Fumaria capreolata


Fumaria capreolata, commonly called white fumitory or moth, is an annual herbaceous plant of the Fumarioideae subfamily ancient family Fumariaceae, native to southern Europe.

View of the plant in its habitat


It is a climbing or creeping stem herb that reaches 100 cm in height. It presents plurilobed leaves, with alternate lanceolate segments. In winter or early spring, clusters of 10 to 15 mm white flowers appear on the flower stems that sprout from the leaf axils, with two semitransparent petaloid sepals and the apex of an intense purple color. The corolla is tubular in shape, made up of four petals united at the apex but free, of which the upper one is prolonged into a spur. It has two trifid stamens. The fruit is a small smooth or slightly rough achene, oblong or obtuse in shape, which appears at the end of a retroflexed pedicel protected by bracts.

Distribution and habitat

It grows on cultivated or ruderal lands throughout the Mediterranean area and temperate zones of Asia. It prefers soils rich in nitrogen.

Hybridizing with Fumaria densiflora produces Fumaria × gagrica, which spreads further north and east.


Fumaria capreolata was described by Carlos Linnaeus and published in Species Plantarum 2: 701. 1753.


Chromosome number of Fumaria capreolata (Fam. Papaveraceae) and infraspecific taxa: 2n=c.70. 2n=c.64. 2n=56


See: Fumaria

capreolata: Latin epithet meaning "having tendrils".

  • Fumaria elegans Jord. ex Nyman
  • Fumaria leonardii Sennen
  • Average number Mont. ex Parl.
  • Fumaria neapolitana Vaill. ex Parl.
  • Fumaria nemorosa Lojac.
  • Fumaria officinalis var. capreolata (L.) Ewart
  • Fumaria pallidiflora Jord. ex F.W.Schultz
  • Fumaria platycalyx Pomel
  • Fumaria prehensilis Asch.
  • Fumaria queri Sennen & Pau
  • Fumaria speciosa Jord.

Common names

  • Castellano: pigeon buche, rabbits, rabbits of the fences, rabbits of the fences, rabbits, rabbits of the fences, bunnies of the fences, pigeon neck, smoking, galic, gatico, gatico, kittens, kittens, pigeon painted, pigeon, pigeon, pigeon, blood of Christ, shoes of the Lord,

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