Generalized orthogonal Lie algebra


A generalized orthogonal Lie algebra is a Lie algebra associated with a generalized orthogonal group. This type of algebras are characterized by two integers n and m so that for every pair of positive integers with m. n has a type of generalized orthogonal algebra, algebra: sor(n,m){displaystyle {mathfrak {so}(n,m)}. The vectorial dimension of these Lie algebras is given by:

dim (sor(n,m))=(n2){displaystyle dim({mathfrak {so}}(n,m)}={begin{pmatrix}n2end{pmatrix}}}}}}

A second generalization discussed in this article explains how to build algebras called sor(n,m){displaystyle {mathfrak {so}(n,m)} from the previous ones.

Representation and examples

Algebras so(n,m)

There is an obvious way to represent Lie algebras for values of n and m in terms of lower-dimensional algebras. For example:

  • (AV− − Vt0){displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}mathbf {A} &V-V^{t}{pmatrix}}}}}} belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n+1) yes A belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n) and V It's a n-vector (columna).
  • (AVVt0){displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}mathbf {A} &VV^{t}{pmatrix}}}}} belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m+1) yes A belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m) and V is a (n+m)-vector.(including m = 0, of course). The algebra of Lobachevski is sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n,1) (not algebra of Lorentz as usual in literature, a confusion with its role in the algebra of Poincaré, although the common expression is hyperbolic algebra).

Algebras so(n,m,l)

The above construction can be generalized a bit further by the following notation:

(AV00){displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}A blindV\ fake0end{pmatrix}}}}} belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m(1) if A belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m) and V is a (n+m)-vector. The euclidian algebra is sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n0, 1)! The algebra of Poincaré is sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n1:1. In general, it represents the Lie algebra of the semi-direct product of the translations in space Rn+m with SO(n, m) that has sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, mLike his algebra of Lie.

New Note: (AV00){displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}A blindV\ fake0end{pmatrix}}}}} belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m, l+1) yes A belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m, l) and V is a (n+m+l)-vector.

In particular: (AVX00t000){displaystyle {begin{pmatrix}A fakeVX\ fake0 fake0 fake0end{pmatrix}}}}} belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m,2) yes A belongs to sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n, m) and V and X are (n+mV.P. Galileo's algebra is sor{displaystyle {mathfrak {so}}}}(n,0,2), associated with an iterated semi-direct product. (t It's a "number," but important. g/[chuckles]g,g]{displaystyle {mathfrak {g}}/[{mathfrak {g}}},{mathfrak {g}}}}}}} da t Yeah. n2. So time is the commutative part of the Galileo group.

To complete, we give here the equations of structure. The Algebra of Galileo g{displaystyle {mathfrak {g}}}} is expanded by T, Xi, Vi and Aij (antisymmetric intensity) according to:

  • [Xi, T] = 0
  • [Xi, Xj] = 0
  • [Aij, T] = 0
  • [VVi, Vj] = 0
  • [AijAkl] = δik Ajl - δil Ajk - δjk Ail + δjl Aik
  • [Aij, Xk] = δik Xj - δjk Xi
  • [Aij, Vk] = δik Vj - δjk Vi
  • [VVi, Xj] = 0
  • [VVi,T]=Xi

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