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Gentle refers to several articles:

  • To Gentile population of Rio Grande del Sur.
  • A Goy, term used by Jews to refer to non-Jewish nations or individuals.
  • A pay, pejorative term that usually applies to people who have religious beliefs different from Christianity.
  • A jentil, Basque term that designates the pagans of traditional legends.
  • Al pagan Christianityor Gentile Christianity, a branch of Christianity adapted to the pagan world.

In principle, a gentile was one who belonged to a gens (tribe or clan in Latin). They belonged to the same gens, mainly, those who were descendants of a common ancestor.

Botanical Abbreviations

  • Gentile, Ambroise Gentil (1842-1929).
  • L.Gentil, Théodore August Louis François Gentil (1874-1949).
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