Gabriel Albiac

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Gabriel Albiac Lópiz (Utiel, May 3, 1950) is a Spanish philosopher, writer and media collaborator.

He has been a philosophy professor since 1974 at the Complutense University of Madrid, an institution where he has been a professor since 1988. He writes a column for the digital newspaper El Debate and, until October 2022, he collaborated as a regular on Federico's morning program Jiménez Losantos on EsRadio (where he directed a radio program for a month at the beginning of the network) and on the television program Los Catedráticos on Libertad Digital TV.

He won the National Prize for Literature in the essay category in 1988. González Ruano Prize for Journalism, 2009. Samuel Hadás Prize, 2012. Samuel Toledano Prize, 2013. Mariano de Cavia Prize, 2018.

He has worked for the newspapers El País, Diario 16, El Mundo (of whose editorial board he was a member) and La Razón, and ABC, as well as for Cadena COPE (in the gathering of the program La Mañana when it was directed by Federico Jiménez Losantos).


Gabriel Albiac was born in the Valencian municipality of Utiel in 1950. His father was a career military man and fought on the side loyal to the Spanish Republic during the Spanish War. At the end of this, he was sentenced to death by the Franco dictatorship. In a second trial carried out a year later, the death sentence was replaced by 30 years in prison, subsequently obtaining provisional freedom.

In 1967 Gabriel Albiac joined the clandestine Democratic Union of University Students of Madrid (SDEUM). From this organization he went to the Communist Party of Spain, in which he remained until the eve of its legalization in 1977.

At the age of 22 he moved to Paris, where he was a student of Louis Althusser.

In the mid-1990s she adopted her two daughters from India.

Intellectual profile

Albiac is an essayist who has treated current issues from a heterodox and materialist point of view. On issues of Spanish politics he has frequently aligned himself with the editorial line of the newspaper El Mundo, while in international politics he once expressed his support for the anti-globalization movement and extreme leftist movements, declaring himself close to the philosophers Louis Althusser (of whom he was a student), Michel Foucault and Antonio Negri. He has come to define himself as a dead communist, in the sense that he is a heterodox Marxist who recognizes that real socialism hides nothing but a totalitarian system, with which he disagrees. However, returning to Negri's influence, he considers that what is important in current politics, determined by the loss of power of nation-states in the face of multinational companies and organizations, is the construction of alternative subjectivities by civil society..[citation required] However, in recent years, given the shift to the right in his thinking and public opinions, Albiac's links with Negri and with the sphere of heterodox Marxism that developed between Paris and Italy thanks to the efforts of the latter, as well as of Félix Guattari, have been definitively broken[citation required]. In this sense, Gabriel Albiac's intellectual exchange networks have changed at the same pace as his political and intellectual evolution since the early 1990s. [ citation needed ]

A deep admirer of Jewish culture, he is a firm defender of the legitimacy of the existence of the State of Israel and its defensive policy, considering it the only democracy in the Middle East.[citation required] Thus, he does not hesitate to describe current anti-Zionism as the new disguise of the usual anti-Semitism.[citation required] In relation to this, in his article "Al Qaeda Won", published the day after the socialist electoral victory in the elections of March 14, 2004, harshly criticized the decision to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq, considering it a concession by Spain to Islamist terrorism. It is also known for his public opposition to Catalan and Basque nationalisms[citation required].

He was one of the representatives of the conspiracy thesis of 11-M, signing with the pseudonym "Lucrecio" in Digital Freedom. He would end up describing this attack as a "coup d'état."

He has published studies on Spinoza and Pascal, and is also a great expert on the life and work of Machiavelli.



  • Now Rachel is dead. (1994). Madrid. Editorial Alfaguara. ISBN 84-204-8114-9.
  • Last wills (1998). Barcelona. Editorial Plaza and Janés. ISBN 84-01-385-7.
  • Winter palaces (2003). Barcelona. Seix Barral. ISBN 84-322-1165-6.
  • Winter blues (2015). Almeria. Confluences. ISBN 978-84-943830-8-3.
  • Sleep with your eyes (2021). Madrid. The Book Sphere. ISBN 978-84-1384-015-4.


  • Albiac, Gabriel (1976). Louis Althusser, Leninism issues. Bilbao: Zero. ISBN 84-317-0356-3.
  • Debate on the dictatorship of the proletariat in the French Communist Party, Madrid, Editions de la Torre, 1977
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1977). Apart from "The Capital". Madrid: Cupsa.
  • Six communist initiatives, Madrid, centuryXXI1977. ISBN 84-390-0018-9.
  • Debate on Euro-Communism, Madrid, Sociology Workshop, 1978. ISBN 84-400-4288-4.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1979). From the Yearning of Power or Consolation of Philosophy. Pamplona: Peralta. ISBN 84-85272-45-5.
  • PascalBarcelona, Barcanova, 1981. ISBN 84-85923-85-5.
  • The empty synagogue: a study of the marranic sources of spinozism (Madrid, Hiperion, 1987. National Essay Award, 1988). French edition in Presses Universitaires de France, 1994. 2.a enlarged edition, ed. Technos, 2013.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1989). All heroes have died. Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi. ISBN 84-7683-027-0.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1989). Socialist Adversus. Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi. ISBN 84-87095-32-1.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1991). Leninist or Little Lenin Pocket. Madrid: Libertarias/Prodhufi. ISBN 84-7954-018-4.
  • Prologue to Ernest Renan, "Averroes and averroism: historical essay", Madrid, Hyperion, 1992. ISBN 84-7517-373-X.
  • May 68, a sentimental education (1993). Barcelona, Temas de Hoy. ISBN 84-7880-270-3.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1995). Doll Box: Immaculate Conception Figures. Barcelona: Destination. ISBN 84-233-2497-4.
  • Blaise Pascal: thoughts [prologue] 1995. Calpe Spass.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2000). From uncertainty. Barcelona: Plaza & Janés. ISBN 84-01-37666-1.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (1996). Death: metaphors, mythologies, symbols. Barcelona: Paidós Ibérica. ISBN 84-493-0243-9.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2005). Indian Dictionary. Barcelona: Seix Barral. ISBN 84-322-0894-9. Second edition (increased). Almeria. Editorial Confluencias, 2020.ISBN 978-84-121003-6-5..
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2007). Against politicians. Barcelona: Topics today.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2011). Voluntary submissions: the invention of the political subject: from Machiavelli to Spinoza. Madrid, Tecnos. ISBN 978-84-309-5223-6.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2013). Blaise Pascal. The machine to seek God (An anthology). Madrid, Tecnos. ISBN 978-84-309-5923-5.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2016). Allah in Paris. Almería, Editorial Confluencias. ISBN 978-84-944761-2-9.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2018). May '68. End of Party. Almeria. Editorial Confluencias. ISBN 978-84-947772-8-8.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2018). Blaise Pascal. Thoughts (Critical Edition). Madrid. Editorial Tecnos. ISBN 978-84-309-7156-5.

Other genres

  • Albiac, Gabriel (1997). Adoption in India. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe. ISBN 84-239-7747-1.
  • Other worlds (2002), is an anthology of its articles in the journal The World.
  • Albiac, Gabriel (2022). No one's land. Memories. Madrid: La Esfera de los Libros. ISBN 9788413844244.


  • Rock and roll, Madrid, Hyperion, 1992. ISBN 84-7517-368-3
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