February 16th
Contenido February 16 is the 47th (forty-seventh) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 318 days left to end the year and 319 in leap years.
- 1164: the flood of Santa Juliana takes root in the city of Groningen, the province of Frisia and northern Germany, especially the Elba basin. Thousands of people die.
- 1279: In Portugal, Dionisio I is proclaimed king of Portugal after the death of his father Alfonso III.
- 1486: In Frankfurt am Main, Maximilian I of Habsburg was chosen king of the Romans.
- 1521: in Burgos the public Worms Edict on December 17, 1520, by which King Carlos I of Spain condemns the comuneros (not to confuse with the Worms Edict of the same author, of 25 May 1521, against Martín Lutero.
- 1646: the battle of Torrington is waged, the last great battle of the first English civil war.
- 1699: The first Leopoldin diploma is issued by the Holy Roman Empire, recognizing that the Greek Catholic clergy enjoyed the same privileges as Catholic priests in the Principality of Transylvania.
- 1742: Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington, becomes British prime minister.
- 1820: the Cabildo of Buenos Aires elects Manuel de Sarratea governor of the province.
- 1827: In the framework of the war between Argentina and Brazil the battle of the Ombú occurs, where General Mansilla defeats a Brazilian division.
- 1835: In Barranca Yaco, Córdoba, Argentina, a militia party led by Captain Santos Pérez murders General Juan Facundo Quiroga.
- 1841: In San Salvador, the capital city of El Salvador, a Constituent Assembly decrees the foundation of the University of El Salvador.
- 1866: in Honduras the Flag of Honduras is adopted.
- 1881: arrival of the Salesians to Utrera (Spain).
- 1903: The Cuban government grants the United States a naval base on the island.
- 1908: in Budapest the opera ElianaOdon Mijálovich.
- 1909: The first subway carriage with side doors is operational in New York
- 1909: In Montecarlo the opera is premiered He's bubbling. (from Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari).
- 1911: The first official transport of a letter by air takes place in India.
- 1918: Lithuania is independent of Russia.
- 1918: The Turks burn the library of Baghdad and burn twenty thousand books.
- 1918: in Barcelona Joan Miró exhibits his first works at the Dalmau Galleries; for which he receives harsh criticism.
- 1919: the treaty of armistice between Germany and the Allies is extended, which provisionally set the border line between Germany and Poland, so that Posen (now Poznan) becomes Polish, and Western Prussia remains in the German reich.
- 1921: Pope Benedict XV erects the ecclesiastical province of Costa Rica through the Bull "Praedecessorum", elevating to the condition of Metropolitan Archdiocese to the ancient Diocese of San José (compressing the provinces of San José, Cartago and Heredia), erecting the Diocese of Alajuela (with the provinces of Alajuela, Puntarenas and Guanacaste). Being the first Metropolitan Archbishop of San José, Archbishop Dr. Rafael Otón Castro Jiménez (1921-1939), the first diocesan bishop of Alajuela, Monsignor Antonio del Carmen Monestel Zamora (1921-1937) and the first apostolic vicar of Limón, Monsignor Agustín Blessing Prinzinger (1921-1934).
- 1922: The first session of the Permanent Court of International Justice of The Hague, created at the request of the League of Nations, is held.
- 1924: the city of Fiume is occupied by the Italians.
- 1928: the hosteler Rodolfo Lussnigg creates the name Costa del Sol for the tourist promotion of the Mediterranean coasts of Spain.
- 1933: in Germany, Krupp puts the diesel engine to a point.
- 1934: the Austrian civil war ends with the defeat of the Social Democrats and the Republikanischer Schutzbund.
- 1934: first flight to Madrid of the autogiro La Cierva, piloted by his inventor.
- 1934: Film premiere Lost patrolled by John Ford and starred at Victor McLaglen.
- 1936: in Spain, the Popular Front wins the electoral victory.
- 1937: In Chile they see the light of a series of norms on the colonization of the province of Aysén.
- 1937: in Paris it is serene The traveler without luggage (from Jean Anouilh).
- 1937: Falange Española organizes the burning of polls in Seville and Cordoba, in commemoration of the previous elections.
- 1938: Kurt Schuschnigg, Federal Chancellor, reformes the Austrian government and appoints Arthur Seyß-Inquart as Minister of the Interior.
- 1938: In Iran, a government order prescribes the use of the Iranian language in all areas of public life, both oral and written.
- 1941: After two days, the fire that burns the city of Santander is extinguished and has destroyed about four hundred buildings.
- 1943: In the framework of the Second World War, Heinrich Himmler decides the massacre of the Warsaw Ghetto.
- 1945: In the Philippines, the U.S. Army attacks the bastion of the Rider.
- 1947. The maidensJean Genet.
- 1949: talks on Berlin begin between delegates at the United States UN and the USSR.
- 1950: in Argentina, after a controversial definition, the Lanús Atletico Club first descends to the second division of professional football.
- 1952: Greece and Turkey officially join NATO.
- 1953: Juan Domingo Perón advocates a union between Argentina and Chile to form the core of a United States of Hispanic America.
- 1956: formation of the Seventh National Government of Spain (1956-1957), chaired by Francisco Franco.
- 1959: Fidel Castro is appointed Prime Minister of Cuba, with what the Cuban Revolution is fully based.
- 1960: The USS Triton submarine of the United States Navy begins Operation Sandblast, which sails from New London, Connecticut, to begin the first submerged circumnavigation of the planet.
- 1961: in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Government of Arturo Frondizi delivers the CGT (General Confederation of Labour) to the Commission of the Twenty, made up of Augusto Timoteo Vandor, Andrés Framini, Rivas and others.
- 1962: in Spain, the BOE publishes a decree of the Ministry of Labour that equates women's labour rights with men's.
- 1963: Heinrich Böll publishes the novel Reviews of a clown.
- 1965: In Paris a tribute is paid to Luis García Berlanga, in which he collects the award granted by the Academy of Black Humor of France.
- 1967: the Bölkow BO 105 V 2 helicopter carries out its first flight.
- 1967: In Spain the penalty of arrest and fines for those who violate the limitations on freedom of expression is decreed.
- 1971: two boats with 12 crew members disappear without leaving trace in front of the coast of Almeria, Spain, in the middle of a temporary fort and after launching an SOS.
- 1972: José Legrá beats the British Armstrong and retains his title as a boxing European champion.
- 1974: The dairy conflict in Santander causes some 50 000 litres of milk to be stopped, of the 750 000 collected daily in the province.
- 1979: In Iran, following the very high trials, the Government executes several generals.
- 1980: in Spain the new Vitoria Airport is inaugurated.
- 1983: in the Basque Country, Spain, regular emissions of the first chain of Euskal Telebista, in the Basque language begin.
- 1983: the population of Sagunto (Valencia) begins a general strike in defense of the maintenance of the Mediterranean High Horns.
- 1983: In Spain, the alleged persons involved in the Bologna Matanza were arrested on 2 August 1980.
- 1984: José Rodríguez de la Borbolla is appointed president of the Junta de Andalucía, after resigning Rafael Escuredo.
- 1984: Fidel Castro, accompanied by Daniel Ortega, made a five-hour stopover in Spain in what is the first visit of the Cuban president to a capital of Western Europe.
- 1986: in Portugal, Mário Soares is president after decades of military dictatorships.
- 1987: In Israel the trial against Ivan Demjanjuk, known as Ivan the Terrible, deported from the United States and charged with crimes against humanity in the Treblinka extermination camp.
- 1987: Markus Wolf, director of secret services, retired in the Democratic Republic of Germany.
- 1988: In Spain, by consensual election of the Spanish Courts, Alvaro Gil-Robles replaces Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez as Ombudsman.
- 1989: in Venezuela, President Carlos Andrés Pérez decrees the so-called "economic package" that would lead to the Caracazo events.
- 1989: In Paris, Roger Patrice Pelat, a personal friend of Mitterrand, is prosecuted for the Pechiney case.
- 1990: the terrorist group ETA releases the industrialist Adolfo Villoslada, kidnapped on 24 November 1989, after receiving a ransom of 300 million pesetas.
- 1990: SWAPO leader Sam Nujoma is the first president of Namibia.
- 1991: U.S. and British aircraft bombard the suburbs of Baghdad, with dozens of civilian casualties and no military.
- 1991: the film Oh, Carmela!, by Carlos Saura, obtains thirteen Goya Awards from the Spanish Film Academy.
- 1991: in Managua, Nicaragua, he is murdered in the park of the Intercontinental Hotel -now Hotel Crowne Plaza Managua- Colonel Enrique Bermúdez Varela, leader of the Contras.
- 1992: In the Lebanese city of Sidon, Sheikh Abbas Mussawi, secretary general of the Shiite organization Hezbollah, was murdered.
- 1993: In Spain, Elías Yanes, Archbishop of Zaragoza, is elected president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference.
- 1994: The Europol, a European police cooperation agency, is officially inaugurated in The Hague.
- 1998: In Paris, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, received the award for the European character of the year.
- 1998: In the state of São Paulo (Brazil) the Brazilian peasant leader Bendita Machado Felicio, one of the leaders of the Landless Movement (MST) died.
- 1998: China Airlines flight 676 crashes into a road and residential area near Chiang Kai-shek International Airport in Taiwan, killing 196 aboard and seven more on land.
- 1999: in the vicinity of Ankara (Turkey capital) the leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan, accused of terrorism and treason, is arrested.
- 2001: in Iraq, U.S. aviation bombs the capital, Baghdad.
- 2003: in Gaza (Palestinian Territories) five Hamas members die in the explosion of a house.
- 2003: NATO activates preventive military aid plans for Turkey.
- 2003: in Sankt Moritz (Switzerland), Austrian skiers, with nine medals, confirm it as the first power of alpine skiing in the World Cup.
- 2004: the most distant galaxy (13 billion light years) is discovered thanks to a combination of observations from the Hubble space telescope and the giant Keck observatory in Hawaii.
- 2004: a judge of Navarre grants two lesbians the shared power of the biological daughters of one of the women.
- 2004: the president of Taiwan, Chen Shui-bian, for the first time admits the possibility of reunification with China.
- 2004: In Sydney, Australia, the death of a young Australian aboriginal triggers violent racial disturbances.
- 2005: the Kyoto Protocol, a global greenhouse gas reduction convention, enters into force.
- 2005: a Spanish scientist discovers that the fungus Fame call It's cause of blindness.
- 2005: Rafael Vera, former Secretary of State for Security during several socialist governments, enters prison for an offence of embezzlement of public flows.
- 2005: A group of American scientists dates the oldest remains of Homo sapiens in 200,000 years.
- 2005: The Israeli Parliament approves the law of the withdrawal of about twenty Jewish settlements in Gaza and the surrender of the territory to the ANP, 38 years after the occupation.
- 2006: the ETA terrorist group places a bomb in an industrial estate in Vizcaya that causes little damage.
- 2011: Japan reports the temporary suspension of scientific whale hunting in Antarctica due to the constant pressures of activists.
- 2018: In Mexico, there was a 7.2 magnitude earthquake on the Richter scale. His epicenter was in Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca.
- 2020: The Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic suspended national elections for the first time in the country's history, creating an electoral crisis that generated protests.
- 2021: The Ecclesiastical Province of Costa Rica, Central America (formed originally by the Archdiocese of Saint Joseph, the Diocese of Alajuela and the Apostolic Vicariate of Limon, today, diocese of Limon), celebrates its first centenary of canonical erection. It is currently made up of the dioceses of San Isidro, Tilarán-Liberia, Ciudad Quesada, Puntarenas and Cartago.
- 2021: In Spain rapper Pablo Hasél is imprisoned.
- 1032: Yingzong, Chinese emperor between 1063 and 1067 (f. 1067).
- 1222: Nichiren Daishōnin, founder of Buddhism based on Sutra del loto (f. 1282).
- 1497: Philipp Melanchthon, a German humanist and reformist (f. 1560).
- 1519: Gaspard de Coligny, French Hugonote leader (f. 1572).
- 1543: Kanō Eitoku, Japanese painter (f. 1590).
- 1594: Juliana Morell, writer, humanist and Spanish religious (f. 1653).
- 1620: Federico Guillermo I of Brandenburg, aristocrat Prusian (f. 1688).
- 1670: Melchor de Macanaz, Spanish writer and politician (f. 1760).
- 1698: Pierre Bouguer, French mathematician (f. 1758).
- 1727: Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin, doctor, biologist and Dutch botanist (f. 1817).
- 1774: Pierre Rode, French composer and violinist (f. 1830).
- 1802: Rómulo Díaz de la Vega, Mexican military and political (f. 1877).
- 1804: Karl Theodor Ernst von Siebold, German physiologist (f. 1885).
- 1804: Pascual Pérez Rodríguez, a Spanish writer and photographer (f. 1868).
- 1812: Henry Wilson, American politician and vice president between 1873 and 1875 (f. 1875).
- 1816: Gaetano Fraschini, Italian tenor (f. 1887).
- 1821: Heinrich Barth, German explorer (f. 1865).
- 1822: Francis Galton, British explorer and scientist (f. 1911).
- 1824: Peter Kozler, Slovenian cartographer and geographer (f. 1879).
- 1831: Nikolái Leskov, Russian writer (f. 1895).
- 1834: Ernst Haeckel, a German biologist and philosopher (f. 1919).
- 1838: Henry Brooks Adams, American historian (f. 1918).
- 1841: Armand Guillaumin, French painter and lithograph of Impressionist style (f. 1927).
- 1844: James Guillaume, Swiss anarchist (f. 1916).
- 1848: Octave Mirbeau, French writer (f. 1917).
- 1848: Hugo de Vries, Dutch botanist (f. 1935).
- 1866: María Cabrales, a Cuban revolutionary (f. 1905).
- 1866: Johann Strauss III, Austrian musician (f. 1939).
- 1868: Edward Sheriff Curtis, American photographer (f. 1952).
- 1877: Carl Hirschmann, Dutch banker, Acting President of FIFA between 1918 and 1920 (f. 1951).
- 1878: Pamela Colman Smith, British artist and writer (f. 1951).
- 1882: Martín Castro (payador), Payador Argentinian (f. 1971).
- 1884: Robert J. Flaherty, American filmmaker (f. 1951).
- 1887: José Moreno Villa, Spanish painter (f. 1955).
- 1888: Moses Saenz, educator, diplomat and Mexican politician (f. 1941).
- 1892: Anselmo Albareda, Spanish cardinal (f. 1966).
- 1893: Julio Martínez Male, acronym engineer and Spanish astronomer (f. 1945).
- 1896: Roberto Chery, Chilean keeper (f. 1919).
- 1898: Katharine Cornell, American actress (f. 1974).
- 1898: Jaume Amat, Spanish footballer (f. 1975).
- 1901: Chester Morris, American actor (f. 1970).
- 1902: Karl Saur, German Nazi engineer and politician (f. 1966).
- 1903: Edgar Bergen, American actor (f. 1978).
- 1904: George F. Kennan, American diplomat (f. 2005).
- 1906: Vera Menchik, a British chess player (f. 1944).
- 1907: Francisco Flores del Campo, Chilean actor and composer (f. 1993).
- 1907: Fernando Previtali, director of orchestra and Italian musician.
- 1909: Hugh Beaumont, American actor (f. 1982).
- 1909: Jeffrey Lynn, American actor (f. 1995).
- 1909: Richard Dick J. McDonald, pioneer of American fast food (f. 1998).
- 1910: Miguel Bernal Jiménez, Mexican composer and organist (f. 1956).
- 1910: Serguéi Gorshkov, Admiral of the Soviet Navy (f. 1988).
- 1912: Leandro Maloberti, Argentinian Marine (f. 2000).
- 1913: Raúl Sáez, a Chilean engineer and economist (f. 1992).
- 1916: Cándido Catalán Lasala, a Spanish religious (f. 1936).
- 1920: Miriam Sucre, Argentine actress (f. 2011).
- 1921: Jean Behra, French pilot of Formula 1 (f. 1959).
- 1921: Vera-Ellen, American actress (f. 1981).
- 1921: Alberto Gamboa, Chilean journalist (f. 2019).
- 1921: Hua Guofeng, leader of the Chinese Communist Party and Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China (f. 2008).
- 1922: Geraint Evans, British baritone (f. 1992).
- 1925: Carlos Paredes, Portuguese guitarist (f. 2004).[chuckles]required]
- 1926: Margot Frank, Anne Frank's older sister (f. 1945).
- 1926: John Schlesinger, British filmmaker (f. 2003).
- 1927: June Brown, British actress.
- 1928: Pedro Casaldáliga, Spanish bishop.
- 1928: John Copnall, British painter.
- 1928: Elías Yanes, Spanish Archbishop.
- 1929: Gerhard Hanappi, Austrian footballer (f. 1980).
- 1931: Ken Takakura, Japanese actor (f. 2014).
- 1932: Otis Blackwell, American singer and composer (f. 2002).
- 1932: Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, Sierra Leonean economist, president of Sierra Leone between 1996-1997 and 1998-2007 (f. 2014).
- 1932: Antonio Ordóñez was born in Ronda, Malaga.
- 1933: Enzo Vienna, an Argentine actor (f. 2007).
- 1934: Rafael Pérez Estrada, a Spanish writer and poet (f. 2000).
- 1935: Sonny Bono, actor, songwriter and American politician (f. 1998).
- 1935: Juan Piquer Simón, Spanish filmmaker (f. 2011).
- 1936: Julio Casas Regueiro, Cuban politician (f. 2011).
- 1936: Eliahu Inbal, an Israeli orchestra director.
- 1936: Pino Solanas, director of film, screenwriter and Argentine politician (f. 2020).
- 1937: Yuri Manin, Russian mathematician.
- 1938: John Corigliano, American composer.
- 1939: Marita Napier, South African soprano (f. 2004).
- 1942: Kim Jong-il, North Korean military and politician, the supreme leader of North Korea between 1994 and 2011 (f. 2011).
- 1943: Marilina Ross, Argentine actress and singer.
- 1944: Richard Ford, American novelist.
- 1945: Jeremy Bulloch, British actor (f. 2020).
- 1945: Fernando Esteso, Spanish actor.
- 1945: Julio César Morales, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1945: Aldo Proietto, Argentine sports journalist.
- 1946: Pete Postlethwaite, British actor (f. 2011).
- 1947: Juan Camacho, Spanish singer (f. 1982).
- 1947: Graciela Mancuso, locutora and presenter of Argentine television (f. 2016).
- 1948: Alberto Fanesi, footballer and Argentine coach.
- 1948: Eckhart Tolle, German writer.
- 1948: Roberto Mouras, Argentine pilot (f. 1992).
- 1951: William Katt, American actor.
- 1952: James Ingram, American singer (f. 2019).
- 1953: Jaime Campos, Chilean lawyer and politician.
- 1953: Roberta Williams, video game designer.
- 1954: Iain Banks, British writer.
- 1954: Margaux Hemingway, American model and actress (f. 1996).
- 1955: Miguel Zavaleta, singer, musician, composer and Argentine author.
- 1956: Jorginho Gularte, composer, producer, guitarist and Uruguayan singer (f. 2013).
- 1957: LeVar Burton, an American actor.
- 1958: Ice-T, rap singer and American actor.
- 1958: Lisa Loring, American actress (f. 2023).
- 1958: Oscar Schmidt, Brazilian basketball player.
- 1958: Alberto Górriz, Spanish footballer.
- 1958: Lois Pereiro, a Galician writer and poet (f. 1996).
- 1959: John McEnroe, American tennis player.
- 1959: Kelly Tripucka, American basketball player.
- 1960: Antonio Dechent, Spanish actor.
- 1960: Pete Willis, British musician, from the Def Leppard band.
- 1961: Andy Taylor, British guitarist, of the Duran Duran band.
- 1961: Santiago Tabernero, director and Spanish film writer.
- 1962: John Balance, British musician, from the Psychic TV band (f. 2004).
- 1963: Luis Miguel Domínguez, Spanish naturist.
- 1964: Bebeto, Brazilian footballer.
- 1964: Christopher Eccleston, British actor.
- 1965: Dave Lombardo, Cuban drummer of heavy metal, Slayer band.
- 1965: Jesús Adrián Romero, singer of Mexican Christian music.
- 1967: Jorge Vivaldo, footballer and Argentine coach.
- 1969: Fermín Cacho, Spanish athlete.
- 1970: Nailea Norvind, Mexican actress.
- 1970: Angelo Peruzzi, Italian footballer.
- 1972: Sarah Clarke, American actress.
- 1972: Margit Pörtner, Danish curling player (f. 2007).
- 1972: Piotr Zaradny, Polish cyclist.
- 1972: Dirk Dier, German tennis player.
- 1972: Alexander Garcia, Brazilian Yudoca.
- 1972: Grit Breuer, German athlete.
- 1973: Christian Bassedas, Argentine footballer.
- 1973: Cathy Freeman, Australian athlete.
- 1975: Nanase Aikawa, Japanese singer.
- 1976: Tooru Kyō Nishimura, Japanese singer.
- 1976: Dragan Mladenović, Serbian footballer.
- 1977: Máximo Kirchner, Argentine politician.
- 1977: Rodrigo Roncero, Argentinian rugby player.
- 1977: Brad Walst, Canadian bassist of the Three Days Grace band.
- 1977: Claire Wyart, French biophysics and neuroscientific.
- 1978: Hector Bracamonte, Argentine soccer player.
- 1978: Alcides Píccoli, Argentine footballer.
- 1978: Alberto Rivera, Spanish footballer.
- 1979: Valentino Rossi, Italian bike rider.
- 1980: Serhiy Nazarenko, Ukrainian footballer.
- 1981: Olivier Deschacht, Belgian footballer.
- 1982: Lupe Fiasco, American rapper.
- 1982: Rickie Lambert, British footballer.
- 1983: Agyness Deyn, British model.
- 1983: Alejandra Silva, Spanish social activist and publicist.
- 1983: Erika Vázquez, Spanish footballer.
- 1983: Emilio de Justo, Spanish bullfighter.
- 1985: Ron Vlaar, Dutch footballer.
- 1985: Kim Jin-kyu, South Korean footballer.
- 1986: Diego Godín, Uruguayan footballer.
- 1986: Mauricio Sperduti, Argentine footballer.
- 1986: Walter Acevedo, Argentine footballer.
- 1988: Diego Capel, Spanish footballer.
- 1988: Denilson, Brazilian footballer.
- 1988: Kim Soo-hyun, South Korean actor.
- 1988: Andrea Ranocchia, Italian footballer.
- 1989: Elizabeth Olsen, American actress and model.
- 1989: Eduardo Sánchez, Venezuelan baseball player.
- 1990: The Weeknd, Canadian singer.
- 1990: Diogo Kachuba, Brazilian footballer.
- 1991: Sergio Canales, Spanish footballer
- 1994: Matthew Knight, Canadian actor.
- 1994: Ava Max, American singer and composer.
- 1994: Federico Bernardeschi, Italian footballer.
- 1997: Conor Chaplin, English footballer.
- 1998: Carles Pérez, Spanish footballer.
- 2002: Fabian Rieder, Swiss footballer.
- 713: Yi Ching, Buddhist monk, traveler and Chinese translator (n. 635).
- 1247: Heinrich Raspe, lord of Turingia (n. 1204).
- 1279: Alfonso III, fifth Portuguese king (n. 1210).
- 1391: John V Paleologist, Byzantine emperor (n. 1332).
- 1531: Johannes Stöffler, a German mathematician and astronomer (n. 1452).
- 1579: Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada, Spanish conqueror (n. 1509).
- 1624: Juan de Mariana, Jesuit and Spanish historian (n. 1536).
- 1829: François-Joseph Gossec, a French musician (n. 1734).
- 1835: Juan Facundo Quiroga, militar y político argentina (n. 1788).
- 1848: Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga, religious, architect, stanciero, naturalist and botanist Uruguayan (n. 1871).
- 1861: Samuel Lovett Waldo, American painter (n. 1783).
- 1892: Henry Walter Bates, British entomologist (n. 1825).
- 1899: Felix Faure, French President (n. 1841).
- 1907: Giosuè Carducci, Italian poet, Nobel Literature Prize in 1906 (n. 1835)
- 1917: Alberto Carrera Torres, Mexican military (n. 1888).
- 1917: Octave Mirbeau, French writer (n. 1848).
- 1919: Eva Luckes, British nurse, midwife at the London Hospital (n. 1854).[chuckles]required]
- 1931: Juan Vert, composer of zarzuelas, Spanish (n. 1890).
- 1932: Ferdinand Buisson, French pedagogue, Nobel Peace Prize in 1927 (n. 1841).
- 1957: Józef Hofmann, pianist and Polish composer (n. 1876).
- 1960: Nativity Yarza Planas, Spanish politics (n. 1872).
- 1964: Fernando González, Colombian writer and philosopher (n. 1895).
- 1967: Smiley Burnette, American actor, singer and composer (n. 1911).
- 1973: Francisco Caamaño Deñó, a Dominican military and hero (n. 1932).
- 1976: Manuel Olivares, footballer and Spanish coach (n. 1909).
- 1977: Carlos Pellicer, Mexican poet (n. 1899).
- 1979: Louise Allbritton, American actress (n. 1920).
- 1980: Erich Hückel, German physicist (n. 1896).
- 1983: José Luis Acquaroni, Spanish writer and journalist (n. 1919).
- 1984: Enrique C. Livas, doctor and educator Mexican (n. 1908).
- 1985: Alí Primera, singer, musician and Venezuelan composer (n. 1942).
- 1990: Keith Haring, American painter (n. 1958).
- 1991: Luis Escobar, director of theatre, actor and Spanish filmmaker (n. 1905).
- 1991: Didar Sandhu, Indian musician (n. 1942).
- 1991: Enrique Bermúdez Varela, a Nicaraguan military officer (n. 1932).
- 1992: Angela Carter, a British journalist and novelist (n. 1940).
- 1992: Jânio Quadros, Brazilian president in 1961 (n. 1917).
- 1992: Herman Wold, Swedish mathematician (n. 1908).
- 1993: Pascual Vuotto (89), an Argentine worker, the last survivor of the “Bragado prisoners” (n. 1904).
- 1996: Brownie McGhee, American singer (n. 1915).
- 1996: Roberto Aizenberg, Argentine painter and sculptor (n. 1928).
- 1997: Chien-Shiung Wu, American experimental physics, born in China (n. 1912).
- 1998: Fernando Abril Martorell, Spanish politician (n. 1936).
- 2000: Marceline Day, American actress (n. 1908).
- 2000: Lila Kedrova, Russian actress (n. 1918).
- 2001: William Masters, American sexologist (n. 1915).
- 2004: Doris Troy, American singer, of the band The Sweet Inspirations (n. 1937).
- 2005: Nicole DeHuff, American actress (n. 1974).
- 2006: Tomás Pascual, a Spanish entrepreneur (n. 1926).
- 2007: Herminio Iglesias, Argentinean grouper (n. 1929).
- 2007: Alfonso Silva Placeres, Spanish footballer (n. 1926).
- 2009: Stephen Kim Sou-hwan, an iconic figure in a bloody and tumultuous transition from South Korea to a military regime to democracy (n. 1922).
- 2011: Santi Santamaria, Spanish cook (n. 1957).
- 2013: Marifé de Triana, singer of copla and Spanish actress (n. 1936).
- 2013: Martín Gianola, actor and screenwriter of Argentine theatre and television (n. 1970).
- 2013: Ennio Girolami, an Italian actor (n. 1935).
- 2015: Lorena Rojas, Mexican singer and actress (n. 1971)
- 2016: Butros-Ghali, Egyptian diplomat, UN Secretary-General from 1992 to 1996 (n. 1922).
- 2019: Bruno Ganz, Swiss actor (n. 1941).
- 2020: Lawrence G. Tesler, American computer (n. 1945).
- 2021: Gustavo Noboa, Ecuadorian lawyer and politician; President of Ecuador between 2000 and 2003 (n. 1937).
- 2021: Joan Margarit i Consarnau, Spanish poet (n. 1936).
- 2022: Gail Halvorsen, American military officer (n. 1920).
Alaska: Elizabeth Peratrovich Day.
- North Korea
North Korea: Light Star Day.
Lithuania: Statement of 16 February.
Ukraine: National Unity Day
Catholic saints list
- Santa Juliana de Nicomedia
- San Maruta
- St. Nicholas of Japan
- San Onésimo
- Seven founding saints of the servites (Alejo, Amadeo, Hugo, Benito, Bartolomé, Gerardino and Juan).
- Beata Filipa Mareri
- Blessed Joseph Allamano
- Blessed Nicholas Paglia
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