February 14th


February 14 is the 45th (forty-fifth) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 320 days to the end of the year, and 321 in leap years. Every February 14, Valentine's Day is celebrated in various countries around the world with great enthusiasm and joy. A very special day for many, where the importance of love is highlighted and which, despite the belief of its commercial origin, comes from much earlier. Specifically from the III century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a priest sentenced for secretly celebrating marriages of young lovers.


  • 748: During the Abbasid revolution, the Hashimi rebels under Abu Muslim Khorasani took Merv, the capital of the Omeya province of Khorasan, marking the consolidation of the Abbey revolt.
  • 842: Carlos el Calvo and Luis el Germánico swear the Jurases of Strasbourg in French and German. This is the beginning of the French language.
  • 1009: In the Quedlinburg annals, the country of Lithuania is first mentioned.
  • 1014: Henry III of Germany is crowned emperor of the Holy Empire by Pope Benedict VIII.
  • 1349: In the city of Strasbourg (Alsace), about 2000 Jews are burned alive by the population. The rest of you are robbed of the goods and expelled from the city.
  • 1502: In Spain, the Catholic Kings order the expulsion of Muslims who do not want to become Catholicism in Rome.
  • 1503: in Seville, Spain, it is created from the House of Recruitment of Indias, destined to deposit goods imported and exported from America, by royal decrees of 10 January and 14 February.
  • 1530: in Michoacán, Mexico, the Spanish conqueror Nuño de Guzmán burns alive to the caltzontzin ('rey') Tangajoan.
  • 1542: In the Valley of Atemajac (Mexico), Nuño de Guzmán makes the fourth (definitive) foundation of New Galicia (now known as Aguascalientes, Jalisco and Zacatecas).
  • 1556: In England, the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer is declared heretic (it will be burned alive on 21 March).
  • 1619: in Trujillo (Peru), an earthquake sweeps the city and its surroundings. The city has to be completely rebuilt.
  • 1655: In Chile, the Mapuche people rise in arms under the command of Clentaru, burning the Spanish stays from the Bio-Bio River to the Maule.
  • 1778: The flag of the United States is officially recognized by a foreign ship for the first time, when French admiral Toussaint-Guillaume Picquet of the Motte gives a nine-armed greeting to the USS Ranger, commanded by John Paul Jones.
  • 1779: In Puerto de Santa María (Spain), the bridge on the Guadalete River is opened, but it breaks down by the weight of the crowd and 413 people die.
  • 1779: James Cook is killed by native Hawaiians near Kealakekua on Hawaiian island.
  • 1797: In Portugal the battle of Cape Saint Vincent is waged, in which the British in charge of John Jervis defeats the Spaniards.
  • 1829: at the Teatro de La Scala (Milan) Vincenzo Bellini premieres his opera The straniera.
  • 1831: in Cuilapan de Guerrero, Oaxaca, Mexico is killed by the national hero and 2.or constitutional president Vicente Guerrero.
  • 1876: In the United States, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell patented the phone (already invented in 1854 by Antonio Meucci).
  • 1879: the Pacific War breaks out when Chilean troops land in Antofagasta, Bolivian city.
  • 1880: Madrid approves the regulations for bullfighting.
  • 1895: In the United Kingdom, Oscar Wilde releases his theatrical work The importance of being called Ernesto.
  • 1901: In Madrid, Infanta Doña Mercedes, married Don Carlos de Borbón, which provokes live protests.
  • 1902: In Washington, D.C., the International Alliance for the Feminine Suffrage was founded, at the initiative of the American Suffrage Association.
  • 1905: In Montecarlo, Jules Massenet premieres his opera Chérubin.
  • 1910: in Berlin (Prussia), 50 000 protesters demand a free, equal, direct and secret electoral system.
  • 1912: In the United States, Arizona is admitted as the forty-eighth State of the Union.
  • 1916: The British Government approves the war plan of the French Marshal Joseph Joffre.
  • 1918: In Russia the Soviet Government replaces the Julian calendar by the Gregorian, of global use.
  • 1918: There is a Turkish offensive in Armenia.
  • 1918: In Warsaw there are strong demonstrations against the transfer of Polish territories to Russia.
  • 1919: the Polish-Soviet War is unleashed.
  • 1922: A conference is held in Geneva that brings together German and Polish delegations to try to trace a common border in Alta Silesia.
  • 1922: in Aydin Vilayeti (Turkey), the Greek army (in retreat after losing the Greco Turca War) burns all the inhabitants of the village Karatepe alive.
  • 1923: in the Central of Correos de Córdoba (Spain) a defalco of 10,000 pesetas is discovered.
  • 1924: In Berlin the film is released The NibelungosFritz Lang.
  • 1927: In the south of Yugoslavia an earthquake leaves more than 600 dead.
  • 1927: in Peru President Augusto Leguía creates the district of Puente Piedra by Law No. 8281
  • 1928: in Spain, data that reflect that every Spanish ingests just over 17 kg of meat per year, which means that only the city of London consumes 24% more than all of Spain.
  • 1929: In Chicago, Al Capone carries out the Valentine's Matanza against a rival band.
  • 1929: In Munich, local authorities forbid Josephine Baker to stand on stage for public indecency.
  • 1931: In Spain, General Dámaso Berenguer resigns as president of the government six days after the official call for elections was issued.
  • 1935: in Barcelona, great success of the film The painful, starring Rosita Díaz Gimeno and Agustín Godoy.
  • 1935: In the caves of Casares and Hoz, in Guadalajara, Spain, there are important archaeological discoveries.
  • 1936: in Seville, Cuban aviator Antonio Menéndez Peláez concludes the flight Cuba-Spain.
  • 1937: In Albuñol—in the framework of the Spanish civil war—the Republicans stop the advance of the national side towards Almeria.
  • 1939: In Kiel, the Nazis proceed to the Bismarck booth, the greatest battleship of the German Navy.
  • 1941: In Santander, Spain, the fire begins, which will burn the city for two days.
  • 1941: In Libya, the German troops of Afrika Korps (led by Erwin Rommel) arrived in Tripoli.
  • 1942: in Boston Cornelius Warmerdam achieves the world record of leaping with perch, with a mark of 4.77 meters.
  • 1943: In Tunisia—in the framework of the Second World War—the Nazis commit a counter-offensive against allies, led by General Hans Jürgen von Arnim.
  • 1945: As part of World War II, the city of Prague is bombarded. Americans claim a mistake in the guidance of the pilots who were heading to bomb Dresden (100 km north), although the morning was clear.
  • 1946: The Bank of England is nationalized in the United Kingdom as a result of the nationalization policy.
  • 1948: Argentina and Venezuela sign an oil exchange treaty.
  • 1950: In Moscow Stalin and Mao sign a friendship pact.
  • 1956: In Moscow, Nikita Jrushchov denounced at the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (PCUS) the Stalin regime.
  • 1958: Jordan and Iraq create a federation as a replica to the foundation of the United Arab Republic.
  • 1963: in London, Harold Wilson becomes the leader of the British Labour Party.
  • 1963: The United States launches into space the first experimental geostationary satellite, Syncom 1.
  • 1963: in Buenos Aires (Argentina), the dictatorship of the civil José María Guido gives the force of law to Decree 7165/62, which restores the full validity of Decree 4161 of the dictatorship of General Aramburu: it is again forbidden to pronounce the name of the «profugee shooter» (Juan Domingo Perón, exiled in Spain).
  • 1964: in Valencia the III Fair of Toy is inaugurated.
  • 1966: in Australia the change of currency of the Australian Libra to the Australian Dollar is made, decimalizing the coin in cents and abandoning the imperial system of money, which was divided into 20 shillings, and a shilling in 12 pences.
  • 1967: In the framework of the Vietnam war against the United States, the battle of Tra Vinh Dong begins.
  • 1967: in Spain, the former German chancellor Konrad Adenauer visits Madrid.
  • 1972: Mexico and China establish diplomatic relations.
  • 1972: in Ecuador the army defeats President José María Velasco Ibarra. General Guillermo Rodríguez Lara chairs the coup junta.
  • 1975: on the border of Irún to France there is a large clandestine traffic of people, mostly American and Portuguese.
  • 1978: Canary separatist leader Antonio Cubillo participates in an OAU meeting.
  • 1979: U.S. President Jimmy Carter officially visits Mexico to be interested in the purchase of Mexican oil. It is received coldly by President José López Portillo.
  • 1980: in Iran, severe floods cause more than 200 people to die.
  • 1980: in Madrid, the government accused the director of the Soviet company Aeroflot of espionage in Spain.
  • 1982: The physicists at Stanford University claim to have managed to detect a magnetic monopole.
  • 1983: In Israel, Ariel Sharon resigns as Minister of Defense, accused of instigating the massacre in the Palestinian camps of Sabra and Chatila (in Beirut).
  • 1984: A fishing agreement between Spain and the European Economic Community is signed in Brussels for that year.
  • 1986: the Swedish group Europe publishes the song The Final Countdown, was certified as a gold single in the UK in 1986.
  • 1988: In Nicaragua, the government is carrying out Operation Berta, which turned every 1000 córdobas into old people in 1 new córdoba, affecting the bank accounts of thousands of people.
  • 1989: In Iran, Ruhollah Jomeini appeals to Muslims around the world to assassinate the Anglo-Indian writer Salman Rushdie, for understanding that his work The Satanic verses offends Islam.
  • 1990: the Spanish actress Núria Espert is distinguished in Paris with the title of Personality of the Year in the modality of theatre.
  • 1990: a general assembly of the African National Congress (ANC) takes place in Johannesburg, South Africa (for the first time in thirty years).
  • 1996: at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Madrid, the terrorist group ETA murders in its office the jurist, historian, professor and writer Francisco Tomás and Valiente.
  • 2000: NASA manages to place the Near spacecraft in the orbit of the asteroid (433) Eros, a pioneering success after successive failures in Mars.
  • 2001: eight Israeli citizens, seven of them military, are killed by a bus run by a Palestinian driver, in an attack claimed by the Islamic fundamentalist Hamas movement.
  • 2002: at the Olympic Games held in Salt Lake City, the Spanish nationalized German skier Johann Mühlegg achieves the gold medal in the 20-kilometre test.
  • 2003: Dolly sheep dies, first cloned animal.
  • 2004: Energy Day is celebrated.
  • 2004: 28 people die in an accident in a Moscow water park.
  • 2004: Tunisia's national team gets the title of football African Cup champion for the first time in its history.
  • 2005: in the province of Liaoning (northeast China), an explosion in a coal mine causes more than 200 deaths.
  • 2005: it is obtained and sequenced, for the first time in fossils of the Iberian peninsula, DNA of neandertales.
  • 2005: 59 people die in Tehran (Iran) in a mosque fire.
  • 2005: foundation of the YouTube video platform
  • 2005: In the Philippines, three Islamist attacks left 11 dead.
  • 2006: In the camps in south-west Algeria, floods leave more than 50,000 Saharan refugees homeless.
  • 2006: In Urdax (Navarra), the terrorist group ETA explodes a van bomb in front of a discotheque, which does not cause victims but does not cause material damage.
  • 2009: in Pasto, Colombia, the Galeras volcano erupted at 19:10 (local time).
  • 2012: fire in the penal center of the city Comayagua Honduras 347 victims.
  • 2013: a fire destroys three hills in Valparaiso (Chile), leaving more than 200 homes sinister.
  • 2018: shooting at a Florida school where Nikolas Cruz killed 17 people and injured 15 others.
  • 2021: Former Argentine President Carlos Menem died at the age of 90 due to a urinary infection. President Alberto Fernández decrees 3 days of national mourning and his remains were veiled in the blue hall of the Senate of the Nation, later he was buried in the same cemetery where his son, Carlos Menem Jr. is buried.
  • 2023: Ferrari F1 presentation


  • 1483: Babur, the Mogol Emperor of India (f. 1530).
  • 1602: Francesco Cavalli, Italian composer and organist (f. 1676).
  • 1614: John Wilkins, bishop and British philosopher (f. 1672).
  • 1701: Enrique Flórez, Spanish historian (f. 1773).
  • 1751: Valentin de Foronda, economist and Spanish writer (f. 1821).
  • 1763: Jean Victor Marie Moreau, French military and political (f. 1813).
  • 1781: Valentín Gómez Farías, Mexican president (f. 1858).
  • 1795: William Jewett, American painter (f. 1874).
  • 1813: Aleksandr Dargomyzhski, Russian composer (f. 1869).
  • 1817: Valentin Rivero, a businessman and a Mexican industrialist of Spanish origin (f. 1897).
  • 1819: Christopher Sholes, American inventor (f. 1890).
  • 1822: Victory of Saxony-Coburg-Kohary, Princess of Saxony (f. 1857).
  • 1827: Valentine of Berriochoa, saint and Spanish martyr (f. 1861).
  • 1828: Edmond About, French writer (f. 1885).
  • 1843: Donato Mármol, Cuban military (f. 1870).
  • 1844: Francisca Rubatto, a Spanish religious (f. 1904).
  • 1847: María Pía de Saboya, Portuguese queen (f. 1911).
  • 1847: Anna Howard Shaw, American suffrage and physician (f. 1919).
  • 1855: Vsévolod Garshin, Russian writer (f. 1888).
  • 1860: Eugen Schiffer, a German politician (f. 1954).
  • 1869: Charles Wilson, British physicist, nobel physics award in 1927 (f. 1959).
  • 1875: José Gascón and Marín, a Spanish politician (f. 1962).
  • 1886: Angel Pestaña, Spanish anarcho-syndicalist (f. 1937).
  • 1890: Ildefonso V. Vázquez, militar y política mexicano (f. 1915).
  • 1891: Víktor Reverdatto, Russian geologist and botanist (f. 1969).
  • 1894: Jack Benny, American actor (f. 1974).
  • 1894: Tata Nacho, (Ignacio Fernández Esperón), Mexican composer (f. 1968).
  • 1895: Max Horkheimer, German philosopher and sociologist (f. 1973).
  • 1895: Aleksandr Mikulin, Soviet aviation designer (f. 1985).
  • 1896: Gueorgui Cheitanov, Bulgarian anarchist (f. 1925).
  • 1898: Jorge Mañach, Cuban writer and politician (f. 1961).
  • 1898: Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz, thinker, historian, philosopher, journalist, writer, essayist, and Argentine poet (f. 1959).
  • 1898: Fritz Zwicky, astronomer and Swiss physicist (f. 1974).
  • 1899: Bautista Garcet, a Spanish trade unionist and politician (f. 1936).
  • 1899: Lovro von Matačić, director of Croatian orchestra (f. 1985).
  • 1903: Stuart Erwin, American actor (f. 1967).
  • 1904: Carlos Vieco Ortiz, Colombian composer (f. 1979).
  • 1905: Thelma Ritter, American actress (f. 1969).
  • 1908: Boris Piotrovski, academic, orientalist historian and Soviet archaeologist (f. 1990).
  • 1910: Homero Cárpena, Argentine actor (f. 2001).
  • 1912: Tibor Sekelj, Croatian explorer (f. 1988).
  • 1912: Florentina Gómez Miranda, Argentine lawyer and policy (f. 2011).
  • 1913: Mel Allen, American sports commentator (f. 1996).
  • 1913: Jimmy Hoffa, American trade unionist (“disappeared” in 1975).
  • 1914: Maevia Noemí Correa, botanical Argentina (f. 2005).
  • 1916: Marcel Bigeard, French general (f. 2010).
  • 1916: Maruchi Fresno, Spanish actress (f. 2003).
  • 1916: Juan Gálvez, pilot of Argentine motor racing (f. 1963).
  • 1916: Masaki Kobayashi, Japanese filmmaker (f. 1996).
  • 1916: Juan Celada Salmon, Mexican engineer and inventor (f. 2017).
  • 1916: Edward Platt, American actor (f. 1974).
  • 1917: Herbert A. Hauptman, American mathematician, Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1985 (f. 2011).
  • 1921: Hugh Downs, U.S. TV host and announcer (f. 2020).
  • 1922: Anna Lisitsyna, a Soviet partisan (f. 1942).
  • 1922: Maria Shcherbachenko, Soviet military physician (f. 2016).
  • 1925: Antony Sutton, British economist and historian (f. 2002).
  • 1927: Lois Maxwell, Canadian actress (f. 2007).
  • 1927: Roberto Segura, Spanish hysterist (f. 2008).
  • 1928: Juan García Hortelano, Spanish writer (f. 1992).
  • 1929: Vic Morrow, American actor (f. 1982).
  • 1931: Margarita Lozano, Spanish actress (f. 2022).
  • 1931: Rene Abeliuk, a Chilean lawyer and politician (f. 2014).
  • 1932: Alexander Kluge, filmmaker and German writer.
  • 1933: Jorge Brovetto, Uruguayan chemical and political engineer (f. 2019).
  • 1933: Madhubala, an Indian actress and singer (f. 1969).
  • 1934: Florence Henderson, American actress (f. 2016).
  • 1936: Antonio Porpetta, Spanish poet and essayist.
  • 1937: Magic Sam, American blues guitarist and singer (f. 1969).
  • 1937: Samuel Joaquín Flores, Leader of the Church The Light of the World (f. 2014).
  • 1938: Antonio Dal Masetto, Argentine nationalized Italian writer and journalist (f. 2015).
  • 1938: Paul Verhoeven, Dutch filmmaker.
  • 1939: Eugene Fama, an American economist.
  • 1940: Sergio Velasco Ferrero, actor, journalist, editor, writer and producer.
  • 1941: Paul Tsongas, American politician (f. 1997).
  • 1941: Johnny Allon, Argentine driver and producer.
  • 1942: Michael Bloomberg, American politician and businessman.
  • 1942: Ricardo Rodríguez, a Mexican Formula 1 pilot (f. 1962).
  • 1943: Maceo Parker, American saxophoneist.
  • 1943: Aaron Russo, filmmaker and U.S. political activist (f. 2007).
  • 1943: Sergio Méndez, Salvadoran footballer (f. 1976).
Sergio Méndez, futbolista nacido un 14 de febrero.
Sergio Méndez
  • 1944: Carl Bernstein, American journalist.
  • 1944: Alan Parker, British filmmaker.
  • 1944: King Clave, Argentine singer.
  • 1944: Ronnie Peterson, Swedish Formula 1 pilot (f. 1978).
  • 1945: John Adam II, aristocrat of Liechtenstein.
  • 1945: Ladislao Mazurkiewicz, footballer and Uruguayan coach (f. 2013).
  • 1945: Juan Carlos Pérez López, Spanish footballer (f. 2012).
  • 1946: Crist, Argentine cartoonist and historietist.
  • 1946: Gregory Hines, American actor and dancer (f. 2003).
  • 1947: Tim Buckley, American musician (f. 1975).
  • 1948: Mayra Gómez Kemp, Cuban television presenter.
  • 1948: María Salerno, Spanish actress.
  • 1948: Teller, American illusionist, of the series Penn " Teller ".
  • 1951: Kevin Keegan, British footballer and coach.
  • 1953: Hans Krankl, Austrian footballer.
  • 1955: Guillermo Francella, Argentine actor and comedian.
  • 1957: Soile Isokoski, Finnish soprano.
  • 1959: Renée Fleming, American soprano.
  • 1959: Anny Schilder, a Dutch singer.
  • 1959: César Camacho Quiroz, Mexican lawyer and politician.
  • 1960: Jim Kelly, American football player.
  • 1962: Kevyn Aucoin, American makeup artist and photographer (f. 2002).
  • 1962: Philippe Sella, French rugby player.
  • 1964: Gianni Bugno, Italian cyclist.
  • 1964: Rodolfo Torre Cantú, Mexican doctor and politician (f. 2010).
  • 1966: Francisco Melo, Chilean actor
  • 1967: Mark Rutte, Dutch Prime Minister.
  • 1967: Stelios Haji-Ioannou, Greek entrepreneur.
  • 1967: Manuela Maleeva, Bulgarian tennis player.
  • 1968: Scott Sharp, American motor racing pilot.
  • 1969: Javier Menéndez Flores, a Spanish writer and journalist.
  • 1970: Giuseppe Guerini, Italian cyclist.
  • 1970: Sabrina Olmedo, an Argentine actress and comedian.
  • 1970: Simon Pegg, comic, British actor and screenwriter.
Rob Thomas, cantante nacido un 14 de febrero.
Rob Thomas
  • 1971: Nelson Frazier, Jr., American professional fighter (f. 2014).
  • 1971: Gheorghe Muresan, Romanian basketball player.
  • 1972: Najwa Nimri, Spanish singer and actress.
  • 1972: Rob Thomas, American singer, of the Matchbox Twenty band.
  • 1973: Tyus Edney, American basketball player.
  • 1973: Unai Elorriaga, Spanish writer.
  • 1974: Filippa Giordano, Italian singer.
  • 1975: Claudia Blasberg, German shirt.
  • 1975: Nika Gilauri, Georgian politician.
  • 1975: Mirka France, Cuban volleyballist.
  • 1975: Marcos Antônio de Lima, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1975: Leandro Fonseca, Brazilian footballer.
  • 1976: Liv Kristine, Norwegian singer.
  • 1976: Jazmin Stuart, actress and director of Argentine theatre.
  • 1977: Cadel Evans, Australian cyclist.
  • 1977: Itziar Castro, actress, singer and Spanish author.
  • 1978: Richard Hamilton, American basketball player.
  • 1978: Darius Songaila, Lithuanian basketball player.
  • 1978: Danai Gurira, American actress.
  • 1978: Nicolás Gianella, Argentine basketball player.
  • 1979: Pablo Pallante, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1979: Michael Jurack, German york.
  • 1980: César Navas, Spanish footballer.
  • 1980: Nicholas Santos, Brazilian swimmer.
  • 1981: Randy de Puniet, French bike rider.
  • 1982: Isabel Jiménez, Spanish journalist.
  • 1983: Bacary Sagna, French footballer.
  • 1985: Karima Adebibe, British model.
  • 1985: Philippe Senderos, Swiss footballer.
  • 1985: Emmerik De Vriese, Belgian footballer.
  • 1985: Adolfo Machado, Panamanian footballer.
  • 1985: Storm Uru, New Zealander.
  • 1986: María León, Mexican singer and actress.
Edinson Cavani, futbolista nacido un 14 de febrero.
Edinson Cavani
  • 1986: Michael Ammermüller, German Formula 1 test pilot.
  • 1986: Roxanne Guinoo, Filipino actress.
  • 1986: Aschwin Wildeboer, Spanish swimmer.
  • 1986: Tiffany Thornton, American actress and singer.
  • 1986: Gao Lin, Chinese footballer.
  • 1987: Yulia Savicheva, Russian singer.
  • 1987: Edinson Cavani, Uruguayan footballer.
  • 1988: Angel Di María, Argentine footballer.
  • 1988: Asia Nitollano, American dancer.
  • 1990: Gianluca Nijholt, Dutch footballer.
Becky Hill, cantante nacida el 14 de febrero de 1994.
Becky Hill
  • 1991: Raquel Calderón, singer, model and Chilean actress.
  • 1991: Karol G, Colombian singer.
  • 1991: Juan Sebastián Villate, footballer and Colombian model.
  • 1992: Christian Eriksen, Danish footballer.
  • 1992: Freddie Highmore, British actor.
  • 1993: Alberto Rosende, American actor.
  • 1993: Yermin Mercedes, Dominican baseball player.
  • 1994: Paul Butcher, American actor.
  • 1994: Becky Hill, English singer and composer.
  • 1996: Viktor Kovalenko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 1997: Jaehyun, member of the NCT group.
  • 1997: Madison Iseman, American actress.
  • 1997: Tomasz Nawotka, Polish footballer.
  • 1997: Manu Vallejo, Spanish footballer.
  • 1997: Breel Embolo, Cameroonian footballer.
  • 1997: Gonzalo Pereira Cejudo, Spanish footballer.
  • 1997: Jeremy Ebobisse, American footballer born in France.
  • 1997: Kike Pérez, Spanish footballer.
  • 1997: Bente Paulis, a Dutch shirt.
  • 1997: István Péni, Hungarian shooter.
  • 1998: Sander Berge, Norwegian footballer.
  • 1998: Isaac Twum, Ghanaian footballer.
  • 1998: Meshaal Barsham, Catalan footballer.
  • 1999: Tyler Adams, American footballer.
  • 1999: Viktor Kornienko, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 1999: Miklós Rosta, Hungarian basketball player.
  • 1999: Myziane Maolida, French footballer.
  • 1999: Iván Martín Núñez, Spanish footballer.
  • 1999: Ariel Uribe, Chilean footballer.
  • 1999: Carlos Vargas Tenorio, Mexican footballer.
  • 1999: Álex Alonso, Spanish Weed hockey player.
  • 1999: Maya Burhanpurkar, Canadian researcher and scientist.
  • 1999: Marie Frédérique Ekpitini, taekwondista marfileña.
  • 1999: Marcus Smith, British-filipino rugby player.
  • 1999: Antoine Raugel, French cyclist.
  • 2000: Elizabet Tursynbayeva, artistic skater on Kazakh ice.
  • 2000: Matteo Lovato, Italian footballer.
  • 2000: Ander Zoilo, Spanish footballer.
  • 2000: Sara Junevik, Swedish swimmer.
  • 2000: Håkon Evjen, Norwegian footballer.
  • 2000: Andrea Koevska, Macedonian singer.
  • 2000: Zhang Changhong, Chinese shooter.
  • 2000: Anastasiya Dolgova, Russian penguinist.
  • 2000: Katsiaryna Zhyvayeva, Belarusian athlete.
  • 2000: Mayuka Yamamoto, Japanese swimmer.
  • 2000: Blake Blossom, American pornographic actress.
  • 2000: Marc Vicente Vidal, Spanish footballer.
  • 2001: Alvaro Sanz, Spanish footballer.
  • 2002: Alisa Fédichkina, an art skater on Russian ice.
  • 2003: Raphael Hofer, Austrian footballer.


  • 869: Saint Cyril, Greek monk and linguist (n. 827).
  • 1140: Lion I, Armenian aristocrat (n. 1080).
  • 1317: Margaret of France, French woman, Queen of England (n. 1275 or 1282).
  • 1400: Ricardo II, English king (n. 1367).
  • 1405: Timur, Mongol conqueror (n. 1336).
  • 1571: Odet de Coligny, French cardinal converted to Protestantism (n. 1517).
  • 1613: John the Baptist of Conception, Spanish religious, reformer of the Trinitarian Order (n. 1561).
  • 1714: María Luisa Gabriela de Saboya, aristocrat of Spain, reigns between 1701 and 1714 (n. 1688).
  • 1744: John Hadley, British mathematician and astronomer (n. 1682).
  • 1779: James Cook, British navigator, explorer and cartographer (n. 1728).
  • 1799: Luis Paret, a Spanish painter (n. 1746).
  • 1780: William Blackstone, British jurist (n. 1723).
  • 1831: Vicente Guerrero, Mexican independentist insurgent (n. 1782).
  • 1831: Henry Maudslay, British inventor (n. 1771).
  • 1891: William Tecumseh Sherman, American military (n. 1820).
  • 1894: Eugène Charles Catalan, a Belgian mathematician (n. 1814).
  • 1923: Manuel Raimundo Querino, a Brazilian intellectual (n. 1851).
  • 1929: Tom Burke, American athlete (n. 1875).
  • 1936: John the Baptist Benlloch and Vivó, Spanish bishop (n. 1864).
  • 1943: David Hilbert, German mathematician (n. 1862).
  • 1947: Celestina Boninsegna, Italian soprano (n. 1877).
  • 1950: Karl Guthe Jansky, American physicist (n. 1905).
  • 1950: Cecilio Guzmán de Rojas, Bolivian painter (n. 1899).
  • 1951: Andrés Barbero, scientist and humanist Paraguayan (n. 1877).
  • 1952: Maurice De Waele, Belgian cyclist (n. 1896).
  • 1952: Simeon Ola, Filipino general, hero of the Philippine Revolution (n. 1865)
  • 1953: Balbino Santos Olivera, Spanish bishop (n. 1887).
  • 1970: Marcelo Chávez, Mexican comic actor (n. 1911).
  • 1971: Florentino Bustos Estupiñán, was a Colombian poet, journalist and cultural manager. (n. 1893).
  • 1975: Julian Huxley, British biologist (n. 1887).
  • 1975: P. G. Wodehouse, British humorist and writer (n. 1881).
  • 1981: Pepe Martínez, Mexican footballer (n. 1953).
  • 1982: Antonio Casas, Spanish actor (n. 1911).
  • 1983: Lina Radke, German athlete (n. 1903).
  • 1988: Frederick Loewe, Austrian composer (n. 1901).
  • 1988: Nora Astorga, a Nicaraguan diplomat (n. 1949).
  • 1989: James Bond, American ornithologist (n. 1900).
  • 1990: José Luis López Panizo, Spanish footballer (n. 1922).
  • 1991: John McCone, American businessman and politician (n. 1902).
  • 1993: Pedro Cortina Mauri, Spanish diplomat and politician (n. 1918).
  • 1994: Andrei Chikatilo, Soviet serial killer (n. 1936).
  • 1994: Donald Judd, American sculptor (n. 1928).
  • 1995: U Nu, Burmese politician (n. 1907).
  • 1996: Eva Miriam Hart, second-class survivor and passenger of Titanic (n. 1905).
  • 1996: Alejandro de la Sota, Spanish architect (n. 1913).
  • 1998: Manuel Pérez Martínez, a Spanish priest and guerrilla (n. 1943).
  • 1999: Torcuato Emiliozzi, Argentine motor racing pilot (n. 1912).
  • 2002: Nándor Hidegkuti, Hungarian footballer (n. 1922).
  • 2002: Günter Wand, director of German orchestra and musician (n. 1912).
  • 2002: Geneviève de Gaulle-Anthonioz, politician and member of the French Resistance (n. 1920)
  • 2003: Pepe Parada, actor, businessman and Argentine producer (n. 1937).
  • 2004: Marco Pantani, Italian cyclist (n. 1970).
  • 2005: Rafik Hariri, Lebanese multi-millionaire politician and businessman (n. 1944)
  • 2009: Louie Bellson, American jazz drummer (n. 1924).
  • 2010: Dick Francis, writer, journalist and British jockey (n. 1920).
  • 2010: José Ricardo De León, footballer and Uruguayan coach (n. 1923).
  • 2011: George Shearing, jazz composer and British pianist (n. 1919).
  • 2012: Tonmi Lillman, Finnish musician (n. 1973).
  • 2013: Ronald Dworkin, American law philosopher and professor (n. 1931).
  • 2013: Zdeněk Zikán, Czech footballer (n. 1937).
  • 2013: Alberto Santos de Hoyos, entrepreneur, industrial and political Mexican (1941).
  • 2014: John Henson, American puppeteer, The Muppets (n. 1965).
  • 2014: Tom Finney, British footballer (n. 1922).
  • 2015: Michele Ferrero, Italian businessman (n. 1925).
  • 2018: Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwean politician (n. 1952).
  • 2020: Reinbert de Leeuw, composer, pianist and Dutch orchestra director (n. 1938).
  • 2021: Carlos Menem, Argentine politician, president of Argentina between 1989 and 1999 (n. 1930).
  • 2022: Borislav Ivkov, Serbian chess player (n. 1933).


  • Valentine's Day (also known as Loved Day).
  • World Day of Congenital Cardiopathies.
  • Ancient Rome: second day of the Feasts of the Lupercales.
  • Bolivia: Day of Maritime Reivindication (Ocupation of Antofagasta).
  • Mexico: foundation of Guadalajara, current capital of the state of Jalisco.

Catholic saints list

  • Valentine's Day (eliminated by the Catholic saint in 1969, after the Second Vatican Council, because its existence is legendary).
  • Saints Cyril and Methodius, monks and bishops.
  • Santa Alejandra de Egypt
  • San Antonino
  • San Auxencio de Bitinia
  • San Eleucadio
  • Saint John the Baptist of the Conception
  • Saint Nostriano, Roman bishop.
  • San Vital de Spoleto
  • San Zenón (martir).

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