Fifth of Tilcoco


Quinta de Tilcoco (from Mapudungun: Trillko ko 'agua de chilco') It is a commune in the central zone of Chile, located in the region of Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, specifically in the province of Cachapoal.

Together with the communes of Mostazal, Graneros, Codegua, Machalí, Requínoa, Rosario, Rengo, Olivar, Doñihue, Coínco, Coltauco and Malloa, Electoral District No. 33 belongs to the 9th Senatorial Circumscription (O'Higgins).

13,002 inhabitants live in it and its population density is 139.8 inhab./km² (2017).


The name Tilcoco possibly comes from the Mapudungun trillko, a variant of chillko, the 'chilco' or Fuchsia magellanica ' and ko, 'water', that is, 'water from chilco'.


Plaza de Quinta de Tilcoco

In the lands where Quinta de Tilcoco is today, the Promaucaes lived, whose domain extended from the southern bank of the Cachapoal River to the Tinguiririca River. Upon the arrival of the Spaniards, two large parcels were established, the first belonging to the Count of Apalta y Mendoza and the other to Don Florín Ramírez. That of the Count of Apalta stretched from the mountain range to the sea, covering large areas of forests and lands, emerging the haciendas of Esmeralda, Camarico, Apalta, the Casas de Rosario, Mendoza, Las Nieves, Popeta, Retiro, Chanqueahue and Pichidegua. The division of this hacienda was carried out by the Valdivieso family. The other encomienda, owned by Florín Ramírez, was located on the northern bank of the Claro de Rengo River and continued its course westward to Salsipuedes. Such subdivision gave rise to Salsipuedes, Corcolén, Panquehue, Cantarrana, Tilcoco, and Las Pataguas.

The division of the lands continues and after a while Doña Bartolina de Vargas is the owner of Tilcoco, which upon her death passes into the possession of her son Ramón Ramírez Vargas, married to Doña Cecilia Molina. They were the parents of Mrs. Josefa Ramírez, who contracts with the field master Mr. Juan Bautista de las Cuevas Oyarzún, who receives a part of Tilcoco called Quinta as a donation. When Mrs. Josefa died, Mr. Juan Bautista married a lady named Santelices and had a son named Juan Francisco Cuevas Satelices, who over the years married Mrs. Mercedes Avaria. Irene Cuevas Avaria (1819 – 1904) was born from this marriage, who married Don Vicente Ortúzar y Formas (1797 – 1867). This marriage inherits another part of Tilcoco. Three children were born from this link: Alejandra, Alejandro and Daniel.

On the death of Don Vicente Ortúzar, the Quinta del Carmen de Tilcoco Hacienda is divided into three large plots, corresponding to Doña Alejandra the Tilcoco Hacienda, to Don Alejandro the Las Casas de Quinta Hacienda and to Don Daniel (born in Santiago in 1850) the Caylloma Estate. Mrs. Alejandra was married to Mr. Francisco de Borjas Valdés, who later bought the part from Mr. Alejandro Ortúzar Cuevas. Daniel Ortúzar Cuevas was a member of the Conservative Party, was Deputy for San Fernando (1891–1894), and Deputy for Caupolicán, (1903–1906). He settled in Valparaíso, and died in that city on November 19, 1932, being single.

The Quinta del Carmen de Caylloma Hacienda gave rise to the town of Quinta de Tilcoco, being created as a commune on December 22, 1891, under the presidency of Mr. Jorge Montt Álvarez (1845 – 1922) and his Minister of the Interior Mr. Manuel José Irarrázaval Larraín (1835-1896). Beginning to function as a Municipality in 1924, being its mayor Mr. Germán Castro Arangue, who serves for two consecutive terms as well as his son, Mr. Germán Castro Castro, who inherits the position.

There was a large and old house, parts of which may have been added by Don Daniel Ortúzar, Deputy of the Republic of Chile, with galleries overlooking the Park that was formed with more varied tree species, both native and brought from Europe and Middle East. The area occupied by the park was around 12 hectares. Around 1900 a botanical catalog of the Park was published; Unfortunately, it was lost before Don Daniel Ortúzar Cuevas died. After the death of Daniel Ortúzar Cuevas, the farm, which was classified as a Fundo (from then on called Fundo Caylloma), passed on to the succession of Daniel Ortúzar and was acquired by Mauricio Spies B. in 1933. When Spies died in In 1952, the Fundo Caylloma was inherited by his family and when his widow Gertrudis Heilbronn married Walter Lowenstein for the second time in 1955, a partnership was formed between them until the Fundo was sold around 1965.

After the earthquake that struck Valparaíso in 1906, the following year a voluntary expenditure began to raise a monument to the Virgen del Carmen with the money collected and a structure of the Virgin was acquired in France that would be placed in the upper part of the high of the Caylloma hill. This installation work was carried out by the engineer Estanislao Pizarro, and it was inaugurated on September 19, 1909. The commission for this monument was headed by the Ortúzar Family and prominent neighbors, including Mr. Germán Castro Aranguiz, Mr. José Ramón Valencia, Mr. Joaquín Ahumada, Mr. José Tomás Gálvez and their respective wives.


The commune of Quinta de Tilcoco covers an area of 93.21 km² and a population of 11,380 inhabitants (INE 2002 Census), corresponding to 13% of the total population of the region and a density of 122.10 inhabitants /km². Of the total population, 5,569 are women (51.4%) and 5,811 are men (48.6%). 48.59% (5,530 inhabitants) correspond to the rural population, and 51.41% (5,850 inhabitants) correspond to the urban population.


Some towns in the commune are:

  • Fundo Millaray
  • Alta Bridge
  • Fifth of Tilcoco
  • The Romeral
  • Guacarhue
  • The Vineyard
  • El Huapi
  • Alto del Río
  • The Stacada Abajo
  • The Daughters
  • Fundo El Medio (Hijuela Segunda)
  • The Pantheon
  • La Rinconada de Guacarhue
  • Tilcoco
  • The Mocha
  • The Romeral
  • Alameda
  • Quechereguas
  • Carrizal
  • Millaray
  • The Bolsico
  • Monte Chico
  • The Mocha
  • Callejón Esclavo
  • Las Palmas
  • Caylloma
  • The Manzano


The commune of Quinta de Tilcoco is located in the center of the Rancagua basin, surrounded on its western limit by a series of mountain ranges derived from the Cordillera de la Costa. In its eastern zone there are some island hills, characteristic of the relief of the region.

It has an area of 93 km², bordered to the north by Coínco, to the east by Rengo, to the south by Malloa, and to the west by San Vicente de Tagua Tagua. Between 34º 19' and 34º 23' south latitude and between 70º 56' and 71º 05' west longitude.



The town of Quinta de Tilcoco is accessed by Pan-American Route 5, through Route H-50, 14 km from Rosario. It is also reached by the H-60 route that comes from Rengo to the west, to the northwest you enter the town of La Viña through the Portezuelo de Chillehue; From the southwest you reach the commune of San Vicente by an inland route that passes through Zúñiga.


Tourist attractions

Guacarhue parish.

Church of Guacarhue

The church of Guacarhue is a beautiful construction from the XVIII century, designed by the famous Italian architect Joaquín Toesca and rebuilt with fidelity after the earthquake of 1835. It is one of the oldest in the Cachapoal Valley, and is built on a level of four steps of a large staircase that surrounds the entire façade and the main tower. It is very well preserved and has the particularity that inside it has two right-angled naves, with the altar at the crossroads.

The temple was built at the request of the parish priest Rojas, in 1793 and its similarity to "La Torina" of Pichidegua, which is considered the twin, since its architect was the same. The parish of Guacarhue was completed in 1796, its dimensions being greater than those of Pichidegua and its cost twice that of the previous one. The temple goes directly to the square, with palm trees and a curious layout that highlights the large rectory. The Church of Guacarhue is a Historical Monument, according to the Council of National Monuments of Chile and the Guacarhue square, together with its surroundings, was declared a Typical Zone.



The commune of Quinta de Tilcoco has had a club participating in the National Soccer Championships in Chile.

  • Caylloma Union (Fourth Division 1996-1997).


Quinta de Tilcoco belongs to Electoral District No. 15, which integrates together with the communes of Rancagua, Graneros, Mostazal, Codegua, Machalí, Olivar, Requínoa, Malloa, Rengo, Coltauco, Coinco and Doñihue. Likewise, it belongs to the VIII Senatorial Circumscription. It is represented in the Senate by Javier Macaya of the UDI, Alejandra Sepúlveda of FREVS and Juan Luis Castro of the PS. Likewise, it is represented in the Chamber of Deputies by Diego Schalper Sepúlveda of RN, Raúl Soto Mardones of the PPD and the independent Marcela Riquelme, Natalia Romero and Marta González.

The Illustrious Municipality of Quinta de Tilcoco is directed by the mayor, Mr. Sebastián Alonso Rodríguez Fuenzalida (Independent).

References and footnotes

Clarification notes
  1. ↑ a b «Censo 2017 Template». CENSO (in English). Consultation on December 23, 2017.
  2. ↑ a b Solano Asta-Buruaga and Cienfuegos, Francisco (1897). "Geographic Dictionary of the Republic of Chile".
  3. «Toponimia de Chile». Archived from the original on 23 January 2014. Consultation on 2 January 2013.
  4. Senate of Chile. "8th Circumscription. Freedomr General Bernardo O'Higgins Region». Consultation on 20 January 2023.
  5. Chamber of Deputies of Chile. «Listdo de Diputados y Diputados». Consultation on 20 January 2023.

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