Graphic humour

Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known under the pseudonym of Quino, graphic humorist and Argentine historietist. His best-known work is the comic strip Mafalda, published between 1964 and 1973
An example of a modern "cartoon".

Graphic humor is a neologism used to designate a diverse range of graphic works produced for the press, from one-panel jokes and caricatures to actual comic strips, comic strips, and even entire plates.. Many abound in the satire of political and social news. It has the role of questioning the apparent truth, however this does not imply that its goal is to obtain the truth.


Until the middle of the XX century, the press cartoon was called caricature, and the cartoonist was called caricaturist. In the pages of The New Yorker, which influence most publications around the world, the "new style of humor" is born.

The innovators of the genre are the Americans Chas Addams, Peter Arno, George Price, Virgil Partch (VIP) and especially Saul Steinberg. Also the French Chaval, Jean Bosc, André François and Siné.

Several different satirical traditions converge in Spain. In the north, Galician authors stand out, with Castelao at the forefront. In the center there is a school of costumbrista satire, with Tovar, Sileno, Fresno and K-Hito, to which is added the Catalan Bagaria. In Valencia there is its own satirical tradition, with names like Bluff, Tramús or Juan Pérez del Muro, as well as Ernesto Guasp who will develop his career in the Catalan and Mexican press. Finally, in Catalonia there is an important satirical school, with its own characteristics, which goes back to Pellicer and Apeles Mestres, and includes Cornet, Junceda, Opisso, Nogués, Passarell or Bon.

In Mexico, names like Salvador Pruneda, Audiffred or García Cabral are the precursors of the generation of Freyre, Arias Bernal, Vadillo or Carreño, who preceded Rius, Quezada, Helioflores or Naranjo.

The Mosquito, April 24, 1892.
A copy of the Argentine political humor magazine "Caras y caretas"

In Argentina we can consider José María Cao, Mayol, Alejandro Sirio, or Mario Zavattaro precursors. Also graphic humorists such as Arturo Lanteri, Dante Quinterno, Guillermo Divito, Adolfo Mazzone, Héctor Torino, Landrú, Oski. In 2009, in the exhibition "Bicentennial: 200 years of Graphic Humor" Museum of Drawing and Illustration held at the Eduardo Sívori Museum in Buenos Aires, honoring the most important creators of Graphic Humor in Argentina through its history. Since 2012, the Argentine Comics and Graphic Humor Center has been in the National Library, which acquires, identifies and collects for its preservation, conservation, study, valorization and dissemination, the Argentine cartoon and humorous production. It is the only comprehensive public and national documentary collection of all the historical production of these media and languages in Argentina.

Law 26,652, enacted in October 2010, instituted September 4 as the Argentine National Cartoon Day. The date was chosen in commemoration of the first issue of the Hora Cero Magazine, published on September 4, 1957.

And in Cuba Blanco, Valls, Massaguer, Maribona and Avela, who preceded Sergio Ruiz, Fresquito Fresquet, Chago, Fornés, Niko, Jesús de Armas, René de la Nuez, David, among others.[1]

Contemporary Spanish graphic humor

The Civil War in Spain ends the previous humorous tradition. In the magazine La Codorniz, by Tono, Mihura and Herreros, comedians such as Mingote, Chumy Chúmez, Miguel Gila, Summers and Pablo will be featured. Carlos Conti, Joaquim Muntañola, Peñarroya and Castanys also stand out, and from the transition, new names such as El Perich, Cesc and Ops.

Shortly before Franco's death, the "graphic humor boom" took place. There are a large number of humor magazines and books. In 1977, more than one hundred professionals in comics and graphic humor joined the Association of Plastic Artists, seeking greater recognition of their rights. They therefore lack "the minimum conditions of contracts, social security, unemployment insurance" and "the intellectual property of their works is not recognized as effectively as other works from other sectors".

Currently the main comedians are in the magazine El Jueves: Óscar, J.L. Martín, Kim, Fer, Vizcarra, Monteys, Manel Fontdevila, Malagón, etc.

And in the daily press: Gallego & Rey, Idigoras & Pachi, Guillermo, Ricardo (El Mundo); Mingote, Martinmorales, Puebla (ABC); El Roto, Peridis, Forges, Ramón, Máximo, Carlos Romeu Müller (El País); Juan Kalvellido (The Republic, Diagonal, Rebellion, etc.), Caín, Turcios (La Razón); Manel Fontdevila, Santi Orúe, Vergara, Mauro Entrialgo (Audience); Ferreres, Tàssies, Juanjo Sáez (El Periódico); Ventura & Coromina, Toni, Krahn, Kap, Labanda (La Vanguardia); Zulet (The Mail); Soria, Mesamadero (Ideal), Eneko, Calpurnio (20 minutes); Rodera (Adn), Xaquín Marín (The voice of Galicia), Sabela Arias Castro (Lands of Santiago); Tris (La Rioja)…

In the sports press we find Guillermo (Marca), Caye (Sport), Kap (El Mundo Deportivo) and Bernal (Equipo).

The Internet is remarkable Juan Ramón Mora, Runtime-Error, Mel and the digital platforms that provide the media to their respective cartoonists, for example Mauro Entrialgo, Ferran Martín, Manel Fontdevila or Daniele.

In two collective books published in 2007 you can find the most representative of contemporary Spanish humor: Humor a Toda Vela, and Comunica con Humor.

In 2016 Humoristán officially opens its doors, the first digital museum dedicated entirely to graphic humor. In March 2017, he published a free 46-page pdf A year of graphic humor, Humoristan 2016 report .

In Mexico

In Mexican picardía, a book by the Mexican writer Armando Jiménez, there is a chapter with some examples of Mexican graphic humor, especially the double meaning.

Magazine Timeline

  • 1940, in Argentina, Medrano creates the "Graphodramas" for the newspaper La Nación.
  • 1941, in Spain, Miguel Mihura, Tono and Neville founded The Codorniz with the subtitle of "the boldest magazine, for the smartest reader". That same year, in Argentina, the humor magazine Cascabel was born.
  • 1952, American Harvey Kurtzman created the MAD satirical magazine.
  • 1961, born in Germany satirical magazine Pardon.
  • 1972, Oscar Blotta launches the magazine in Argentina Satiricón. In Spain, where you live a "boom"of the graphic humor, Chúmy Chúmez throws "Brother Lobo" to the likeness of the French weekly "Charlie Hebdo" and also appears Barrabás, specialized in sport.
  • 1973. The Papus"satellical and neurasthenic sight."
  • In March 1974, it appears Please.
  • 1977, close Barrabas, The Codorniz, Please. and born Thursday.
  • 1977, in Argentina appears the first issue of the magazine Humor.
  • 1987, appearing TMEO and Monographic.
  • 2005, in Argentina the magazine Caras and Caretas is reissued for the third time.
  • 2012, Mongolia appears.

In Costa Rica

In Costa Rica the work of Hugo Díaz is particularly found, who stood out for the publication of his work in the Semanario Universidad.

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