Higher education


The terms higher education, higher education, higher studies, professional education and education tertiary education allude to the last stage of the academic learning process, that is, to all the post-secondary training paths that each country contemplates in its system. It is taught in universities, in higher academies or in higher professional training institutions, among others.

It is a step after secondary education, and it is common, although not essential, that there is a selection of access to higher education institutions based on scholastic performance during the secondary stage or in a university entrance exam. Depending on the country, this exam can be state, local or specific to each university.

Preparation it provides

The preparation provided by higher education is professional or academic. A distinction is made between undergraduate (technical), graduate (bachelor's) and postgraduate (specialization, master's or doctoral) studies, according to the system of professional qualifications and academic degrees. Higher education establishments have traditionally been universities, but other educational centers are also considered such as institutes, professional schools or technical schools, teacher training centers, schools or polytechnic institutes, among others, attached to a local university.

Other functions

Apart from teaching, an important function that is taken into account in higher education is research activity at the different levels of knowledge. In this sense, research training is an essential factor in the quality of the Higher Education, resulting in technological mediation being essential to achieve student-centered learning objectives in ubiquitous and virtual environments, that is, at any time and place Another important function is that corresponding to extension activities, where the population participation

Currently with globalization, for example, another of the roles of education, in most countries of the world, consists of seeing it, as the beginning of a process, where the human being deals By increasing its value in the field that it specializes in, it gradually becomes a figure of interest to the world of work. In this way, the academic portfolio, where certifications are found, degrees obtained in their studies would be their presentation and the credential that would determine their value, this is known as Human Capital. Under this role, the professional adopts a language of competence, They begin to use a different vocabulary, due to the expansion in areas that were not economic, such as Education.


North America


United States


Central America

Costa Rica

El Salvador





Dominican Republic

South America


University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Engineering (Sede Paseo Colon).

In the Argentine educational system, higher education according to the National Education Law (LEN) No. 26,206, includes: a) Universities and University Institutes, state or authorized private; b) Higher Education Institutes of national, provincial or Autonomous City of Buenos Aires jurisdiction, state or private management. In both cases in accordance with the denomination established in Higher Education Law No. 24,521 and Law No. 26,058 for Professional Technical Education Institutes. Only the institutions located in any of these three categories are legally authorized by the Ministry of Education of the Nation to grant official titles.

The difference between Universities and University Institutes is that the latter offer careers in a single field of knowledge (for example, business careers) while universities comprise different departments -generally called faculties- covering different branches of higher education. Likewise, both grant undergraduate degrees (bachelor's degrees, engineering, etc.) and postgraduate degrees (specializations, master's degrees, and doctorates), and in some cases also undergraduate degrees, as intermediate degrees for those who are pursuing undergraduate degrees, or directly as short courses focused on the labor practice in some disciplines (functioning in this case also as a tertiary institution). These entities must submit their study plans to the CONEAU (National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation) as a requirement for the titles they issue to have official validity.

On the other hand, non-university institutes (university college) only offer short courses called technical degrees (2 to 4 years in duration), consisting of undergraduate degrees that provide students with the necessary tools to enter the labor activity in jobs with specialized qualifications. Many students who complete their bachelor's degree continue their studies at the university through what is known as articulation, to obtain the university degree corresponding to their profession. Through this scheme, the subjects approved in the technical degree must be recognized by the university to avoid having to repeat the study of the same subjects.

In Argentina, all people who have passed secondary education can enter undergraduate education at the higher education level and people over 25 years of age who have not passed secondary education can enter if they demonstrate that they have preparation, work experience, sufficient aptitudes and knowledge to study the studies they want to enter. Entry is free and unrestricted, there may be leveling and orientation processes, but these processes should in no case have a selective, exclusive or discriminatory nature.[1]



Higher Education in Bolivia is made up, according to art. 91, paragraph III of the Political Constitution of the State by:" universities, higher schools for teacher training, and technical, technological and artistic institutes."

In addition to the fact that the Plurinational State of Bolivia, according to art. 92, paragraph I, recognizes university autonomy. In paragraph II of the same article, it recognizes that they will constitute the Bolivian University, which will coordinate and schedule its purposes and functions, through a central body, in accordance with a university development plan.

University System in Bolivia

The University System in Bolivia consists of eleven universities, which operate in the nine departmental capitals, including the city of El Alto, as well as one in the mining town of Siglo XX. The only recognized private universities are the Bolivian Catholic University, the Bolivian Private University and the Military School of Engineering.

List of Universities that make up the Bolivian University System

1. University of San Francisco Xavier

2. University of San Andres

3. University of San Simón

4. Autonomous University Tomas Frias

5. Technical University of Oruro

6. Gabriel René Moreno Autonomous University

7. Autonomous University Juan Misael Saracho

8. Technical University of Beni

9. University of Pando

10. National University of the 20th Century

11. Public University of El Alto

12. Bolivian Catholic University

13. Bolivian Private University

14. Military School of Engineering.

In Bolivia, rated by the QS Ratings for universities, the Universidad Privada Boliviana is named the best private university in the country thanks to its quality education system.


Higher education in Chile is governed according to the 1981 education reform, which created three training entities for advanced studies in various subjects of human endeavor, after the student's graduation from secondary education (also called Enseñanza Average in Chile):

  • Technical training centers (CFT), which teach careers for not more than 3 and a half years and delivers the title of "high level technician".
  • Professional institutes (IP), which provide technical careers and professional careers that do not require the degree of bachelor's degree (without a degree).
  • Universities, which teach careers and curricula for professional careers, teachers and PhDs (www.educacionsuperior.cl).


  • Academic or technical means: preparation for admission to higher education and work.
  • Upper normal complementary cycle: training for non-professional teachers (normalists).
  • Professional technique: forms the student in occupations of an operational and instrumental character.
  • Technological: trains the student in occupations, academic training and specialization programs.
  • Graduates: specialization training, master's degree, doctorate and post-doctorate. After university studies, students must submit the Examinations of Quality of Higher Education, qualified by the Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education.
  • Professional: form in scientific or technological research; training in disciplines and the production, development and transmission of knowledge.



Higher education in Peru is taught in universities, institutes and schools of Higher Education that are governed by their respective law and regulations. Since January 5, 2015, the National Superintendency of Higher Education (acronym: SUNEDU) became responsible for approving or denying licensing applications from public and private universities, verifying compliance with the Basic Quality Conditions, and overseeing whether public resources, reinvestment of surpluses, and benefits granted by the legal framework to universities have been used for university educational purposes.






Bosnia and Herzegovina


Baroque facade (1715) of the building of the University of Valladolid, today Faculty of Law.

In the Spanish educational system, higher education is made up of the following courses:

University education

Until the Bologna Process, university courses were as follows:

  • First-cycle studies: Terminal studies to which diplomas, Master, Technical Architect or Technical Engineer were completed. They allowed access to second cycle studies. These are titles equivalent to the current Grade title.
  • First and second cycle studies: His overcoming gave the right to obtain the titles of Bachelor, Architect or Engineer. Overcoming the first cycle of any of these studies does not involve obtaining any official qualification, but can be valid for the incorporation of other second-cycle studies. These titles are equivalent to the current Master's degree.
  • Second cycle studies: Access by way of a first university cycle, or being in possession of the degree of diploma, technical architect, technical engineer or teacher, provided that these studies conform to the rules of access for each of the according cycles. His overcoming also gave the right to obtain the titles of bachelor, architect or engineer, titles equivalent to the current Master's degree.
  • 3rd cycle studies: They were the so-called doctoral programs. Access was regulated by the same university, through the Doctorate Commission. There was a need to be in possession of the degree of license, architect or engineer.
  • Own titles: They were unregulated studies leading to an unofficial degree, recognized only by the university that gave them. These studies had the same structure as the regulated studies: therefore there were first cycle, first and second cycle and second cycle titles. Universities regulated access to their own degrees and set academic prices. They could also offer unofficial postgraduate degrees.

After this reform process, the current university courses in Spain are as follows:

  • Degree: between 3 and 4 years.
  • Master's degree: between 1 and 2 years. A degree or equivalent (diplomated or technical engineer) must be previously available.
  • PhD title. It is necessary to have an official master's degree or equivalent (licensed, engineer or architect).
  • Own titles, not approved, leading to master's degrees, expert or university specialist.

Higher artistic education

Includes the following areas:

  • music and dance
  • Dramatic art
  • conservation and restoration of cultural property
  • plastic arts
  • design
  • ceramics
  • glass

The duration of the studies is variable and, when they are finished, they give access to the bachelor's degree in the corresponding area.

Higher Level Vocational Training (FP)

In Spain, higher education is also obtained in the following areas:

  • Higher Degree FP training cycles: leading to the title of Senior Technician in the corresponding specialty.
  • Higher degree of plastic arts and design: which leads to the degree of Senior Technician in Plastic Arts and Design in the corresponding specialty.
  • Higher Degree Sports Technician: which leads to the degree of the same name.

Official Language Schools (EOI)

Completion of the last stage of language teaching (advanced level) is also considered higher education.



Sorbonne New University Building - Paris 3 from Saint-Jacques Street


University of Athens.







United Kingdom

Trinity College, Cambridge.
The University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe.








Equatorial Guinea










People's Republic of China

Yuelu Academy in China, one of the oldest universities in the world.




New Zealand

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