Gallo-Rhaetian group


Classification: Indo-European > Italic > GroupRomance > Romance > Italo-Western Romance Languages > Italo-Western Group - Western Subgroup > Gallo-Iberian Group > Gallo-Romance Group

The Gallo-Rhaetian Group is further subdivided into the Galloromance and Rhaetian subgroups.

  • Galorromance
French Group or Oïl
French (France)
Picardo (France)
Zarpatic (France)
Cajun (United States of America)
Southeast Group
Franco-provenzal (France)

  • Rheetic
Friulano (Italy)
Ladino (Italy)
Romanche (Switzerland) (also called Retorromanche or Rheuma)
  • Wd Data: Q5886200

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