Isotype (Neurath and Arntz)


Isotype (International System of Typographic Picture Education), also known as a symbol, in graphic design is an element used to identify a brand, be it an organization, a product, an event, a communication campaign or an ideological slogan. It is a graphic sign that does not include the name of the identified entity. The name derives from as an acronym of ISOTYPE (International System of Typographic Picture Education), name with which the sociologist Otto Neurath and illustrator Gerd Arntz named their project previously called Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik.(Viennese Method of Statistics with Images) developed in the Social and Economic Museum of Vienna between 1925 and 1934. That project sought a way to communicate visually in a simple way. Although the acronym comes from English, in that language the acronym is not used isotype word to refer to this brand element.

The logo can be a very important element in visual identification design. Virtually all brands have a logo, some have both a logo and an isotype, and very few are able to identify themselves with just one isotype. When a graphic brand includes an isotype, it should be considered as the main identifying element, above the logo.

Once the trademark signs have been defined in a corporate identity project, they are applied in stationery, vehicles, merchandising , and all kinds of messages issued by the brand, being able to fulfill different functions. Isotypes can be figurative, they can be made up of typefaces, or they can be abstract. What defines an isotype from other brand elements is its symbolic function, beyond what the meanings of its shapes and colors are.


In 1924, the sociologist and educator Otto Neurath and the illustrator Gerd Arntz, developed the isotype (Spanishization of ISOTYPE, "International System of Typographic Picture Education") with the aim of communicating information through a simple non-verbal medium. The isotype was characterized by being made up of graphic symbols through which knowledge was transmitted visually without using any written language, which made it a worldwide system. The purpose of its creators was to socialize information and make it accessible to the broadest sectors of society, without distinction of class, nationality or language. In that sense, the socialist perspective with which both ideologues started was decisive.

Although Neurath intended the isotype to be used for educational purposes, it ended up having more impact on the evolution of graphic design and more notably influenced the field of infographics and visual information, disciplines that were in full evolution at that time. epoch. Usually an isotype is referred to as a logo, this is incorrect since by its origin an isotype must communicate independently without the use of the written word .

Formatting conventions and instances

The isotype is the fundamental element of a visual identification design project. It may or may not include symbolic references to the identified entity.

In one example, taking the Marlboro cigarette brand.

  • The Philip Morris shield is the logo of Philips Morris (the manufacturer).
  • The logo is the written word Marlboro , with its actual original typeface, color, and kerning.
  • The red figure that occupies the upper part of the container (the red stylized M) is the isotype of Marlboro.
  • The size and location of each element corresponds to the rules of spatial location.

These four elements together, in addition to the regularization of color and texture, constitute the Marlboro corporate brand. An atypical case because it includes a trademark sign from another entity, the manufacturer, which officiates as a brand endorsement.

The example of Nike

The Nike logo called "swoosh" was created by design student Carolyn Davidson in 1971, for which she received 35 dollars at the time, inspired by a wing of the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, in addition to having Victoria wings ( in Roman mythology), was a symbol of good luck and was said to have great speed, which is what Nike reflects with its sports products.

In 1983 he received from the company a diamond ring with the symbol of Nike and shares of the company for a secret value.

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