Gustav Bauer


Gustav Adolf Bauer (listen< /span>) (Darkehmen, East Prussia, January 6, 1870-Berlin, Germany, September 16, 1944) was a German politician, leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and Chancellor of Germany from 1919 to 1920.

Life and career

Bauer, the son of an executive agent, whose ancestors had emigrated from 1731 to 1732 from southern Germany to East Prussia, [citation needed] worked after completing primary school in Königsberg in 1884 as a clerk in a law firm. After a serious illness his leg had to be amputated in 1888. From 1893 to December 1895 he was head of the office of the prominent lawyer Fritz Friedmann.[ citation required] In 1895 Bauer was one of the founders of the Association of Office Personnel, whose president he was until the merger with the Association of Administrative Officers of the Sick Funds in 1908. After he had lost his job in 1902 due to his union activities, he established himself as a restaurant owner, but after a year he left this job and became a union director. From 1908 to 1918, Bauer served as second president of the General Commission of German Trade Unions. In 1912 he was appointed president of the newly formed Volksfürsorge selected. In 1917 he participated in the founding of the People's League for Freedom and the Fatherland involved, which counteracted the extremist German Fatherland Party must form. After retiring from politics, he was CEO of a Berlin housing association.

After the National Socialists took power, he was detained for a week in May 1933 on charges related to embezzlement of public funds. Indications indicate that this would have been a conspiracy, since no evidence could be presented of the plots. accusations. After this, he disappeared from public life.

Gustav Bauer married Hedwig Moch on October 2, 1911. Her grave is in the Glienicke/Nordbahn parish cemetery.

Political part

Bauer was a member of the SPD, where he belonged to the right wing of the party, supporting the policy of the truce with the Reich government during the First World War. In 1925 he was associated with the Barmat scandal expelled from the SPD. The Arbitration Court party annulled the exclusion on May 14, 1926, on the back. He belonged to the time of the Weimar Republic, the flag of the empire-gold black-red A.


In 1912 he moved as a Social Democratic member for the electoral district of Wroclaw (Breslau-East) in the Reichstag of the Empire, where he belonged to the Budget Commission from 1915. After the November Revolution he was in the National Assembly in Weimar chosen one. He was again until 1928 a member of the Reichstag.

Public positions

First cabinet meeting of the Scheidemann Council of Ministers on February 13, 1919 in Weimar. From left to right: Ulrich Rauscher, press chief of the Reich Government, Robert Schmidt nutrition, Eugen Schiffer Finance, Philipp Scheidemann Chancellor, Otto Landsberg justice, Rudolf Wissel economics, Gustav Bauer, labor, Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau, Foreign Affairs, Eduard David without portfolio, Hugo Preuss Interior, John Giesberts mail, John Bell colonies, Georg Gothein, treasure, Gustav Noske, Reichswehr

In October 1918, Chancellor Max von Baden appointed her State Secretary of the Reich Labor Office. Bauer belonged to the Scheidemann Cabinet from February 13, 1919 as Minister of Labor. After Scheidemann's resignation on June 20, 1919, Bauer, chancellor of the government, signed the Treaty of Versailles the next day, although he himself rejected the terms of the contract. After he spoke already on June 22 for the acceptance of the contract, but with the Entente still wanted to protest against individual determinations (question of war guilt and extradition of German citizens), he had to go to the meeting of the Weimar National Assembly to admit a day after that his interventions in the victors were unsuccessful. The fact that, despite his rejection of clauses with Germany solely guilty of war and Germany's obligation to extradite German nationals who request it, he spoke during the signing of the contract, he reasoned as follows: p>

Ladies and gentlemen! No more protest today, no storm of indignation. Signing, that is the suggestion that I should make on behalf of the entire Council of Ministers. The reasons for this proposal are the same as yesterday, we only separate now have a short period of four hours before the resumption of hostilities. Another war that can't be responsible for, even if we had weapons. We are helpless, helpless, but not dishonorable. Of course, I want the opponent our honor, there is no doubt that this defamation attempt will again fall to the author himself, that it is not our honor that they are lost in this global tragedy that is my belief, last breath (Source: Act of the 41st Session of the National Assembly of Weimar on June 23, 1919)

He sat in his management, the assignment of the railways in the realm of responsibility, as well as by the Minister of Finance, with Matthias Erzberger financial reform. Bauer had in 1920 after the Kapp Putsch resign because he, like the Defense Minister of his cabinet, Gustav Noske, had lost the confidence of his party and the unions; but in the following reign of his party colleague Hermann Müller, he held the position of Treasury Minister and from May 1, 1920, the transport portfolio, which he headed until June 25, 1920. In 1921, he was Wirth's second cabinet as Vice Chancellor and Reich Minister of Finance.

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