General Bravo


General Bravo is a town located in the eastern part of the state of Nuevo León, Mexico. The municipal seat is at the coordinates 25º48' north latitude and 99º 10' west longitude. It is located at a height of 150 m above sea level, and its population is 7,799 inhabitants, spread over an area of 2,073.2 km².

The most important economic sectors are livestock, agriculture and trade. Among the festivals are mentioned the one of the foundation celebrated in the month of November, the festival of the Holy Cross, patron saint of the Municipality in the month of May; the festivities of September: month of the homeland. The population of 2000 was 5,854 inhabitants, in the 2005 census it was 6,385 inhabitants


In 1984, a call or contest was launched for the entire municipality to participate in the design of the municipal shield, with Professor Arnoldo Guajardo Arizpe being the winner. The design is a compilation of the first three places in said call, in the upper part of this shield is the effigy of General Nicolás Bravo in whose homage the municipality was named.

In the upper left part you can see the old Municipal Palace, on the right are represented the arable fields with the most important agricultural products of the municipality: fodder sorghum, wheat, watermelon and melon, as well as heads of cattle that represent livestock of our town.

In the lower left part you can see the kiosk in the main square and in the background: the hemicycle representing the founding families, on the right you can see the parish of Santa Cruz and in the center, the rampant lion, and on the the edge the motto culture, progress and work. In the band below the name of the municipality.


Around the year 1790, when Don Joaquín Mier y Noriega was governor of the New Kingdom of León, "El rancho Del Toro" was founded, the main antecedent of today's municipality of General Bravo; it was also called Rancho del Toro de Abajo and Villa de San Juan Bautista. The municipality was founded on November 18, 1868 after achieving the separation of the municipality of China, N. L., of which it was a part, this during the Government of General Jerónimo Treviño.

Illustrious people

Among the illustrious characters of the municipality are the following:

  • Desiderio Cantú Leal and Lieutenant Colonel Darío Garza Cantú. The erection of the former "Rancho del Toro" in the current General Bravo was achieved through his efforts.
  • Julián Garza Tijerina (1899-1976). President of the patronate Cruz Verde and senator of the Republic, deputy director of the Hospital Militar de Monterrey, Federal deputy for the 2nd District. Military doctor, member of the Mexican army.
  • Bonifacio Salinas Leal. General of division, governor of the state of Nuevo León and the state of Baja California.
  • Arturo Bonifacio de la Garza y Garza (1905-1952). Bachelor of the State of Nuevo León.
  • Mentor Tijerina de la Garza (1921-2005). performed heart surgery, a closed mitral comisurotomia on March 22, 1953, being the second of that type in Mexico and performed the first aortic comisurotomia by left ventricular, being the first surgery of its time not only in Mexico but in the world

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