Hundred eleven


The one hundred and eleven (111) is the natural number that follows 110 and precedes 112.

In mathematics

  • 111 is a composite number, which has the following factors: 1, 3 and 37. As the sum of its factors is 44 ≤ 111, it is a defective number.
  • It's a Harshad number and a Moran number.
  • It is the first redigit of three figures in the series of natural numbers.

In science

  • 111 is the atomic number of roentgenium.

In other fields

  • It's the emergency phone number in New Zealand.
  • The chemical compound 1.1.1-trichloroethane is a chlorinated hydrocarbon that was used as an industrial solvent with the commercial name "Solvent 111".

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