Hindu mythology

Hindu swastika.

The term Hindu mythology refers collectively to a large body of Indian literature (essentially, the mythology and religion of Hinduism) detailing Hindu cosmology, and the lives and times of legendary figures., and of the Hindu deities and their divine incarnations on Earth; often interspersed with doctrinal and ethical discourses.


Although often classified as "Hindu mythology" or "Indian mythology," the label fails to capture the centrality of the texts' religious and spiritual affiliations, which persist to the present day for most Hindus. They are replete with lengthy religious discourses and are often seen as a source for Hindu ethics and practice.

It should be noted that for those who profess the different Hindu doctrines, being a living religion (currently processed), its traditions and stories present in them are not considered mythology. A parallel example would be calling the Bible after a book of Christian mythology.

Among the most important texts in which "mythological" concepts can be found, are the Puranas. Other important works of Hindu mythology are the two great Hindu epics, the Ramaiana and the Majábharata (which includes the highly sacred text Bhagavad Gita). in India).

Much of the "mythology" Hindu more than literality present in the story, it has a more symbolic and/or parable objective in the teaching of the different denominations of Hinduism and in the Hindu Philosophy present in them.

Mythological concepts

  • Deva (deities or divinities)
  • Asura (godly demons or deities)
  • Ráksasa (demons)
  • Preta (hungry ghosts)
  • Bhuta (ghost)
  • Daitias
  • Pisacha
  • Dánavas
  • Iaksas
  • Iaksis
  • Kinnaras
  • Nagas
  • Vetalas
  • Narada
  • Kumaras
  • Vimana
  • Astra

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