February 6th


February 6 is the 37th (thirty-seventh) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 328 days to the end of the year and 329 in leap years.


  • 337: In Rome July I is elected Pope.
  • 1190: In Norwich (England), all the Jews of the city are killed in their homes, because they were attributed (erroneously) to the murder of the child William of Norwich (1132-1144).
  • 1482: in Seville takes place the first car of faith of the Spanish Inquisition.
  • 1685: James II becomes king of England, Scotland and Ireland at the death of his brother Charles II.
  • 1778: France signed treaties with the United States for which it recognized the young nation and joined it in its war of independence against the British.
  • 1783: in Mesina (Sicilia) at 0:20 midnight the second earthquake (from a series of 5, in 50 days) of an estimated intensity of 6.2 degrees in the Richter scale. By the earthquake of the previous midday (which over 25 000 victims were caught), many families had slept on the beach, where today's tsunami penetrated about 200 meters on the mainland, and died drowning about 1500.
  • 1818: In Brazil, John VI, king of Portugal, institutes the Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Villaviciosa.
  • 1833: In the United States, the inventor Samuel Morse presents in public the electric telegraph.
  • 1840: New Zealand signed the Treaty of Waitangi, considered as the founding document of that country.
  • 1860: In Morocco, the number one of the first periodical of that country appears, The Eco de Tetuán, directed by the Spanish Pedro Antonio de Alarcón.
  • 1873: Bolivia and Peru sign a secret treaty of military alliance. Chilean historians point it out as one of the causes of the Pacific War.
  • 1877: In Chile, the Amunátegui Decree is signed, which allows women to study in Chile.
  • 1880: Johann Palisa discovers asteroid 212, to which he gives the name of Medea.
  • 1885: Italy is controlled by the Ethiopian enclave of Masaua.
  • 1887: In Costa Rica, the Costa Rican Liceus is created by decree in the period of president of the licensed Bernardo Soto Alfaro, as an initiative of the graduate Mauro Fernández Acuña.
  • 1900: The United States Senate ratifies the decision of the Hague Peace Conference (1899) on the establishment of an International Arbitration Tribunal.
  • 1900: at Lake Csoba (Alto Tatra) the European Championship of racing on ice speed is held.
  • 1904: In the framework of the Russian-Japanese War, Japan breaks diplomatic relations with Russia.
  • 1906: in Antofagasta (Chile) happens the Matanza de Plaza Colón.
  • 1910: In Longchamps, Argentina, the French aviator Henri Brégi carries out the first machining flight from South America.
  • 1912: in Medellín, Colombia, the newspaper El Colombiano was founded.
  • 1913: The Russian government rejects the motion of the Duma deputies in favour of allowing women to perform legal professions. (See feminism).
  • 1915: the ship Alfonso XIII, which carried an important shipment of Cuban coffee, sinks in front of the port of Santander.
  • 1919: In Luxembourg, women obtain the right to vote from the age of 21.
  • 1921: In the United States, Charles Chaplin releases his film The boy.
  • 1922: In Washington, the Treaty of the Nine Powers is signed, whose purpose is to achieve respect for the independence and territorial and administrative integrity of China.
  • 1922: In Spain, assistance from all ministries is required on time.
  • 1922: in Rome, Pius XI is elected Pope.
  • 1926: in Spain the king signs the decree establishing the National Book Festival.
  • 1926: In Italy, the fascist leader Benito Mussolini accuses Germany of a campaign against Italy, leading to a crisis between the two countries.
  • 1926: Spain and France sign a military cooperation agreement on the "interests" of both states in the invaded Morocco.
  • 1931: In the United States the film is released City lightsCharles Chaplin.
  • 1932: Catholic sectors in Spain protest against the order decreed by the Government to remove the crucifixes from public schools, according to the secularization of the teaching preconceived by the 1931 Constitution.
  • 1933: in the village of Oimiakón (in the middle of Siberia, 470 km north of the sea of Ojotsk) the temperature reaches –67.7 °C (–89.9 °F); it is the world cold record in a populated town from temperatures to present. The lowest temperature on the planet (–89.2 °C) was recorded at the Vostok Base (Antartide).
  • 1934: in the square of the Concordia (in Paris) 14 people die during the demonstration of the extreme right leagues.
  • 1935: In the Soviet Union, the Congress of Commissioners confirms Viacheslav Mólotov as head of the Government.
  • 1936: In Nazi Germany, the minister of the interior of the reich, Wilhelm Frick, decrees that the health and care institutions carry out a "biological racial inventory".
  • 1936: in Madrid the comedy Our NatachaAlejandro Casona.
  • 1937: In Spain—in the framework of the Civil War—the Battle of Jarama begins, where the Republicans face the revolts of General Francisco Franco.
  • 1939: the main Spanish republican leaders, including Manuel Azaña and Juan Negrín, are taking refuge in France.
  • 1940: the Franco-British War Council agrees to the landing of Narvik (Norway), support for Finland and the occupation of the Gallivare (Sweden) iron mine.
  • 1941: German General Erwin Rommel is appointed head of the Afrika Korps (German battles designed to operate in North Africa). British and Australian troops enter Benghazi (Libya).
  • 1941: In the United States, the House of Representatives rejects the Republican request to set a maximum limit for aid to Britain.
  • 1942: steam arrives in Barcelona Apollo loaded with wheat from Argentina.
  • 1945: The World Trade Union Conference is opened in London.
  • 1945: Quito founded the football club Aucas Sports Society.
  • 1947: The Arab High Committee informs the United Nations of its absolute rejection of resolution 181 founded by the State of Israel.
  • 1947: the ship captain Federico Guesalaga Toro inaugurates the Naval Base Captain Arturo Prat blood inside the First Chilean Antarctic Expedition.
  • 1949: in Barcelona (Spain) the film is released The brute lovestarring Ana Esmeralda and Manolo Vargas.
  • 1951: at the Nevada test site—as part of the Ranger operation—the United States detonates the atomic bomb Fox (22 kilotons).
  • 1952: In the United Kingdom, Isabel II became queen when her father George VI died.
  • 1953: In the Alcázar theatre (of Madrid) the comedy is released The case of the wonderful ladyMiguel Mihura.
  • 1953: in Spain, the reform of high school leads to a separation between sciences and letters.
  • 1954: from the United States the first shipment of arms for Spain.
  • 1956: In the United States, racist protests are being held for the entry of the first black student at the University of Alabama.
  • 1957: German companies successors to laboratories I. G. Farben commit to pay compensation to Jewish prisoners from the concentration camps.
  • 1958: at the airport of Munich-Riem crashes the plane in which the football team of the Manchester United Football Club travels, causing the death of 24 people, including 8 team players.
  • 1958: in Liverpool, England, musician Paul McCartney presents John Lennon to George Harrison.
  • 1960: The Spanish government guarantees concession rights to six US companies to exploit possible oil deposits in the Sahara region invaded by Spain.
  • 1961: Manuel Fraga Iribarne is appointed director of the Institute of Political Studies who was a Spanish public agency active mainly during the Franco regime.
  • 1965: In North Vietnam, Alekséi Kosygin (Soviet Prime Minister), is received by HINE Chí Minh.
  • 1965: In Cajón del Maipo, Metropolitan Region of Santiago (Chile), Flight 107 of LAN Chile crashes by covering the lives of its 87 occupants; thus considering itself the worst accident in the history of Chilean aviation.
  • 1966: In Costa Rica, right-wing candidate José Joaquín Trejos Fernández won the general elections.
  • 1967: Soviet Prime Minister Alekséi Kosygin arrives in the United Kingdom on official visit.
  • 1967: In Spain 599 claims have been filed so far for the Palomares accident.
  • 1968: In Spain, a successful 14 results winner in the quiniela, Gabino Moral, charges 30.2 million pesetas.
  • 1972: seventeen dead people and sixty wounded when two buses in Zaragoza and Seville fall to the river.
  • 1973: in Argentina, dictator Alejandro Agustín Lanusse prevents former democratic president Juan Domingo Perón from returning to the country.
  • 1973: in Toronto, Canada, the CN Tower Construction begins.
  • 1974: the island of Granada is independent of the British Empire.
  • 1976: In Washington, United States, Carl Kotchian (president of the Lockheed Corporation) admits to the Senate that he paid more than $3 million (which, due to inflation that devalues the US dollar, is equivalent to 14 million 2021) in bribes to Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka (1918-1993).
  • 1976: In Spain, the Directorate General of Security suspends Raimon's recitals.
  • 1977: A referendum ratifies General Alfredo Stroessner as the vital president of Paraguay.
  • 1977: In Rodesia, guerrillas shoot seven members of a mission.
  • 1979: In Pakistan, former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is condemned to the gallows.
  • 1981: José María Ryan, chief engineer of the Lemoniz nuclear power plant (Iberduero), kidnapped by the terrorist group ETA Militar on 29 January.
  • 1981: in Palma de Mallorca begins the Second Congress of UCD.
  • 1983: in Bolivia, the police stop the Nazi genocidal Klaus Barbie, who will be transferred to the fort of Montcluc (France) to be judged as the author of the crimes committed by German forces under his command in World War II.
  • 1984: East Beirut is occupied by Christian militias.
  • 1986: In central Madrid, an ETA terrorist group command murders Admiral Christopher Columbus of Carvajal and Maroto and his driver.
  • 1988: Argentina and Brazil invite Uruguay to join the future Argentine-Brazilian common market.
  • 1989: thirty thousand Soviet soldiers leave Afghanistan, while the capital, Kabul, is plunged into chaos.
  • 1989: in the Spanish Congress the groups of the Christian Democracy and the Liberal Party are dissolved.
  • 1989: Algerian President Chadli Bendjedid visits King Hassan II, after many years of critical relationships.
  • 1992: In Madrid, the ETA terrorist gang murders three captains, one soldier and one civilian official.
  • 1993: Belgium becomes a federal state.
  • 1994: In Finland, Social Democratic Martti Ahtisaari wins the presidential elections.
  • 1995: Arantxa Sánchez Vicario becomes the first Spanish to head the list of the best tennis players in the world (WTA).
  • 1996: In the Atlantic Ocean, opposite the coast of the Dominican Republic, a Boeing 757 of the Turkish airlines is crashed. 189 people die.
  • 1998: In Corsica, two terrorists murder the prefect of the French State, Claude Erignac, after the rupture of the armed truce announced by the Corso National Liberation Front.
  • 1999: in Kosovo, French President Jacques Chirac opened the summit for the peace talks.
  • 2000: In Mexico, the Federal Preventive Police broke into the UNAM University City facility to extinguish a stoppage of work initiated by the Huelga General Council since 20 April 1999 and arrest just over 700 university students.
  • 2000: in El Ejido (Almería) thousands of Spaniards violently attack immigrants living in the region.
  • 2000: Social-Democrat Tarja Halonen wins in the second round of the Finnish presidential elections to the centrist Esko Aho.
  • 2001: In Israel, Ariel Sharón (Leader of Likud), defeats Ehud Barak (laborist) and becomes prime minister.
  • 2002: Alfredo Bryce Echenique, Orhan Pamuk and Christoph Hein win the Italian award Grinzane Cavour 2002 for foreign narrative.
  • 2002: at the University Clinic of Navarra (Spain), a medical team performs the first implant of stem cells in that country to regenerate an infarted heart.
  • 2003: In the city of Copán Ruins, the baby named Ana Julia was born, weighing who knows how many ounces, and was born prodigy.
  • 2003: at the Hospital de La Paz (Madrid), a medical team manages to transplant a complete digestive system (stomach, duodenum, small intestine, pancreas and liver) as well as a kidney to a 16-year-old teenager suffering from chronic idiopathic pseudo-obstruction.
  • 2004: In Russia, a suicide attack on the Moscow subway kills 40 people and hurts another 129. Chechen separatist groups are blamed for the facts.
  • 2004: In Germany, Chancellor Gerhard Schröder resigns as president of the SPD.
  • 2004: In Spain, the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs prohibits the sale of 197 naturist medicines, as toxic.
  • 2004: on the ground of the Baroque Church of the Saviour (in Seville), a group of archaeologists finds four hundred graves of the eighteenth century. Archaeologists were looking for the remains of an old mosque.
  • 2005: In a rural hostel in Todolella (province of Castellón) 18 people die from carbon monoxide inhalation while they were sleeping.
  • 2005: In Baghdad, the Iraqi insurgency kidnap four Egyptian engineers.
  • 2006: In Canada, Stephen Harper (from the Conservative Party) became prime minister.
  • 2006: In the United States, Ben Bernanke takes the first oath as president of the Federal Reserve, replacing Alan Greenspan.
  • 2006: in Zaragoza, three GRAPO terrorists murder a businessman and wound their husband in a shooting started after demanding money.
  • 2006: In Spain, Luisa Castro wins the Breve Library Award with the novel The second woman.
  • 2006: in Chile, Liceo Manuel Barros Borgoño becomes a national monument of Chile.
  • 2016: In Taiwan an earthquake of 6.4 degrees is recorded. More than 120 people die and more than 700 people hurt and 1 person disappears.[chuckles]required]
  • 2018: The first test flight of Space X's Falcon Heavy is launched, with a Tesla Roadster vehicle inside, leading it to space. Then the feat of landing the rocket booster is achieved, making it reusable.
  • 2020: part of a landfill of the Basque town of Zaldívar collapses, leaving two deceased (Alberto Sololuze and Joaquín Beltrán). Months later, there are bone remains of Alberto, but not Joaquín Beltrán.
  • 2022: Senegal’s football team won the Champion of the African Cup of Nations 2021 as they defeated the tournament’s top winner in the final for criminals: Egypt. This title meant the first for Senegal.
  • 2022: In Costa Rica, presidential elections are held to elect the 49th President of the Republic, for the period 2022-2026.
  • 2023: In Kahramanmaraş Province, Turkey, an earthquake of 7.8 degrees on the Richter scale causes more than 2,500 deaths and 12,000 injuries, also affecting Syria, Armenia, Cyprus and other nearby countries.


  • 885: Daigo, Japanese emperor (f. 930).
  • 1452: Joan of Portugal and Coimbra, Portuguese infant (f. 1490).
  • 1577: Beatrice Cenci, Italian noble (f. 1599).
  • 1582: Mario Bettinus, astronomer, mathematician and Italian philosopher (f. 1657).
  • 1605: Bernardo de Corleone, Italian religious (f. 1667).
  • 1611: Chongzhen, Chinese emperor (f. 1644).
  • 1608: António Vieira, a Portuguese religious (f. 1697).
  • 1664: Mustafa II, Ottoman sultan (f. 1703).
  • 1665: Anna I, British queen (f. 1714).
  • 1730: Januarius Zick. German painter (f. 1797).
  • 1736: Franz Xaver Messerschmidt, German sculptor (f. 1783).
  • 1748: Adam Weishaupt, German theologian (f. 1830).
  • 1756: Aaron Burr, American politician (f. 1836).
  • 1757: Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, Polish statesman (f. 1841).
  • 1761: Kaspar Maria von Sternberg, Austrian botanist (f. 1838).
  • 1778: Ugo Foscolo, Italian patriot (f. 1827).
  • 1802: Charles Wheatstone, British physicist and inventor (f. 1875).
  • 1808: James Esdaile, British physician (f. 1859).
  • 1811: Henry Liddell, British linguist and lexicographer (f. 1898).
  • 1824: José María Marroquí, doctor and Mexican historian (f. 1898).
  • 1830: Daniel Oliver, British botanist (f. 1916).
  • 1833: José María de Pereda, a Spanish writer (f. 1906).
  • 1833: J. E. B. Stuart, American soldier (f. 1864).
  • 1838: Henry Irving, British actor (f. 1905).
  • 1843: Paul Sébillot, ethnologist and French researcher (f. 1918).
  • 1845: Absalom Rojas, Argentine politician, governor of the province of Santiago del Estero (f. 1893).
  • 1846: Raimundo Andueza Palacio, 24th President of Venezuela (f. 1900).
  • 1859: Ricardo Jiménez Oreamuno, president of Costa Rica (f. 1945).
  • 1861: George Tyrrell, Jesuit and Irish theologian (f. 1909).
  • 1863: Amado Aguirre Santiago, engineer, military and Mexican politician (f. 1949).
  • 1865: Evan Gorga, Italian tenor (f. 1957).
  • 1874: Bhaktisiddhanta Sárasuati Prabhupada, a Bengali Krisnaist religious and writer (f. 1937).
  • 1879: Othon Friesz, French painter (f. 1949).
  • 1886: M. N. Roy, a revolutionary, activist and Bengali theorist (f. 1956).
  • 1892: William Parry Murphy, American Doctor, Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1934 (f. 1987).
  • 1895: Babe Ruth, American baseball player (f. 1948).
  • 1895: María Teresa Vera, singer, composer and Cuban guitarist (f. 1965).
  • 1898: Erna Sack, German soprano (f. 1972).
  • 1899: Ramón Novarro, Mexican actor (f. 1968).
  • 1903: Claudio Arrau, a Chilean pianist (f. 1991).
  • 1905: Władysław Gomułka, Polish politician (f. 1982).
  • 1906: James Hadley Chase, British writer (f. 1985).
  • 1907: Maruja Grifell, Mexican actress (f. 1968).
  • 1908: Amintore Fanfani, politician and Italian Prime Minister (f. 1999).
Ronald Reagan
  • 1911: Ronald Reagan, American actor and politician, president of the United States between 1981 and 1989 (f. 2004).
  • 1912: Eva Braun, German personality, wife of Adolf Hitler (f. 1945).
  • 1913: Mary Leakey, British archaeologist (f. 1996).
  • 1915: Leon Benarós, poet and Argentine historian (f. 2012).
  • 1915: Jorge Salcedo, Argentine actor (f. 1988).
  • 1917: Arnold Spielberg, American Electrical Engineer (f. 2020).
  • 1917: José Alonso, Argentine trade unionist (f. 1970).
  • 1917: Zsa Zsa Gabor, an American Hungarian actress (f. 2016).
  • 1921: Jorge Díaz Serrano, Mexican politician and engineer (f. 2011).
  • 1922: José Luis Panizo, Spanish footballer (f. 1990).
  • 1922: Patrick Macnee, British actor (f. 2015).
  • 1924: Leopoldo González Sáenz, a Mexican lawyer and politician (f. 2013).
  • 1924: Billy Wright, British footballer (f. 1994).
  • 1925: Pramoedya Ananta Toer, an Indonesian writer (f. 2006).
  • 1929: Pierre Brice, French actor (f. 2015).
  • 1929: Ramón Martínez Pérez, Spanish footballer (f. 2017).
  • 1931: Rip Torn, American actor (f. 2019).
Truck Cienfuegos
  • 1932: Camilo Cienfuegos, a Cuban revolutionary (f. 1959).
  • 1932: François Truffaut, French filmmaker (f. 1984).
  • 1933: Horacio Galloso, Argentine journalist (f. 2012).
  • 1939: Mike Farrell, American actor.
  • 1944: Christine Boutin, French politics.
Bob Marley
  • 1945: Bob Marley, musician, guitarist and Jamaican composer (f. 1981).
  • 1945: Elba Esther Gordillo Morales, Mexican politics.
  • 1946: Kate McGarrigle, Canadian singer (f. 2010).
  • 1948: Angel Sartori, Chilean veterinarian and politician.
  • 1949: Manuel Orantes, Spanish tennis player.
  • 1949: Jim Sheridan, Irish filmmaker.
Natalie Cole
  • 1950: Natalie Cole, American singer (f. 2015).
  • 1950: Timothy Michael Dolan, American cardinal.
  • 1951: Darío Gómez, Colombian singer and composer (f. 2022).
  • 1952: Angels Master, Spanish politics.
  • 1952: John P. O'Neill, U.S. Special Agent (f. 2001).
  • 1952: Ricardo La Volpe, footballer and technical director of Argentina.
  • 1954: Juan Domingo de la Cruz, Spanish basketball player of Argentine origin.
  • 1959: Ken Nelson, British musical producer.
  • 1960:
    • Liliana Serantes, actress, filmmaker, theatre director and Argentine driver (f. 2011).
    • Noemí Serantes, actress, locutora, director of theater and conductor of Argentina.
    • Megan Gallagher, American actress.
  • 1961: Malu Dreyer, German politics.
  • 1962: José Blanco López, Spanish politician.
  • 1962: Divine Glory, an Argentine actress and singer.
Axl Rose, músico estadounidense.
Axl Rose
  • 1962: Axl Rose, American musician, leader of Guns N' Roses.
  • 1964: Andréi Zviáguintsev, filmmaker and Russian actor.
  • 1965: Idania Martínez Grandales, Cuban journalist and academic.
  • 1965: Soledad Mallol, Spanish actress.
  • 1966: Rick Astley, British singer.
  • 1968: Adolfo Valencia, Colombian footballer.
  • 1968: Akira Yamaoka, Japanese composer.
  • 1969: Isabella Camil, Mexican actress.
  • 1971: José María Jiménez, Spanish cyclist (f. 2003).
  • 1972: Ramón de Quintana, Spanish footballer.
  • 1974: Alan Reale, musician, composer, teacher and Chilean music producer.
  • 1974: Javi Navarro, Spanish footballer
  • 1974: Silke, Spanish actress.
  • 1975: Tomoko Kawase, Japanese singer.
  • 1976: Marie Cavallier, Princess of Denmark.
  • 1978: Peter Vagenas, American footballer.
  • 1979: Antonio Hidalgo Morilla, Spanish footballer.
Dan Bălan, cantante nacido un 6 de febrero.
Dan Bălan
  • 1979: Dan Bălan, singer and Moldovan composer of O-Zone.
  • 1979: Joakim Wulff, Swedish footballer.
  • 1979: Ivan Bošnjak, Croatian footballer.
  • 1980: Nicolás Cabré, Argentine actor.
  • 1980: Konnor, American professional fighter.
  • 1980: Coki Ramírez, singer, actress and Argentine model.
  • 1980: Nicolás del Caño, an Argentine politician.
  • 1981: Ciro Guerra, Colombian filmmaker.
  • 1981: Luis García Fernández, Spanish footballer.
  • 1981: Jens Lekman, Swedish musician.
  • 1984: Darren Bent, British footballer.
  • 1984: Daisy Marie, American porn actress.
  • 1985: Kris Humphries, American basketball player.
  • 1985: Crystal Reed, American actress.
  • 1986: Dane DeHaan, American actor.
  • 1986: Carlos Alberto Sánchez, Colombian footballer.
  • 1986: Yunho, South Korean actor and singer, from the TVXQ band.
  • 1987: Pedro Alvarez, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1988: Nicolás Furtado, Uruguayan actor.
  • 1991: Maxi Iglesias, Spanish actor.
  • 1993: Tinashe, American singer, actress and model.
  • 1994: Charlie Heaton, British actor and musician.
  • 1994: Gabriel Teglas, Romanian computer programmer.
  • 1995: Leon Goretzka, German footballer.
  • 1995: Jorrit Hendrix, Dutch footballer.
  • 1997: Diogo Gonçalves, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1997: Hernán Lino, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • 1997: Cristian Jesús Martínez, Panamanian footballer.
  • 1997: Djibril Sow, Swiss footballer.
  • 1998: Aviva Mongillo, Canadian actress and singer.


  • 1053: Abu'Amr al-Dani, writer and theologian Islamita of the Caliphate of Cordoba (n. 981).
  • 1378: Joan of Bourbon, queen consort french (n. 1338).
  • 1515 (February 6, according to the Julian calendar): Aldo Manuzio, humanist and Italian printer (n. 1449).
  • 1539: John III of Cléveris, Duke and Count German (n. 1490).
  • 1685: Charles II, English king (n. 1629).
  • 1695: Ahmed II, Ottoman sultan (n. 1643).
  • 1740: Clement XII, Catholic Pope (n. 1652).
  • 1793: Carlo Goldoni, Italian writer (n. 1707).
  • 1804: Joseph Priestley, British scientist (n. 1733).
  • 1814: Josefa Dominga Catalá of Valeriola, aristocrat of Spain (n. 1764).
  • 1833: Pierre André Latreille, French entomologist (n. 1762).
  • 1833: Fausto Delhuyar Spanish chemical (n. 1755).
  • 1853: Anastasio Bustamante, Mexican military and political (n. 1780).
  • 1866: Juan Gregorio de las Heras, Argentine military (n. 1780).
  • 1872: Santos Gutierrez, lawyer, military and politician (n. 1820).
  • 1899: Leo von Caprivi, German chancellor (n. 1831).
  • 1899: Ramón Verea, journalist, writer and Spanish inventor (n. 1833).
  • 1916: Rubén Darío, poet, journalist and Nicaraguan diplomat (n. 1867).
  • 1918: Gustav Klimt, Austrian painter (n. 1862).
  • 1923: Edward Emerson Barnard, American astronomer (n. 1857).
  • 1929: María Cristina de Habsburg-Lorena, queen consorte y regent española (n. 1858).
  • 1932: Augusto Leguía, Peruvian president (n. 1863).
  • 1938: Nestor Martin-Fernández de la Torre, painter and Spanish artist (n. 1887).
  • 1941: Pedro Zonza Briano, Argentine sculptor (n. 1886).
  • 1944: Luigi Trinchero, Italian sculptor (n. 1862).
  • 1945: Rudolf Lange, German military (n. 1910).
  • 1952: George VI, British king (n. 1895).
  • 1962: Candido Portinari, Brazilian painter (n. 1903).
  • 1963: Abd el-Krim, independent leader Maghreb (n. 1882).
  • 1963: Piero Manzoni, an Italian artist (n. 1933).
  • 1964: Lupe Carriles, Mexican actress (n. 1913).
  • 1964: Emilio Aguinaldo, Filipino president (n. 1869).
  • 1965: Enrico Carzino, Italian footballer (n. 1897).
  • 1979: Issa Plíyev, Soviet military (n. 1903).
  • 1981: Federica de Hanover, Greek queen (n. 1917).
  • 1982: Ben Nicholson, British painter (n. 1894).
  • 1984: Jorge Guillén, Spanish poet from the Generation of 27 (n. 1893).
  • 1984: July of the Stone, Peruvian politician (n. 1896).
  • 1985: James Hadley Chase, British writer (n. 1906).
  • 1986: Minoru Yamasaki, American architect (n. 1912).
  • 1988: Carmen Polo, Spanish woman, wife of dictator Francisco Franco (n. 1900).
  • 1989: Barbara Tuchman, American historian and writer (n. 1912).
  • 1990: José María García de Paredes, Spanish architect (n. 1924).
  • 1991: Juan Záizar, Mexican singer (n. 1933).
  • 1991: María Zambrano, writer and Spanish philosopher (n. 1904).
  • 1992: Petrona Carrizo de Gandulfo, cook and conductor of Argentine television (n. 1896).
  • 1993: Arthur Ashe, American tennis player (n. 1943).
  • 1994: Joseph Cotten, American actor (n. 1905).
  • 1994: Jack Kirby, American hysterist (n. 1917).
  • 1994: Luis Alberto Sánchez, lawyer, philosopher, historian and Peruvian politician (n. 1900).
  • 1995: Maruja Mallo, a Spanish painter (n. 1902).
  • 1995: Look Lobe, Austrian writer (n. 1913).
  • 1996: Guy Madison, American actor (n. 1922).
  • 1998: Falco, Austrian musician (n. 1957).
  • 1998: Carl Wilson, American musician, from the band The Beach Boys (n. 1946).
  • 1998: José Marroquín "Pipo", actor, comic and presenter of Mexican television (n. 1933).
  • 2002: Max Perutz, British biologist of Austrian origin, nobel chemistry award in 1962 (n. 1914).
  • 2003: José Craveirinha, Mozambican poet (n. 1922).
  • 2003: Juan Luis Londoño, economist, journalist and Colombian politician (n. 1958).
  • 2004: Margarita Landi, a Spanish journalist (n. 1918).
  • 2004: Humphry Osmond, British psychiatrist (n. 1917).
  • 2006: José María Peñaranda, Colombian composer of popular coastal music (n. 1907).
  • 2006: Pedro González González, Mexican-American actor (n. 1925).
  • 2006: Esther Sandoval, Puerto Rican actress (n. 1927).
  • 2007: Frankie Laine, American singer (n. 1913).
  • 2007: Luis Guillermo Vélez, politician and Colombian economist (n. 1943).
  • 2008: Gustavo Pons Muzzo, Peruvian historian (n. 1916).
  • 2008: Juan Antonio Fernández Abajo, Spanish presenter (n. 1938).
  • 2009: Philip Carey, American actor (n. 1925).
  • 2009: Antonio Martínez Cobos "el Cobijano", Spanish napkin (n. 1930).
  • 2010: John Dankworth, composer, clarinetist and saxophoneist of British jazz (n. 1927).
  • 2010: Héctor Quiñones, Mexican lawyer and politician (n. 1956).
  • 2010: Vitali Popkov, Soviet military aviator (n. 1922).
  • 2011: Gary Moore, British musician, composer and guitarist Thin Lizzy (n. 1952).
  • 2011: Josefa Iloilo, a Fijian politician, president of Fiyi between 2000 and 2009 (n. 1920).
  • 2011: Andrée Chedid, French writer (n. 1920).
  • 2011: Ken Olsen, American engineer and businessman (n. 1926).
  • 2012: Peter Breck, American actor (n. 1929).
  • 2012: Antoni Tàpies, a Spanish painter (n. 1923).
  • 2013: Chokri Belaid, Tunisian lawyer and politician, murdered (n. 1964).
  • 2013: Menajem Elon, judge, politician and orthodox German-Israeli rabbi (n. 1929).
  • 2014: Ralph Kiner, American baseball player (n. 1922).
  • 2014: Tatiana Sisquella, Spanish journalist (n. 1978).
André Brink
  • 2015: André Brink, a South African writer (n. 1935).
  • 2016: Jaume Ferran Camps, Spanish university professor and poet (n. 1928).
  • 2017: Roger Walkowiak, French cyclist (n. 1927).
  • 2018: Débora Pérez Volpin, journalist and Argentine politics (n. 1967).
  • 2019: Manfred Eigen, a German physicist and chemistry award in 1967 (n. 1927).
  • 2020: Jhon Jairo Velásquez, Colombian assassin (n. 1962).
  • 2021: George Shultz, American businessman and politician (n. 1920).
  • 2023: Lubomír Štrougal, Czech politician (n. 1924).


  • International Day of Zero Tolerance with Female Genital Mutilation.
  • Bob Marley's Day.
  • Lapland: National Day.
  • New Zealand: Day of Waitangi (national party).
  • Mexico: 2022 National Pulque Day (second Sunday of February).
  • Panama: Photographer and cameraman's Day.

Catholic saints list

  • San Alfonso María Fusco
  • San Amando
  • San Antoliano, martyr
  • San Brinolfo Algotsson
  • Santa Dorotea
  • San Gastón
  • San Guarino de Palestrina
  • San Mateo Correa
  • San Melis
  • Saint Paul Miki and the 26 martyrs of Japan, Jesuit missionaries.
  • Santa Renula or Relinda
  • San Silvano, bishop
  • San Vedasto.
  • Blessed Angel of Furcio, Italian religious.

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