February 1st

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February 1 is the 32nd (thirty-second) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 333 days to the end of the year and 334 in leap years.


  • 481: In Cartago (now Tunisia) King Ivandalo Hunerico organizes a conference between Arrian and Catholic bishops.
  • 1327: In London, the teenager Edward III accedes to the throne of England, but the country is controlled by his mother Elizabeth of France and her lover, Roger Mortimer.
  • 1524: In London, some 20 000 inhabitants leave their homes and go to higher land, waiting for the flooding that will lead to the end of the world. He was prophesied in June 1523 by the most prestigious astrologers in England.
  • 1662: In China, General Koxinga invades the island of Taiwan after a nine-month site.
  • 1724: In Guárico (Venezuela) the village of Calabozo is founded.
  • 1770: In New Orleans the illustrated Spanish-American governor Luis de Unzaga and Amézaga legalizes the pharmaceutical activity in Louisiana, a pioneer in North America.
  • 1771: in London the first edition of the Encyclopedia britannica.
  • 1793: France declares war on England.
  • 1814: In the Philippines, the Mayon volcano erupted. More than 1200 people die. It was the most devastating eruption in that volcano.
  • 1815: A Spanish army of 10,000 men comes to Venezuela in charge of General Pablo Morillo.
  • 1820: In the north of the province of Buenos Aires, 20 km north of the village Pergamino, the federal army beats the unitary army in the First Battle of Cepeda. The centralized government of Buenos Aires ends.
  • 1835: slavery is waged in the Republic of Mauritius.
  • 1851: Honduras and El Salvador, who had invaded Guatemala, are rejected in the battle of La Arada.
  • 1859: a commission appointed by the Secretary of the Promotion of France presents its conclusions to establish a pattern of musical fingerboard, which would eventually extend beyond that country.
  • 1881: the first issue of the newspaper is published in Barcelona The Vanguard, one of the most popular in Spain.
  • 1881: In Panama, Americans inaugurate the construction works of the transoceanic canal.
  • 1884: the first volume (from A to Ant) is published Oxford English Dictionary.
  • 1861: As part of the U.S. civil war, the state of Texas leaves the United States of America and is incorporated into the missing Confederate States of America.
  • 1867: As part of the Second French intervention in Mexico, Republican troops, led by General Mariano Escobedo, defeat the imperialist troops, led by General Miguel Miramón, in the Battle of San Jacinto, in the hacienda of the same name, in Aguascalientes.
  • 1887: In La Plata, Argentina opens the Cemetery of La Plata, whose design replicates the layout of the city.
  • 1893: In West Orange, near New Jersey, the construction of the Black Mary, the first film studio, created by the inventor Thomas A. Edison ends.
  • 1897: In Seoul (South Korea) the oldest bank in that country, the Shinhan Bank, is opened.
  • 1900: In the city of Frankfort (United States), Governor Taylor takes over several government buildings, with the help of armed supporters and state troops.
  • 1900: In the United States, some 8000 Great Northern Railway workers announce that they are ready to begin a general strike.
  • 1900: Dr. Robert Koch reiterates his theory that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.
  • 1900: In the French protectorate of Algeria, the railway line of Aïn Séfra to Djennienbou is inaugurated.
  • 1900: in the modernist tavern Els Quatre Gats (of Barcelona), the painter Pablo Picasso made his first solo exhibition of drawings.
  • 1901: Pablo Picasso and F. Soler founded the magazine Young Art5 numbers will be published.
  • 1902: In China, liberalizing and europeizing measures are taken.
  • 1902: A general student strike is unleashed in the Russian Empire.
  • 1905: In Russia, Tsar Nicholas II received the representatives of the workers of St.Petersburg.
  • 1907: in Bilbao the work is released The intruderVicente Blasco Ibáñez. The work constituted a great anticlerical manifestation.
  • 1908: in Terreiro do Paco (Lisbon) King Charles I and his son, the crown prince, Luis Felipe, died in an attack.
  • 1910: in Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Club Atlético Excursionistas is founded.
  • 1911: in the springs of Jersey City (New Jersey) a boat full of dynamite explodes; 25 people perish and more than a thousand are injured.
  • 1912: In Spain the Military Naval School was founded.
  • 1913: In Madrid the reconstructed Teatro de la Zarzuela was inaugurated, which had been set on fire three years earlier.
  • 1914: In Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina, the Atlético Patronato Club of Catholic Youth, known simply as "Patronato".
  • 1915: As part of the first world war, a German submarine torpedoes four British merchant ships.
  • 1917: Germany declares the total underwater war, so any ship can be attacked without notice.
  • 1918: In the State of Yucatan (Mexico) Salvador Alvarado surrenders his powers.
  • 1918: The Soviet Union adopts the Gregorian calendar.
  • 1919: Konrad Adenauer, mayor of Cologne, plans the foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany (1949-1990).
  • 1923: After 18 months of negotiations, Spanish prisoners with Abd el-Krim returned to Spain. From the Vatican, Pope Pius XI recommends public prayers to avoid a new war.
  • 1923: In Germany inflation seems to be not stopped: a dollar is changed by 47 500 frameworks.
  • 1924: Britain recognizes the Soviet Union (established seven years earlier).
  • 1925: In Berlin (Germany) the Front of the Red Combatants (an armed organization of the Communist Party of Germany) is meeting for the first time. He proposes to "unify the proletarian forces" to combat militarism and fascism.
  • 1925: A 36-hour dance championship is held at the Talia Theatre in Barcelona.
  • 1926: in Germany the occupation of Cologne concludes.
  • 1927: Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles orders all Catholic priests to register with the federal authorities.
  • 1930: In Spain, the «dictablanda» was established, after the appointment in Madrid of General Dámaso Berenguer as head of the Council of Ministers, with the order of the king to prepare the return to the constitutional regime prior to 1923.
  • 1931: In Argentina the anarchist militant Severino Di Giovanni is shot.
  • 1932: Puyi, the last emperor of China, proclaims the independent state of Manchuria with the support of the Japanese forces.
  • 1935: in the theater María Guerrero (Madrid) the poem is premiered The Sun of Ayacucho of Francisco Villaespesa.
  • 1938: in Salamanca the radio proclamations of General Gonzalo Queipo de Llano are finished.
  • 1939: In Czechoslovakia, a decree provides for the expulsion of all foreign Jews within six months.
  • 1940: Soviet troops, by surprise, trigger an offensive against Finland in the Summa region.
  • 1940: Belgian artists René Magritte and Raoul Ubac launch the magazine The Collective Invention.
  • 1940: The conference of Balkan States on peace is held in Belgrade.
  • 1940: In Colombia, Radio Nacional de Colombia began its operations.
  • 1941: in Spain is the Renfe (National Network of Spanish Railways).
  • 1941: In the Soviet Union the regular airline opens to the sea of Bering.
  • 1942: In Norway, Josef Terboven, Reich Commissioner (Nazi Germany) for the Occupied Norway appoints Vidkun Quisling as the prime minister of puppetry.
  • 1942: In the concentration camp of Buchenwald, the first experiments with humans are carried out on exantematic typhus.
  • 1942: In the United States—in the framework of the Second World War (1939-1945)—it begins to transmit Voice of America (The Voice of the United States), the official radio and television service for the outside produced by the federal government of that country. Their programs were dedicated to areas controlled by the Axis forces.
  • 1944: The first Constitution of 1918 is amended in the Soviet Union.
  • 1946: Hungary proclaims the republic; Zoltán Tildy is appointed president.
  • 1946: Norwegian Trygve Lie, elected first secretary general of the UN.
  • 1946: the Spanish government authorizes the recovery of nationality to citizens who have lost it by military in the belligerent armies.
  • 1947: In post-war Italy, Alcide de Gasperi forms a government with Christian Democrats, communists and socialists.
  • 1949: The Bank of Mexico links the weight to that of the dollar, with the aim of consolidating it and reducing the difference between the representative value of the currency and the purchasing.
  • 1950: In Finland, Urho Kekkonen is elected President of the Council.
  • 1951: at the Nevada test site—in the framework of the Ranger operation—the United States detonates the Easy atomic bomb (1 kiloton), the tenth of human history.
  • 1952: in Spain the film is released The girl of sale, directed by Ramón Torrado and starring Lola Flores and Manolo Caracol.
  • 1952: In Milan (Italy), Enrico Baj and Sergio Dangelo publish the manifesto of "nuclear painting".
  • 1952: In New York, the United Nations General Assembly condemns the Soviet Union for violating the Russian-Chinese friendly treaty, signed in 1945.
  • 1953: In the Netherlands, after a time of rain and wind that lasts several days, the tide rises enormously, causing the breakage of several dikes and causing 1835 dead and 300 000 injured.
  • 1954: in Spain, the Falange Española Traditionalista and the JONS (Juntas de Offensiva Nacional Sindicalista) is the National Board of the Old Guard.
  • 1955: In Bogotá, Colombia, the National Women ' s Pedagogical University (now the National Pedagogical University of Colombia since 1962) was founded.
  • 1956: in Colombia, university professors José Chaus and Alvaro Angulo publish the post office Reviews about institutional normalization in that country.
  • 1956: in Europe there is a large wave of cold that affects the entire continent.
  • 1957: the mayor of Sabadell (Cataluña), J. M. Marcet, presents a report to the dictator Franco on the economic discrimination that Catalonia is subjected to.
  • 1958: in Cairo, Egypt and Syria they join, forming the United Arab Republic, later dissolved.
  • 1959: Near the peak Otorten, in the Ural Mountains (in the Soviet Union) nine hikers die. You don't know the reason for his death. This tragedy is known as the Diatlov Pass accident.
  • 1960: ECE ministers (European Economic Community) study the admission of Greece.
  • 1960: In Algeria the rebels surrender against the French.
  • 1961: The United States launches the LGM-30 Minuteman, the first intercontinental missile with solid fuel.
  • 1964: the British group The Beatles ranks first on the list of successes in the United States with its song I want to hold your hand.
  • 1965: Australian athlete Ron Clarke manages to beat the world record of 5000 meters with a time of 13 minutes and 33.6 seconds.
  • 1966: U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson requires Congress to grant 917 million dollars for "military aid" and 2469 million dollars for loans (which indebted various third-world countries).
  • 1968: In Cape Town, South Africa, Professor Christiaan Barnard successfully performs his second heart transplant.
  • 1968: In the framework of the Vietnam War, the head of the South Vietnamese police, General Nguyen Ngoc Loan (1930-1998) murders a North Vietnamese prisoner before the NBC cameras. In the United States, this image increased the opposition to the U.S. invasion.
  • 1969: The International Red Cross resumes shipments to the missing Republic of Biafra, present region of Nigeria.
  • 1970: In Colombia there are serious clashes between the supporters of the candidate Gustavo Rojas Pinilla and the pro-governmentists, facing the proximity of the electoral campaign to cover the country's presidency.
A train collision in Argentina causes 236 dead.
  • 1970: In the Argentine city of Benavídez (Province of Buenos Aires), two trains are colliding, leaving a balance of 236 dead. It is the country's greatest railway tragedy to date.
  • 1973: In Spain a “war council” is held against six students accused of burning the French consulate; five are sentenced to 30 years in prison and the sixth is acquitted.
  • 1973: U.S. airlines cancel the orders of the Concorde Franco-British aircraft.
  • 1979: In Tehran (Iran), the political-religious leader Ruhollah Jomeini triumphs after the success of the revolution and the exile of the Sah.
  • 1980: In Guatemala City, the Guatemalan police tortured Mayan peasant Gregorio Iujá-Yoná, who had been the only survivor—although with severe burns—of the Matanza in the Spanish embassy in Guatemala.
  • 1981: France supplies to Iraq 60 Mirage aircraft.
  • 1982: In Spain, the provinces of Oviedo and Santander become the uniprovincial autonomous communities of Asturias and Cantabria, respectively.
  • 1985: The trial for the murder of Benigno Aquinas begins in the Philippines.
  • 1986: in New Delhi, India, Pope John Paul II is received between popular protest demonstrations and great security measures.
  • 1990: the West German government adopts the resolution to negotiate with East Germany for the establishment of a monetary union.
  • 1991: In Pakistan, an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 on the Richter scale shakes the north of the country and causes more than 300 deaths, about 500 wounded and destroys numerous populations.
  • 1992: in Spain, Hacienda agrees to retain 25% of the cash prizes given in the television contests that exceed 100 000 pesetas.
  • 1993: The Autonomous Police is constituted in the Valencian Community.
  • 1996: In the United States, Congress approves the Communications Decency Act.
  • 1998: In Sri Lanka, the army murders more than 3000 Tamil rebels during a battle in the north of the country.
  • 1998: in the United Kingdom the possession of short firearms is an offence.
  • 1998: In the United States, Lillian E. Fishburne became the first African American woman to be appointed as a fan.
  • 1999: In France, the Société Générale (SG) and the Paribas Bank – two of the main French financial institutions – announce their merger. The new entity, BNP Paribas, becomes the third European bank and the fourth world.
  • 2000: the new Aliens Act enters into force in Spain.
  • 2002: In Pakistan, Muslim terrorist Jálid Sheij Mojámed decapitates Daniel Pearl (American journalist and director of the South Asia Bureau of the daily newspaper Wall Street Journal), who had been abducted on 23 January 2002.
  • 2003: Space Shuttle Columbia explodes upon return to Earth. They die their seven crew members.
  • 2003: France enters into force Treaty of Nice.
  • 2003: 40 people die in Zimbabwe in a train crash.
  • 2004: a team of Russian and U.S. scientists reveal the acquisition of two new chemical elements, nihonio (Nh, atomic n. 113), and Moscovio (Mc, atomic n. 115).
  • 2004: In Saudi Arabia a stampede during the annual Muslim pilgrimage to the sacred city of Mecca produces 251 dead and 244 wounded.
  • 2004: In Iran, a hundred reformist deputies present their resignation in protest at the refusal of the Guardian Council to the prospective candidates.
  • 2004: In Houston (United States), in the framework of the Super Bowl XXXVIII, the singer Justin Timberlake involuntarily breaks a section of the clothes to the singer Janet Jackson, and one of her breasts is exposed. This means that the U.S. media adhere more rigidly to the censorship guidelines of the Federal Communications Commission.
  • 2005: the gene that triggers the beginning of puberty is discovered in the brain.
  • 2005: the protein that causes insulin resistance is discovered and, as a result, the triggering of type II diabetes mellitus.
  • 2005: For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified in the liver that is activated with the saturated fats of foods, raising the production of LDL (detrimental cholesterol) in the blood.
  • 2005: In Nepal, King Guinendra, mounted in a moralizing discourse against political corruption, abhors democracy and assumes all powers in an environment of popular approval.
  • 2005: In Brussels, Belgium, youssef Belhadj, alleged spokesman for Al Qaeda in Europe, is arrested.
  • 2005: in Leganés (Madrid) the police arrested four Moroccans, members of the same family, for their alleged relationship with the Attentados of 11 March 2004.
  • 2005: The French National Assembly approves the draft law on constitutional reform to save incompatibility with the European Constitution.
  • 2005: construction of the Burj Dubái building begins in Dubai.
  • 2006: On the outskirts of the city of Bilbao, Spain, the terrorist band ETA explodes a bomb in a Post building, without causing any significant damage.
  • 2006: In the Madrid town of Fuenlabrada, a team of researchers discovers an important archaeological site provisionally dated between the third and the sixth century, where at least 200 Visigothic tombs, a large Roman villa and two necropolises have been located.
  • 2006: in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, torrential rains cause more than a dozen fatalities.
  • 2006: the tanker Ece sinks into the waters of the Mancha Channel with about 10,000 tons of acid.
  • 2009: in Spain, a tornado in Malaga causes significant material damage.
  • 2012: In Puerto Saíd (Egypt) incidents occur in a football match, leaving 74 dead and 1000 wounded. (Tragedia of Puerto Saíd).
  • 2013: The Shard, the highest building in the European Union, is inaugurated in London.
  • 2019: in Mexico there is a 6.5 Mw earthquake with epicenter in Chiapas, becoming perceived in Guatemala and El Salvador as well as in the south and centers of Mexico without leaving damage or victims.
  • 2019: the cessation of operations of Machinima, Inc. was officially announced after almost 20 active years, which left 81 workers unemployed.
  • 2021: In Burma, there is a coup d ' état that defeats Aung San Suu Kyi and establishes a military government under the command of the then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Min Aung Hlaing.


  • 1447: Everardo VI of Wurtemberg, German nobleman (f. 1504).
Conrad Celtis.
  • 1459: Conrad Celtis, a German poet (f. 1508).
  • 1462: Johannes Trithemius, German cryptographer (f. 1516).
  • 1552: Edward Coke, English jurist (f. 1634).
  • 1659: Jacob Roggeveen, a Dutch explorer (f. 1729).
  • 1673: Alessandro Marcello, Italian composer (f. 1747).
  • 1690: Francesco María Veracini, violinist and Italian composer (f. 1768).
  • 1701: Johan Agrell, a German composer of Swedish origin (f. 1765).
  • 1710: Konrad Ernst Ackermann, German actor (f. 1771).
  • 1758: Augustine de Betancourt, Spanish engineer (f. 1824).
  • 1761: Christian Hendrik Persoon, South African micrologist (f. 1836).
  • 1787: Juan Rege Corvalán, militar and politician of Argentina (f. 1830).
  • 1790: Claudio Linati, Italian painter and Lithograph (f. 1842).
  • 1796: Abraham Emanuel Fröhlich, Swiss poet (f. 1865).
  • 1801: Thomas Cole, an American painter of British origin (f. 1848).
  • 1801: Emile Littré, Lexicographer and French philosopher (f. 1881).
  • 1805: Louis Auguste Blanqui, a French socialist revolutionary (f. 1881).
Ezequiel Zamora.
  • 1817: Ezequiel Zamora, a Venezuelan military and political participant in the Federal War (f. 1860).
  • 1837: Gustave García, Italian baritone (f. 1925).
  • 1842: José María Esquerdo, Spanish psychiatrist (f. 1912).
  • 1844: Stanley Hall, American psychologist (f. 1924).
  • 1847: Eduardo Torroja and Caballé, Spanish mathematician (f. 1918).
  • 1851: Jaime Ferrán, a Spanish doctor (f. 1929).
  • 1857: Vladimir Béjterev, Russian neurologist and psychiatrist (f. 1927).
  • 1858: Ricardo Gil, a Spanish writer (f. 1908).
  • 1858: Ignacio Bonillas, engineer, politician and Mexican diplomat (f. 1942).
  • 1859: Julio Burell, Spanish journalist and politician (f. 1919).
  • 1859: Victor Herbert, Irish composer (f. 1924).
  • 1862: Cecilio Báez, politician, professor and Paraguayan journalist (f. 1941).
  • 1868: Ștefan Luchian, a Romanian painter (f. 1916).
  • 1870: Erik Adolf von Willebrand, Finnish doctor (f. 1949).
  • 1872: Clara Butt, British mezzosoprano (f. 1936).
Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
  • 1874: Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Austrian writer (f. 1929).
  • 1878: Alfréd Hajós, swimmer and Hungarian architect (f. 1955).
  • 1878: Milan Hodža, Slovak politician (f. 1944).
  • 1880: Antonio Guarnieri, director of Italian orchestra (f. 1952).
  • 1882: Louis St. Laurent, Canadian politician (f. 1973).
  • 1884: Yevgeni Zamiatin, Russian writer (f. 1937).
  • 1890: Germaine Lubin, French soprano (f. 1979).
  • 1891: Corradino D'Ascanio Italian engineer (f. 1981).
  • 1894: John Ford, American filmmaker (f. 1973).
  • 1894: James P. Johnson, American composer and pianist (f. 1955).
  • 1896: Anastasio Somoza García, militar, politician and dictator of Nicaragua (f. 1956).
  • 1896: Alfonso Caso, Mexican archaeologist (f. 1970).
  • 1898: Leila Denmark, American pediatrician and supercentenary (f. 2012).
  • 1901: Frank Buckles, the last American veteran World War I survivor (f. 2011).
Clark Gable.
  • 1901: Clark Gable, American actor (f. 1960).
  • 1902: Langston Hughes, African American writer (f. 1967).
  • 1904: Franciska Gaal, Hungarian singer and actress (f. 1972).
  • 1904: Gerhard Wartenberg, German anarcho-syndicalist (f. 1942).
  • 1905: Rodolfo Orlandini, was a footballer and Argentine coach. (f. 1990).
  • 1905: Emilio Gino Segrè, Italian-American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1959 (f. 1989).
  • 1907: Günter Eich, German writer and composer (f. 1972).
  • 1907: Mozart Camargo Guarnieri, Brazilian composer (f. 1993).
  • 1907: Sándor Veress, Hungarian composer (f. 1992).
  • 1909: George Beverly Shea, Canadian singer and centenary (f. 2013).
  • 1912: Vittorio Mosele, footballer and Italian coach (f. 1982).
  • 1914: Hernando Avilés, Puerto Rican singer (f. 1986).
  • 1915: Rolando Vera, Mexican fighter (f. 2001).
  • 1915: Stanley Matthews, British footballer (f. 2000).
  • 1915: Alicia Rhett, American actress and painter (f. 2014).
  • 1916: Alonso Zamora Vicente, philologist, dialectologist, lexicographer and Spanish writer (f. 2006).
  • 1916: George Mackey, American mathematician (f. 2006).
  • 1917: A. K. Hangal, Indian actor (f. 2012).
  • 1917: José Luis Sampedro, humanist, economist and Spanish writer (f. 2013).
  • 1918: Montserrat Abelló, Spanish poet and translator (f. 2014).
  • 1918: Carlos Fayt, Argentine Supreme Court judge. (f. 2016).
  • 1918: Muriel Spark, Scottish writer (f. 2006).
  • 1918: Ignacy Tokarczuk, a Polish archbishop (f. 2012).
  • 1921: Nando Gonzales, Spanish footballer. (f. 1988).
  • 1921: Peter Sallis, British actor. (f. 2017).
  • 1921: Teresa Mattei, Italian partisan, politics and activist for the rights of women and children (f. 2013).
  • 1921: Zao Wou-ki, Francochino painter (f. 2013).
Renata Tebaldi.
  • 1922: Renata Tebaldi, Italian soprano (f. 2004).
  • 1922: Maria Baida, Soviet military physician and Heroin of the Soviet Union (f. 2002)
  • 1923: Ben Weider, Canadian writer and businessman (f. 2008).
  • 1924: Emmanuel Scheffer, German-Israel football coach (f. 2012).
  • 1926: Osvaldo Rodolfo Pérez, is an Argentine ex-futbolist
  • 1926: Vivian Maier, American photographer (f. 2009).
  • 1926: Noemí Simonetto, an Argentine athlete (f. 2011).
  • 1927: Flaviano Labò, Italian tenor (f. 1991).
  • 1927: Fernando Silva Espinoza, a Nicaraguan doctor and writer (f. 2016).
  • 1928: Tom Lantos, Hungarian-American politician (f. 2008).
  • 1928: Stuart Whitman, American actor (f. 2020).
  • 1929: Basilio Lami-Dozo, Argentine military (f. 2017).
  • 1930: Jorge Lindell Díaz, Spanish painter (f. 2015).
  • 1930: Shahabuddin Ahmed, Bangladeshi politician, President of Bangladesh between 1996 and 2001 (f. 2022).
  • 1930: Hossain Mohammad Ershad, Bangladeshi politician, President of Bangladesh between 1983 and 1990 (f. 2019).
  • 1930: María Elena Walsh, Argentine writer and songwriter (f. 2011).
  • 1931: Iajuddin Ahmed, Bangladeshi politician, President of Bangladesh between 2002 and 2009 (f. 2012).
Boris Yeltsin.
  • 1931: Boris Yeltsin, Russian politician, President of Russia between 1991 and 1999 (f. 2007).
  • 1933: Reynolds Price, American writer (f. 2011).
  • 1934: Bob Shane, American singer and guitarist, from the band The Kingston Trio (f. 2020).
  • 1935: Lélia González, politics, teacher and Brazilian anthropologist (f. 1994).
  • 1937: Don Everly, American band musician The Everly Brothers (f. 2021).
  • 1937: Gerardo Masana, Argentine architect and musician, of the band Les Luthiers (f. 1973).
  • 1937: Garrett Morris, American comedian.
  • 1937: Rafael Rodríguez Barrera, Mexican politician (f. 2011).
  • 1938: Sherman Hemsley, American comedian and actor (f. 2012).
  • 1939: Diego Bonadeo, Argentine sports journalist (f. 2016).
  • 1939: Fritjof Capra, Austrian physicist.
  • 1939: Claude François, French singer (f. 1978).
  • 1939: Joe Sample, American jazz pianist and keyboardist, of the band The Crusaders (f. 2014).
  • 1939: Yekaterina Maksimova, Russian dancer (f. 2009).
  • 1940: Bibi Besch, Austrian actress (f. 1996).
  • 1942: Terry Jones, actor, filmmaker and British screenwriter (f. 2020).
  • 1942: Carlos Vallejos Sologuren, Peruvian doctor.
  • 1943: Enrique Guzmán, Mexican singer and actor.
  • 1944: Beba Granados, actress and vedette argentina.
  • 1944: Liliana Grinfeld, an Argentine cardio surgeon (f. 2015).
  • 1944: Nicky Jones, Argentine singer.
  • 1944: Dick Snyder, American basketball player.
  • 1946: Carol Neblett, American soprano (f. 2017).
  • 1946: José Pesarrodona, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1946: Elisabeth Sladen, British actress (f. 2011).
  • 1946: Pompeyo Torrealba, Venezuelan military.
  • 1947: Francesc Bellmunt, Spanish filmmaker.
  • 1948: Rick James, American musician of funk and soul (f. 2004).
  • 1948: Ferruccio Mazzola, footballer and Italian coach (f. 2013).
  • 1949: Xuan Xosé Sánchez Vicente, Spanish politician and writer.
  • 1951: Anastasio Somoza Portocarrero, militar y política Nicaragua.
  • 1952: Jenő Jandó, Hungarian pianist.
  • 1952: Roger Y. Tsien, American scientist, nobel chemistry award in 2008 (f. 2016).
  • 1952: Owoye Andrew Azazi, Nigerian general (f. 2012).
  • 1953: Periko Alonso, player and Spanish football coach.
  • 1954: Chuck Dukowski, American singer and bassist, from the Black Flag band.
  • 1956: Exene Cervenka, American musician.
  • 1958: Ramadan Shallah, Palestinian academic (f. 2020).
  • 1958: Ryō Horikawa, Japanese seiyū.
  • 1959: Enma Iranzo Martin, Spanish politics.
  • 1959: Pil Trafa, Argentine singer, of the band Los Violadores (f. 2021).
Mariaño Peña, actor español.
Mariano Peña
  • 1960: Mariano Peña, Spanish actor.
  • 1961: José Luis Cuciuffo, Argentine footballer (f. 2004).
  • 1961: Armin Veh, footballer and German coach.
  • 1961: Israel Tsvaygenbaum, Russian-American artist.
Adel al Jubeir de Arabia Saudita.
Go to Jubeir
  • 1962: Go to Jubeir, Saudi politician.
  • 1962: Manuel Amorós, French footballer of Spanish descent.
  • 1963: Takashi Murakami, Japanese artist.
  • 1963: Fausto Romitelli, Italian composer (f. 2004).
  • 1964: Jani Lane, American singer and songwriter of the Warrant band (f. 2011).
  • 1964: Linus Roache, British actor.
Brandon Lee, actor nacido el 1 de febrero de 1965.
Brandon Lee in his father Bruce's arms.
  • 1965: Brandon Lee, American actor (f. 1993).
  • 1965: Estefanía Grimaldi, aristocrat monegasque.
  • 1965: Sherilyn Fenn, American actress.
  • 1966: Michelle Akers, American footballer.
  • 1966: Donna Edmondson, American model.
  • 1966: Rob Lee, British footballer.
  • 1967: Laura Daners, Uruguayan journalist (f. 2010).
  • 1967: Meg Cabot, American writer.
  • 1967: Ulysses Eyherabide, graphic designer, architect and musician of Argentine rock, member of the band Rescate (f. 2022).
  • 1968: Cheb Hasni, Algerian singer (f. 1994).
  • 1968: Lisa Marie Presley, American singer and actress (f. 2023).
  • 1968: Javier Sánchez Vicario, Spanish tennis player.
Gabriel Batistuta.
  • 1969: Gabriel Batistuta, Argentine footballer.
  • 1969: Brian Krause, American actor.
  • 1969: Joshua Redman, saxophoneist and American jazz composer.
  • 1969: Patrick Wilson, American musician, Weezer and The Special Goodness bands.
  • 1970: Nico (Nicoleta Matei), Romanian singer.
  • 1970: Malik Sealy, American basketball player (f. 2000).
Michael C. Hall.
  • 1971: Michael C. Hall, American actor.
  • 1971: Hynden Walch, American actress.
  • 1971: Ron Welty, American drummer, of the band The Offspring.
  • 1971: Zlatko Zahovič, Slovenian footballer.
  • 1972: Tego Calderón, Puerto Rican singer.
  • 1972: Leymah Gbowee, Liberian activist, Nobel Peace Prize in 2011.
  • 1973: Andrew DeClercq, American basketball player.
  • 1973: Yuri Landman, Dutch experimental lutier.
  • 1973: Óscar Pérez Rojas, Mexican footballer.
  • 1973: Makiko Îmoto, Japanese seiyū.
Roberto Heras.
  • 1974: Roberto Heras, Spanish cyclist.
  • 1974: Walter McCarty, American basketball player.
  • 1974: David Meca, Spanish swimmer.
  • 1974: Taras Lutsenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 1975: Big Boi, American rapper, Outkast band.
  • 1975: Rodrigo Salinas, artist, comedian and Chilean screenwriter.
  • 1976: Santiago Cruz, Colombian singer.
  • 1976: Pavel Dobrý, Czech footballer.
  • 1976: Giacomo Tedesco, Italian footballer.
  • 1977: Lari Ketner, American footballer (f. 2014).
  • 1977: Kevin Kilbane, Irish footballer.
  • 1977: Libor Sionko, Czech footballer.
  • 1977: Robert Traylor, American basketball player (f. 2011).
  • 1978: Ken Johnson, American basketball player.
  • 1978: K'naan, Somali singer.
  • 1979: Julie Augustyniak, American footballer.
  • 1979: Valentin Elizalde, Mexican singer (f. 2006).
  • 1979: Jason Isbell, American singer-songwriter and guitarist.
  • 1979: Rachelle Lefevre, Canadian actress.
  • 1979: Juan Silveira dos Santos, Brazilian footballer.
Hector Luna.
  • 1980: Hector Luna, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1980: Moses Muñoz, Mexican footballer.
  • 1980: Paulo da Silva, Paraguayan footballer.
  • 1981: Christian Giménez, Argentine soccer player.
  • 1981: Hins Cheung, hongkonés singer.
  • 1981: Lamá, Angolan footballer.
  • 1981: Nelson Pinto, Chilean footballer.
  • 1981: Pablo Casado, Spanish lawyer and politician.
  • 1982: Gavin Henson, British rugby player.
  • 1982: Jean Machí, Venezuelan baseball player.
  • 1983: Iveta Benešová, Czech tennis player.
  • 1983: Iñaki Eskudero, ballri vasco.
  • 1983: Kevin Martin, American basketball player.
  • 1983: Jurgen Van Den Broeck, Belgian cyclist.
  • 1983: Andrew VanWyngarden, American guitarist and songwriter, from the MGMT band.
Darren Fletcher, futbolista.
Darren Fletcher
  • 1984: Darren Fletcher, British footballer.
  • 1984: Lee Thompson Young, American actor (f. 2013).
  • 1985: Linda Palma, television presenter and Colombian model.
  • 1985: Jodi Gordon, Australian actress and model.
  • 1985: Karine Sergerie, Canadian martial artist.
  • 1985: Dean Shiels, North Irish footballer.
  • 1986: Lauren Conrad, fashion designer, TV presenter and American writer.
Ronda Rousey, luchadora nacida el 1 de febrero de 1987.
Ronda Rousey
  • 1987: Costel Pantilimon, Romanian footballer.
  • 1987: Giuseppe Rossi, Italian footballer.
  • 1987: Heather Morris American actress, singer and dancer.
  • 1987: Patrik Sráz, Slovak footballer.
  • 1987: Ronda Rousey, MMA expeler, professional fighter and American actress.
  • 1987: Sebastian Boenisch, Polish footballer.
  • 1987: Shiori Izawa, Japanese seiyu.
  • 1987: Wu Jingyu, Chinese martial artist.
  • 1989: Alfreð Finnbogason, Icelandic footballer.
  • 1990: Laura Marling, British singer.
  • 1990: Duje Čop, Croatian footballer.
  • 1991: Luca Caldirola, Italian footballer.
  • 1992: Patric Young, American basketball player.
  • 1992: Mao Ichimichi, Japanese actress.
  • 1993: Elisabeth Erm, Estonian model.
  • 1993: Ahmad Nourollahi, Iranian footballer.
Harry Styles, cantante.
Harry Styles
  • 1994: Anna-Lena Friedsam, German tennis player.
  • 1994: Harry Styles, British singer.
  • 1995: Oliver Heldens, Dutch DJ.
  • 1995: Ivica Ivušić, Croatian footballer.
  • 1996: Doyoung, member of the NCT group.
  • 1997: Jihyo, member of the Twice group.
  • 2000: Paris Smith, American actress and singer.
  • 2007: Lucia Almada, Argentine soccer player.
{unknown year}:{Celimar Adames} Puerto Rican journalist.


  • 772: Stephen III, Pope of the Catholic Church between 768 and 772 (n. 720).
  • 850: Ramiro I, Asturian king (n. 790).
  • 1248: Henry II of Brabant, aristocrat of the Netherlands (n. 1207).
Charles IV of France.
  • 1328: Charles IV of France and I of Navarre, French king (n. 1294).
  • 1542: Girolamo Aleandro, Italian cardinal (n. 1480).
  • 1691: Alexander VIII, Pope of the Catholic Church between 1689 and 1691 (n. 1610).
  • 1733: August II the Fort, Polish king (n. 1670).
  • 1761: Pierre François Xavier de Charlevoix, French historian (n. 1682).
  • 1767: Claude Pierre Goujet, a French religious and writer (n. 1697).
  • 1782: José Antonio Galán, 18th-century neo-granaddin (n. 1741).
Mary Shelley.
  • 1818: Giuseppe Gazzaniga, Italian composer (n. 1743).
  • 1851: Mary Shelley, British writer (n. 1797).
  • 1871: Alexander Serov, Russian composer (n. 1820).
  • 1873: Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, poetess, novelist and Cuban playwright (n. 1814).
  • 1875: William Sterndale Bennett, British composer (n. 1816).
  • 1886: Juan Esteban Pedernera, Argentine military (n. 1796).
  • 1890: Inocencio María Yéregui, Spanish bishop (n. 1833).
  • 1897: Constantin von Ettingshausen, Austrian geologist (n. 1826).
  • 1902: Aníbal Zañartu, a Chilean politician (n. 1847).
  • 1903: George Gabriel Stokes, Irish physicist (n. 1819).
  • 1908: Charles I, Portuguese king (n. 1863).
  • 1908: Luis Felipe de Braganza, Portuguese aristocrat (n. 1887).
  • 1917: Maximum Rosenstock Up, Chilean politician (n. 1838).
  • 1922: Yamagata Aritomo, a Japanese military man (n. 1838).
  • 1922: William Desmond Taylor, American actor and director (n. 1872).
Farabundo Martí.
  • 1932: Farabundo Martí, a Salvadoran revolutionary politician (n. 1893).
  • 1936: Georgios Kondilis, a Greek politician and general (n. 1878).
  • 1938: Armando Palacio Valdés, a Spanish writer (n. 1853).
  • 1944: Piet Mondrian, a Dutch painter (n. 1872).
  • 1944: Michel-Dimitri Calvocoressi, French writer and musical critic (n. 1877).
  • 1945: Bulgarian Cyril, Bulgarian aristocrat (n. 1895).
  • 1953: Antonio Goicoechea and Cosculluela, Spanish politician (n. 1876).
  • 1957: Friedrich Paulus, German general (n. 1890).
  • 1958: Clinton Davisson, American physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1937 (n. 1881).
  • 1962: Moses of Huerta, Spanish sculptor (n. 1881).
  • 1965: Roberto Quiroga, tango singer and Argentine actor (n. 1911).
  • 1966: Hedda Hopper, American actress and columnist (n. 1885).
Buster Keaton.
  • 1966: Buster Keaton, American comic filmmaker and actor (n. 1895).
  • 1970: Alfréd Rényi, Hungarian mathematician (n. 1921).
  • 1976: Werner Heisenberg, German physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932 (n. 1901).
  • 1976: George Hoyt Whipple, U.S. Doctor, Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1934 (n. 1878).
  • 1978: Jorge Cafrune, Argentine singer (n. 1937).
  • 1980: Gregorio Iujá-Yoná, a Guatemalan Maya peasant, tortured to death (n. 1950).
  • 1980: Gastone Nencini, Italian cyclist (n. 1930).
  • 1984: Pepita Muñoz, an Argentine actress (n. 1899).
  • 1986: Melchor Centeno Vallenilla, Venezuelan inventor (n. 1905).
  • 1986: Alva Myrdal, Swedish politics, Nobel Peace Prize in 1982 (n. 1902).
  • 1987: Alessandro Blasetti, Italian filmmaker (n. 1900).
  • 1988: Heather O'Rourke, American actress, protagonist of Poltergeist (n. 1975).
  • 1989: Elaine de Kooning, American painter (n. 1918).
  • 1989: Eduardo Franco, Uruguayan singer (n. 1945).
  • 1989: Miguel Ligero, Argentine actor (n. 1911).
  • 1990: Antonio Ubieto Arteta, Spanish historian and philologist (n. 1923).
  • 1990: Serguéi Aleshkov, Soviet lawyer and military (n. 1936).
  • 1991: Carol Dempster, American actress (n. 1901).
  • 1992: Jean Hamburger, French doctor and essayist (n. 1909).
  • 1994: Orlando Marconi, actor, journalist and presenter of Argentine television (n. 1929).
  • 1995: Richey James Edwards, Litrist and Guitarist, from the Manic Street Preachers band (n. 1967).
  • 1995: Joaquín de Entrambasaguas, Spanish philologist (n. 1904).
  • 1995: Jaume Perich, a Spanish cartoonist and humorist (n. 1941).
  • 1997: Herb Caen, American journalist (n. 1916).
  • 1999: Alejandro Galindo, Mexican filmmaker (n. 1906).
  • 1999: Paul Mellon, American philanthropist (n. 1907).
  • 1999: Augusto Ferrando, a horse racer and a Peruvian animator (n. 1919).
  • 2000: Pablo Calvo, Spanish child actor (n. 1949).
  • 2001: Rafael Lapesa, linguist and Spanish academic (n. 1908).
  • 2002: Hildegard Knef, German actress, singer and writer (n. 1925).
Columbia shuttle crew.
  • 2003: Tripulants during the Columbia space shuttle accident:
    • Michael P. Anderson, American physicist and astronomer (n. 1959).
    • David McDowell Brown, U.S. military officer, astronaut and doctor (n. 1956).
    • Kalpana Chawla, Indian-American space engineer and astronaut (n. 1961).
    • Laurel Clark, American astronaut and physician (n. 1961).
    • Rick Husband, American astronaut and engineer (n. 1957).
    • William McCool, U.S. military officer and engineer (n. 1961).
    • Ilan Ramon, Israeli military and astronaut (n. 1954).
  • 2003: Adalberto Ortiz, novelist, poet and Ecuadorian diplomat (n. 1914).
  • 2006: Luis Alberto Costales, Ecuadorian writer and politician (n. 1926).
Gian Carlo Menotti.
  • 2007: Gian Carlo Menotti, an Italian-American composer (n. 1911).
  • 2009: Lukas Foss, composer and director of German orchestra (n. 1922).
  • 2010: Rodolfo de Anda, Mexican actor and filmmaker (n. 1943).
  • 2010: David Brown, American Film Producer (n. 1916).
  • 2012: Don Cornelius, American television producer (n. 1936).
  • 2012: Wisława Szymborska, Polish poet, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1996 (n. 1923).
  • 2013: Ed Koch, American politician (n. 1924).
  • 2014: Luis Aragonés, player and Spanish football coach (n. 1938).
  • 2014: Maximilian Schell, Austrian actor and director (n. 1930).
  • 2016: Óscar Mejía Víctores, Guatemalan military, president of Guatemala between 1983 and 1986 (n. 1930).
  • 2017: Étienne Tshisekedi, Congolese politician (n. 1932)
  • 2018: Fidel Castro Díaz-Balart, Cuban nuclear physicist (n. 1949).
  • 2019: Jeremy Hardy, British comedian (n. 1961).
  • 2022: Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani, great Iranian Ayatollah (n. 1919).

[2023]]: Marlene Arias Venezuelan singer. (b.1955)


  • Imbolc, celebration of the Celtic calendar.
  • National Day of the Alternate Mexico

Catholic saints list

  • San Agripano
  • Santa Brígida de Ireland
  • San Cecilio de Granada
  • San Enrique Morse
  • San Juan de Saint-Malo
  • Saint Paul-Trois-Châteaux
  • San Raúl de Cambray
  • San Severo de Rávena
  • San Sigeberto
  • San Trifón
  • San Urso de Aosta
  • Holy Moon Bonilla
  • Blessed Andrew of Segni
  • Blessed Juana Francisca of the Michelotti Visitation
  • Blessed Reginaldo of Orleans

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