Experiential tourism in Peru


Peru has a cultural wealth on a par only with the great and ancient civilizations of the history of humanity.

Tourism in Peru is markedly cultural and experiential, reaching 80 percent of the total and with an average stay of 19 days per person. Experiential tourism is understood as that which develops with the coexistence between the visitor and a host family who teaches them their habits and customs.

Twenty percent of the remaining tourism is adventure tourism, due to the interest in practicing different kinds of sports, such as mountain climbing, canoeing, snow biking, sea and mountain surfing, and many other ways to attract visitors. visitor. It is interesting the variety of adventures that the tourist can undertake in this country due to the climatic variety and geographical form of its territory. For example, simultaneously when it is summer on the coast, in the mountains it is winter and in the jungle the climate is tropical.

Visitors have the opportunity to enter the Amazon or go back in time to live pre-Inca, Inca, colonial and republican Andean traditions, manifested in the varied Peruvian gastronomy, in art, in communal customs, in music, in the use of the llama as an Andean pack animal on a hike, crossing snowy landscapes of the Cordillera Blanca, the Andes, along the Inca Trail, on the outskirts and within Cusco, around the enigmatic temple of Chavín de Huantar and in general in the Andes region of this country.

Tourists who wish to explore the territory step by step, have the opportunity to practice experiential tourism in Peru or rural tourism in peasant houses, in families that have their homes prepared to accommodate tourists and teach them their way of life, their customs and traditions such as plowing cattle, preparing bread, participating in ceremonies to pay the land, respecting the forest, planting products from the area, hiking to nearby attractions and many other native customs preserved since ancient times.

Historical-cultural tourism comprises all those elements and tangible or intangible manifestations produced by societies, as a result of a historical process where the reproduction of ideas and material constitute factors that identify and differentiate that country or region.

Gastronomic tourism is the way in which the gastronomy of the visited country is part of the predominant activity during your visit. Gastronomic tourism is a new adventure option, not only aimed at people who like the art of good eating, such as chefs or gourmets.

The Peruvian Amazon is the destination par excellence for experiential tourism. The ability to relate directly to nature is what makes it especially attractive. This type of tourism in the Amazon is just being discovered and developed.

In the Andes of Peru, in the city of Cusco, the inhabitants of three communities of the Sacred Valley of the Incas open their doors to pilgrims in order to share their daily life through tourism. The stay allows you to directly participate in field activities, festivals and rituals, achieving a true exchange of life in balance with nature. In addition, it is possible to revive multi-millennial myths and traditions by contacting the local inhabitants during the tour of the ancestral routes of the Inca Trail and Ollantaytambo (so called because it is the Ollantay tambo).

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