Ignacio Ramonet


Ignacio Ramonet (Redondela, Pontevedra, May 5, 1943) is a Spanish journalist and professor of communication theory established in France. He is one of the main figures of the alterglobalization movement.


Born in 1943 in Redondela (Galicia, Spain) Ramonet grew up in Tangier where his parents, Spanish Republicans fleeing from Franco, settled in 1946. He studied at the University of Bordeaux and returned to Morocco. In 1972 he moved to Paris to teach at the Paris-VII University and began as a journalist and film critic.

He is a doctor in Semiology and History of Culture from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris, and emeritus professor of Communication Theory at Denis-Diderot University (Paris-VII).

A specialist in geopolitics and international strategy and a UN consultant, he currently teaches classes at the Sorbonne in Paris. From 1990 to 2008 he was editor of the monthly Le Monde Diplomatique and the bimonthly Manière de voir (Way of Seeing). He is currently the director of Le Monde diplomatique en español .

He is a co-founder of the non-governmental organization Media Watch Global (International Communications Media Observatory) of which he is president. He is editorial advisor of Canal TeleSur, Caracas, Venezuela.

An editorial by him published in Le Monde Diplomatique in December 1997 led to the creation of ATTAC, whose work was originally dedicated to defending the Tobin tax. Currently ATTAC is dedicated to defending a wide variety of causes of the political left and its honorary president is Ignacio Ramonet. He was also one of the promoters of the Porto Alegre World Social Forum for which he proposed the motto: "Another world is possible".[citation required]

He is Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Santiago de Compostela, the National University of Córdoba, the National University of Rosario, the University of Havana and the University of Santo Domingo.


He is the author of several books, most of them translated into different languages, among which are:

  • The Visual Goloss(1985 and 2000)
  • How they sell us the bike(with Noam Chomsky; 1995)
  • Il Pensiero Unico (with Fabio Giovannini and Giovanna Ricoveri; 1996)
  • Nouveaux pouvoirs, nouveaux maîtres du monde (1996)
  • Télévision et pouvoirs (1996)
  • A world without a course (1997)
  • Internet, the world coming (1998)
  • Rebels, gods and excluded (with Mariano Aguirre; 1998)
  • The tyranny of communication (1999)
  • Géopolitique du Chaos (1999)
  • Geopolitica i communicated at the end of a thousand-lenni (2000)
  • Silent pledges (2001)
  • Wars of the 21st Century (2002)
  • The Post-Television(2002)
  • Abécédaire partiel et partial de la mondialisation(with Ramón Chao and Wozniak; 2003)
  • Iraq, history of a disaster (2004)
  • What is globalization? 2004 (with Jean Ziegler, Joseph Stiglitz, Ha-Joon Chang, René Passet and Serge Halimi)
  • Fidel Castro: biography to two voices or a hundred hours with Fidel (2006)
  • The perfect catastrophe (Le Krach Parfait) (2009)
  • The Explosion of Journalism (L ́Explosion du journalisme) (2011)
  • Paris Rebelde. Political and tourist guide to a city 2013 (with Ramón Chao)
  • Hugo Chávez. My first life (2013)
  • The Explosion of Journalism (2016)
  • The Empire of Surveillance (2017)


He has been awarded numerous times and has received, in particular, the following distinctions:

  • Liber’Press Award best journalist of the year, Gerona, Spain, 1999
  • Colombe d'Oro Award best foreign journalist defending peaceRome, Italy, 2000
  • Award best human rights journalist, La Coruña, Spain, 2000
  • North-South Cultural Communication Award, Rabat, Morocco, 2003
  • Rodolfo Walsh Award for his journalistic career, University of La Plata, Argentina, 2003
  • Turia Award for Journalism and Communication, Valencia, Spain, 2004
  • Mediterranean Communication Award, Naples, Italy, 2005
  • José Couso Award for Freedom of the Press, Colegio de Periodistas de Galicia, Spain, 2006
  • International Press Freedom Award, awarded by the Arabic language newspaper The Khabar (the largest circulation in Algeria), Algiers, 2007
  • City of Córdoba Award for Solidarity Communication, Córdoba, Spain, 2008
  • Bernardo O'Higgins Prize for its constant contribution to a better understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural relations among contemporary societies, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2009
  • Antonio Asensio Prize for Journalism for their constant struggle for a more just and free world, Barcelona, Spain, 2010
  • FAO Spain Award for his work as a journalist, because of his career has favored a greater and better perception of society towards the problem of hunger. Madrid, Spain, 2012
  • International Prize for Comin Foundation for his rigor, lucidity and courage in the exercise of his profession as a journalist and for his commitment and testimony to struggle for social justice. Barcelona, Spain, 2013
  • Member of Honor of UNEAC (Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba), Havana, Cuba, 2014
  • Gold Medal of the French Senate for its action in favor of the approach between France and Latin America. Paris, France, 2014
  • Medalla Felix Elmuza awarded by the Union of Cuban Journalists (UPEC). Havana, Cuba, 2017
  • Latin American and Caribbean Social Science Award CLACSO 2018 for its outstanding academic career and contribution to the research and development of social sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018
  • Recognition (Proclamation) for their analysis in the media in favor of the Latin Communities granted by New York City, United States, 2019
  • The Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States grant it recognition (Proclamation) for their extraordinary contributions as a writer, professor, journalist and critic, Washington, United States, 2019
  • Order José Martí, awarded by the Spanish National Honorary Society Sigma Delta Piin the centenary of its foundation, as hispanophilous and declared champion of Hispanic culture. St John’s University, New York, United States, 2019
  • Predilent Son of Humanity at the headquarters of the United Nations Organization (UN), by the Hispanic-American Press Congress, the World Congress of Universities and the International Congress University of Media, with the support of ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America), Columbia University and Lehman College,in recognition of his scientific work and his exemplary career, both in the professional and journalistic world and in the staff. As for their valuable services and contributions to humanity, exercised with generous dedication in the field of science, politics and culture. New York, United States, 2019

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