Global city

Hong Kong, considered a global city and one of the world's leading financial centres.

Global city (also called world city, alpha city or center) is a concept of urban geography which applies to cities that meet a series of characteristics born due to the effect of globalization and the constant growth of urbanization. The most complex of these entities would be "global cities": those that have a direct and tangible effect on world affairs through more than just the socioeconomic environment, with influence in terms of culture or politics.

The term global city is attributed to the sociologist Saskia Sassen, author of the book published in 1991 The global city, in reference to London, New York, Paris and Tokyo, and in contrast to the term megacity. Numerous institutes, entities and publications classify global cities according to different criteria, whether economic, social, cultural or political.

General characteristics

  • International recognition and promotion of the city. An example of this is the identification of the place or region, that is, the city's own name unequivocally.
  • Influence and participation in international events and aspects of global importance, for example, the holding of major sporting meetings (the Olympic Games or the World Cup of Football), political or social, or the host of international organizations.
  • To be center of a great conurbation and possess a population in the metropolitan area sufficiently large.
  • Having an airport that works as an international connection centre, that is, having a large number of air connections with the big cities of the world.
  • Have an advanced transport system (ferroviary, metro, buses, highways, etc.) interconnected within the city and with other capital cities.
  • Have advanced infrastructure in the telecommunications world.
  • Make it a cosmopolitan city.
  • Having your own cultural environment, thanks to the existence of film festivals, musical events, art galleries, etc.
  • To host various international companies and activities (ferias, organized markets) that define it as an important business city.

For some, London, New York, Paris and Tokyo have traditionally been considered the "big four" cities around the world not by chance, but they also serve as symbols of global capitalism. However, many people have their own personal lists, and it is likely that any of the lists will differ based on cultural background, values, and experience.


Shanghai, one of the most important global cities in China.

Since the beginning of the XX century the cities of London, Paris and New York have been considered the Three Bigs, that is, the main cities in the world that exerted great influence at a global level. However, since the second half of the XX century, this small group has been increased with the inclusion of Tokyo, Madrid, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Moscow, São Paulo, Beijing, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, as well as several other cities in the rest of the world. The way to qualify whether or not a city corresponds to this concept of global city has been much discussed.

Global Financial Centers Index

Madrid, the third most important financial centre in the European Union, behind Paris and Frankfurt and the most important global city in the Hispanic world.

The Global Financial Centers Index is a biannual ranking that measures the competitiveness of the world's main financial centers. The index is developed based on more than 29,000 ratings from an online questionnaire, along with data from more than 100 indices from organizations such as the World Bank, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Economist Intelligence Unit.

As of March 24, 2022, the main financial centers in the world among the 119 financial centers classified are:

1Sin cambiosBandera de Estados Unidos New York759Decrecimiento 3
2Sin cambiosBandera del Reino Unido London726Decrecimiento 14
3Sin cambiosHong KongBandera de Hong KongHong Kong715Decrecimiento 1
4Crecimiento 2Bandera de la República Popular China Shanghai714Crecimiento 1
5Crecimiento 2Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles713Crecimiento 1
6Decrecimiento 2SingaporeBandera de SingapurSingapore712Decrecimiento 3
7Decrecimiento 2Bandera de Estados Unidos San Francisco711Decrecimiento 3
8Sin cambiosBandera de la República Popular China Beijing710Decrecimiento 1
9Sin cambiosBandera de Japón Tokyo708Crecimiento 2
10Crecimiento 6Bandera de la República Popular China Shenzhen707Crecimiento 8
11Decrecimiento 1Bandera de Francia Paris706Crecimiento 1
12Crecimiento 1Bandera de Corea del Sur Seoul705Crecimiento 3
13Decrecimiento 2Bandera de Estados Unidos Chicago704Sin cambios
14Decrecimiento 2Bandera de Estados Unidos Boston703Sin cambios
15Sin cambiosBandera de Estados Unidos Washington D.C.702Decrecimiento 2
16Decrecimiento 2Bandera de Alemania Frankfurt694Decrecimiento 7
17Crecimiento 1Bandera de Emiratos Árabes Unidos Dubai691Decrecimiento 3
18Crecimiento 6Bandera de España Madrid690Crecimiento 3
19Decrecimiento 2Bandera de los Países Bajos Amsterdam687Decrecimiento 1
20Crecimiento 1Bandera de Suiza Zurich686Decrecimiento 4

Latin America

18Bandera de España Madrid690
53Bandera de Portugal Lisbon633
60Bandera de México Mexico City620
70Bandera de Brasil Rio de Janeiro599
73Bandera de Brasil São Paulo588
79Bandera de Chile Santiago568
81Bandera de Colombia Bogotá566
110Bandera de Argentina Buenos Aires523
115Bandera de Panamá Panama City518

Global Cities Index

Singapore, ranked among the most important global cities in Asia.

The magazine Foreign Policy, together with the consulting company A. T. Kearney and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, publishes the Global Cities Index in English), a classification of global cities, based on consultation with Saskia Sassen, Witold Rybczynski, among others. Foreign Policy notes that "the world's largest and most interconnected cities help set global agendas, are able to confront transnational dangers, and serve as centers of global integration.. They are the engines of growth for their countries and the gateways to the resources of their regions. The classifications are based on the evaluation of indicators distributed in five areas: business activity, human capital, the exchange of information, cultural activity and political commitment.

In 2021, the main global cities were:

  1. Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
  2. Bandera del Reino Unido London
  3. Bandera de Francia Paris
  4. Bandera de Japón Tokyo
  5. Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles
  6. Bandera de la República Popular China Beijing
  7. Bandera de Hong Kong Hong Kong
  8. Bandera de Estados Unidos Chicago
  9. Bandera de Singapur Singapore
  10. Bandera de la República Popular China Shanghai
  11. Bandera de Estados Unidos San Francisco
  12. Bandera de Australia Melbourne
  13. Bandera de Alemania Berlin
  14. Bandera de Estados Unidos Washington D.C.
  15. Bandera de Australia Sydney
  16. Bandera de Bélgica Brussels
  17. Bandera de Corea del Sur Seoul
  18. Bandera de Rusia Moscow
  19. Bandera de España Madrid
  20. Bandera de Canadá Toronto

The Most Talked About Cities in the World

The World's Most Talked About Cities is a report published by ING Media, a London media company. The report ranks 250 global cities by the number of times they are mentioned on social media and in the online press.

In 2019 the most talked about cities in the world were:

  1. Bandera de Japón Tokyo
  2. Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
  3. Bandera del Reino Unido London
  4. Bandera de Francia Paris
  5. Bandera de España Madrid
  6. Bandera de Emiratos Árabes Unidos Dubai
  7. Bandera de Italia Rome
  8. Bandera de España Barcelona
  9. Bandera de Corea del Sur Seoul
  10. Bandera de Japón Osaka

The Best Cities in the World

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ranked the main global city of the Arab world.

The classification of The Best Cities in the World ("The World's Best Cities" in English) is produced by the real estate advisor, Resonance Consultancy, which evaluates each city according to six criteria: the place (" perception of the quality of the city's natural and built environment"), the product ("key institutions, attractions and infrastructure"), the programming ("arts, culture, entertainment and the scene culinary"), the people ("diversity and level of immigration"), prosperity ("employment and corporate headquarters") and its promotion ("stories, references and reviews shared online").

In 2021, the top 10 cities in the world were:

  1. Bandera del Reino Unido London
  2. Bandera de Francia Paris
  3. Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
  4. Bandera de Rusia Moscow
  5. Bandera de Emiratos Árabes Unidos Dubai
  6. Bandera de Japón Tokyo
  7. Bandera de Singapur Singapore
  8. Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles
  9. Bandera de España Barcelona
  10. Bandera de España Madrid

Global City Lab

In 2019 the Global City Lab published a ranking of the top 500 global cities, ranked by their brand value. According to this report, the ten most important global cities are:

  1. Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
  2. Bandera del Reino Unido London
  3. Bandera de Japón Tokyo
  4. Bandera de Francia Paris
  5. Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles
  6. Bandera de Australia Sydney
  7. Bandera de Alemania Berlin
  8. Bandera de Singapur Singapore
  9. Bandera de Hong Kong Hong Kong
  10. Bandera de Canadá Toronto

Global Powerful Cities Index

Buenos Aires, classified by the Global Index of Powerful Cities as the most important global city in Hispanic America.

The Institute for Urban Strategies of the Mori Memorial Foundation is a Japanese institute that publishes the Global Power City Index ("Global Power City Index" in English or "世界の都市総合力ランキング" in Japanese), a report annual survey of the world's most powerful global cities. Each city is classified according to six categories: economy, research and development, cultural interaction, quality of life, environment and accessibility, with another 70 indicators within these.

According to the 2021 report, the ten most powerful cities in the world are:

Principals of the World
1Bandera del Reino Unido London
2Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
3Bandera de Japón Tokyo
4Bandera de Francia Paris
5Bandera de Singapur Singapore
6Bandera de los Países Bajos Amsterdam
7Bandera de Alemania Berlin
8Bandera de Corea del Sur Seoul
9Bandera de España Madrid
10Bandera de la República Popular China Shanghai
Main of Ibero-America
9Bandera de España Madrid
18Bandera de España Barcelona
40Bandera de Argentina Buenos Aires
43Bandera de Brasil São Paulo
44Bandera de México Mexico City

Wealth Index

Munich (Germany), classified by the Rice Index as the third European city preferred by high-income people to live.

The City Wealth Index is an index published by Knight Frank LLP and Citi Private Bank that evaluates which are the most important cities for high-income people, defined as those with assets greater than the $25 million US dollars (22.6 million euros). According to the report, the most important considerations for such people are economic activity, political power, knowledge, influence and quality of life.

According to its 2021 report, the most important global cities are:

  • 1. Bandera del Reino Unido London (packaged)
  • 1. Bandera de Estados Unidos New York (packaged)
  • 3. Bandera de Francia Paris
  • 4. Bandera de Japón Tokyo
  • 5. Bandera de Hong Kong Hong Kong
  • 6. Bandera de Estados Unidos Chicago
  • 6. Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles (empatadas)
  • 8. Bandera de Singapur Singapore
  • 9. Bandera de Alemania Munich
  • 10. Bandera de los Países Bajos Amsterdam
  • 11. Bandera de la República Popular China Beijing
  • 12. Bandera de Alemania Berlin
  • 13. Bandera de Estados Unidos Houston
  • 14. Bandera de la República Popular China Shanghai
  • 15. Bandera de Estados Unidos Dallas
  • 16. Bandera de España Madrid
  • 17. Bandera de Canadá Toronto
  • 18. Bandera de Suiza Zurich
  • 19. Bandera de Alemania Frankfurt
  • 20. Bandera de Estados Unidos Washington D.C.

GaWC Study

The Globalization and World Cities Research Network (or "GaWC") is a British think tank that publishes a report every two years that ranks the world's cities according to their level of globalization and their connectivity to so-called "advanced services." such as accounting, advertising, banking, finance and law. The report gives more weight to economic aspects than to political, social or cultural aspects. According to these criteria, cities are classified into three city categories: Alpha (with four subcategories), Beta (with three subcategories) and Gamma (with three subcategories).

The report has been published continuously since 1998 with editions in 1998, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020. According to the 2020 report, the most important cities in the world are as follows:

(Crecimiento(1) or (Decrecimiento1) indicates that the city has risen or dropped from its ranking in the 2018 report.

Alpha (2020)

Cities at the Alpha level are connected to the world's major states and economic regions and connected to the global economy. Alpha cities are categorized into four city subcategories: Alpha++, Alpha+, Alpha, and Alpha−.


Alpha++ cities are the cities most integrated into the global economy:

  • Bandera del Reino Unido London
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos New York
Alpha +

Alpha + cities are cities that are highly integrated into the global economy, providing advanced services to the global economy:

  • Bandera de la República Popular China Beijing
  • Bandera de Emiratos Árabes Unidos Dubai
  • Bandera de Hong Kong Hong Kong
  • Bandera de Francia Paris
  • Bandera de la República Popular China Shanghai
  • Bandera de Singapur Singapore
  • Bandera de Japón Tokyo
Mexico City, classified as an Alfa city.
  • Bandera de los Países Bajos Amsterdam (Crecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de la India Bombay
  • Bandera de Bélgica Brussels
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Chicago
  • Bandera de México Mexico City
  • Bandera de Suecia Stockholm
  • Bandera de Alemania Frankfurt
  • Bandera de Indonesia Jakarta
  • Bandera de Malasia Kuala Lumpur
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Los Angeles
  • Bandera de Luxemburgo Luxembourg
  • Bandera de España Madrid
  • Bandera de Italia Milan
  • Bandera de Rusia Moscow
  • Bandera de Brasil São Paulo
  • Bandera de Australia Sydney (Decrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Canadá Toronto
Alpha −
Seoul, classified as an Alpha city −.
  • Bandera de Tailandia Bangkok (Decrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de la India BangaloreCrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos Boston (Crecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Argentina Buenos AiresDecrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de la República Popular China Canton (Decrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Irlanda Dublin
  • Bandera de Turquía IstanbulDecrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Sudáfrica Johannesburg
  • Bandera de Portugal Lisbon
  • Bandera de Filipinas Manila
  • Bandera de Australia Melbourne (Decrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Canadá Montreal
  • Bandera de Alemania Munich
  • Bandera de la India New Delhi
  • Bandera de República Checa Prague
  • Bandera de Arabia Saudita Riad
  • Bandera de Estados Unidos San Francisco
  • Bandera de Chile Santiago
  • Bandera de Corea del Sur SeoulDecrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de la República Popular China Shenzhen
  • Bandera de Taiwán TaipeiDecrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Polonia WarsawDecrecimiento(1)
  • Bandera de Austria Vienna
  • Bandera de Suiza Zurich (Decrecimiento(1)

Other criteria

Other criteria, not considered in lists such as those of the GaWC that are based on specific criteria and, therefore, may not include other globally significant cities, such as:

  • Greater population, the main city and its metropolitan area.
  • Various demographic issues.
  • Miscellaneous indicators:
    • Population, habitat and urbanization.
  • Significant financial capacity/output:
    • Urban/regional GDP.
    • Stock exchange or market capitalization indices.
    • Headquarters of multinational companies.
    • Provision of financial services, e.g. banks or financial enterprises.
    • Employment.
  • Based on quality of life or urban development.
  • Based on the cost of living.
    • Based on personal wealth; e.g. number billionaires (in billions of dollars).
  • Transport infrastructure:
    • Airports for passenger traffic or ton of cargo.
    • Extensive collective transport systems.
    • Use of the railroad.
    • Use of private transport.
    • Major seaports.
  • Significant technological infrastructure or capacity:
    • High airlines.
  • Significant institutions:
    • Education (universities, student care, etc.).
    • Research centers.
    • Health institutions (hospitals, medical laboratories and pharmacists).
  • Places of religious pilgrimage.
  • Headquarters of international institutions.
  • Places of cultural or historical significance World Heritage.
  • Facilities for cultural development:
    • Museums and galleries.
    • Opera.
    • Orchestra.
    • Film festivals.
    • Theaters.
    • Places hosting major sporting events (Olympic Games).
  • Tourism:
    • Number of visitors and tourists.
    • Economic impact (tourism intake).
    • Related developments (Universal Exposure, European Capital of Culture, etc.).
  • Media.
Selected approach
RankCity populationMetropolitan Area PopulationPercentage of births abroadCost of lifePassengers in MetroExtension of the railway systemPassengers per airport (2006)Millionaires


Gross Domestic Product
1KarachiTokyoLondonZurichHong KongHong KongBeijingLondonTokyo
2São PauloJakartaTorontoSeoulMoscowLondonChicagoTokyoNew York
3MoscowSeoulLos AngelesTokyoNew YorkTokyoLondonSingaporeLos Angeles
4New DelhiMexico CityVancouverHong KongSeoulSeoulTokyoNew YorkChicago
5ShanghaiSão PauloNew YorkLondonMexico CityMadridLos AngelesBeijingLondon
6Mexico CityNew YorkSingaporeOsakaParisMoscowDallasParisParis
8IstanbulLos AngelesAbijanCopenhagenFrankfurt am MainMexico CityFrankfurt am MainTaipeiMexico City
9BombayDelhiMiamiMoscowTokyoNew YorkAtlantaZurichPhiladelphia
10TokyoOsakaParisOslo/New YorkSingaporeChicagoDenverSão PauloSão Paulo

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