

Glyceria, is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family. It has a cosmopolitan distribution.


They are perennial, glabrous plants that grow in flooded places. Rooting stems by the nodes. Leaves with a sheath with welded margins, at least in the lower half, and a flat or folded blade. Panicle lax with excavated rachis. Spikelets with numerous flowers. Unequal glumes, shorter than the lower flower, membranous, uninervated. Lemma rounded, 7-veined. Palea almost as long as the lemma, with winged keel. Androecium with 3 stamens. Ovoid caryopsis.


The genus was described by Robert Brown and published in Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae 179. 1810. The type species is: Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br.


The generic name derives from the Greek glykeros (sweet), referring to the seeds of G. fluitans and perhaps the leaves and roots of some other species.


Chromosome base number, x = 10. 2n = 20, 28, 40, 56, and 60. 2, 4, and 6 ploid (y, aneuploid). Small and medium chromosomes.


  • Glyceria arctic Hook.
  • Glyceria declines Bréb.
  • Glyceria flavescens M. E. Jones
  • Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br.
  • Glyceria latifolia Colton.
  • Glyceria lemmoni Vasey
  • Glyceria ovatiflora Keng
  • Glyceria plicata (Fries) Fries

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