

Guadalinex is a Linux distribution promoted by the Junta de Andalucía to promote the use of free software in its autonomous community. It was inspired by GnuLinEx, a similar project from the Junta de Extremadura. Initially it was based on Debian GNU/Linux due to the initial agreement between the Junta de Andalucía and the Junta de Extremadura, and since version 3.0 it has been based on Ubuntu. In Guadalinex V9 and later, the base distribution changes from Ubuntu to LinuxMint.

In 2018 the Junta de Andalucía discontinued Guadalinex, so the tenth version, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and LinuxMint 18, will never see the light of day.

In the educational field, the educational variant of Guadalinex, Guadalinex Edu, has been replaced by EducaAndOS.

Main features

  • Its contents are completely in Spanish.
  • It includes everything you need to have a really usable system: suite ofimatics, web browser, email client, multimedia players (support for multimedia codecs included), games, graphic design editor, development applications, etc.
  • One of the great news included in Guadalinex v7 is the application for parental control Nanny with which you can manage both the use of the internet by limiting the time for each user of the PC and using black lists to block unwanted websites, as well as the use of the PC itself.
  • All of the above-mentioned software is included in an installation DVD, through which the distribution can be tested, leaving the data on the hard drives intact thanks to the liveCD version, which also allows its installation on the computer, either as a single operating system or living with any other.
  • It has complementary DVDs through which it is possible to install additional programs in the system, although there are also repositories from which the entire software available for the distro can be obtained. As free apps for windows. All this is included in the full DVD of Guadalinex.
  • It has the support of the Junta de Andalucía and with an important community of users in the official forums of Guadalinex. It also has free technical support aimed at Guadalinex users for the resolution by the Guadalinex team of their possible doubts and/or problems.
  • In addition, the Department of Finance and Public Administration of the Junta de Andalucía develops the Guadalinex Escritorio COrporativo eStándar (GECOS), a version for companies and is managed by GECOS Centro de Control via the web
  • It is fully compatible with the repositories packages of the base distribution.
  • It has additional hardware support (additionally the one that its users need), which Ubuntu does not include by default due to its philosophy.
  • For the Guadalinex V6 version, the user guide was completely written so that the immersion in the free software and especially in Guadalinex, as well as the handling of its applications and the realization of the daily tasks of the users, is easier and more friendly. The guide has been updated and expanded in Guadalinex v7.
  • The Guadalinex V7 version opted to use ecological, more flexible and lightweight discs, thus contributing to reduce the consumption of carbon dioxide during its creation.
  • The Guadalinex V8 version provides a fully refurbished interface incorporating Gnome-shell by default, as well as a self-development of extensions that improve its usability. Pressing the Super key unfolds the full potential of Gnome-shell.
  • The current version Guadalinex V9 presents several new features, the first to change the distribution used so far to develop on Linux Mint and also offers a light version for those with reduced benefits. The light version (Lite) uses the LXDE desktop environment.
  • In 2016 the Guadalinex Forge has been migrated to GitHub.
  • GECOS has its website in GitHub.
  • In 2018 the Junta de Andalucía discontinued Guadalinex so the tenth version, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and LinuxMint 18, will never see the light.

Guadalinex Family

Ecological and flexible

There are several "flavors" of Guadalinex, depending on the audience it is aimed at:

  • Guadalinex Integral: of general purpose, it is published once every two years.
  • Guadalinex BIB: for Libraries (discontinued).
  • Guadalinex CDM: for the Major Day Centers.
  • Guadalinex Edu: for educational centers, maintained by the CGA (Comprehensive Digital Care Service).
  • Guadalinex Guadalinfo: for the Guadalinfo centers.
  • Guadalinex Lite: for old computers, it carries LXDE as a desktop environment.
  • Guadalinex UCA: for the University of Cadiz.
  • Guadalinex US: for the University of Seville.
  • GECOS: Guadalinex eStandar Community Desk for Public Administration.
  • Guadalinex ZA: for the Autonomous Zones of the Andalusian Employment Service. Currently, the Self-management Zones of the Andalusian Employment Service use GECOS.


Pets Guadalinex
NameAndatuz Flamenco Toro Wolf Ow! Lince Chameleon Bone break
DescriptionMain menu Pet V3 Pet V4 Pet V5 Pet V6 Pet V7 Pet V8 Pet V9

The choice of the mascot that represents each version is made through a survey Archived October 14, 2013 at the Wayback Machine. All the animals represented in the surveys are found in the different Andalusian provinces.


Supplements are add-on CDs for Guadalinex Base. There are several:

  • KDE-Guadalinex: supplement that installs the KDE desktop environment (personalized by the equipment KDE-Guadalinex) in Guadalinex Base.

In the 2004 and V3 versions, an educational supplement and a games supplement were released.

  • Educational Supplement: set of applications selected by the Department of Education for use in schools and for domestic use.
  • Supplement to Games: assortment of all kinds games. From the most classic to the newest in strategy and simulation.

In version V4, the supplement was converted to a DVD format due to the number of packages available and its content was divided into four.

  • Education: with mathematical programs, astronomy, geography, electronics, etc.
  • Games: of all types and for all public.
  • Development: tools to mount a web server, write programs for the desktop...
  • Miscellaneous: a selection of interesting programs, task planning, video editing, audio, etc.

In version V6 it was decided to take the definitive step to DVD which includes the distribution of Guadalinex V6, supplements not installed for Guadalinex and a selection of free software for windows.

The different download formats available for Guadalinex V6 are:

  • Full Gv6 DVD: Contains Guadalinex v6, free software for windows and supplements, which are packages that are not installed, but that can be installed (in group or one in one) from the DVD (no need for internet connection), once Guadalinex has been installed and restarted. There are supplements (sets of packages) of:
    • Games
    • Educational programmes
    • Development tools]
    • Languages (English and French)
    • And several. Interesting programs and utilities that do not belong to any of the above categories.
  • Gv6 DVD] Same as the previous one, but no supplements.
  • Gv6 CD: A reduced version of Guadalinex (some programs have been removed to fit on the CD) and no supplements or windows applications.
  • Supplements: A DVD with supplements if you have Guadalinex (or Ubuntu Jaunty) installed and you want to install one of those packages but you do not have access to the DVD or the internet.
  • Free Software for Windows: Free Software that can be installed on Windows. For example,, Firefox, aMsn, Gimp, Pidgin, Inskcape, etc.

Hardware requirements

Guadalinex Integral (Guadalinex Base)

Guadalinex Integral is the main version of Guadalinex Ciudadano aimed at computers with hardware features that can use a useful and pleasant desktop environment. Currently, the current version of Guadalinex is version 9 (V9).

Full version requirementsCPURAMHDDGPU
We look800 MHz512 MB3 GB3D and 32 MB acceleration
Recommended1 GHz1 GB5 GBWith 3D and 256 MB acceleration

Guadalinex Lite (formerly Guadalinex Mini)

Guadalinex Mini was discontinued in its latest version (V4.2). In 2014 this project is resumed together with Guadalinex V9 as Guadalinex Lite, the version of Guadalinex intended for computers with few or old resources. For this it uses the LXDE desktop environment (as opposed to the Integral version which uses Cinnamon).

Lite version requirementsCPURAMHDDGPU
We look800 MHz256 MB2 GBUSG
Recommended 1 GHz 512 MB 5 GB SVGA ATI, Nvidia or Intel


without support supported current version development

Guadalinex Integral (Guadalinex Base)

VersionReviewPettyRelease dateBase distributionNews
1.01.0 Archived on 5 June 2008 in Wayback Machine.Lire23 February 2004Debian Unstable (Sid)- First release.
- Kernel 2.4.23
- Internet connection support with ADSL, modem and cable.
- CD delivery service.
20042004 Archived on June 5, 2008 at Wayback Machine.Muflon7 October 2004Debian Testing (Sarge)- Gnome 2.6
- Open Office 1.1.2
- Programs for editing and retouching photos and graphics.
- Internet connection tools.
- Viewers and media players from the most popular formats.
2004r1 Archived on 5 June 2008 in Wayback Machine.1 July 2005Debian Stable (Sarge)- New versions of Firefox and Evolution.
- Copy of Guadapedia with all the recipes.
V3V3.0 Archived on 20 December 2007 at Wayback Machine.Flamenco8 February 2006Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)- Improved installer with automated procedures.
- Live CD version and installer version.
- Detection of very improved hot connectable devices thanks to Hermes.
- Kernel 2.6.12
- Gnome 2.6.12
V3.0.1 Archived on 5 June 2008 in Wayback Machine.4 August 2006- Improved partitioner.
V4V4.0 Archived on 19 September 2007 at Wayback Machine.Toro13 April 2007Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)- Revisions in the documentation and user manual.
- Corrections in the partition system.
- Drivers for Globalcom modems.
- Support for ed2k links in Firefox.
- Guadalinex Recovery Utility, to recover the start menu, if another system removes it.
V4.1 Archived on 25 November 2007 at Wayback Machine.23 November 2007- Compatibility with more hardware.
- OpenOffice2.2
- Connectivity assistants 3G Vodafone and Movistar.
- Improved accessibility for people with visual disabilities thanks to Orca (2.19.4) and the new voices (male and female) in Spanish for Festival.
- Compatibility with NTFS (driver NTFS-3G).
V4.2 Archived on 2 August 2008 at Wayback Machine.18 July 2008- Kernel 2.6.20-15
V5V5 Archived on 27 December 2008 at Wayback Machine.Wolf11 November 2008Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron)- Accessibility improvements for people with visual disabilities.
- Installer Guadalinex USB.
- Compiz Fusion by omission.
- Firefox 3 by default.
V6V6 Archived on 25 June 2009 in Wayback Machine.Ow!22 June 2009Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope)- Kernel 2.6.28-11.
- Gnome 2.26.1.
- 3.0.
- Professional Gimp Image Editor (2.6) and Simple Image Editor Gnupaint.
- Photo manager F-spot.
- X-sane Image Scan Program
- Audacity Sound Editor.
- Sound-Juicer has been replaced by Rhymthbox for audio CD extraction.
- Serpentine is suppressed by Brasero to create audio CD.
- Video editor Avidemux.
- Emulator to run windows wine applications.
- Folder sharing from the System→Management→ Shared folders.
- New user manual.
- Backintime for backup.
- Text file comparison.
- Notebook (Tomboy).
- Calculating the integrity of ISO images with the MD5 sum graphically.
- Minimum build environment (GCC, make...) and kernel headers.
- Video recording support (DVD, VCD, SVCD).
- The Amigu Migration Assistant now allows you to import data from Windows Vista.
- The Guadalinex USB generator has been replaced by Ubuntu Jaunty.
V7V7 Archived on 19 September 2010 at Wayback Machine.Lince6 July 2010Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)- Kernel 2.6.32-22.
- 3.2.
- Nanny: parental control for the youngest
- Hermes: Hardware Change Notifier.
- Mount-systray: applet to dismantle external devices.
- Guadalinex e-admin: tools for e-administration procedures.
- Pre-installation of readers for DNIe.
- Grubaker2: graphical editor for booting.
- Gru: boot menu recoverer.
- PeopleGuada: Guadalinex collaborative network game.
- Folder sharing from the System→Management→ Shared folders.
- Accessibility profiles.
- Updated user manual.
- Guadalinex first start: tour of the desk of Guadalinex narrated.
- Visioned partitions during installation.
- Spanish voices.
- Audio/video codecs.
- Wine: for win32 applications
- Complete list of improvements and developments
V8V8 Archived on 16 March 2012 at Wayback Machine.Chameleon13 March 2012Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)- Kernel 3.0.
- Gnome 3.2.
- Firefox 10.
- Libreoffice 3.5.
Drivers DNIe.
- Gnome-Shell.

- This version appears for the first time GECOS (GECOS V1).

V9V9 Archived on 24 March 2014 in Wayback Machine.Bone break21 November 2014LinuxMint 17 Qiana (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)- 32 bits.
- Based on Linux Mint LTS.
- Environment Cinnamon.

- It includes a light version for hardware-restricted equipment (LXDE environment).

- Second version of GECOS (GECOS V2).

V10 V10 Archived on 18 August 2018 in Wayback Machine. Pig (Never get published) LinuxMint 19 Sarah (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)

Lubuntu 16.04 LTS

- Guadalinex V10 Integral (Cinnamon) for 64-bit architectures.

- Guadalinex V10 Lite (LXDE) for 32-bit architectures.

- Third version of GECOS (GECOS V3).

- Special boot mode for people with visual disabilities.

- AppGrid as a Software Center.

- LibreOffice 5.1.2.

- Firefox 55.

- Cinnamon 3.0.2.

- Voices in Spanish (Hispavoces).

Guadalinex Lite (formerly Guadalinex Mini)

Guadalinex Mini was born in the 2004 version of Guadalinex. The development of the Mini version was discontinued with the release of Guadalinex V4.2 Mini. In 2014, a light version of Guadalinex V9 was released for computers with hardware limitations, so today, the Lite version of Guadalinex can be called a successor development of Guadalinex Mini given the few resources that this version uses.

VersionRelease dateBase distribution
20044 August 2005Debian Stable (Sarge)
V316 January 2007Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)
V4.2 RC119 May 2008Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)
V921 November 2014LinuxMint 17 Qiana under LXDE

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