Federico Mena


Federico Mena Quintero (b. Mexico, July 29, 1976) is a free software programmer. Among his main contributions is the founding of the GNOME project together with Miguel de Icaza in 1997.

Mena Quintero met Miguel de Icaza while studying at the Faculty of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where she also worked at the university's Institute of Nuclear Sciences. He began by temporarily coordinating the development of the Gimp program. After founding the Gnome project (and while developing the Gnome Canvas program) he was invited to collaborate in the Red Hat company labs, where he perfected Midnight Commander , a file or file manager

After leaving the American company, he was hired to develop the Evolution calendar, one of the main products of Ximian, the company formed by Miguel de Icaza and Nat Friedman. After the sale of Ximian he joined Novell, where he helps refine the Gnome project's tools and maintains librsvg, a library for rendering SVG images.

He currently lives in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, together with Oralia Silva, his wife.

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