

Isachne is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Poaceae family. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world.


The basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 10, with somatic chromosome numbers 2n = 20, 50, and 60 as there are diploid species and a polyploid series.


  • Isachne albens
  • Isachne arundinacea
  • Isachne australis
  • Isachne bennae
  • Isachne bicolor
  • Isachne biflora
  • Isachne brassii
  • Isachne chinensis
  • Isachne clarkei
  • Isachne clementis
  • Isachne comata
  • Isachne debilis
  • Isachne depauperata
  • Isachne diabolica
  • Isachne disperma
  • Isachne elatior
  • Isachne elegans
  • Isachne globosa
  • Isachne henryi
  • Isachne javana
  • Isachne kunthiana
  • Isachne laevis
  • Isachne longifolia
  • Isachne magna
  • Isachne mauritiana
  • Isachne multiflora
  • Isachne myosotis
  • Isachne obscurans
  • Isachne obtecta
  • Isachne pallens
  • Isachne polygonoids
  • Isachne pulchella
  • Isachne refracta
  • Isachne repens
  • Isachne governs
  • Isachne saxicola
  • Isachne scandens
  • Isachne stricta
  • Isachne sylvestris
  • Isachne trochainii
  • Isachne truncata
  • Isachne venusta
  • Isachne virgata
  • Isachne vulcanica
  • Isachne walkeri
  • Isachne wombaliensis

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