ISO 3166-2
ISO 3166-2 is the second part of the international standard for standardization ISO 3166, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which defines the identification codes of the main subdivisions (for example, provinces or states) from all countries coded in ISO 3166-1. The official name of the standard is Codes for the Representation of Country Names and their Subdivisions - Part 2: Country Subdivision Code, which was first published in 1998.
The purpose of ISO 3166-2 is to establish an international standard for unique short alphanumeric codes, to represent the relevant administrative divisions and dependent territories of all countries, for use on package, container and other labels similar objects. A short alphanumeric code can serve to clearly indicate a location in a more convenient and less ambiguous way than the full place name.
Each complete ISO 3166-2 code consists of two parts, separated by a hyphen:
- The first part is the ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 code of each country
- The second part is a chain of up to three alphanumeric characters, which are usually obtained from national sources and the encoding systems that are already in use in the country concerned, but can also be developed by the ISO itself.
Each complete ISO 3166-2 code can be used to uniquely identify a country subdivision in a global context.
Currently, more than 4000 codes are defined in ISO 3166-2. For some countries, codes are defined for more than one level of subdivisions.
Current codes
The following table can be used to access the ISO 3166-2 codes for each country. The table contains the following data:
- Entry: ISO 3166-1 alfa-2 code assigned to each country or territory. Click to see the ISO 3166-2 codes of that territory.
- Country or Territory: Common name of the country or territory. In italics the official denomination of the country or territory according to ISO 3166.
- Subdivision codes assigned: Number and type of subdivisions with code assigned in ISO 3166-2. In italics the second-level divisions are indicated.
Entrada (clic para ver los códigos) |
País o Territorio (en cursiva el nombre oficial en la ONU y en la norma ISO) |
Códigos de subdivisiones asignados (en cursiva las divisiones de segundo nivel) |
AD | Andorra | 7 parroquias |
AE | Emiratos Árabes Unidos | 7 emiratos |
AF | Afganistán | 34 provincias |
AG | Antigua y Barbuda | 6 parroquias2 dependencias |
AI | Anguila | — |
AL | Albania | 12 condados 36 distritos |
AM | Armenia | 1 ciudad10 regiones |
AO | Angola | 18 provincias |
AQ | Antártida | — |
AR | Argentina | 1 ciudad23 provincias |
AS | Samoa Americana | — |
AT | Austria | 9 estados federados |
AU | Australia | 6 estados2 territorios |
AW | Aruba | — |
AX | Aland !Åland Islas Åland |
— |
AZ | Azerbaiyán | 1 república autónoma11 ciudades66 raiones |
BA | Bosnia y Herzegovina | 2 entidades 1 distrito con estatus especial 10 cantones |
BB | Barbados | 11 parroquias |
BD | Bangladés Bangladesh |
7 divisiones administrativas 64 distritos |
BE | Bélgica | 3 regiones10 provincias |
BF | Burkina Faso | 13 regiones 45 provincias |
BG | Bulgaria | 28 regiones |
BH | Baréin Bahrein |
5 gobernaciones |
BI | Burundi | 17 provincias |
BJ | Benín Benin |
12 departamentos |
BL | San Bartolomé Saint Barthélemy |
— |
BM | Bermudas | — |
BN | Brunéi Brunei Darussalam |
4 distritos |
BO | Bolivia Bolivia (Estado Plurinacional de) |
9 departamentos |
BQ | Bonaire, San Eustaquio y Saba | 3 entidades públicas |
BR | Brasil | 1 distrito federal26 estados |
BS | Bahamas | 31 distritos |
BT | Bután Bhután |
20 distritos |
BV | Isla Bouvet | — |
BW | Botsuana Botswana |
9 distritos |
BY | Bielorrusia Belarús |
6 provincias1 región especial |
BZ | Belice | 6 distritos |
CA | Canadá | 10 provincias3 territorios |
CC | Islas Cocos Islas Cocos (Keeling) |
— |
CD | República Democrática del Congo Congo (República Democrática del) |
1 ciudad10 provincias |
CF | República Centroafricana | 1 comuna14 prefecturas2 prefecturas económicas |
CG | República del Congo Congo |
1 capital 10 regiones |
CH | Suiza | 26 cantones |
CI | Costa de Marfil Côte d'Ivoire |
19 regiones |
CK | Islas Cook | — |
CL | Chile | 16 regiones |
CM | Camerún | 10 regiones |
CN | República Popular China China |
23 provincias5 regiones autónomas4 municipios2 regiones administrativas especiales |
CO | Colombia | La capital32 departamentos |
CR | Costa Rica | 7 provincias |
CU | Cuba | 15 provincias1 municipio especial |
CV | Cabo Verde | 2 regiones geográficas 22 municipios |
CW | Curazao Curaçao |
— |
CX | Isla de Navidad | — |
CY | Chipre | 6 distritos |
CZ | República Checa | 13 regiones1 ciudad capital 91 distritos |
DE | Alemania | 16 estados federados |
DJ | Yibuti Djibouti |
5 regiones1 ciudad |
DK | Dinamarca | 5 regiones |
DM | Dominica | 10 parroquias |
DO | República Dominicana | 1 distrito31 provincias |
DZ | Argelia | 48 provincias |
EC | Ecuador | 24 provincias |
EE | Estonia | 15 condados |
EG | Egipto | 29 gobernaciones |
EH | Sahara Occidental | — |
ER | Eritrea | 6 regiones |
ES | España | 17 comunidades autónomas2 ciudades autónomas 50 provincias |
ET | Etiopía | 9 estados2 ciudades |
FI | Finlandia | 19 regiones |
FJ | Fiyi Fiji |
4 divisiones1 dependencia |
FK | Islas Malvinas Islas Falkland [Malvinas] |
— |
FM | Micronesia (Estados Federados de) | 4 estados |
FO | Islas Feroe | — |
FR | Francia | 22 regiones metropolitanas4 regiones/departamentos de ultramar 96 departamentos metropolitanos 6 departamentos y colectividades de ultramar |
GA | Gabón | 9 provincias |
GB | Reino Unido Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte |
3 países y 1 provincia: * Inglaterra: 27 condados no-metropolitanos, 32 municipios de Londres, 36 distritos metropolitanos, 55 autoridades unitarias, 1 corporación (City de Londres) * Escocia: 32 concejos * Gales: 22 autoridades unitarias * Irlanda del Norte: 26 distritos 3 términos geopolíticos: Inglaterra y Gales, Gran Bretaña y Reino Unido |
GD | Granada | 6 parroquias1 dependencia |
GE | Georgia | 10 regiones2 repúblicas autónomas |
GF | Guayana Francesa | — |
GG | Guernsey | — |
GH | Ghana | 10 regiones |
GI | Gibraltar | — |
GL | Groenlandia | 4 municipios |
GM | Gambia | 1 ciudad5 divisiones |
GN | Guinea | 8 regiones administrativas33 prefecturas |
GP | Guadalupe Guadeloupe |
— |
GQ | Guinea Ecuatorial | 2 regiones7 provincias |
GR | Grecia | 13 periferias 51 departamentos1 parte autogobernada |
GS | Islas Georgias del Sur y Sandwich del Sur Georgia del Sur y las Islas Sandwich del Sur |
— |
GT | Guatemala | 22 departamentos |
GU | Guam | — |
GW | Guinea-Bisáu Guinea Bissau |
3 provincias 1 sector autónomo8 regiones |
GY | Guyana | 10 regiones |
HK | Hong Kong | — |
HM | Islas Heard y McDonald Isla Heard e Islas McDonald |
— |
HN | Honduras | 18 departamentos |
HR | Croacia | 21 condados |
HT | Haití | 10 departamentos |
HU | Hungría | 1 ciudad capital19 condados23 ciudades de derecho de condado |
ID | Indonesia | 7 unidades geográficas 1 provincia autónoma30 provincias1 distrito especial1 región especial |
IE | Irlanda | 4 provincias 26 condados |
IL | Israel | 6 distritos |
IM | Isla de Man | — |
IN | India | 28 estados7 territorios de la unión |
IO | Territorio Británico del Océano Índico | — |
IQ | Irak Iraq |
18 gobernaciones |
IR | Irán Irán (República Islámica de) |
30 provincias |
IS | Islandia | 8 regiones |
IT | Italia | 20 regiones 110 provincias |
JE | Jersey | — |
JM | Jamaica | 14 parroquias |
JO | Jordania | 12 gobernaciones |
JP | Japón | 47 prefecturas |
KE | Kenia Kenya |
8 provincias |
KG | Kirguistán | 1 ciudad7 regiones |
KH | Camboya | 4 municipios autónomos20 provincias |
KI | Kiribati | 3 grupos de islas |
KM | Comoras | 3 islas |
KN | San Cristóbal y Nieves Saint Kitts y Nevis |
2 íslas14 parroquias |
KP | Corea del Norte Corea (República Popular Democrática de) |
1 ciudad capital1 ciudad especial9 provincias |
KR | Corea del Sur Corea (República de) |
1 ciudad capital metropolitana6 ciudades metropolitanas9 provincias |
KW | Kuwait | 6 gobernaciones |
KY | Islas Caimán | — |
KZ | Kazajistán | 2 ciudades14 regiones |
LA | Laos República Democrática Popular Lao |
1 prefectura16 provincias1 zona especial |
LB | Líbano | 8 gobernaciones |
LC | Santa Lucía | 11 distritos |
LI | Liechtenstein | 11 municipios |
LK | Sri Lanka | 9 provincias25 distritos |
LR | Liberia | 15 condados |
LS | Lesoto Lesotho |
10 distritos |
LT | Lituania | 10 condados |
LU | Luxemburgo | 3 distritos |
LV | Letonia | 110 municipios9 ciudades republicanas |
LY | Libia | 22 distritos |
MA | Marruecos | 16 regiones46 provincias17 prefecturas |
MC | Mónaco | 17 barrios |
MD | Moldavia Moldova (República de) |
1 unidad territorial autónoma3 ciudades32 distritos1 unidad territorial |
ME | Montenegro | 21 municipios |
MF | San Martín (parte francesa) Saint Martin (parte francesa) |
— |
MG | Madagascar | 6 provinces |
MH | Islas Marshall | 2 grupos de islas 24 municipios |
MK | Macedonia Macedonia (La ex República Yugoslava de) |
84 municipios |
ML | Malí | 1 distrito8 regiones |
MM | Myanmar | 7 divisiones7 estados |
MN | Mongolia | 1 ciudad capital21 provincias |
MO | Macao | — |
MP | Islas Marianas del Norte | — |
MQ | Martinica Martinique |
— |
MR | Mauritania | 1 distrito12 regiones |
MS | Montserrat | — |
MT | Malta | 68 concejos locales |
MU | Mauricio | 3 islas exteriores 9 distritos |
MV | Maldivas | 7 provincias1 capital20 atolones administrativos |
MW | Malaui Malawi |
3 regiones28 distritos |
MX | México | 32 estados1 |
MY | Malasia | 3 territorios federales13 estados |
MZ | Mozambique | 1 ciudad10 provincias |
NA | Namibia | 13 regiones |
NC | Nueva Caledonia | — |
NE | Níger | 1 comunidad urbana7 departamentos |
NF | Isla Norfolk | — |
NG | Nigeria | 1 distrito capital36 estados |
NI | Nicaragua | 15 departamentos2 regiones autónomas |
NL | Países Bajos | 12 provincias 3 países 3 municipios especiales |
NO | Noruega | 19 provincias 2 territorios |
NP | Nepal | 5 zonas de desarrollo14 zonas |
NR | Nauru | 14 distritos |
NU | Niue | — |
NZ | Nueva Zelanda Nueva Zelandia |
2 islas 12 concejos regionales4 autoridades unitarias1 autoridad de isla especial |
OM | Omán | 5 regiones4 gobernaturas |
PA | Panamá | 10 provincias3 comarcas |
PE | Perú | 1 provincia constitucional1 municipio24 departamentos |
PF | Polinesia Francesa | — |
PG | Papúa Nueva Guinea Papua Nueva Guinea |
1 distrito18 provincias1 región autónoma |
PH | Filipinas | 17 regiones 80 provincias |
PK | Pakistán | 1 territorio capital federal4 provincias1 territorio2 áreas administradas por Pakistán |
PL | Polonia | 16 provincias |
PM | San Pedro y Miquelón | — |
PN | Pitcairn | — |
PR | Puerto Rico | — |
PS | Palestina, Estado de | 16 gobernaciones |
PT | Portugal | 18 distritos2 regiones autónomas |
PW | Palaos Palau |
16 estados |
PY | Paraguay | 1 capital17 departamentos |
QA | Catar Qatar |
7 municipios |
RE | Reunión | — |
RO | Rumania | 41 departamentos1 municipio |
RS | Serbia | 2 provincias autónomas29 distritos1 ciudad |
RU | Rusia Federación de Rusia |
21 repúblicas9 territorios administrativos46 regiones administrativas2 ciudades autónomas1 región autónoma4 distritos autónomos |
RW | Ruanda Rwanda |
1 ciudad concejo4 provincias |
SA | Arabia Saudita | 13 provincias |
SB | Islas Salomón | 1 territorio de la capital9 provincias |
SC | Seychelles | 25 distritos |
SD | Sudán | 17 estados |
SE | Suecia | 21 provincias |
SG | Singapur | 5 distritos |
SH | Santa Elena, Ascensión y Tristán de Acuña | 3 unidades administrativas |
SI | Eslovenia | 210 municipios |
SJ | Svalbard y Jan Mayen | — |
SK | Eslovaquia | 8 regiones |
SL | Sierra Leona | 1 distrito3 provincias |
SM | San Marino | 9 municipios |
SN | Senegal | 14 regiones |
SO | Somalia | 18 regiones |
SR | Surinam Suriname |
10 distritos |
SS | Sudán del Sur | 10 estados |
ST | Santo Tomé y Príncipe | 2 provincias |
SV | El Salvador | 14 departamentos |
SX | Sint Maarten (parte neerlandesa) | — |
SY | Siria República Árabe Siria |
14 provincias |
SZ | Eswatini | 4 distritos |
TC | Islas Turcas y Caicos | — |
TD | Chad | 22 regiones |
TF | Tierras Australes Francesas | — |
TG | Togo | 5 regiones |
TH | Tailandia | 1 administración metropolitana1 ciudad administrativa especial75 provincias |
TJ | Tayikistán | 1 región autónoma2 regiones |
TK | Tokelau | — |
TL | Timor Oriental Timor-Leste |
13 distritos |
TM | Turkmenistán | 5 regiones1 ciudad |
TN | Túnez | 24 gobernaciones |
TO | Tonga | 5 divisiones |
TR | Turquía | 81 provincias |
TT | Trinidad y Tobago Trinidad y Tabago |
11 regiones5 municipios |
TV | Tuvalu | 1 ciudad concejo7 islas concejo |
TW | Taiwán Taiwán (Provincia de China) |
16 distritos5 municipios2 municipios especiales |
TZ | Tanzania Tanzania, República Unida de |
31 regiones |
UA | Ucrania | 24 regiones1 república2 ciudades |
UG | Uganda | 4 regiones geográficas111 distritos |
UM | Islas Ultramarinas Menores de Estados Unidos | 9 islas y grupos de islas |
US | Estados Unidos Estados Unidos de América |
50 estados 1 distrito 6 áreas insulares |
UY | Uruguay | 19 departamentos |
UZ | Uzbekistán | 1 ciudad12 regiones1 república |
VA | Vaticano Santa Sede |
— |
VC | San Vicente y las Granadinas | 6 parroquias |
VE | Venezuela Venezuela (República Bolivariana de) |
1 dependencia federal1 distrito federal23 estados |
VG | Islas Vírgenes Británicas Islas Vírgenes (Británicas) |
— |
VI | Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos Islas Vírgenes (EE.UU.) |
— |
VN | Vietnam Viet Nam |
59 provincias5 municipios |
VU | Vanuatu | 6 provincias |
WF | Wallis y Futuna | — |
WS | Samoa | 11 distritos |
YE | Yemen | 1 municipio20 gobernaciones |
YT | Mayotte | — |
ZA | Sudáfrica | 9 provincias |
ZM | Zambia | 9 provincias |
ZW | Zimbabue Zimbabwe |
10 provincias |
- Notes
- ↑ The territory assigned to the Antarctic by the UN is all the territory south of the 60th South parallel, including the territories claimed by other countries.
- ↑ The Falkland Islands is known as Falkland Islands in the Anglo-Saxon World Falkland Islands in the rest of the world.
- ↑ Myanmar was previously known as Burma
- ↑ It includes territories of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
- ↑ The French Antarctic part known as Tierra Adelia, within the ISO standard, is included in the Antarctic, being a territory not internationally recognized to any country.
- ↑ Taiwan is included as a subdivision of China for its political status within the United Nations, since, although it is de facto as an independent jurisdiction, the United Nations does not recognize it as independent and considers Taiwan as part of China. In ISO 3166-1, Taiwan is listed as "Taiwan, Province of China".
Subdivisions included in ISO 3166-1
For the following countries, the number of their subdivisions in ISO 3166-2, most of them dependent territories, have also officially assigned their country code in ISO 3166-1:
Entry | Country name | Subdivisions included in ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2 code) |
CN | China | CN-71 Taiwan (TW) CN-91 Hong Kong (HK) CN-92 MacaoMO) |
FI | Finland | FI-01 Åland (AX) |
FR | France | FR-BL San Bartolomé (San Bartolomé)BL) FR-GF French Guiana (GF) FR-GP GuadalupeGP) FR-MF San Martín (San Martín)MF) FR-MQ Martinique (MQ) FR-NC New Caledonia (NC) FR-PF French PolynesiaPF) FR-PM Saint Peter and MiquelonPM) FR-RE MeetingRE) FR-TF Southern and French Antarctic LandsTF) FR-WF Wallis and FutunaWF) FR-YT Mayotte (YT) |
NL | Low | NL-AW Aruba (a)AW) NL-BQ1 Bonaire (BQ) NL-BQ2 Island of Saba (BQ) NL-BQ3 St. Eustatius (BQ) NL-CW CuracaoCW) NL-SX Sint MaartenSX) |
NO | Norway | NO-21 Svalbard (SJ) NO-22 Jan Mayen (SJ) |
US | United States | US-AS American Samoa (AS) US-GU GuamGU) US-MP Northern Mariana IslandsMP) US-PR Puerto RicoPR) US-UM United States Overseas Islands (U.S.)UM) US-VI United States Virgin Islands (United States Virgin Islands)VI) |
- Notes
- ↑ Taiwan is included as a subdivision of China for its political status within the United Nations, since, although it is de facto as an independent jurisdiction, the United Nations does not recognize it as independent and considers Taiwan as part of China. In ISO 3166-1, Taiwan is listed as "Taiwan, Province of China".
- ↑ In ISO 3166-1, three countries are listed as subdivisions of the Netherlands. However, the aforementioned Netherlands is a country alone with the other three countries, with these dependent territories. The four countries together constitute the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
- ↑ a bc Collectively Bonaire, San Eustaquio and Saba Island have officially assigned their own country code in ISO 3166-1.
- ↑ a b Collectively Svalbard and Jan Mayen have officially assigned their own country code in ISO 3166-1.
The format of ISO 3166-2 codes is different for each country. Codes can be alphabetic, numeric, or alphanumeric, and can be of constant or variable length. The following is a table of the ISO 3166-2 codes for each country (for those who have defined them), grouped by their format:
Number of characters (from part two) | Alphabetical | Numeric | Alpha-numeric |
1 | AR, BO, FJ, GM, KI, KM, LS, LU, MG, SL, ST, TG, TM, VE First-level subdivisions alone: BD, CV, FR, GN, GQ, GR, GW, KN, MH, MW, NZ, UG | AT, GA, IS, NE | |
2 | AH, AM, BI, BJ, BN, BQ, BR, BS, BW, BY, CA, CD, CH, CL, CM, DE, DJ, ER, ET, GE, GH, GL, GT, GY, HN, HU, ID, IN, IQ, JO, KW, LA, LB, LR, LY, MC | AD, AG, BB, BG, BH, CI, CN, CU, CY, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EE, FI, GD, HR, IR, JP, KP, KR, LC, LI, ME, MK, MM, MT, MY, NO, NR, PT, SA, SC, SG, SM, TN, TO, TR, | BT, MV, VN |
3 | AF, AO, BE, FM, GB, KZ, MX, PE, PG, PS, TT, TV, TW, VU | KE, PW, SI | Second-level subdivisions alone: CZ |
1 or 2 | CR, EC, ES, IE, IL, KG, RO, SE | KH | PA, TH |
1 or 3 | MZ | MN | ML |
2 or 3 | AU, AZ, BZ, CF, CO, RU | LV, MR, NL | |
1, 2 or 3 | EG | CG, PY |
ISO 3166/MA updates ISO 3166-2 when necessary, by announcing changes in its newsletters, and by releasing new editions that comprise a consolidation of the bulletin changes. Changes in ISO 3166-2 mainly consist of spelling corrections, addition and deletion of subdivisions, and modification of the administrative structure.
Edition/Newsletter | Date of publication | Affected entries |
ISO 3166-2:1998 | 1998-12-20 | First edition of ISO 3166-2 |
Bulletin I-1 | 2000-06-21 | BY, CA, DO, ER, ES, IT, KR, NG, PL, RO, RU, TR, VN, YU |
Bulletin I-2 | 2002-05-21 | AE, AL, AO, AZ, BD, BG, BJ, CA, CD, CN, CV, CZ, ES, FR, GB, GE, GN, GT, HR, ID, IN, IR, KZ, LA, MA, MD, MW, NI, PH, TR, UZ, VN |
Bulletin I-3 | 2002-08-20 | AE, CZ, IN, KZ, MD, MO, PS (new entry), TP (changes to TL), UG |
Bulletin I-4 | 2002-12-10 | BI, CA, EC, ES, ET, GE, ID, IN, KG, KH, KP, KZ, LA, MD, MU, RO, SI, TJ, TL, TM, TW, UZ, VE, YE |
Bulletin I-5 | 2003-09-05 | BW, CH, CZ, LY, MY, SN, TN, TZ, UG, VE, YU (change to CS) |
Bulletin I-6 | 2004-03-08 | AF, AL, AU, CN, CO, ID, KP, MA, TN, ZA |
Bulletin I-7 | 2005-09-13 | AF, DJ, ID, RU, SI, VN |
Bulletin I-8 | 2007-04-17 | AD, AG, BB, BH, CI, CS (eliminated), DM, GB, GD, GG (new entry)IM (new entry), IR, IT, JE (new entry), KN, LI, ME (new entry), MK, NR, PW, RS (new entry), RU, RW, SB, SC, SM, TD, TO, TV, VC |
Bulletin I-9 | 2007-11-28 | BG, BL (new entry), CZ, FR, GB, GE, LB, MF (new entry), MK, MT, RU, SD, SG, UG, ZA |
ISO 3166-2:2007 | 2007-12-13 | Second edition of ISO 3166-2 (these changes were not announced in a newsletter) BA, DK, DO, EG, GN, HT, KE, KW, LC, LR, TV, YE, ZA |
Bulletin II-1 | 2010-02-03 (righted) 2010-02-19) | AL, BO, CZ, ES, FR, GN, GR, GW, ID, IE, IT, KN, KP, LK, MA, MH, NP, RS, UG, VE |
Bulletin II-2 | 2010-06-30 | AG, AR, BA, BF, BI, BS, BY, CF, CL, CV, EC, EG, GB, GL, HU, IT, KE, KM, LY, MD, MW, NG, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PH, RU, SC, SH, SI, SN, TD, TM, YE |
Bulletin II-3 | 2011-12-13 (righted) 2011-12-15) | AF, AN (eliminated), AW, AZ, BD, BE, BG, BQ (new entry), BS, CV, CW (new entry), DJ, DK, ER, FI, FR, GB, GQ, HN, HR, HT, ID, IE, IN, JO, KW, LS, LV, MC, ME, MK, MM, MV, NL, NO, NP, NR, PG, PK, PL, PS, QA, SA, SD, SE, SH, SS (new entry), SX (new entry), TL, TN, TR, VN |
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