Help: FAQ

This page refers to frequent doubts about Wikipedia; if you want to deal with a topic concerning the Wikipedia community see the Wikipedia Café, and to resolve academic doubts turn to the Consultations.

Frequently asked questions


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Wikipedia in Spanish.

You can write the topic of your interest in the search box, and click on the magnifying glass.



Here are some frequently asked questions about Wikipedia:

GeneralGeneral questions about the Wikipedia project.
ReadersFind, read and use Wikipedia material.
CollegesUse Wikipedia in class.
CollaboratorsHow you can collaborate with the project.
EditionHow to create and edit pages in Wikipedia.
LibraryQuestions about librarians.
TechnicalQuestions about Wikipedia software and hardware and limitations.
ProblemsQuestions and reviews related to past or present difficulties.
CopyrightCopyright issues.
CopyHow you can copy and distribute Wikipedia content.
MiscellaneousEverything else.

Other help pages

Alfombra Bienvenida Wikipedia.svg
Welcome.Essential information about Wikipedia.
Writing Circle.svg
Introduction to editingGuide to learn how to edit.
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HelpHelp page list.
CoffeeGeneral discussion space.
Help, technique, policies, proposals, news and miscellaneous.
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Chat channelsHelp channel Come in., General channel Come in..
Nuvola apps edu phi.svg
ConsultationsAsk about some area of knowledge.
Error reportsReport about an error in Wikipedia.
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Library ad boardRequest help from a librarian.
WikipediaEducationProgramLogo Spanish.svg
Education programme boardQuestion about Wikipedia's educational program.

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