Hermione Granger


Hermione Jean Granger is a fictional character and one of the three main protagonists of the Harry Potter book series, published by J. K. Rowling.

She appears in the first novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, as a new student on her way to Hogwarts. After Harry and Ron saved her from a mountain troll in the girls' toilets, she formed a close friendship between them and often uses her quick wit and encyclopedic knowledge to help them.

Rowling has stated that Hermione resembles her at a younger age, with her insecurity and fear of failure. Her role is quite determining as, having good study skills, she could be considered the &# 34;brain" of the group, even being the adviser to her friend Harry Potter in his leadership of Dumbledore's Army.

Hermione is the smartest girl in her class at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Like Harry and Ron, she belongs to Gryffindor house, although her Sorting Hat considered placing her in Ravenclaw due to her prominent intellectual abilities. She is of muggle origin: her parents are both dentists and have no connection to the wizarding world. She loves to read, however, she doesn't know how to draw. She doesn't like to break the rules except in an emergency and she's not especially keen on Quidditch, the magical sport, although she does support her friends during the tournament. She tends to believe that anything worth knowing can be learned from a book and she is skeptical of anything that cannot be proven with science, thus despising the divination course taught by Professor Sybill Trelawney.. Hermione met Harry Potter and Ron Weasley on the Hogwarts Express.

Her personality traits

Hermione Jean Granger is a Gryffindor student born to Muggle parents, and the best friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. J. K. Rowling states that she was born on 19 September 1979 and was almost twelve years old when she first attended Hogwarts. She has additional merit in that she excels academically, and is described by Rowling as a "very logical, fair and good-natured". Rowling adds that Hermione's parents, two Muggle dentists, are a little taken aback by their strange daughter but very proud of her nonetheless." They are well aware of the wizarding world and have visited Diagon Alley with her. Rowling has described the character of Luna Lovegood as the "anti-Hermione", due to their differences. Hermione's role at Hogwarts is based on Pansy Parkinson, a bully based on real-life girls who the author was picked on during her school days.

Rowling states that the character of Hermione carries several autobiographical influences. "I didn't set out to make Hermione like me, but she's... she's an exaggeration of me when I was younger." He recalled calling himself a 'little know-it-all' in his youth. 34;. On the other hand, she affirms that she is not very different from herself, "there is a lot of insecurity and a great fear of failure" in the figure of Hermione. Finally, according to Rowling, next to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione is the perfect expository character; Because of her encyclopedic knowledge, she can always be used as a plot dump to explain the Harry Potter universe. Rowling also claims that her feminist consciousness is saved by Hermione, "who is the most brilliant character" # 3. 4; and she has a "very strong feminine character."

Hermione's name is derived from William Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, and has to do with Greek mythology as well; Rowling said that she wanted the name to be unusual, as if fewer girls shared her name, fewer girls would be picked on by her and it seemed like "a couple of professional dentists, who like to show off how smart they are... would give [her] an unusual name that no one can pronounce." Her original surname was "Puckle," but Rowling felt the name "didn't suit her at all," so the less frivolous Granger does so. in the books. In a 2004 interview, Rowling confirmed that Hermione is an only child.

Hermione Granger stands out for her incredible intelligence and perfectionist nature. In addition to being the first of her class and having just entered Ravenclaw, Hermione demonstrates her intelligence on many other occasions throughout the saga. In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, she unravels Snape's riddle using cold logic. In The Chamber of Secrets, she discovers that the creature hiding in the pipes is a Basilisk. In The Prisoner of Azkaban, finding out that Lupine was a werewolf. In The Goblet of Fire, helping Harry with the tests. In The Order of the Phoenix, discovering the meaning of the bell in the Department of Mysteries ("It Is Time..."), as well as helping Harry with the Death Eaters; in Half-Blood Prince, finding out who the book belonged to; and already in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Hermione offers Harry her help and company throughout the adventure.

His perfectionist nature is evident in situations such as his disappointment at receiving an "Exceeds Expectations" in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, or when the boggart turns into McGonagall telling him that he has failed all classes.

In addition, Hermione is a fair and noble person who cares about the problems of others, going out of her way to help those who are weaker or unprotected. She often helps Neville with classes, she has supported Hagrid in tasks such as defending Buckbeak the hippogriff and she defends Kreacher, the house elf of House Black, when everyone treats him badly.

When it comes to house elves, Hermione has a very peculiar opinion among wizards. She creates a platform, the P.E.D.D.O. (Elven Platform for the Defense of Workers' Rights) to defend their rights, despite the fact that most of them do not want to hear or talk about rights. Her posture, despite being highly criticized by Ron and other classmates, is admired by characters like Albus Dumbledore or Sirius Black, who consider her attitude fair and correct, since the latter did not appreciate his house elf Kreacher.

However, all this overwhelming confidence that Hermione shows with her studies is actually the cover for great insecurity and the fear of being rejected by her peers. Hermione can be somewhat insufferable at times due to her attitude towards studies or her attitude towards rules, which also changes throughout the books. She is also a somewhat fearful girl, although she is a true Gryffindor, as she is able to overcome all of her fears to help Harry on his adventures.

Hermione according to the author

According to Rowling, Hermione is deeply insecure and feels totally inadequate on the inside. To compensate, she tries to be the best at everything in school, projecting a false self-confidence that can irritate the people around her.

Hermione can get quite annoyed with people who don't know simple facts, or don't follow sensible ideas.

He also states that Hermione is one of the best in the dueling club, she has a talent for battles. Although she is not very skilled in the dark arts, Hermione manages to overcome her obstacles, becoming one of the greatest witches in the world of Harry Potter. The author affirms that she would be the Bellatrix Lestrange of the good side.

While our protagonist was all for obeying the rules, Harry and Ron's influence makes her consider breaking them, as long as it's necessary to achieve a good end.

Physical appearance, characteristics and evolution of the character

Hermione has long, shaggy, light brown hair that's a bit wavy. Brown eyes, and quite large incisors (these until her fourth year). Despite the fact that she never stood out for her physical appearance (in fact, there are several characters who have laughed at her for that, highlighting Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson and Severus Snape), in the fourth year she underwent a great transformation in the face of her classmates., also during the second year when trying to inadvertently transform himself, through Polyjuice Potion, into a cat.

One of these transformations was her front teeth being larger than normal. It was before the Yule Ball when, after Harry Potter's fight with Draco Malfoy, in which his spells bounced off Goyle and Hermione, his teeth grew out of proportion, he visited the infirmary to have Madam Pomfrey return them to their natural size. However, when the nurse told her to tell her when they had recovered their original size, she allowed her to reduce them until they were much better than they were, as her friends appreciated.

Another of the changes was her hair, when, after applying a smoothing potion, she appears with it straight and shiny at the Yule Ball. In fact, his appearance at the ball left Ron, Harry, the Patil twins, Draco Malfoy, many other classmates, teachers and the Headmaster of Hogwarts surprised and open-mouthed.

Her reputation, which she works hard to maintain as one of the brightest students of her year, is often ridiculed, though Ron and Harry depend on her for academic help, and her knowledge and common sense have proven to be valuable to be able to overcome the challenges of the trio throughout the saga.

Hermione is brave and loyal and has a fierce political conscience, but sometimes has trouble keeping a clear head in the most difficult times. For example, the improbable lie she tells Professor Umbridge to save Harry in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (she claims there is a weapon hidden in the woods that was created under the orders of of Professor Dumbledore).

Hermione's intellect is undoubtedly strong in memory and objective analysis, and she sometimes has difficulty when forced to make snap judgments: she is therefore a thoughtful and mature person, clear and objective. However, it is the plans that she argues that Harry and Ron follow. Although she has made mistakes, what she suggests is usually the best course of action.

Although compassionate, Hermione can be naive and even insensitive to people, despite her seemingly "sensitive" position on the trio.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Hermione first appears in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone when she meets Harry and Ron on the Hogwarts Express. She constantly annoys her classmates with her knowledge, which Harry and Ron initially find her arrogant, especially after she criticizes Ron's Levitation Charm (Wingardium leviosa). They honestly dislike her. her until they rescue her from a troll, for which she is so grateful that she meets to protect them from punishment, thus earning their friendship. Hermione's knack for subsequent logic allows the trio to solve a chess game that is essential to their retrieve the Philosopher's Stone, and defeat the Constricting Devil Trap Plant by summoning a stream of 'bell flame' that will ignite it. using the same spell that she used on Snape earlier in the year.

Hermione is the mastermind behind the plan to break into the place where the stone is hidden. She responds to Professor Severus Snape's distrust of Harry and also mistrusts him. She reveals to Harry and Ron that she does a lot of research in the library, which helped defeat the devil's trap and calculate the logic of the potions.

Rowling said on her website that she resisted her editor's requests to remove the troll scene, stating "Hermione is so upset in the first part of Sorcerer's Stone that she really felt like she needed something (literally) huge to carry around with Harry and Ron."

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Hermione (along with Mrs. Weasley and some Hogwarts students) develops a liking for Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart as he had written in all the necessary books for the Defense Against the Dark Arts subject in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. During a morning confrontation between the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams, a fight nearly ensues after Draco Malfoy calls her a 'mudblood', a insulting epithet for Muggle-born wizards that she understands but Harry doesn't.

She concocted the Polyjuice Potion needed for the trio to pose as Malfoy's companions to gather information about the Heir of Slytherin who has reopened the Chamber of Secrets. However, he was unable to join Harry and Ron in the investigation after hair torn from the robes of Slytherin student Millicent Bulstrode (with whom Hermione was previously matched during Lockhart's ill-fated dueling club) was the of his cat, whose appearance he takes on in his human form, and it takes several weeks for the effects to fully reverse. She is petrified by the Basilisk shortly after discovering that she was this creature from the Chamber of Secrets through literature research. Although she is incapacitated in the infirmary, her information is crucial to Harry and Ron in their successful mission to solve the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione was revived after Harry killed the basilisk, but she is devastated to learn that all end-of-year exams have been canceled as a gift from the school.

Hermione feels fear and rejection because of her Muggle background. However, instead of freaking out and resorting to amulets like other classmates do, she tries to find a way to fix the problem by finding out who the beast is. Over time, Hermione demonstrates her true Gryffindor character by being able to face her fears even if it means breaking the rules. She manages to make Polyjuice Potion, the most complicated she has seen so far and which is not seen in class until fourth (when Barty Crouch poses as Alastor Moody).

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Hermione buys a cat named Crookshanks, which he takes to chase Ron's pet rat, Scabbers. Before the start of the term, Professor McGonagall secretly gives him a time-turner, a device that allows him to go back in time time and managing the heavy class schedule, although this is not revealed until the penultimate chapter. A lot of tension comes into play between Hermione and her two best friends of hers, Harry is furious with her because McGonagall said that he had received a Firebolt, which was confiscated to be inspected for traces of black magic. Ron becomes angry that he feels Crookshanks is responsible for Scabbers' disappearance, while Hermione firmly maintains that Crookshanks is innocent.

While filling in for Remus Lupine in a Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Snape labels Hermione "an insufferable know-it-all" and sanctions Gryffindor after she speaks out of turn in her attempt to describe a werewolf when no one else does. She correctly deduces Lupin's secret after completing Snape's class assignment, while Crookshanks proves vital in exposing Scabbers as Peter Pettigrew, a friend of James and Lily Potter who revealed his whereabouts to Lord Voldemort on the night of the murders, and was able to misimplicate Sirius Black (revealed to be Harry's godfather) in the deaths of the Potters. The Time-Turner allows Hermione and Harry to rescue Sirius and Buckbeak the hippogriff.

Hermione demonstrates her fair and noble character, respecting Lupin's privacy and not telling his secret. Furthermore, she is much less strict with the rules, agreeing to illegally use the Time-Turner along with Harry to rescue Sirius, Harry, and herself from Dementors and Buckbeak from having his head lopped off. We can highlight as Hermione's moments in this book the slap she gives Draco Malfoy when she hears him criticize Hagrid, Buckbeak's defense or her anger with Ron, caused by the relationship between her cat and the rat of the. It's also important to appreciate that in this book, Hermione drops Divination as an unreliable subject. This will be the first time she has argued or disagreed with a teacher, but not the last.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Hermione is horrified by the cruelty suffered by house-elves, and founds P.E.D.D.O., the Society for the Promotion of House-elves' Welfare, in an effort to gain basic rights for them. She is the date of Bulgarian Quidditch prodigy Viktor Krum at the Triwizard Yule Ball. The correct pronunciation of her name (Her-mi-oh-nee) was thrown into the plots when teaching Krum, the best he can do is 'Herm-my-ninny', but she has no problem with him. She later gets into a heated argument with Ron after he accuses her of "fraternizing with the enemy," in reference to his friendship with Krum. In the book, Hermione's feelings for Ron are hinted at when he says that Ron can't see her "as a girl," but Krum can. She helps Harry through the Triwizard Tournament, helping prepare for each task. At the end of the second task, Krum asks her to come to Bulgaria with him, but she politely declines. Near the end of the term, an unregistered tabloid fraudulent reporter arrests animagus Rita Skeeter, who had published defamatory material about Hermione, Harry, and Hagrid during the Triwizard Tournament, while holding her animagus (a beetle) form captive in a jar.

Hermione becomes the middle ground between Harry and Ron, who have a fight and stop speaking. She tries to reconcile them, but she ends up losing her temper on more than one occasion, since they use her as a messenger. She is much more flexible with the rules, as she does not hesitate to help Harry with the Triwizard Tournament tests. In addition, it is in this book that her friends begin to see Hermione as "a girl" for the first time. (as Ron points out) and where she begins to adopt adolescent habits (such as leaving three hours early to get ready for the dance). Viktor Krum, who will be her partner at Her Ball, will be the point of contention between her and Ron from now until the last book.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Hermione becomes a Gryffindor prefect along with Ron, and befriends Luna Lovegood, but their friendship gets off to a bad start after Hermione takes down Luna's father's post: "The Quibbler is pure rubbish, everyone knows it". She also lashes out at her roommate Lavender Brown for believing the "Daily Prophet's allegations"; of Harry fabricating stories about Voldemort's return. Ron and Hermione not only spend much of their time arguing, but also show continued loyalty to Harry. Later, with Luna's assistance, Hermione blackmails Rita Skeeter at Harry's interview for an upcoming issue of The Quibbler. Attempts to ban Hogwarts magazine prove futile as the story quickly spreads through the school. A turning point in the series is when Hermione conceives the idea of Harry secretly teaching defensive magic to a small group of students in a challenge from the highest Ministry of Magic to teach only the basic principles of the subject from a textbook, with no experience. practice. Hermione receives an unexpected huge response, and the group becomes the fledgling Dumbledore's Army. She is involved in the battle of the Department of Mysteries and is severely injured by a spell by Death Eater Antonin Dolohov, but made a full recovery.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

New Potions professor Horace Slughorn invites Hermione to join his "Boom Club," and she helps Ron keep his place on the Gryffindor Quidditch team when he confuses Cormac McLaggen, causing him to miss his last save attempt during the Guardian Trials. Hermione's feelings for Ron continue to grow and she decides to make a play of inviting him to Slughorn's Christmas party, but Ron and Lavender's romance led to retaliation for his belief that Hermione had kissed Krum the year before. She tries to get revenge for McLaggen's dating at the Christmas party, but her plan backfires and she leaves him in the middle of the party. Ron and Hermione continually fight with each other (Ron is upset with her for directing the birds to attack him after seeing him and Lavender Brown kissing) until she suffers near-fatal poisoning from tainted mead, scaring her enough to reconcile with him.

Following Dumbledore's death, Ron and Hermione vow to stay by Harry's side, regardless of what happens. A minor subplot in the book is that Hermione and Harry form a rivalry in Potions, she becomes she is angry with Harry for unfairly outdoing her by following advice and different instructions written by the previous owner in the margins of Harry's potions book. Hermione is also the only one of the three to successfully pass her Apparition test (Ron failed and Harry was too young).

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

In the seventh and final book, Hermione accompanies Harry on his quest to destroy Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes. Before leaving on the quest, she helps ensure the safety of her parents by casting a false memory spell on them, making them think they are Wendell and Monica Wilkins, whose lifelong ambition is to move to Australia. She inherits Dumbledore's personal copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, which allows her to decipher some of the secrets of the Deathly Hallows. She prepared for his departure and for the journey by placing an Undetectable Extension charm on a small beaded bag so that she would be able to fill the infinite depths of the bag with materials that she would need. Hermione's spell saves her and Harry from Lord Voldemort and her snake Nagini in Godric's Hollow, though the ricochet broke Harry's wand. When she, Ron, and Harry are captured by thieves, who are on the hunt for Muggle-borns on the Ministry's orders, Hermione temporarily disguises Harry's face by disfiguring him as a stingy Jinx. She also attempts to impersonate former Hogwarts student Penelope Clearwater and Ron as a half-blood to avoid prosecution, but is later recognized and taken to Malfoy Manor, where Bellatrix Lestrange tortures her with the Cruciatus curse in an attempt to gain information. about how Hermione, Harry, and Ron came to possess Godric Gryffindor's sword (which was supposed to be safe in the Lestrange vault at Gringotts). Even under torture, Hermione is able to utilize her quick thinking by lying to Bellatrix and telling her that the sword is a forgery. When the others are able to escape from her cell, Bellatrix threatens to cut Hermione's throat. Draco casts a spell on the chandelier hanging above his aunt and Hermione is able to escape by throwing herself into his arms. Harry and Ron take her along with the other prisoners being held at Malfoy Manor, who are eventually rescued by Dobby.

Hermione later uses Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Bellatrix when the trio tries to steal Hufflepuff's cup from Gringotts. She, Harry, Ron, and Dumbledore's Army join in the Battle of Hogwarts, in which Hermione destroys Hufflepuff's cup in the Chamber of Secrets with a basilisk fang, taking out another Horcrux. Hermione and Ron also share their first kiss in the middle of the battle. In the final battle in the Great Hall, Hermione fights Bellatrix with the help of Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. However, none of them are able to defeat Bellatrix and they stop fighting her once Molly Weasley asks the three to back off of her.


In the epilogue, set 19 years after the end of the book, Hermione Granger finds herself married to Ron Weasley with a son, Hugo Granger-Weasley, and a daughter, Rose Granger-Weasley According to information from J.K. Rowling in the chat in which she participated after the publication of the seventh book, Hermione worked in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, where she was sent after a time in the Committee for the Regulation of Magical Creatures. Among her achievements are the defense of the rights of house elves and her fight for total equality between muggle-borns and purebloods. Rowling also commented that Hermione found her parents in Australia and that she modifies their memories again.

Her in-laws are Arthur Weasley and Molly Weasley.

She currently holds the position of Minister for Magic.

Academic results

Upon entering Hogwarts, Hermione stands out from the beginning for her intelligence and impeccable results in classes. Even Snape, who has great contempt for Gryffindor students, acknowledges her answers as accurate, although hinting that she "repeats the book like a parrot". She is also the student who, during the courses, earns the most points for academic reasons.

Hermione's problem is Defense Against the Dark Arts, because even though she's good at it, it's the only subject in which anyone stands out above her. In her sixth she is also surpassed by Harry in potions, as he uses the Prince's book. Hermione then gets mad at Harry for using the book, reminding him of what happened in second grade with Ginny and Tom Riddle's diary.

Also, Hermione is the prefect of Gryffindor, not only because of her academic results but also because of her commitment to the rules.

Despite her attitude towards studies, Hermione doesn't hesitate for a moment when it's time to leave Hogwarts to go in search of the Horcruxes with Harry and Ron.

Associations to which he belongs

P.E.D.D.O.: It is an institution created by Hermione Granger in defense of house elves as already mentioned, whose only four members mentioned in the books (and probably the only four in existence) are Harry, Ron, Neville (affiliated because of Hermione's constant berating) and Hermione herself. P.E.D.D.O. is an acronym for Pthe Elfic platform of Ddefense of Drights O >workers, and was founded in the fourth year, when Hermione felt sorry to see the mistreatment suffered by some of these creatures from their masters. In English, the society is called S.P.E.W. (the Ssociety for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare). Apart from demanding remuneration for the house-elves' work, Hermione has done other things, such as knitting simple items of clothing (gloves, scarves, hats) and hiding them in her Common Room so that the house-elf who finds her will go free (with disastrous consequences for Dobby, who had to clean the entire Gryffindor Common Room due to the refusal of the rest of the elves). These actions and the institution in general have not received much support from Hermione's closest friends, Harry, Ron and Neville (who are members only because they don't want to say no to their friend), nor from fellow Gryffindors. or another school house and has been frowned upon by a house-elf named Winky.

Dumbledore's Army: Initially, ED, stood for Defense Entity (proposed by Ravenclaw alum Cho Chang), but was renamed Army at Ginny Weasley's suggestion of Dumbledore, as a mockery of the Ministry of Magic. The main idea came from Hermione, who suggested Harry as the leader in the first meeting they held. The main idea was to make a partnership where they could fill the gaps in Professor Umbridge's classes. For some time, and despite the regulations that prohibited it, they met in the Room of Requirement. There Hermione conjured her first Patronus (in the form of an otter, J.K.'s favorite animal). It was she who devised the way to summon people to meetings (using coins with the meeting date in the chant) and the way to identify traitors (when Marietta Edgecombe told Umbridge about the D.A., on his face appeared a "tight band of purple pustules" that formed the word CHIVATA in the Spanish version and DELATORA in the Spanish-American version). This association was, therefore, another great work of Hermione's.

Emma Watson at the premiere Harry Potter and the chalice of fire

Club of the Eminences: Formed by Professor Horace Slughorn, this club brings together those students and alumni with special qualities and possibilities of becoming, in the future, influential people both in the Ministry, in quidditch or in other fields. Hermione becomes part of it because of her incredible intelligence, which is announced to Slughorn by Harry, when she tells him that "her best friend of hers is of Muggle origin and is the smartest in the class" 3. 4;.

Movie version

In the series of films based on the Harry Potter novels, the character of Hermione Granger was played by English actress Emma Watson.

The actress meets all the physical traits that Hermione Granger possesses, which is why her role is highly esteemed by both movie lovers and fans of the Harry Potter series.

J. K. Rowling said in an interview that the person most similar to her character was Emma Watson as Hermione, since the first time they met by phone for the first film the actress had a "very Hermione" attitude;, which caused the author a lot of enthusiasm and laughter.

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