later, Peter sees Spider-Man images with Jameson criticizing Spider-Man. In the "Venom Returns" episode, Jameson is among the people kidnapped by Venom and even fired Eddie when he unmasked himself as Venom. During this time, he considered the version of Spider-Man by Miles Morales as a third-class threat. When Spider-Man fights with Venom on Horizon High, he's unmasked in front of a Jameson still trapped while Miles appears posing as Spider-Man. After the sonic weapon puts the symbiote Venom and Eddie in a coma, Peter told Jameson that he had been hired by Spider-Man to provide a fun for Venom. Jameson fires Peter for working for Spider-Man on his plan and endangers innocence while Jameson falls to despair.


Abandoned James Cameron film

In the aborted James Cameron script; Jameson is a television executive rather than editor-in-chief of the Daily Bugle.

Raimi's films

  • In Spider-Man films led by Sam Raimi, J. Jonah Jameson is played by J.K. Simmons, and serves as a major source of comic relief. Represented as a fanfare, plastic, obsessive and hyperactive man, Jameson's film version retains its aversion by Spider-Man, and delights in everything that can discredit or defame him.
    • In the first film Spider-ManJameson describes him as a threat and a vigilante, and points out: "So why does he wear a mask? What does he have to hide?" In fact, the only reason why he develops an interest in publishing news about the hero is because he sells newspapers, and when he hears that no one has been able to get a clear picture of him, he states: "He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make it famous! "He also retains much of his cynical, avuncular and abrupt attitude with his staff, although he voluntarily protects Peter Parker when the Green Dude demands to know the identity of the Spider-Man photographer. When Peter accuses him of defaming Spider-Man, Jameson says: "That bothers me! Calumniar is spoken. In print, it's defamation. "He has the dubious honor of providing the nicknames for the central villains in the first two films: the Green Dude and Doctor Octopus, and wants his team to dial the name right away. In each film your office is reorganized and relocated; The first film offers an explicit reason for this, as in that film it is partially destroyed by the Green Dude.
    • In Spider-Man 2Throughout the film, it is shown that Jameson knows that Spider-Man is a hero, but he is too proud to admit it. He even comes to admit it when the crime and danger are fired and his son's fiancée, Mary Jane Watson, is kidnapped after Spider-Man temporarily disappears; faithful to his form, recovers almost immediately and gets furious with the web generator once again when Spiderman takes his suit off the Bugle to face Dr. Octopus. The Extended Cut of the Film Spider-Man 2.1 It contains a brief scene where Jameson puts on Spider-Man's suit and challenges on his desk, while Robbie Robertson, Betty Brant and Hoffman observe in a mix of surprise and confusion. Mrs. Jameson is alive and well in the movies, being mentioned in the first and third films and seen in the second. At his son's wedding, John Jameson and Mary Jane Watson, once it is clear that the bride had left the groom at the altar, the first thing Jameson does is to tell his wife to call the wedding banquet service and "tell her not to open the caviar" after she had obviously lost an earlier argument in which she did not want to buy caviar at all.
    • In Spider-Man 3Jameson establishes Eddie Brock and Peter Parker as rivals to get a staff job, and orders them to get some unflagging photos from Spider-Man. It has been shown that she allegedly has many medical conditions, and Miss. Brant (whom Jameson's wife reported) always warns him that he is too tense or when he needs to take his pills. Specifically, it is revealed that you have high blood pressure, and Miss Brant should always remind you to take care of your temper. Later, Jameson grants Brock the job because he managed to get one of Spider-Man stealing a bank, but then, thanks to Peter, he finds out that photography was a forgery made by Brock, totally angry Jameson fires Brock and what he did from his building. Despite his aversion to the hero, Brock's fake photo destroyed his newspaper's reputation, which hasn't printed a retraction in 20 years. He's surprised by Parker's new safe and aggressive attitude, caused by the black suit, especially when he finds them and Miss Brant flirting on his desk, exclaiming "Miss Brant, that's not the position I hired you for." In the culminating battle between Spider-Man, New Goblin, Arena Man and Venom, Jameson, unable to locate Parker, negotiates with a little girl in the crowd to get her camera to shoot the battle himself. She refuses to sell for less than a hundred dollars. After the cheap Jameson pays scolding, she discovers that there is no film in the camera, to which she explains, "The film is extra", for her fury.

Webb Films

  • While Jameson does not have a physical presence in The Amazing Spider-Man 2He says that Peter Parker is working for him by providing him with photographs of Spider-Man, and that Jameson is still slandering him. In a moment, Peter emails Jameson to ask him to take it easy on Spider-Man, but Jameson responds immediately with a refusal.

Spider-Verse movie

  • The version of the 1967 J. Jonah Jameson television series appears in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-VerseWith Stan Lee's voice. It appears in a post-credit scene at the time when Spider-Man 2099 visits his 1967 counterpart.

Marvel Cinematic Universe

J.K. Simmons reprises his role as Jameson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) film Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), making Jameson the first Marvel character played by the same actor in both the MCU and non-MCU films. Jameson appears as the host of The Daily Bugle, re-imagined as a "tabloid, right-wing platform-style video from InfoWars". In the film's mid-credits scene, he broadcasts doctored footage that incriminates Spider-Man for Mysterio's death and reveals the web-slinger's civilian identity as Peter Parker at the same time which praises Mysterio as "the greatest superhero ever". Simmons reprized his role as the MCU version of Jameson in the post credits of Sony's Spider-Man Universe live-action film, Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) and reprized the role of role in the MCU live-action film Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021).

Introduced in Far From Home, this version is unrelated to the version Simmons first played in the Raimi trilogy. Instead, this Jameson appears as the host of TheDailyBugle.net, an "InfoWars-type video platform" While he has the same hair color as his Raimi movie counterpart, Simmons doesn't wear a quiff to emulate Jameson's flat-topped hairstyle; appearing bald instead to differentiate the different representations of him. Additionally, Simmons announced that he's signed on to play Jameson in more MCU movies.

Video Games

J. Jonah Jameson has appeared in many of the Spider-Man video games, usually as a supporting character:

  • It appears in the video game Spider-Man 2000 with the voice of Dee Bradley Baker. Scorpion tries to kill Jameson on his part in creating it. Spider-Man saves Jameson and defeats Scorpion in battle. Later, Jameson tells two SWAT cops to take down and kill Spider-Man. Spider-Man gets away jumping out the window.
  • Although Jameson doesn't show up in Spider-Man 2: Enter ElectroThe Daily Bugle continues to print fake stories about Spider-Man working with the same villains he's fighting to stop, probably by Jameson's order. When Spider-Man finally defeats Electro, the Bugle credits Thor with victory.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in the Xbox version of the 2002 Spider-Man video game, with the voice of Jay Gordon. He tells Peter Parker to get photos at the zoo of a burning spider, resulting in a confrontation with Kraven the Hunter.
  • Jay Gordon repeats his role as J. Jonah Jameson in Spider-Man 2. At first he supports Quentin Beck's claims that Spider-Man is a fraud, but he accuses the two of being accomplices when it is revealed that Beck is Mystery.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Spider-Man 3with the voice of JK Simmons. He is the head of Peter Parker, as in movies and comics, who gives him several photography missions to complete. He is captured by Luke Carlyle and dumped from a helicopter in the air with an electric collar on. Spider-Man catches Jameson, and he has to keep track of the helicopter to keep Jameson from being electrocuted. After rescuing Jameson and taking off the necklace, Jameson is unwillingly grateful to Spider-Man for saving his life, possibly the only time in any medium he has. Later in the game, Jameson hires Parker and Eddie Brock to take photographs of Spider-Man in his new black suit, doing criminal activities.
  • While the character never appears in the games Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, mentioned in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance on a VS simulation disc where heroes fight Scorpion and in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 during a special conversation if the player chooses the anti-registration for Spider-Man, to what Maria Hill says "he just made J. Jonah Jameson a very happy man."
  • J. Jonah Jameson is briefly mentioned or seen in most Capcom 2-D fighting games with Spider-Man:
    • In Marvel Super HeroesSpider-Man's victory pose makes him photograph standing over his fallen opponent and saying "One for JJ."
    • In Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, appears next to Robbie Robertson if Spider-Man is one of the fighters on the stage of the Night-Cooking series.
    • In Marvel vs. CapcomSpider-Man's victory pose makes him pose for a photo with his partner, saying "I know Jameson will use this image to make me look like a bad guy." There are also several winning quotes that mention "JJJJ".
    • In Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two WorldsSpider-Man has an up-to-date version of the above-mentioned victory pose that says, "That's why JJ pays me a lot of money!" The Daily Bugle is a playable scenario with Jameson that appears in the background in a helicopter where he yells at the fighters, and also appears in the end of Spider-Man in the Arcade world where he says that Peter Spider-Man defeated Galactus a deception and that he was actually mad at him all the time.
    • In Marvel vs. Capcom: InfiniteJameson appears on the monitor at the bottom of the New Metro City stage. He appears on a news channel seen debate with Mayor Mike Haggar.
  • During the second time in the city in the game of Sega The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The KingpinJ. Jonah Jameson follows the player who's talking him wrong.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears on Stern Pinball's Spider-Man pinball machine. JK Simmons also recorded additional custom speaking lines suitable for a pinball game, such as "Extra Ball", "Jackpot" and "Hey, kid, you just won a free game."
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears on PlayStation 2 and PSP version Spider-Man: Web of ShadowsWith Daran Norris' voice. He's been captured by Spencer Smythe and A.I.M. so Spencer can clone him and use that clone to discredit J. Jonah Jameson and Spider-Man.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Spider-Man: Edge of TimeWith Fred Tatasciore's voice. In the introductory scene, he criticizes Spider-Man loudly in front of Peter Parker, saying grossly that people would soon throw a musical in his honor. When Walker Sloan changes the timeline to start Alchemax in the 1970s, Jameson becomes a controversial television news anchor at night.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Lego Marvel Super Heroeswith the voice of John DiMaggio. The Daily Bugle crashed during the fight of Captain America and the Fantastic Lord with Dr. Octopus when J. Jonah Jameson tries to call Peter Parker to realize that Peter became Spider-Man to help fight Doc Ock. On an extra mission, J. Jonah Jameson is present at the Daily Bugle at the time Phil Coulson was overseeing Dr. Octopus's community service to repair the parts of the Daily Bugle that were damaged during the above-mentioned fight, as Jameson tells them what to do. He also threatens to block Doc Ock and expose Phil as SHIELD agent if they don't clean the mess. Once the bonus mission was completed, Deadpool narrated that Jameson rewarded Doc Ock and Phil with a 50% subscription (actually 4%) of the Daily Bugle.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in the video game The Amazing Spider-Man 2again presented by Fred Tatasciore.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super HeroesWith Kyle Hebert's voice.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Spider-Man Unlimitedagain sounded by Kyle Hebert. He appears as an unplayable character. A mutated Jameson version of Spider-Island's story appears as a playable character.
  • J. Jonah Jameson appears in Marvel Heroes, played again by Kyle Hebert.

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