

Geek (from English geek, pronounced «guic»: IPA /gi:k/) is a term used to refer to a person who is fascinated by technology and computer science. The term "geek" in Spanish is related only to technology, unlike the use of the term geek in English.

Poster of the non-profit organization “Free Geek” and Tux, representing support geek to free software.


The development -and the exact meaning- of the term is not the same in all areas or cultures, although it has maintained the meaning of geek. It is originally an Anglo-Saxon term and, according to the hacker slang glossary “Jargon File”, it seems to have originally referred to a fan of a carnival character who “ripped off the heads of chickens”.

Before 1990 it had a rather pejorative connotation. Although this is not the case today, the first versions of the term defined a computer geek with some of the concepts that could be included in: a nerd, a loser or an asocial loser; unsuccessful and with little personality. In fact, according to the Jargon File, they are still considered that way by non-geeks.

But as mainstream culture has become more reliant on technology and technical skills, traditional stances have had to assume a grudging respect for the new geeks. Specifically, this is This is so to the point that today there is also Geek Pride Day, as proof of a social claim after years of social abuse, created by left-wing political movements for those who sympathize with them.

Difference between geek and nerd

It is mentioned that a nerd is stereotyped as a person who has an outstanding intelligence who has habits and tastes different from those socially established as "common". Instead, a geek is said to be one who has a fascination or a taste for a very specific area of interest. This goes to show that a geek doesn't need that preternatural intelligence that is categorized as a nerd, but if a geek is interested in some little known parts of math and science he too would be a highly intelligent person. It is there where the lines to define both people become blurred, but something that does differentiate a geek from others is that the Internet and technology are used as a means of cultural expression of their interest, be it animation, comics, videogames, etc. software etc In forums, chats, web pages where they can share said knowledge. Something also characteristic of geeks is that they are also creators of their areas of interest, if they are comic book fans they make their own stories or create theories about the characters in their favorite video games or create their own computer programs and spread them. Being a nerd or a geek is not a rivalry, both complement each other and surely most nerds are geeks in some way and vice versa. Both are part of the same intellectual cultural movement. In some cases, a geek can be defined as a nerd with a normal social life.


Statistically, the amount of schooling people continue to increase over the decades. People who attend school acquire the ability to learn academically and thus, within other non-school spaces, this type of research and learning is channeled into a certain specific interest. In this way, we can say that the school system is the creator of the "geeks". The difference occurs when instead of carrying out simple extroverted activities, they carry out introverted activities demanding interest in them as a way of counterculture.

Geeky Guys

A cybercafé with a user.

A geek is usually understood as a person who prefers concentration, dedication to their interests, work or hobbies —which are normally of a technical, or rather technological nature— and imagination; instead of other issues perhaps understood as common, such as seeking a certain degree of social acceptance, or at least an unconventional social acceptance. In this sense, the concept to which the term «nerd» refers is shared by geek. It is understood that for a geek person, the degree of extravagance involved in learning or time invested in her skills does not matter too much.

The social connotations of these characteristics take the term geek beyond a simple definition to turn it into a lifestyle of which, usually, the subject usually feels proud; something in which, again, it matches the nerd again. But, in fact, the extroversion of the former, linked to his visceral neophilia (attraction to technology and general curiosity for the new), comes into direct confrontation with the latter.

This, it seems, is a common but not necessarily usual reaffirmation of the geek world, since there are many and varied particular characteristics of geeks, who tend to maintain closed communication codes. generally tending to appreciate programming, science fiction, information networks and video games. As well as strict codes of conduct, focused on freedom of expression and respect for others; although they are usually credited with somewhat more radical modes of behavior.

Some deviations from the aforementioned behavior place them as a preferably endemic social group and, according to figures such as Tim Berners-Lee —sometimes called the "father of the Internet"—, even macho.

Technical capabilities

Image of the organization's test lab Free Geekfull of computer components.

The geek usually has quite a few technical skills, especially in the area of computing, either by early vocation or by dedication. And he usually understands the term hacker with the respect that a higher degree in the technological ladder implies. Differentiating themselves in this sense from those profane in the matter who give a pejorative connotation to this last term, widely extended in its vermicular form.

Although many of them may be hackers, it is difficult for them to recognize themselves as such since, calling themselves geeks, represents a certain tinge of humility. The term hacker is not usually used as a self-imposed label but as a merit obtained by the recognition and acceptance of a geek community. On this scale, many geekss intermediate are called wannabe (slang in English meaning "I would like to become"), thus placing themselves within the type of geek who could become hackers. However, the latter term sometimes acquires a negative connotation: "He thinks he's a hacker", as is commonly used among some groups of geeks, sometimes called licker.

Collaborative Software

Geeks' passion for learning new skills makes them prone to accepting and defending free software policies, whether out of sheer altruism or mere individual inclination. Although this is not always the case, they tend to tend towards collaborative practices that allow them to share their personal achievements with others simply by sharing knowledge. This also implies guaranteeing their own right to feed on ideas freely and without the barriers imposed by certain legal schemes that tend to monopolize or close public access to technology.

For example, the non-profit organization Free Geek (Portland, United States), is dedicated to recycling computer technology to provide free access to it and professional training for sectors of the population that need it in exchange for community services.
The computers that they build, and that they teach to build, are based on reused components to which free software is installed and that they donate, for example, to change for a day of community service.


Technology as a way of life

Geek with tattoo;-)

Some definitions of geek” consider a person with a social life inextricably linked to the Internet as well as their free time. For this reason it is very easy for the geek to be immersed in social networks, multiplayer online games or MMORPGs, LARPs, chats, etc.

The aforementioned neophilia of the geek makes him a compulsive consumer of the latest technology. Thus, they are usually the first to get the latest “toys” in advanced technology, such as next-generation smartphones, new music devices, latest versions of computer models and components, among others.

And the recipe has boiled. Not only are they not simple rites; they are also a juicy commercial audience.
Andreu and Katz, 2008

Geek Culture

T-shirt of the "Geek Pride Festival" in Boston (year 2000).

They are usually categorized, maybe not as snobs exactly but with a certain way of dressing, for example, little defined or mixed. Some may dress informally (casual), "branded", "sport"... The important thing for them is to find people, whom they tirelessly seek, to discuss such "weird" topics. (meaning queer) for the rest but those who enjoy so much together. An issue that only reaffirms the extroverted, diffuse and open character of the geek. In general, geeks do not like labels to classify them, since they do not follow dogmas, but are characterized by being free thinkers. The geek uses technology and the Internet as a means of cultural expression, as a way of spreading a certain sense of aesthetics within that special interest that they have in some area of culture, they are usually people who share what they like along with a creative mind.

In Spanish-speaking countries, a common feature in many geeks consists of the inclusion of abbreviated Anglo-Saxon terms in acronyms, mixed with Spanish to emphasize colloquial expressions, especially in the computer or technical field (languages such as Leet, XAT or SMS, emoticons xD -:D - ^^! - O.O - oO?, abbreviations and initials in general used in said languages such such as LOL, ROFL, LMAO...).

The geeks tend to be fans and bet on free software and UNIX-type operating systems, such as GNU/Linux, BSD, and Solaris, although there is an important legion of these that shows great enthusiasm for Apple products.

As a climax, perhaps it is the phrase of John Katz from Wired and Slashdot that could sum up, culturally and socially, this perspective on individuals who in any case can be framed in this term:

[...]a new cultural elite, a community of social inadaptados and lovers of pop culture.
Jon Katz in his book Geeks (quoted in Andreu and Katz, 2008).

Science fiction, role-playing, video games and comics

Two Star Wars cosplayers ( on Flickr).

The geek presents, in general, a fascination for topics such as science fiction and especially for literary works, television series (Lost, Alias, Héroes, etc.), video games and films such as Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Back to the Future and Matrix, among others, considering themselves geeks of these series or movies and on the video game side, a gamer (geek player).

Although this is not true in all cases, there are many geeks who refuse to consider themselves geeks since they do not share the tastes of other “geek canons”. In fact, many of them have a boring and repetitive social life, a very small number of them participate in activities such as going out, drinking, flirting and making friends, one could say, "not geeks"[citation required]. In addition, they often have some sort of collector's culture, both popular and unpopular items, such as sci-fi movies, books, and other pop culture items.

What are the types of Geeks?

Due to their fascination with science fiction and video games, geeks have been classified into several types, depending of course on their tastes and passions.

  • A clear example is the fanboy, the geek who knows everything about television series and movies, even gets to memorize the dialogues, this does it without realizing it, the reason is the exaggerated amount of times he sees a same series or film.
  • Gamers are a type of geek and that for this type, sleeping is optional, they are usually playing a lot of time and sleeping at least 5 hours a day, they have a very high knowledge of the stories of video games. Both the past and the latest updates.
  • Hackers: Geek possesses skilled person in computer management that is characterized by working for the development of technology.

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