

Gaudinia is a genus of herbaceous plants in the Poaceae family. It is native to the Mediterranean and the Azores.


They are annual plants. Leaves with sheaths with free margins; ligule short, truncate, membranous; flat blade. Spiciform inflorescence, generally loose, distichus, with excavated rachis, disarticulating above the spikelets when ripe. Seated spikelets, generally solitary, longer than the rachis segments, with 2-8 hermaphroditic flowers and not articulated with the rachilla. glumes shorter than the flowers, with well marked nerves; the lower one with 1-5 nerves; the upper one with 4-11 nerves. glabrous rachilla. Lemma lanceolate, papyraceous, with a membranous margin and 7-9 nerves, acute or bidentate, mutic or with a more or less twisted dorsal ridge. Palea shorter than the lemma, with 2 keels, bidentate. Biobed lodicules. Ovary with hirsute apex. Fusiform caryopsis, slightly furrowed, appendiculate. Point thread.


The genus was described by Ambroise Marie François Joseph Palisot de Beauvois and published in Essai d'une Nouvelle Agrostographie 95, 164. 1812. The type species is: Gaudinia fragilis


The genus was named after Jean François Aimée Gottlieb Philippe Gaudin (1776–1833), a Swiss priest and honorary professor of botany at Lausanne.


Base number of the chromosome, x = 7. 2n = 14 (y 14 +1). 2 ploidy. "Large" chromosomes.


  • Gaudinia affinis
  • Gaudinia avenacea
  • Gaudinia bicolor
  • Gaudinia biebersteinii
  • Gaudinia biloba
  • Gaudinia castellana
  • Gaudinia coarctata
  • Gaudinia colorata
  • Gaudinia confer
  • Gaudinia eriantha
  • Gaudinia filiformis
  • Gaudinia fragilis
  • Gaudinia geminiflora
  • Gaudinia gracilescens
  • Gaudinia hispanica
  • Gaudinia maroccana
  • Gaudinia multiculmis
  • Gaudinia neglecta
  • Eastern Gaudinia
  • Gaudinia pallida
  • Gaudinia planiculmis
  • Gaudinia pluriflora
  • Gaudinia pubiglumis
  • Gaudinia rigida
  • Gaudinia stenostachya
  • Gaudinia tenuis
  • Gaudinia Todaroi
  • Gaudinia valdesii

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