Forty three


The forty-three (43) is the natural number that follows 42 and precedes 44.


  • It is the 14th prime number, after 41, with which are twin prime numbers, and before the 47.
  • 3.o prime number of Wagstaff.
  • It forms a triplet of sexy prime numbers (31,37,43).
  • Lucky number.
  • It is a Gaussian prime number, because there are not two whole gaussians whose product is 43; it is also 4k + 3.
  • In the Vigesimal Numbering System is 23vTwo twenties with three units.
  • As a square difference 222− − 212=43{displaystyle 22^{2}-21^{2}=43}
  • 101011b in binary notation; 11223, tertiary; 2234 Quaternary. 1335Five.
  • 538octal notation; 479, base nine, nonary system; 37D base 12, duodecimal system
  • 4.o term of the succession of Sylvester.
  • 43 is the largest natural number that is not a McNugget number.

See Frobenius problem.


  • 43 is the atomic number of technology. This is the synthetic element with the smallest atomic number.
  • Object of Messier M43 is a region H II in the constellation of Orion.
  • New Catalogue General NGC 43 is a lenticular galaxy located in the Andromeda constellation.
  • (43) Ariadne is an asteroid belonging to the asteroid belt.

See more

  • It's Austria's international phone code.
  • In Mexico, "the 43" is one of the names known, colloquially, the case of the forced disappearance of that number of students in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero.

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