Francho Nagore Lain


Francho Nagore Laín (Zaragoza, 1951), is a philologist, professor at the University of Zaragoza and author in the Aragonese language. As a philologist he has dedicated himself to investigating the Aragonese language in modern times. Francho Nagore is vice president of the AIDLCM (Association Internationale pour la Défense des Langues et des Cultures Menacées). In 2005 he received the gold medal of Santa Isabel de Portugal from the Provincial Council of Zaragoza in recognition of his work for Aragon. He is also one of the founders of the Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa, an association of a cultural nature, of which he has been president from 1978 to 2004. He also presided over the first congress for the normalization of Aragonese, organized by the Consello and other associations in 1987, in which spelling rules were agreed upon and approved that are intended to apply to all varieties of Aragonese, in addition to common Aragonese. This unification of dialects in a common standard is rejected by some philologists and some native speakers of the language as artificial and alien to linguistic reality, while others continue to use it and even honor their work in favor of the recovery of Aragonese. Francho Nagore wrote a thesis on a living language, panticuto (a dialect of the Aragonese language typical of Panticosa and the Tena Valley) in which he concluded that there was a different language from Castilian in Alto Aragón, Aragonese (or also called Altoaragonés), with great grammatical similarities between the different dialects that remain scattered in the Alto Aragonese territory. His doctoral thesis was on the "Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña" ( "Coronica de San Chuan d & # 39; a Peña" ), one of the main works in Aragonese of the fourteenth century, published in 2003.

He has published different studies on Aragonese (grammar, dialectology, sociolinguistics, medieval Aragonese, etc.); in 1977 he published the first Aragonese grammar; years later the books A bida, a obra y a fabla by Cleto Torrodellas (1981), El aragonés de Panticosa: Gramática (1986), Replega de testos en aragonés dialeutal de o siglo XX (1987), Fuens lesicograficas de l'Aragonés. Catalog of Aragonese Lesicographical Repertoires from the 17th Century to 1998 (1998), Linguistic Territories in Aragón (2001), or The Aragonese in the 14th Century (2003), among others.

His articles include: "L'aragonés charrato by a family from Orós Alto (Tierra de Biescas) in 1977: beautiful annotazions", "Bocablos aragoneses en &# 34;Through the Somontano Altoaragonés", by Salvador María de Ayerbe", "Dos aspeutos d'intrés en a onomástica d'Ibieca: os suffixos achiquidors y os results de Vallem", "The suffixes -ario, -dor, -ería, -ero, ista and -orio in artistic terms", "Note to attest to the use of the affirmative particle o<lat. HOC in Modern Aragonese", "The Compound Verb Conjugation in Medieval Aragonese", "L'emploi du graphème occitan lh pour representer la palatale latérale dans des textes en aragonais des XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècles", "Chusé Gracia: primers poemas (1970-72)", "Bels linguistic aspects in a text in Aragonese meyebal: as ordinazions d'a Cofrairía d'a Transfixión de Zaragoza (1311-1508)", "A formulate interrogatiba ¿qué cosa (que…)? in Aragonese: grammar and pragmalinguistica", "Some parallelisms between the comedies of Antón de la Braña in Asturian and Luciano Puyuelo in Aragonese", "Contribution to the study of the vocabulary of the garden of Huesca: Aragonese voices in the Manual del hortelano (1984) by Daniel Calasanz", "Minutes in Aragonese in protocols of the years 1390-1399 of Domingo Ferrer, notary of Barbastro", "An important source of knowledge of the Aragonese of the second half of the XIII century: the Documents of the collegiate church of Santa María de Alquézar. Centuries XI to XIII", "A composition in Aragonese according to the testimony of the denominations populars d´a chen d´os lugares", "A derivative of the Latin 'Straemen" 39; in Aragonese" or "Aragonese in non-literary medieval texts: aspects of morphosyntax", among others.

He has translated numerous works into Aragonese, including the collection of poems Le cimetière marin by Paul Valéry (1998) or the novel by Jules Verne Une faintaisie du Docteur Ox (2020), which represent the first translations of a work by these French writers into the Aragonese language.

Literary work

As a writer in the Aragonese language, the poetry books should be cited:

  • Sospiros de l'aire (1971)
  • Cutiano agüerro (1977)
  • Purnas en a zenisa (1984)
  • Baxo to molsa (1999)
  • As coplas d'o ferrero (2015)
  • Astí bi are (2018)
  • You're late. (2019).
  • In or branquil d’o lusco (2022).

Scientific work

  • Aragonian language grammar. Zaragoza, General Library. (1977), [5th edition, (1989)]
  • The Aragonese of Panticosa. Grammar. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses. (1986)
  • Replega de testos en aragonés dialeutal de o sieglo XX. Zaragoza, DGA. (1987)
  • The Aragonese today. Report on the current situation of the Aragonian language. Huesca, Publicazions d’o Consello d’a Fabla Aragonesa, (1989) [in collaboration with Chesús Gimeno Vallés]
  • It was the Aragonese clerk. Catalogue of aragones dende or XVII century dicaHuesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragones. (1998)
  • Bibliography on Aragonese and Catalan, minority languages of Aragon. Zaragoza, Aragon Youth Council. (1999)
  • Endize of morbids of l'aragonés, seguntes os repertorios lésicos de lugars y redoladas de l'Alto Aragón. (dir.) Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragones. (1999)
  • Language territories in Aragon. Zaragoza, Rolde de Estudios Aragoneses. (2001)
  • The 14th century Aragonese. According to the text of the Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña. Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses (2003)
  • Foratata. Antolochía de testos en aragonés de l'Alto Galligo (O. Latas & F. Nagore, editors). Huesca, Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa. (2007)
  • Francisco Otín y Duaso: Address read to the Royal Spanish Academy of Archaeology and Geography, 1868 (Edition and introduction of Francho Nagore Laín). Zaragoza, Aladrada Editions / Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses. (2011)
  • Diatopic linguistica de l'Alto Aragón. How l ́aragonés of each position: carauteristicas, bibliography, testos, maps. Huesca, Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa / Instituto de Estudios Altoaragones. (2013)
  • Or charrar d'a chen de Uesca. Bocabulario e rechistro decumental de l'aragonés d'a ziudá de Uesca e a redolada. Huesca, Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa. (2020)
  • Vocabulary of the Chronicle of San Juan de la Peña (Aragonian version, s. XIV), Zaragoza, Presses of the University of Zaragoza. (2021)

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