Italic languages

Distribution of the most spoken romance languages at the beginning of the 21st century: Spanish (dark green and light green), French (blue and celestial), Portuguese (orange), Italian (yellow) and Romanian (red).

The Italic languages constitute a group of Indo-European languages with a series of common features. It includes Latin together with its descendants, the Romance languages, and a certain number of extinct languages, spoken during Antiquity in the Italian peninsula, such as Oscan, Umbrian or Faliscan, among others.

They all descend from a common language, Proto-Italic or also common stage, after the Proto-Indo-European period. All Italic languages share a number of common isoglosses, unique words derived from Proto-Indo-European, and similar conjugations; thus, they are all centum languages that do not show palatalization of the Indo-European velar (palato) /*k, *kw, *g, *gh, *ghw/. Curiously, the Romance languages do present a later palatalization of the Latin phonemes /k, g/, although only before earlier phonemes /ε,e,i/ and Umbrian also presents this type of palatalization, but only before /k/.

Classification of Italic languages

The Italic languages include two large groups: the Latino-Faliscan languages and the Osco-Umbrian or Sabélic languages. These groups have been defined by the presence of certain isoglosses. For example, the Latino-Faliscan group is considered the most conservative, since it did not undergo the change from /-kʷ-/ to /-p-/ in contrast to Osco-Umbrian. In addition, Osco-Umbrian has some innovations with respect to Latino-Faliscan, such as the betacism of the initial /gʷ-/, fricatization of phonemes /-b-, -p-/ and /-d-/, aspiration or fricatization of the groups /-kt, -pt-/ and /-ks-/, reduction of the groups /-nd-/ or /-mb-/, aspiration or loss of /-g-/ before /-i-, -e- /. On the other hand, in the Latino-Faliscan group -gʷ- is reduced to -w-, losing -s- before -n-. The Latino-Faliscan group can be called Italic Q and the Osco-Umbrian Italic P, alluding to the assimilation of -kʷ- to -p-. It is very It is possible that the division between Italic Q and Italic P has no phylogenetic value, since Venetic seems to have been the first language to separate from the rest, due to its archaisms lost in the other Italic languages.

  • Latin-faliscan languages or also Latin-venetic
    • Latin-falis Group includes:
      • Latin, was spoken in central-western Italy. The Roman conquests expanded it through the empire and beyond.
        • Romance languages, Latin descendants.
      • Falisco was spoken in the area of Falerii Veteres (now Civita Castellana), north of the city of Rome.
    • Other languages considered Latin-faliscas by their isogloss are:
      • Sir, it was spoken in the eastern part of Sicily.
      • Venetic, was spoken at the northern end of the italic peninsula. The classification of the Veetic is controversial and some authors prefer to consider it an independent indo-European language, an independent and primitive italic language or a more closely related italic language with the osco-umbras languages. On the other hand, Varro in his work De lingua Latina makes 47 and 43 a. C, points to two languages of the italic peoples as more like Latin: the falisco and the sicle, since many words sound almost identical and had the same meaning.
  • Osco-umbra languages
    • Grupo oscoincluding:
      • Osco, spoken in the central-Mediterranean region of the Italian peninsula, with the following languages that, due to their close relationship, are sometimes considered dialects of this:
      • marrucino;
      • the sabino
      • the Peligno;
      • the one alone;
    • Umbro Groupincluding:
      • Umbro, spoken in the central-septentrional region of the peninsula, with the following languages that by their close relationship are sometimes considered dialects of this:
      • the bear.
      • the equation.
      • volsco;
      • the evening;
    • Picnic-presamnite group including:
      • the southern piceno;
      • the premnite, a language documented in the south.

The linguistic affiliation of Lusitanian, a matter still under discussion, is considered to be between the Celtic family and the Italic family, the latter theory being defended by various experts. On the other hand, Lusitanian would seem to be more of a transitional language between Celtic and Italic have to be belonging to those two branches.


Languages of the Italian peninsula during the Iron Age.
The Dark Table, an osque inscription.

The main debate about the origin of the Italic languages reflects the same as that of the Greek languages, except that there is no record of any "early Italic" to play the role of the Mycenaean Greek.

Proto-Italic was probably originally spoken by Italic tribes north of the Alps. In particular, linguistic evidence suggests contacts with Germanic and Greek speakers. Italic-speaking peoples probably moved to the Italian peninsula during the second half of the second millennium BC. C., gradually reaching the southern regions. Although an equation between archaeological and linguistic evidence cannot be established with certainty, Proto-Italic is generally associated with the Terramare culture (1700-1150 BC) and the Protovillanovian culture (1200-900 BC).

All that is known about the linguistic documentation of the Italic languages are the inscriptions made after the introduction of the alphabets in the peninsula, around 700 BC. C. onwards, and from Greek and Roman writers several centuries later. The oldest known samples come from Umbrian and Faliscan inscriptions from the 7th century BC. Their alphabets were clearly derived from the Etruscan alphabet, which was derived from the Western Greek alphabet not long before. There is no reliable information about the languages spoken before that date. Some guesses based on place names can be made, but cannot be verified.

At the beginning of the Iron Age, around 700 B.C. C., Ionian Greek settlers from Euboea established colonies along the coast of southern Italy. They brought with them the alphabet, which they had learned from the Phoenicians; specifically, what we now call the Western Greek alphabet. The invention quickly spread throughout the peninsula, across language and political barriers. Local adaptations (mainly minor changes in the shape of the letters and the removal or addition of some letters) produced several Old Italic alphabets.

The Osco-Umbrian languages were the most numerous and territorially extended Italic languages in contrast to the Latino-Faliscan ones, knowing 10 varieties: Osco, Umbrian, Piceno meridional, Presamnite, Sabino, Peligno, Marrucino, Marso, Ecuo, Vestino, Volscan and Ernic, located in the center and south. Of all the extinct Italic languages, Umbrian is the best documented by the Eugubinian Tables: a set of seven tables that dedicated sacrifices, rites and duties of a religious brotherhood to the Umbrian gods. The tables contain about 5,000 words and were written in the Umbrian alphabet, the first 4 and the last 2 longest in Latin, dating from the 2nd century BC. C. and I a. C.. Other inscriptions are dated between VII a. C. and I a. C. Umbrian apparently survived until the beginning of the Common Era and in the remote districts and valleys of the Apennines it was not yet completely extinct in the first centuries AD. C. Oscan is another extinct language best documented by 4 long inscriptions the Oscan Table, Bantina Table, Cippus Abellanus, the Capua Lead Sheet and more than 800 other inscriptions, written in the Oscan alphabet, Latin alphabet and Greek alphabet between the centuries. III a. C and I a. The Osco was preserved until the beginning of the Common Era and in Pompeii until the destruction of the city (79 AD), but it seems that it disappeared from official use after the Social War (88 BC). to give way to Latin. The remaining Osco-Umbrian languages are documented by less than 100 inscriptions, the most documented is the southern Picene for more than 50 inscriptions in their own alphabet between the 6th century BC. C. and III a. C. and does not seem to have survived until the Common Era d. C. Many of these poorly documented Osco-Umbrian languages were written in the Latin alphabet and some showed a strong Latin influence such as Marso, Peligno and Ecuo.

Of the Latino-Faliscan languages taking out Latin, Faliscan, the sister language of Latin, both located in a small part in the central east, is attested by some 355 inscriptions between the 7th century BC. C. and II a. C. It seems likely that it lasted, although gradually assimilated into Latin, until the beginning of the Common Era d. C. The Siculus located to the south on the island of Sicily, is attested by few short inscriptions in Greek alphabet between the VII centuries BC. C. and IV a. C. and according to Varro it was maintained until his time the 1st century BC. C. despite the fact that the inscriptions dated back a long time from the Roman colonization. The difficult to classify Venetic located to the north and separated from the rest of the Italic languages is attested by some 300 inscriptions written in the Venetic alphabet dated between the 6th centuries BC. C. and I a. C. and probably lasted until the beginning of the common era.

The oldest inscription in Latin is the Prenestine fibula dated to the 7th century BC. C.. In the first centuries of Rome, from its foundation to the IV century B.C. C., Latin had a limited territorial extension in Latium along with Faliscan in a small part of the central east. After the period of Etruscan domination and the invasion of the Gauls (390 BC), the city spread, in the form of a Republic, throughout the rest of Italy. At the end of the IV century B.C. C., Rome had already imposed itself on its Italic neighbors by imposing Latin in these areas.

There is currently no well-estimated date for the extinction of the non-Latin Italic languages, but according to Varro's writings, 43 and 47 BCE. C at least the Faliscan, the Oscan, the Umbrian, the Sabine and the Siculus were maintained until his time.

After the evolution of Proto-Italic, of all the Italic languages, Venetic of doubtful classification has been the most conservative language, another language is Siculus, both due to the retention of the vowel system, with inherited intact diphthongs and consonant clusters, Latin and Faliscan can also be considered partly conservative in the retention of consonant clusters. Oscan, Presamnite, and Southern Picene retain the vowel system, with the diphthongs inherited intact, but the consonant clusters present many innovations. The least conservative Italic language is Umbrian, which not only presented a change in the vowel system and consonant clusters but also palatalization of -k- before -e- as in the Romance languages (for example sesna, &# 'dinner' in Latin originally pronounced with -k-) and loss of consonants that differentiated the cases in the declension system and verb conjugation.

Similarities between the Italic languages were noted in antiquity BC. C by Roman grammarians such as Varro, Festo, Servius, etc. who noted similarities between Latin and some languages classified as Italic. Varro affirms that the Faliscan and the Siculus were the most similar to Latin, while the Sabine, the Oscan and the Umbrian consider them to be partly similar, but more different from the former.

Latin: (Varro in Latin lynch, 47 and 43 B.C.)English: (Translation)
"Hircus" quod sabini "fircos", quod illi "fedos", in Latio rure "hedus" qui in urbe ut in multis A addito "haedus". "Porcus" quod sabini dictus "aprunos porcos" per inde porcus. Sabini itaque "harenam" iustius quis dixerit quoniam apud antiquos "fasena" erat et "hordeum" qui "fordeom" et sicut supra diximus "hircus" quoniam "firci" erat "haedi" quoniam "fedi". Cum "haedus" sine adspiratione scribitur cum alioqui cum debeat quoniam antiquos "fedos" sit dictus et ubi F literam posuerunt nos literam (autem P) H substitutionmus ut quod illi "fordeom" saysbant nos "hordeum", "fariulom" quem nos "hariolum" similiter "fedom" quem nos "haedum" dicimus. Nec minus consonantes ut F et H utraque enim ut flatus est quare antiqui "fircom" cum nos "hircum" et quam falisci "habam" quod nos "fabam" apellamus. Si datum quod reddatur "mutuum" quod siculi dicunt "moetom". "Lepus" quod siculi quidam graeci dicunt "lepos" Roma quod orti siculi ut annales veteres nostri dicunt fortasse hinc illuc tulerunt et hic relinquerunt id nomen. Ut quod faleriis (Faliscum) veterem dicunt "hilum" quod minimum est "filum" id enim minimum est in vestimento."Hircus" (ternero) that the "ferco" savants, that they "fedos" in Latio rural "hedus" that in the city as much adiciona A, "haedus" (cabrito). "Porcus" (puerco) that the savannahs, "sweet porks" said by pork from there. The savannahs of just "harenam" (arena), who said because old was "fasena" and that "hordeum" (hordeum) equals "fordeom" and what we said "hircus" because "firci" were "haedi" because "fedi". With "haedus" without aspiration, with writing the opposite was because the old "fedos" is said and where they put the letter F our (but P) replace H as they "fordeom" say our "hordeum", "fariulom" that our "hariolum" (divin) the similarity "fedom" to the "haedum" that tenths. Not less the equal F and H consonants alike aspirated, that cause is the old "fircom" with our "hircum" and as the "habam" faliscosists we call "fabam" (haba). If given to assign "mutuum" (loan) that the syllables say "moetom". Lepus (bleep) that the syllables unlike the Greeks say "lepos" to Rome, that the syllables born in years of our ancestors perhaps say for this, they carried it and here left the name. Just as the forefathers (Falisco) say "hilum" that is the minimum "filum" (hylo) is at least in clothing.

Inscriptions show that around 700 B.C. C., many languages were spoken in the region, including members of various branches of Indo-European and several non-Indo-European languages. The most important of the latter was the Etruscan, attested by the evidence of more than 10,000 inscriptions and a few short texts. No relationship has been found between Etruscan and any other known language, and there is still no clue as to its possible origin (except for inscriptions on the island of Lemnos in the eastern Mediterranean). Other possibly non-Indo-European languages present at the time were Rhaetian in the Alpine region, Old Ligurian in present-day Liguria, and some unidentified languages in Sardinia. These languages have left a detectable trace in Latin. The largest language in southern Italy, except for the Ionian Greek spoken in the Greek colonies, was Messapian, known from some 260 inscriptions dating to the 6th and 5th centuries BCE. There is a historical connection of the Messapian with the Illyrian tribes, added to the archaeological connection in ceramics and metals existing between both peoples, which motivated the hypothesis of a linguistic connection. But the evidence for Illyrian inscriptions comes down to personal names and places, making it difficult to support such a hypothesis.

Common features

The term Italic languages is currently used to refer to a set of Indo-European languages that share a number of common features and a unique lexicon derived from Proto-Indo-European. Linguists have generally concluded that the ancient Indo-European languages of the Italian peninsula that did not were identifiable as belonging to other Indo-European families, such as Greek or Celtic, they belonged to a single Indo-European family, parallel to Celtic or Germanic. The promoter of this family was initially Antoine Meillet.

However, authors such as Silvestri and Rix argued that a reconstructible common Proto-Italic did not exist, which meets these two conditions: (1) It should have a phonological system that would explain that of the Latino-Faliscan languages and the Osco-Umbras simultaneously through later phonetic changes. (2) It should represent a phonology and morphology that presents changes from the common Indo-European state. These critical linguists propose instead that the ancestors of the Italic languages were different languages, that they descended separately from Proto-Indo-European in the more remote past, and entered Europe separately, possibly by different routes or at different times. This view is due in part to the difficulty of identifying a common Italic homeland in prehistory. For this reason, some authors have questioned the idea that all the similarities of the Italic languages are due to the existence of a linguistic stage called common Italic, whose diversification arose the languages. This theory was dominant during the 1980s and 1990s. However, Rix, Silvestri and other authors later changed their minds and became outspoken supporters of the Italic languages as a phylogenetic unit, finding that it is quite possible to reconstruct a proto-Italic Italic languages as a phylogenetic unit became more dominant today. In current Indo-European studies, Italic languages are considered a phylogenetic branch and current studies based on technical computational support the italic branch.

On the other hand, Bakkum defines proto-Italic as a "chronological stage" without an independent development of its own, but extending over late Proto-Indo-European and the early stages of Proto-Latin and Proto-War. Meiser's dates from 4000 B.C. C. to 1800 B.C. C., long before Mycenaean Greek, are described by him as "as good a guess as anyone". speak of a broader group called Italo-Celtic.

Schrijver defends a "proto-Italo-Celtic' stage, suggesting that it was spoken in "approximately the first half or middle of the 2nd millennium BC", from which Celtic originated. He separated first and within the Italic first the Venetic and finally the Osco-Umbrian and the Latino-Faliscan.


Italic languages share a number of common isoglosses and phonetic changes with respect to common Proto-Indo-European:

  1. Evolution of the lab occlusives: *p  p, *b  b, *bh-  f-, -*bh- (-f-)
  2. Evolution of alveolar occlusives: *t  t, *d  d. Sporadically Latin presents *d /2005 l, as in IE ♪ dnghwalingua or arcane Latin odor, olere.
  3. Evolution of the occlusives aspirated at word start: *bh-  f-, -*dh-  f-.
  4. Evolution of the guards: *k  k (c), *g h-  x-, f-
♪ bhréh2tēr 'brother'*frātērfratereifrāterfraterfratrfraterfrater
♪ dheh1ilyos 'son'♪ Girlfriends ♪steak 'brother'fīliusHilefeiliumfeliuffeiliom
*gheh1bh- 'have/haber'*xabeidhabeithabethabethipidHabehabit
  1. w  kw (b)What?(g)/k (b)c), *gw ▪ v/g/f
  2. Evolution of liquids: *l /2005 l and *r /2005 r.
  3. Evolution of non-syllabic nasals: *Vm /2005 Vm, *mV /2005 mV, *Vn , *nV  (here V denotes any vowel) and Silabical nasals: *Cm(C)  Cem(C) and *Cn(C)  Cen(C) (here C represents any consonant).
  4. Evolution of the semi-vocals: *w /2005 v, *y  i.


In grammar there are basically four innovations shared by the Italic languages:

  1. A suffix in the imperfect subjunctive *-sē (in bold the third singular person of the imperfect subjugation fusid and Latin foret, both derivatives *fusēd)
  2. A suffix in the imperfect indicative ♪-fā- (chuckles) fufans 'strong', in Latin it was sounded in -ba- as in portabant "bearing" and in umbro was given aspiration in -he(a)- as in staher They were.
  3. A suffix to derive adjectives from verbs ♪-ndo- (latin) operations 'working it'; in osco-umbro you have the additional reduction -nd--nn-, osco úpsannam 'working it', umbro pihaner 'purifying it').
  4. The formation of superlatives with the suffix PIE *-ism- (latin) fortissimus 'strong', osco Maimas 'more or more'), where in the other indo-European branches they derive from the suffix *-isto-.

In addition, Latin and the other Italic languages have an innovative future form derived from -bho, -bhis, -bhit,.... This form appears, for example, in the Latin form amabo et amabis 'I will love and you will love', in the Faliscan form cra carefo ('tomorrow shall lack', Latin crās carēbo) and in the Umbrian form struhçlas fiklas sufafas ('you shall climb the pile of figs', Latin struēs fīculas subības).

Lexical comparison

Among the Indo-European languages, the Italics share a greater percentage of lexicon with the Celtic ones and for this reason they are gathered in the group of Italo-Celtic languages. Below is a list of cognates between Latin and the other Italic languages reflecting their phonetic evolution from Proto-Italic.

'other'♪ alterosalteralttreetre
'mano' (acus.)*manommanumhandmmanimmanuvemenomhandm
'that one'illeOleAsk him.ullOleoli
'This one, here'*xeikehicfeceikeThat one.Heie.eik
'of the man'*xemonshominisFemonhumunshomonus
'tanto'♪ so manytantusetantufetantuboth.
'Thank you.'*gwrātosgrātiāsbrateisbratGraphs
'people, everything'tōtustoutotoutostotatoutoteuta
'being'That's it.esumezumeromThat's it.That's it.
'a, next door'adadazati
'have, have'*xaβeoI would havehafumhabeuhabem
'camino, track'*wijāviaviaI traveledviaviavia
'gift, don't.'*dōnomdōnumdonomdunumdonomdonom
'more'*ma urgeismagismagismaismonth
'Before, pre-*praipraeprepraiprepra praprai
'multa'*moltafinemoltamuta muta muta muta
'first'♪ let's move ♪prīmumpramompromompromom
'of peace'*pākispācisPacrispeace
because, therefore,*kwodquodquodpúdpuřeqodkude
Like*kuteiututeipuzI put
'Clear, lift'TolleretulomentelusToler
alsoitemeiteThat one.itom
That's it.♪ Eastestestisteststi
Me.*e urgeegoechoehoego
me.* do.
like this.*SeiβeisibiSeifiseibeiselboi


The following table shows the numerals of various Italic languages, together with the reconstruction in Proto-Italic and Proto-Celtic:

GLOSALatin-faliscan languages Osco-umbra languages PROTO-
Classical Latin DarkUmbro

duf*dwō (m. nom.)
*dwōs (m. ac.)
'3'Tritrēs (m.f.)
tria (n.)

trif (m.f.)
triia (n.)
*treyes (m.f.)
tria (n.)

'4'♪ whoa ♪QVATTVOR

seftem♪ sehtem*septem*seχtam
♪ nuvemnuvim*nowem*nawan
*decem*decem♪ dekem♪ dekam

The asterisk designates forms reconstructed on indirect linguistic evidence and not forms directly attested to in any inscription.

Sample Text

  • Latin:
Old LatinClassical LatinSpanish
Iovesat deivos qoi med mitat nei ted endo cosmis virco sied as ted noisi ope toitesiai paca rivois duenos med feced en manom ei nom duenoi ne med malo statod.Iuverat divus qui me mitat ni te in comis virgo sit as te nisi ope tutori paca rivis bonus, me fecit in manum ei num bonus ne me malo stato.It will help the god who brought me into you, the young Cortez, I know your penny, but the tutoring power, pays the good river, makes me in hand the good now, not my evil has been.
  • Falisco:
Iovei Menerua lunonei falesce quei in Sardinia sunt donom dederunt magistreis Latrius, Saluena, Voltai coiraverunt. Gonlegium quod est aciptum aetatei agedai opiparum ad veitam quolundam festosque dies quei soveis astuties opidque Volgani gondecorant saipi sume comvivia loidosque ququei fuc dederunt inperatoribus summeis utei sesed lubentis bene iovent electantis.Jupiter, Minerva and the Faliscos who in June in Sardinia gave gifts to the teachers Latrio, Saluena and Voltio, cured them. The school that is accepted in the age of the opiate agenda to life in times of feast and days that his cunnings of the villa and Vulcano condecorate it, often assumes the coexistence and the game, whoever, here they gave the emperors the headquarters ready, as well as help by opting.
  • Vehicle
Nunus tentim imarus, taina mi emitom esti duram na nepos hard mi emitom esti veliom. Nedem poni tantom eredes vino Brtome.Nine dreadful tendons, my tape emitted is hard, not my hard grandson with this broadcast wanted. Much less putting the heirs both Bertome came.
  • Dark:
Kerríi arentikaí manafúm paí púsi heriam leginúm aflakud suvam úrsur íním malaks nistrus Pakiúi Kluvatiud valaímas puklúm ant kadúm damia leginúm idik tifei manafúm Viibiaí prebaí ampulúm radad. Kerríi arentikaí valaímas puklúm it úllas leginei radad lamatir akrid eises dunte it kaíspatar it krustatar. Svaí nip avt svaí tiú idik fifikus púst eis kúm kafad avt nei púttiad punu avt svaí píd perfakúm púttiad. Níp Hungarian nip supruís aisusis púttians pidúm púttians úfteis Pakim Kluvatiúi valaímas puklúm. Pun far kafad níp púttiad edum menum limupi paí húmuns bivus karanter. Súluh Pakis Kluvatiís valaímas puklúi turúmiad. Viibiaí Aquiaí svaí aflakus Pakim Kluvatim valaímas puklúm subra íním tuaí leginei it sakrim svaípúh aflakus húntrus terras húntrus apa, Pakim Kluvatim puklúm valaímas Keríi arentikaí avt úlas leginei.Ceres the avenger, ordered that someone strong from his legion aflija, his bears to the bad near the best boy Pacio Clovatio, before falling the secret legion, sent you the assistant pravo Vibia surrendered. Ceres the avenger, the best boy and them of the legion surrendered, defeated, beaten those teeth, fallen and cruel. If or if you later decree that, it could or could not be when, or if it can perfect. Neither inferior nor superior sacrifices can anything, has chosen the best boy Pacio Clovatio. When the wheat fits and cannot be eaten or diminished the hunger of some living men fed. Only Pacio Clovatio the best boy trembles. He saw Aqua if Pacio Clovatio the best boy afflicted your legion and sacred, that you afflicted under the earth, under the water, Pacio Clovatio the best boy, Ceres the avenger or them of the legion.
  • Umbro:
Esuk frater Atiieřiur eitipes plenasier urnasier uhtretie Kastruçiie ařfertur pisi pumpe fust eikvasese Atiieřier ere ri esune kuraia prehabia piři uraku ri esuna si herte et puře esune sis sakreu perakneu upetu revestu puře teřeIta fratres Atiedis decreverunt plenaris urnariis auctura Castruccii affertor quis quinque erit in collegiis Atiedis is rei hostiae curet praebeat quid ad illiam rem hostiam sit oportet et quod in Sacré sollemnes optato revisito quod datur eorum emanturThus the Atiedii brothers decreed in urnary plenary assemblies, of the authority of the clinging Castruccii, who of the five is at the Atiedi school of the healing offering, select those of the offering that is required in the sacrifice, will be sacred, chosen the ceremony review that is of that, issuing the required and pious when it becomes tripled from the agribusiness, reviewing the required.
Ařfertur pisi pumpe fust eřek esunesku vepurus felsva ařputrati fratru Atiieřiu prehabia et ere anticipa pusti kastruvuf.Affertor quis quinque erit id ad sacrificecium vaporibus subsidiarye arbitratu fratrum Atiedorum praebeat et is privi post castrum.The clinging of those of the five will be he of the steam sacrifice of the arbitrate subsidiary of the Atiedis brothers and offer the subsequent private castle.
Frater Atiieřiur that eitipes plenasier urnasier uhtretie Klauvier fel ařfertur Atiieřie kumnahkle ukre eilvasese Atiieřer ape anpelust muneklu habia numer anticipa pusti kastruvuf et ape purtitu fust muneklu habia numer funir pusti kastruvufFratres Atiedii ita decreverunt plenariis urnariis auctura Cluii fili affertor Atiedi comitium Atiedio ocre collegis Atiedis atque impenderit munusculum habeat nummis privi post castrum et atque porrectum erit munusculum habeat nummis bonis post castrum et atque supraThe Atiedis brothers thus decreed in urnal plenary assemblies, of the authority Cluii son of the clinging Atiedi on the Atiedi committee of the Atiedis colleges and will impose a favor of coins, have coins for the later private castle and also be offered a favor of good coins and also on the favor of coins have the double of coins for the subsequent castle and also the brothers to be straight to dinner, make the decree
Sve mestru karu fratru Atiieřiu pui ullu benurent prununsiakurent kuratu rehte eřek prufe si si.If maior carum fratrum Atiedorum qui illo venerint pronuntiaverint curatum recte id probe sit.If the Atiedis brothers are very expensive that they will come, they will pronounce the right cure, be the proof.
Sve mestru karu fratru Atiieřiu pui ullu benurent prununsiakurent kuratu rehte neip erum enuk fratru ehvelku feia frateker ute kuestur panta muta ařferture si.If maior carum fratrum Atiedorum qui illo venerint pronuntiaverint curatum recte nec esse tunc fratrum decretum faciat magister aut quastor quanta fines affertori sit.If very expensive to the Atiedis brothers who will come, they will pronounce the right cure of or be, then make the brothers the decree of the magisterium or the quastor, how much fine, be clinging.
Panta muta fratru Atiieřiu mestru karu pui ullu benurent ařferture pepurkurent herifi etantu mutu ařferture si.Quantam finm fratrum Atiedorum maior carum qui illo venerint affertori pepercerint oportuerit tan fin affertori sit.How much fine the Atiedis brothers, how expensive they will come to clinging, would require such a fine, be clinging.
  • Southern Picnic
Matereih patereih Qolof itur pirquoih arith imih pupunum estufek apaius adstaiuh suais manus menitinum.The mother and father of Colus have been beautiful to art and image, who from the picnos here on the tip will raise the monument with their hands.
  • Volsco:
Deue Declune statom: Se pis atahus pis Velestrom facia esaristrom se bim asif vesclis vinu arpatitus. Se pis toticu covehriu sepu ferom pihom estu ec se Sepies Cosuties Ma Ca Tafanies medix sistiatiens.God Define the state: If anyone who will touch Velestria made the ox sacrifice, the aces, the vessels and the desired wine. If the public of the assembly knows to bring this pious here if the judges, Sepio Cossetio and Marcos Cavio Tafanio were.
  • Peligno
Pracom usur pristafalacirix prismu Petiedu ipui Dadu Ibdia omnitu Uranias ecuc empratois clusu ist Cerfum saacirix. Semunu sua aetatu firata fertilid praicime Perseponas af dede, eite vus pritromem pacris puss ecic lexe lifar deti vus dida hanustu Herentas.The first wife of the galan, the first Petiedia prostitute there, Ibdia took Urania out of this command, is the priest of Ceres. Semono his ferocious, fertile age in the Perseponian kingdom from the given, go to the peace of happiness read in this book that gives you divinity the honest Herentas.
  • Marrucino
Aisos pacris toutai marroucai lixs assigns ferenter auiatas toutai marroucai Ioues patres ocres Tarincres Iouias agine iaf.c. esuc agine asum bau pollenis feret regenai piai Cerie Iouia pacr. si eituam amatens uenam nipis ask for your requestDivine peace to the city of Marrucina, you assign the law, will bring auspiciousness to the city of Marrucina of Father Jupiter and Mount Tarincris the celebrations of Jupiter, so the celebration of the roasted ox and dust will bring the pious queen Ceres and Jupiter peace, whether money will love the offering or touch no one, asks for his.
  • Marso:
Case Cantouios apruf clano ceip apur finem esalicom en urbid Casontonio socieque dunom atoer Actia pro legionibus martses.Cayó Cantovio, approves to bend the tombstone in the place of the willow tree, near the town Casontonio socia and the dark gift of Angitia for the plain legions.
  • Ecuo
Via inferior privatast Titus Umbreni feilius Cai precarious itur pecus plostrum ni quis agat.The lower track would deprive Tito Umbreno son of Caio, who is precarious to go in cattle carts, and no meetings.
  • Dressup
Tites Vetio duno didet Herclo Iovio, brat data. Sacaracrix cibat Cerria licina saluta salaus.Titus Vetio gave the gift to Hercules and Jupiter, thank you given. Priest of Ceres barley upward, salute safely.
  • Sabino
Mese ne flusare Poimunien atrno ausom hiretom.The table will not blossom, Pomon alters the gold, has wounded.
  • Presamnita
Vinuys Veneliis Peracis estam tetet Venel Veniciiu.Venox Venelio Peracio gave this to Venel Venecio.
  • Ethnic
You kill either udmon or kait.Adored object, don't shoot it or break it.
  • Veneable
Mego donasto sainatei Reitiai porai Egetora Aimoike louderobos. Mego donasto Fugia Fougontia sainssei Reitiai.I donate the healing Reitia, the good Egetora, Aemo and the free. I donate Fugia Fougontia and Reitia the healer.

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