February 11th


February 11 is the 42nd (forty-second) day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 323 days left to end the year and 324 in leap years.


  • 660 B.C.: Emperor Jinmu founded Japan.
  • 55: In Rome, he died of British poison, heir to the Roman Empire, one day before he was 14 years old, leaving the way to his 17-year-old Nero, to become the new emperor.
  • 244: In Zaitha (Mesopotamia), the Emperor Gordian III is killed by his mutiny soldiers. In his memory a tumulus is lifted in Karkemish (at the current border between Turkey and Syria).
  • 1177: In Ulster, the army of John of Courcy (1160-1219) defeats the native clan Dunleavey. English are established in the region.
  • 1531: In England, Henry VIII proclaims himself the head of the Church of England for not having annulled the Roman pope his marriage to Catherine of Aragon.
  • 1534: Henry VIII of England is recognized as the supreme head of the Church of England.
  • 1542: In the current Ecuador, Francisco de Orellana is the first European to know the Amazon River.
  • 1606: in Spain, the Court of Felipe III moves from Valladolid to Madrid.
  • 1723: in Cuba the first print of the country, the General medical price rate.
  • 1752: In the United States, Benjamin Franklin opened the Pennsylvania hospital, the first in the country.
  • 1790: In the United States, the Religious Society of Friends (also known as Quakers) asks to Congress the abolition of slavery.
  • 1794: The first session of the United States Senate opens to the public is held in the United States.
  • 1808: In the United States, anthracite charcoal is first burnt as fuel.
  • 1809: In the United States, Robert Fulton patents improvements to navigation with steamships.
  • 1812: In the United States, Massachusetts Governor Elbridge Gerry (1744-1814) made the first gerrimandraje.
  • 1820: In the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata the Directory and Congress of Tucumán are dissolved.
  • 1826: The University College of London is founded in England.
  • 1826: In India, the self-named Hindu god Suami Naraian (1781-1830) writes Shikshapatri, an important text within swaminarayan Hinduism (the religion he created).
  • 1840: In Paris, Gaetano Donizetti is the premiere of his opera La fille du regimet.
  • 1843: in Milan, Giuseppe Verdi releases his opera I lombardi alla Prima Crociata.
  • 1856: In India, the British Company of the East Indies invaded the kingdom of Awadh, imprisoned King Wajid Ali Shah and exiled him to Calcutta.
  • 1858: In Lourdes, France, Pastor Bernadette Sobirós says she saw the Virgin.
  • 1869: In Spain the Constituent Courts are opened after the overthrow of Isabel II.
  • 1873: In Spain, the Courts accept the renunciation of the throne of Amadeo de Saboya. The I Republic is proclaimed, being appointed president of the same Estanislao Figueras.
  • 1874: In Paris, Alexander Dumas, son, entered the French Academy.
  • 1890: England demands the withdrawal of Portuguese troops from Mashonaland, ending the expansionist project of the pink Map.
  • 1895: The United States establishes its protectorate on the Hawaiian Islands.
  • 1895: In Aberdeenshire (United Kingdom) the lowest temperature in the country is recorded until then: –27.2 °C. This record will be matched on 10 January 1982 and 30 December 1995.
  • 1902: In Brussels, the police repress women activists for female suffrage.
  • 1903: in Vienna, Ánton Bruckner (1824-1896) estrena su 9.a symphony.
  • 1904: In Spain, the temporary forts cause floods at different points of the Peninsula.
  • 1906: Pope Pius X (1835-1914) publishes his encyclical Vehementer.
  • 1906: in the province of Jaén, Spain, a plague of blackness devastates the olive trees.
  • 1909: In El Escorial (Madrid) there is a fire at the University of the Augustinians.
  • 1910: in Barcelona the tests begin with a Blériot monoplane, with 25-horse Anzani engine, owned by Mario García Cames.
  • 1916: In the United States the police arrest the Lithuanian anarchist Emma Goldman (1869-1940) for giving a conference in favor of birth control.
  • 1916: In Germany—in the framework of World War I— Emperor William II orders the intensification of the underwater offensive.
  • 1919: in Germany, Friedrich Ebert is democratically elected the first president of the Republic of Weimar.
  • 1924: The United Kingdom recognizes the Government of the Soviet Union.
  • 1925: in Portugal, the Government is overthrown.
  • 1927: debut in Barcelona the Spanish singer Concha Piquer.
  • 1929: in Rome the Lateran Pacts (between the Holy See and Italy) are signed, creating the Vatican City.
  • 1930: in Mexico, the police record the delegation of the soviets.
  • 1931: The Soviet Government orders the "mobilisation of agricultural specialists" to work for two months free on the collective farms.
  • 1934: In Colombia, the Communists present their Indian candidate in the presidential elections, in which the leader of the Colombian Liberal Party, Alfonso López Pumarejo, will be elected.
  • 1937: In the United States, a strike ends when General Motors recognizes the United Auto Workers Union (union of united autoworkers).
  • 1938: In London, the BBC produces the first television program on science fiction of the world: an adaptation of RUR (the theatre work of Karel Capek, where the word robot appears for the first time, invented by his brother).
  • 1939: In Spain the rebel troops are made with the power of Llívia after requesting permission to occupy it with the French authorities. By getting to Llivia they manage to occupy all of Catalonia.
  • 1939: In the United States, a Lockheed P-38 Lightning aircraft flies from California to New York in record time: 7:02 h.
  • 1940: in Spain the Council of State is restored.
  • 1940: Germany and the Soviet Union signed a treaty on the delivery of raw materials and industrial products.
  • 1940: In Mexico, Salvador Lutteroth founded Mexico's Red Baseball Team, which later changed his name to Mexico's Red Devils the highest winner of titles (16) of the Mexican Baseball League
  • 1941: British aircraft bomb the German city of Hannover.
  • 1942: In Singapore, the battle of Bukit Timah is waged in the Second World War.
  • 1942: shortly after 22:30, they leave from Brest to German ports. German warships Gneisenau, Scharnhorst and Prinz Eugen, starting Operation Cerberus.
  • 1943: U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower takes over the allied armies in North Africa.
  • 1944: The conservative leader Laureano Gómez was released in Colombia, who had been imprisoned early in the year for slander to the Government.
  • 1945: the Yalta Conference is closed, in which Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Iosif Stalin agree to cast power into the world after the end of World War II.
  • 1945: the city of Budapest is occupied by Soviet forces.
  • 1947: in the Rif, the former leader Abd el-Krim is released by the French authorities.
  • 1948: In Ireland, Fianna Fáil (part of Prime Minister Éamon de Valera), in power for 16 years, has lost absolute majority.
  • 1953: In the United States, President Dwight D. Eisenhower rejects the request for clemency by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, accused of treason.
  • 1953: in Chile, the peak of San Valentín, the top of the southern Patagonian area of the Andes mountain range, is conquered by Argentine mountaineers.
  • 1956: in Bolivia the law giving the right to vote to indigenous people, women and the military is passed.
  • 1956: in Europe a great wave of cold is experienced. In many areas the lowest temperatures of the century are recorded.
  • 1956: in the People ' s Republic of China, the Government socializes private companies.
  • 1957: In Venezuela, love begins Carmen Teresa and Jorge Pascual
  • 1958: the strongest solar maximum of human history is recorded.
  • 1958: In China, the Chinese People's Congress agrees to introduce the Latin alphabet into the country.
  • 1958: In China, Chen Yi succeeded Zhou Enlai as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  • 1958: In the United States—which until 1967 was under the scourge of racial segregation—Mohawk Airlines hires Ruth Carol Taylor as a steward. She's the first African American woman to get that job. His career lasted only six months due to another discriminatory barrier: the company prohibited the stewardess from marrying.
  • 1960: There are incidents on the Chinese-Indian border that leave 12 Chinese soldiers dead.
  • 1964: in Limassol (Cyprus) the Greeks and Turks are engaged in combat.
  • 1966: first presentation of the Argentine duo Barbara and Dick, at the International Festival of the Song of Mar del Plata.
  • 1967: In China, Army forces control Beijing in the face of the agitation of the revolutionary red guards.
  • 1968: In Oviedo the Provincial Congress of Gypsies is held.
  • 1971: the new five-year Soviet plan is directed towards the production of consumer goods.
  • 1972: In Spain the nuclear power plant of Vandellós I is operational in Tarragona.
  • 1973: In South Vietnam the last American invasive units are withdrawn. Vietnam makes the first delivery of American prisoners.
  • 1974: In Washington, representatives of Western countries hold a conference on energy.
  • 1975: In the UK, Margaret Thatcher is elected leader of the Conservative Party.
  • 1976: in Spain, the GRAPO released the president of the Council of State, Antonio María de Oriol and Urquijo, kidnapped two months earlier.
  • 1977: in Spain, the Communist Party asks for its legalization.
  • 1977: In Chile, the Spanish singer Julio Iglesias acts against 100,000 people in the National Stadium of Santiago.
  • 1978: China raises a ban against the works of Aristotle, William Shakespeare and Charles Dickens.
  • 1979: In Iran, Ayatollah Jomeini, after the triumph of the revolution, takes absolute power from the country and proclaims the Islamic Republic.
  • 1981: In Tennessee, 380 m3) of radioactive refrigerant are filtered into the TVA Sequoyah nuclear plant building, contaminating 8 workers.
  • 1984: in Cabo Cañaveral lands the Space Shuttle Challenger after eleven days of space stay, during which two astronauts made the first self-propelled space ride.
  • 1989: In the United States, Barbara Clementine Harris, priestess of the Episcopalian Church (Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church in the United States of America), becomes the first ordained obispa woman.
  • 1989: Kabul (Afghanistan capital), is besieged by the guerrillas and undermined by the fifth column during the departure of Soviet soldiers from the city.
  • 1989: Benazir Bhutto (first Minister of Pakistan), visit Beijing.
  • 1990: In South Africa, Nelson Mandela leaves prison after 27 years.
  • 1990: in Tokyo, Japan, James Douglas defeats Mike Tyson by K. O. in combat for the world title of heavyweights.
  • 1990: The Albanian Labour Party decides to introduce the multiparty system.
  • 1991: UNPO (Organization of Unrepresented Nations and Peoples) is founded in The Hague, the Netherlands.
  • 1991: In Iceland, Lithuania ' s independence from the Soviet Union is recognized, although it is the only country that accepts it.
  • 1993: The first two private universities in Madrid are created in Spain: the Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio and the Universidad CEU San Pablo.
  • 1994: The Spanish Government is technically involved in the PSV housing cooperative by temporarily suspending the performance of its social bodies.
  • 1997: in Ecuador, the former president of Congress, Fabián Alarcón, became head of the State until August 1998 by decision of the Parliament.
  • 1997: the Peruvian Government and members of an armed command of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) meet.
  • 1997: In Tolosa (Guipuzcoa) the industrialist Francisco Arratibel Fuentes (44 years old) is assassinated by the terrorist group ETA.
  • 1997: In the United States, the Discovery shuttle is launched on a mission to fix the Hubble space telescope.
  • 1998: In Madrid the 17th is inaugurated International Contemporary Art Fair (ARCO).
  • 1998: Berlin begins the Berlinale cinema.
  • 1999: in San Francisco (California), a jury condemns Philip Morris (the Marlboro cigarette manufacturer) to pay US$ 50 million to a smoker with irreversible lung cancer. On 6 June 2001, it will have to pay $3,000 million in a similar trial.
  • 2000: In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Tony Blair announced the suspension of all the autonomous institutions of Northern Ireland in the face of the refusal of the IRA to deliver the weapons.
  • 2000: Telefónica and the BBVA bank seal a strategic alliance.
  • 2000: In the waters of the Danube River a mining raft is overflowing with a high cyanide content.
  • 2001: the analysis of the genome confirms that the human being has just over 30,000 genes.
  • 2001: in Spain seven technicians of the Lyric Company die in a traffic accident.
  • 2003: In the city of Mecca 14 pilgrims die in an avalanche.
  • 2004: In Diwaniya, as part of the invasion of the Republic of Iraq, five Spanish military personnel were injured in an explosive attack.
  • 2004: In Gaza, 15 people die in a confrontation with the Israeli army
  • 2005: In Pakistan, the collapse of the Shadi Kor dam ends the lives of at least 135 people and leaves more than 500 disappeared.
  • 2005: in the state of Vargas (Venezuela), a storm of torrential rains leaves 16 dead and thousands of injured.
  • 2005: In Spain the International Year of Physics, declared by UNESCO with an event at the Congress of Deputies, was inaugurated.
  • 2005: In Patagonia, Argentine researchers find the only existing deposit until the time of dinosaur eggs with embryos inside.
  • 2005: In Argentina, a riot in a prison ends with 8 dead and 30 wounded.
  • 2006: In Uganda, President Yoweri Museveni is illustrated by an attack.
  • 2006: in Corpus Christi (Texas), Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shoots a perdigonada (about 200 perdigones) to his friend, the billionaire Harry Whittington, who miraculously survives the incident.
  • 2007: The Referendum on the Decriminalization of Abortion in Portugal is celebrated, winning the YES with 59.25 % of the votes.
  • 2008: in East Timor, a group of mutiny soldiers seriously hurt President José Ramos-Horta. The leader of the rebels, Alfredo Reinado, dies in the attack.
  • 2011: In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak resigns as president after 30 years of government, as a result of the Egyptian social crisis and the pressure of the international community.
  • 2011: In Concepción, Chile, at 17:05 local time there is a 6.8 intensity earthquake on the Richter scale. For the rest of the day there were more than 80 replicas in the south center of the country.
  • 2013: Pope Benedict XVI announces that he will renounce his duties on the 28th of the same month for health reasons.
  • 2016: The direct detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO experiment is officially announced.
  • 2018: In Russia, Saratov Airlines's 703 flight crashes in Moscow province. In the sinister they lost their 71 occupants.


  • 1380: Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini, Italian scholar (f. 1459).
  • 1466: Elizabeth of York, wife of King Henry VII (f. 1503).
  • 1535: Gregorio XIV, Italian pope (f. 1591).
  • 1568: Honoré d'Urfé, a French price writer (f. 1625).
  • 1657: Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle, French writer and philosopher (f. 1757).
  • 1742: Ramón Lázaro de Dou and de Bassols, deputy of the Courts of Cadiz (f. 1832).
  • 1746: Luis Paret, a Spanish painter (f. 1799).
  • 1768: John Hayes, a British sailor and explorer (f. 1831).
  • 1776: Ioannis Kapodistrias, diplomat and Greek president (f. 1831).
  • 1800: William Fox Talbot, inventor and British photographer (f. 1877).
  • 1812: Alexander Hamilton Stephens, American politician (f. 1883).
  • 1821: Auguste Mariette, French archaeologist (f. 1881).
  • 1826: Amand-Joseph Fava, French bishop (f. 1899).
  • 1830: Hans Bronsart von Schellendorff, pianist, orchestra director and German composer (f. 1913).
  • 1839: Josiah Willard Gibbs, American chemical and physical (f. 1903).
  • 1847: Thomas Alva Edison, American inventor and entrepreneur (f. 1931).
  • 1866: Saturnino Martín Cerezo, Spanish general and one of the last of the Philippines (f. 1945).
  • 1869: Else Lasker-Schüler, German poet and writer (f. 1945).
  • 1873: Feodor Chaliapin, Russian singer (f. 1938).
  • 1874: Elsa Beskow, Swedish writer (f. 1953).
  • 1878: Peder Lykkeberg, Danish swimmer (f. 1944).
  • 1878: Kazimir Malevich, Russian painter (f. 1935).
  • 1881: Carlo Carrà, Italian painter (f. 1966).
  • 1885: Wenceslao Fernández Flórez, a Spanish writer (f. 1964).
  • 1894: Alfonso Leng, Chilean composer (f. 1974).
  • 1898: He read Szilárd, Hungarian-American physicist (f. 1964).
  • 1899: Manuel Sandoval Vallarta, a Mexican physicist (f. 1977).
  • 1900: Hans-Georg Gadamer, German philosopher (f. 2002).
  • 1900: Josei Toda, a Japanese educator (f. 1958).
  • 1902: Arne Jacobsen, Danish architect (f. 1971).
  • 1903: Antonio Machín, Cuban singer and composer (f. 1977).
  • 1903: Irène Némirovsky, a Ukrainian writer (f. 1942).
  • 1904: José Finat and Escrivá de Romaní, Spanish politician (f. 1995).
  • 1904: Keith Holyoake, New Zealand politician, 26th Prime Minister (f. 1983).
  • 1904: Lucile Randon, a French Catholic and supercentenary religious (f. 2023).
  • 1904: Osvaldo Lira, Chilean priest and philosopher (f. 1996).
  • 1908: Vivian Fuchs, British geologist (f. 1999).
  • 1908: José Luis Salinas, Argentine illustrator (f. 1985).
  • 1909: Max Baer, American boxer (f. 1959).
  • 1909: Joseph L. Mankiewicz, American filmmaker (f. 1993).
  • 1912: Simon Lecue, Spanish footballer (f. 1984).
  • 1914: Matt Dennis, American singer, pianist and composer (f. 2002).
  • 1915: Patrick Leigh Fermor, British writer (f. 2011).
  • 1915: Pepe Iglesias, Argentine actor (f. 1991).
  • 1915: Richard Hamming, American mathematician (f. 1998).
  • 1917: Giuseppe de Santis, Italian writer and filmmaker (f. 1997).
  • 1917: Sidney Sheldon, American novelist (f. 2007).
  • 1919: Eva Gabor, Hungarian-American actress (f. 1995).
  • 1920: Faruq I, Egyptian king between 1936 and 1952 (f. 1965).
  • 1920: Daniel F. Galouye, American writer (f. 1976).
  • 1921: Lloyd Bentsen, American politician (f. 2006).
  • 1921: Rafael Anglada, writer and Spanish theatre director (f. 1993).
  • 1921: Ottavio Missoni, Italian fashion designer (f. 2013).
  • 1921: Edward Seidensticker, American scholar and translator (f. 2007).
  • 1922: Mateo Flores, a Guatemalan athlete (f. 2011).
  • 1922: Pablo González Casanova, Mexican sociologist, rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico from 1970 to 1972.
  • 1923: Clodomiro Almeyda, Chilean politician (f. 1997).
  • 1923: Antony Flew, British philosopher (f. 2010).
  • 1925: Amparo Rivelles, Spanish actress (f. 2013).
  • 1925: Kim Stanley, American actress (f. 2001).
  • 1926: Paul Bocuse, French cook (f. 2018).
  • 1926: Leslie Nielsen, Canadian actor (f. 2010).
  • 1926: Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz, Spanish historian and academic.
  • 1927: Albano Harguindeguy, Argentine military (f. 2012).
  • 1928: Conrad Janis, American actor and musician (f. 2022).
  • 1930: Ricardo Carpani, Argentine painter (f. 1997).
  • 1930: Valentin Kótik, a Soviet partisan, the youngest person to receive the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (f. 1944).
  • 1932: Dennis Skinner, British politician.
  • 1932: Pedrés, Spanish bullfighter (f. 2021).
  • 1934: Lourdes Canale, Mexican actress (f. 2012).
  • 1934: Manuel Antonio Noriega, a Panamanian politician and military officer (f. 2017).
  • 1934: Mary Quant, British fashion designer.
  • 1934: John Surtees, British bike rider and Formula 1 (f. 2017).
  • 1935: Gene Vincent, American singer and guitarist (f. 1971).
  • 1936: Burt Reynolds, American actor (f. 2018).
  • 1938: Simone de Oliveira, Portuguese actress and singer.
  • 1939: Jane Yolen, American writer.
  • 1940: Rafael de Paula (Rafael Soto Moreno), Spanish bullfighter.
  • 1941: Alberto Laiseca, Argentine writer (f. 2016).
  • 1941: Sérgio Mendes, pianist and Brazilian composer.
  • 1942: Graciela Dufau, an Argentine actress.
  • 1942: Coco López, journalist and Argentine political scientist.
  • 1942: Horacio Verbitsky, journalist and Argentine activist.
  • 1943: Gabriela Aberastury, an Argentine painter.
  • 1943: Joselito (José Jiménez Fernández), actor and Spanish singer.
  • 1943: Serge Lama, French singer and composer.
  • 1943: Stan Szelest, American keyboardist, of the band The Band (f. 1991).
  • 1944: Mike Oxley, American politician (f. 2016).
  • 1947: Yukio Hatoyama, Japanese politician, 60th Prime Minister.
  • 1947: Juan María Leonardi Villasmil, Venezuelan bishop (f. 2014).
  • 1947: Pedro Daniel Pellegata, Argentine footballer (f. 2013).
  • 1948: Miguel Angel Campano, Spanish painter (f. 2018).
  • 1950: Tino Casal, singer, composer, producer, designer, painter and Spanish sculptor (f. 1991).
  • 1950: Jorge Enrique Robledo, Colombian architect, professor and politician.
  • 1952: Zahia Dahel Hebriche, an Algerian sculptor.
  • 1953: Jeb Bush, American politician, governor of Florida.
  • 1955: Javier Moro, Spanish writer.
  • 1957: Peter Klashorst, painter, sculptor and Dutch photographer.
  • 1958: Alberto Bica, Uruguayan footballer (f. 2021).
  • 1958: Pepu Hernández, Spanish basketball coach.
  • 1959: David López-Zubero, Hispanic American swimmer.
  • 1959: Roberto Moreno, Brazilian racing pilot.
  • 1960: Richard Mastracchio, American astronaut and engineer.
  • 1960: Samuel Moreno Rojas, Colombian politician.
  • 1961: Rafael López Aliaga, a Peruvian businessman and industrial engineer.
  • 1962: Tammy Baldwin, American politician.
  • 1962: Sheryl Crow, American singer.
  • 1962: Eric Vanderaerden, Belgian cyclist.
  • 1963: Dan Osman, Japanese-American climber (f. 1998).
  • 1963: José Mari Bakero, Spanish footballer.
  • 1964: Adrian Hasler, politician and head of the police of the Republic of Armenia.
  • 1964: Sarah Palin, American conservative journalist and policy.
  • 1964: Ken Shamrock, professional wrestler and American martial artist.
  • 1965: Marcelo Milanesio, Argentine basketball player.
  • 1966: Dieudonné M'bala M'bala, comedian, actor and French activist.
  • 1967: Hank Gathers, American basketball player (f. 1990).
  • 1969: Jennifer Aniston, American actress, filmmaker and producer.
  • 1970: Juan Aguirre, Spanish guitarist, of the Amaral band.
  • 1970: Fredrik Thordendal, Swedish musician, from the Meshuggah band.
  • 1971: Damian Lewis, British actor and producer.
  • 1972: Craig Jones, American musician, Slipknot band.
  • 1972: Steve McManaman, British footballer.
  • 1972: Kelly Slater, American professional surfer.
  • 1972: Luis Marín, Chilean writer (f. 2019).
  • 1973: Shawn Hernández, American fighter.
  • 1973: Varg Vikernes, Norwegian musician, founder of the Burzum band.
  • 1974: Nick Barmby, British footballer.
  • 1974: Fiorella Rodríguez, Peruvian actress and presenter.
  • 1974: Welcome Manga, Ecuadorian footballer.
  • 1975: Jacque Vaughn, American basketball player.
  • 1975: Marek Špilár, Slovak footballer (f. 2013).
  • 1976: Tony Battie, American basketball player.
  • 1976: Peter Hayes, American singer and guitarist, from the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
  • 1976: Ricardo Pereira, Portuguese footballer.
  • 1976: Cherokee d'Ass, American pornographic actress.
  • 1977: Ioannis Okkas, Cypriot footballer.
  • 1977: Mike Shinoda, American musician, of the Linkin Park bands, and Fort Minor.
  • 1977: Cataldo Montesanto, Italian footballer.
  • 1978: Marieta Orozco, Spanish actress.
  • 1978: Gerónimo Rauch, Argentine actor and singer.
  • 1979: Brandy Norwood, American actress and singer.
  • 1979: Mabrouk Zaid, Saudi footballer.
  • 1980: Marco Bresciano, Australian footballer.
  • 1980: Matthew Lawrence, American actor.
  • 1981: Kelly Rowland, American singer, from the Destiny's Child band.
  • 1981: Aritz Aduriz, Spanish footballer at the Athletic Club
  • 1982: Natalie Dormer, British actress.
  • 1982: Neil Robertson, Australian snooker player.
  • 1983: Rafael van der Vaart, Dutch footballer.
  • 1983: Huang Shengyi, Chinese actress and singer.
  • 1984: Aubrey O'Day, American singer and member of the band Danity Kane.
  • 1984: Marco Marcato, Italian cyclist.
  • 1985: William Beckett, American singer.
  • 1985: Sarah Butler, American actress.
  • 1985: Mariana Vega, Venezuelan singer.
  • 1986: Gabriel Boric, Chilean politician, president of Chile since 2022.
  • 1987: Ellen van Dijk, Dutch cyclist.
  • 1987: José Callejón, Spanish footballer.
  • 1987: Luca Antonelli, Italian footballer.
  • 1987: Matt Besler, American footballer.
  • 1989: Alexander Büttner, Dutch footballer.
  • 1989: Lovi Poe, Filipino singer and actress.
  • 1990: Javier Aquino, Mexican footballer.
  • 1990: Q'orianka Kilcher, American actress and singer.
  • 1990: Kareem Moses, footballer trinitense.
  • 1991: Christofer Drew, singer and composer, of the Never Shout Never band.
  • 1991: Georgia May Foote, British actress.
  • 1991: Shanina Shaik, Australian model.
  • 1991: Nikola Mirotić, Spanish basketball player of Montenegrin origin.
  • 1991: Sierra Deaton, excomponent singer of the musical duo Alex & Sierra.
  • 1992: Taylor Lautner, American film actor.
  • 1992: Louis Labeyrie, French basketball player.
  • 1992: Filippo Falco, Italian footballer.
  • 1994: Dansby Swanson, American baseball player.
  • 1994: Roman Zobnin, Russian footballer.
  • 1994: Miguel Almirón, Paraguayan footballer.
  • 1995: Gianluca Ginoble, Italian singer.
  • 1995: Rick Karsdorp, Dutch footballer.
  • 1997: Rosé, Korean-neo-lander singer, member of the Blackpink group.
  • 1999: Dino, singer, rapper and South Korean dancer.
  • 1999: Andriy Lunin, Ukrainian footballer.
  • 2000: Nicolás Mejía, Colombian tennis player.
  • 2001: Bryan Gil, Spanish footballer.


  • 55: British, son of the Roman Emperor Claudius (n. 41).
  • 244: Gordian III, Roman emperor (n. 225).
  • 641: Heraclio, Byzantine emperor (n. c. 575).
  • 824: Pascual I, Italian pope (n.?).
  • 1141: Hugo de San Víctor, theologian and French poet (n. 1096).
  • 1160: Minamoto no Yoshitomo, Japanese general (n. 1123).
  • 1503: Elizabeth of York, English aristocrat (n. 1466).
  • 1626: Pietro Cataldi, Italian mathematician (n. 1552).
  • 1650: Rene Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician (n. 1596).
  • 1755: Scipione Maffei, historian, playwright, philosopher and Italian archaeologist (n. 1675).
  • 1763: William Shenstone, British poet (n. 1714).
  • 1795: Carl Michael Bellman, Swedish poet and composer (n. 1740).
  • 1797: Antoine Dauvergne, violinist and French composer (n. 1713).
  • 1829: Alexandr Griboyédov, Russian playwright (n. 1795).
  • 1860: Manuel Carpio, Mexican poet, doctor, teacher and politician (n. 1791).
  • 1862: Elizabeth Siddal, a British poet and artist (n. 1829).
  • 1868: Léon Foucault, French physicist (n. 1819).
  • 1870: Carlos Soublette, militar, politician and Venezuelan president (n. 1789).
  • 1879: Honoré Daumier, French painter and cartoonist (n. 1808).
  • 1894: Emilio Arrieta, Spanish composer (n. 1823).
  • 1894: José Tomás de Cuéllar, Mexican writer and politician (n. 1830).
  • 1895: Juan María Acebal and Gutiérrez, a Spanish writer (n. 1815).
  • 1898: Felix María Zuloaga, a Mexican military and political officer (n. 1813).
  • 1901: Ramón de Campoamor, a Spanish writer (n. 1817).
  • 1904: Elie Reclus, ethnographer and French anarchist (n. 1827).
  • 1911: Isidro Nonell Monturiol, a Spanish painter (n. 1872).
  • 1917: Oswaldo Cruz, a Brazilian physician (n. 1872).
  • 1926: Guillermo White, Argentine engineer (n. 1844).
  • 1931: Charles Algernon Parsons, British inventor (n. 1854).
  • 1931: Antonieta Rivas Mercado, actress, activist and Mexican writer (n. 1900).
  • 1939: Franz Schmidt, a pianist and Austrian composer (n. 1874).
  • 1940: John Buchan, Scottish novelist and politician (n. 1875).
  • 1941: Selma Meyer, a Dutch pacifist and feminist (n. 1890).
  • 1945: Al Dubin, Swiss-American composer (n. 1891).
  • 1945: Gerhard Schmidhuber, German general (n. 1894).
  • 1948: Serguéi Eisenstein, Russian director of theatre and cinema (n. 1898).
  • 1949: Axel Munthe, Swedish doctor and writer (n. 1857).
  • 1952: Félix Fulgencio Palavicini, engineer, journalist, writer and Mexican politician (n. 1881).
  • 1953: Antonio Goicoechea, Spanish politician (n. 1876).
  • 1958: Ernest Jones, British neurologist and psychoanalyst (n. 1879).
  • 1960: Jacobo Prías Álape, a politician and a Colombian communist leader (n. 1920).
  • 1962: Indalecio Prieto, a Spanish socialist politician (n. 1883).
  • 1963: Sylvia Plath, American poet and novelist (n. 1932).
  • 1964: Pablo Martín Alonso, Spanish military (n. 1896).
  • 1968: Mario Fortuna, Argentine actor (n. 1911).
  • 1968: Howard Lindsay, American playwright (n. 1888).
  • 1969: Ricardo Ainsle Rivera, Mexican politician (n. 1894).
  • 1972: Jan Wils, Dutch architect (n. 1891).
  • 1973: J. Hans D. Jensen, German physicist, Nobel Prize in Physics (n. 1907).
  • 1975: Richard Ratsimandrava, a Malagasy military and president (n. 1931).
  • 1976: Frank Arnau, German writer (n. 1894).
  • 1976: Lee J. Cobb, American actor (n. 1911).
  • 1976: Alexander Lippisch, German pilot (n. 1894).
  • 1977: Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, Indian lawyer and politician, fifth president of his country (n. 1905).
  • 1977: Louis Beel, Dutch politician, Prime Minister (n. 1902).
  • 1978: James Bryant Conant, American chemist, academic and diplomat (n. 1893).
  • 1978: Harry Martinson, Swedish writer, Nobel Prize in Literature in 1974 (n. 1904).
  • 1982: Eleanor Powell, American actress and dancer (n. 1912).
  • 1982: Takashi Shimura, Japanese actor (n. 1905).
  • 1985: Henry Hathaway, American actor, filmmaker and producer (n. 1898).
  • 1985: Victor Palomo, Spanish motorcycle pilot (n. 1949).
  • 1986: Frank Herbert, American writer (n. 1920).
  • 1990: José Entrecanales Ibarra, Spanish entrepreneur (n. 1899).
  • 1991: Ricardo Gullón, Spanish writer (n. 1908).
  • 1993: Robert W. Holley, American biochemist, Nobel Prize in Medicine (n. 1922).
  • 1994: William Conrad, American actor, director and producer (n. 1920).
  • 1994: Paul Feyerabend, Austrian philosopher (n. 1924).
  • 1994: Mercedes Comaposada, a Spanish feminist and anarcho-syndicalist activist (n. 1901)
  • 1996: Bob Shaw, Irish writer (n. 1931).
  • 1996: Gertrude Sawyer, American architect (n. 1895).
  • 2000: Bernardo Capó, Spanish cyclist (n. 1920).
  • 2000: Roger Vadim, filmmaker, screenwriter and French producer (n. 1928).
  • 2002: G. Harishankar, Indian percussionist (n. 1958).
  • 2003: Avelar Relief, actress, director and Mexican writer (n. 1925).
  • 2004: Albeiro Usuriaga, a Colombian footballer (n. 1966).
  • 2005: Mary Jackson (engineer), NASA engineer (n. 1921).
  • 2006: Peter Benchley, American writer (n. 1940).
  • 2006: Ken Fletcher, Australian tennis player (n. 1940).
  • 2006: Juan Giralt, a Spanish painter (n. 1940).
  • 2007: Marianne Fredriksson, Swedish writer (n. 1927).
  • 2008: Tom Lantos, American politician (n. 1928).
  • 2008: Frank Piasecki, American aviation designer (n. 1919).
  • 2008: Wilson Hermosa González, Bolivian singer of the band Los Kjarkas (n. 1944).
  • 2008: Emilio Carballido, Mexican writer (n. 1925).
  • 2009: Francis Smith, Argentine musician and composer (n. 1938).
  • 2010: Alexander McQueen, British fashion designer (n. 1969).
  • 2011: Bo Carpelan, Finnish poet (n. 1926).
  • 2012: Whitney Houston, American singer, songwriter and producer (n. 1963).
  • 2013: Jim Boatwright, American basketball player (n. 1952).
  • 2013: Ramiro Otero Lugones, Bolivian idealist (n. 1928).
  • 2013: Frank Seator, Liberian footballer (n. 1975).
  • 2013: Erick Cassel, co-founder of Roblox (n. 1967).
  • 2013: Alfred Zijai, Albanian footballer and president of the Albanian football Federation (n. 1961).
  • 2013: Daniel Montero, member of Shamanes Crew. He died in a car accident (n. 1983).
  • 2013: Rick Huxley, bassist of the band The Dave Clark Five (n. 1942).
  • 2014: Fernando González Pacheco, film and television actor, presenter, animator and Spanish-Colombian journalist (n. 1932).
  • 2014: Alice Babs, Swedish singer (n. 1924).
  • 2015: Roger Hanin, French actor, director and writer (n. 1925).
  • 2017: Hal Moore, American military (n. 1922).
  • 2019: Sibghatullah Mojaddedi, Afghan professor and politician, President of Afghanistan in 1992 (n. 1926).
  • 2020: George Coyne, a Jesuit priest and American astronomer (n. 1933).
  • 2021: Rubén Alfonso Ramírez, journalist, teacher and Guatemalan politician (n. 1936).
  • 2021: Teresa Burga, Peruvian multimedia artist (n. 1935).


  • International Day of Women and Girl in Science
  • World Day of the Sick
  • Flag of Europe.svgEuropean Union: European Emergency Day 112.
  • CameroonBandera de CamerúnCameroon: Youth Day.
  • Bandera de Ciudad del VaticanoVatican City: Anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts.
  • South KoreaBandera de Corea del SurSouth Korea: Taeborum, beginning of the new lunar year.
  • Bandera de Estados UnidosUnited States: Inventor Day. (Anniversary of the Birth of Thomas Alva Edison).
  • IranBandera de IránIran: Revolution Victory Day.
  • ItalyFlag of Italy.svgItaly: Conciliation Day (conmemorating the signature of the Lateran Pacts).
  • JapanBandera de JapónJapan: National Foundation Day (Kenkoku Kinen no hi).
  • LiberiaBandera de LiberiaLiberia: Armed Forces Day.
  • VenezuelaBandera de Venezuela Venezuela: Sociologist's Day.

Catholic saints list

  • Our Lady of Lourdes
  • San Ardano, French Abbot
  • San Castrense, bishop and Roman martyr
  • Saint Gregory II, Pope 89
  • St. Pascual I, Pope 98
  • San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado, Mexican priest and martyr
  • San Secundino, Hispanic Martyr
  • San Severino de Agauno, abad french
  • Santa Soteris, virgin and Roman martyr
  • Beato Tobías Borras Romeu, religious and Spanish martyr

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