Indosasa is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family. It is native to Asia, mainly China and Vietnam. It comprises 39 described species and of these, only 20 accepted.
They are evergreen shrubs. Green leafy flower stalks. Stems woody and persistent; cylindrical; branched above. Culm nodes furrowed. Leaves not basally aggregated; with ear setae. The broad-leaved blade (large); not chordate, not sagitted; pseudopetiolate; pods disarticulated. Bisexual plants, with bisexual spikelets; with hermaphrodite flowers. The inflorescence weakly indeterminate; with pseudo spikes; comprising short branches loosely grouped around a node, the spikelets in tight clusters.
The genus was described by Floyd Alonzo McClure and published in Lingnan University Science Bulletin 9: 28. 1940. The type species is: Indosasa crassiflora McClure
Accepted species
The following is a list of the species of the genus Indosasa accepted up to November 2013, arranged alphabetically. For each one, the binomial name followed by the author is indicated, abbreviated according to conventions and uses.
- Indosa angustata McClure
- Indosa bacquangensis Nguyen To Quyen
- Indosasa crassiflora McClure
- Giant indose (T.H.Wen) T.H.Wen
- Indosa glabrata C.D. Chu & C.S. Chao
- Indosa hispida McClure
- Indosa ingens J.R. Xue & T.P. Yi
- Indosa jinpingensis T.P.Yi
- Laotical indose (A.Camus) C.S.Chao & Renvoize
- Indosa lipoensis C.D. Chu & K.M. Lan
- Indosa longispicata W.Y. Hsiung & C.S. Chao
- Indosa lunata W.T. Lin
- Indosa parvifolia C.S. Chao & Q.H. Dai
- Indosa patens C.D. Chu & C.S. Chao
- Indosa shibataeoides McClure
- Indosa singulispicula T.H. Wen
- Indose sinica C.D. Chu & C.S. Chao
- Indosa sondongensis Nguyen To Quyen
- Indose sponge C.S. Chao & B.M. Yang
- Indosa triangulata J.R. Xue & T.P. Yi
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