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In the Star Wars universe, ewoks are primitive bipedal, furry, and short beings who inhabit the forest moon of Endor. They gain relevance in Episode VI, when they help the Rebel Alliance destroy the shield generator of the second Death Star.


In the depths of the virgin jungle of the forest moon of Endor, peaceful and friendly Ewoks live in harmony. They build their villages in the upper part of the enormous trees of Endor and their houses are made of branches, joined by lianas or ropes that they themselves make. Ewok villages are home to a tribe for generations. As the tribe grows over the years, the number of houses increases, as does the size of their villages, the largest ones can measure several hundred meters and have more than twenty houses with dozens of families. Becoming small cities on the trees. Ewoks rarely leave their village. They only do this if their forest catches fire or the trees are too old to support the village, then they take what they can and settle somewhere else that is favorable to them, usually not too far from their old home..

The houses are linked by wooden bridges and suspended platforms. Ewoks hunt as well as gather by day on the forest surface. When night falls, when the jungle is too dangerous for them, these creatures take refuge in their high villages. And if they are attacked, they defend their territory bravely.

Ewok tribes have sacred places where they perform religious rituals and honor and bury their dead. When necessary, the shaman of the tribe invokes the spirits of the ancestors and communicates with them for advice, in addition, the Ewoks feel spiritually united with the trees and nature, since their beliefs attribute to the fact that the gods make nature stays in harmony.


Ewoks are peaceful creatures and rarely attack other tribes. Nor do they usually trade with other tribes frequently, although there are some that do. Although the Ewoks are distinguished from other tribes for being peaceful, that does not mean that they are excellent warriors and tree climbers, even if they only have three fingers on their hands and lack claws. They are also known to be highly curious about the objects they come across and the new creatures in their environment.

Though their techniques are primitive, the Ewoks display admirable ingenuity and intelligence. They know how to build hanging swings, catapults, gliders and elaborate traps for the Imperial occupying forces.

Ewoks live unaware of the great technology of many planets. They believe in gods and spirits of the forest that protect them and help them in the hunt, and they tend to consider things they don't understand as something magical, like C-3PO, who when they see him for the first time, believe him to be a god.

Ewoks are two feet tall, similar to Wookiees, and very primitive in technology. Ewok babies are called Woklings and are always under the care of their mothers. Babies are only a few centimeters tall and are born with little hair and no teeth, although they grow fast. It takes them about a year to be able to speak and walk normally, and it takes several more years to be able to fend for themselves, for this reason, they depend on their mothers to survive, and they learn everything from them and from their fathers, as well as from the elderly. what you need.


Ewoks speak a primitive, uncomplicated dialect that appears to be spoken by all of their kind; this language is recognized by the other creatures as Ewokese, and despite the primitiveness of their language, protocol droids like C-3PO can understand much of what they say.

The "Ewokese" it was created by sound designer Ben Burtt. In the commentary track on the Return of the Jedi DVD, Burtt explains that this language is based on the Kalmyk language, spoken by a people in Siberia. Burtt heard the language spoken in a documentary and liked its sound, so foreign to Western ears. Upon investigation he found an 80-year-old Kalmyk-speaking refugee; he recorded her narrating folk stories in her native tongue, and later used the recordings as the basis for sounds that became Ewokese from voice actors. For the scene where C-3PO speaks Ewokese, actor Anthony Daniels worked with Burtt and invented words based on the Kalmyk recordings.

Actions in Star Wars

Ewoks appear in Peace, Episode VI of the saga, in the films Caravan of Valor and The Fight for Endor and in the cartoon series Ewoks.

Several tribes fought against the marauders(cfr.), and assisted the Towani for a long time.

They were finally put to the test when the Galactic Empire stormed Endor and established a base with a shield generator to protect the second Death Star. The Ewoks, who had captured Luke, Han, Chewbacca, RD-D2, and C-3PO, took the latter as their god, and thanks to a failed attempt to sacrifice them, C-3PO told the Council of Elders the stories of the Rebel Alliance. The Ewoks supported the cause and participated in a ground attack on the shield generator. With their primitive weapons, they took down the stormtroopers and destroyed the generator alongside the rebels, rendering the Death Star's shields useless. However, they also suffered considerable casualties from Imperial fire.

Important Ewoks

  • Wicket W. Warrick: ewok who fought against the Marauders to rescue his people and his human friend Cindel Towani. Years later she helped Princess Leia Organa by serving as a contact between her people and the rebel alliance. Their deep knowledge of the forest greatly helps the rebels in their attack on the imperial forces.
  • Logray: is the shaman of the ewoks. He was a witch doctor who thought of offering Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker to his newly adopted god, the droid C-3PO. By a prompt performance of Skywalker, they achieved their release and later, the golden droid managed to make them accept in the ewoks tribe. It was characterized by wearing a churi bird skull in his head and carrying a loop made of ribs of his defeated enemies.
  • Paploo: is the nephew of Chief Chirpa and an explorer who, together with Wicket, helps to guide the rebels to the shield generator that protects the second Star of Death. Although his effort to attract four imperial scouts away from the bunker could have compromised the attack, it was relatively successful as he stole a slider and forced three of the scouts to pursue it, which allowed the rebels to dominate the last guard and win the entrance. He later sees Paploo helping the Ewoks fight the Empire.
  • Teebo: ewok who fought alongside the rebels against the Galactic Empire in the Battle of Endor.
  • Chief Chirpa: he is the head of the ewok tribe and the ruler of the village of the Bright Tree, he was commander in the battle of Endor.
  • Kneesaa: daughter of Chief Chirpa and Wicket's partner.
  • Kaink: priestess ewok who lived several miles from the village in Endor. He accompanied the young Mace and Cindel Towani in the search for their parents.
  • Juan L. Warrick: adoptive father of Wicket.
  • Dolores Warrick: adoptive mother of Wicket, later padawan.
  • Farid Ali: regent of an ewok village where Wicket and Logray lived as well as Teebo and others. He helped command the attack on the imperial forces in Endor and ensure the victory of the rebels.
  • Deej Warrick
  • Widdle Warrick
  • Shodu Warrick

Possible origin of the Ewoks

George Lucas wanted a primitive race to bring down the Empire in Episode VI. He had thought that they were the Wookiees, but since Chewbacca was an expert in technology, he decided to create the Ewoks, which is Wookiee with its syllables backwards. The word ewok is not mentioned in the dialogue of the film.

The creation of these was a reference by George Lucas to the Vietnam War, and the Ewoks as a simile and reference to the North Vietnamese guerrillas fighting against the Empire, in this case the United States.

Movies and series

  • Ewoks: animated series
  • It also comes out in Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi.
  • Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure, (Caravan of value, The adventure of the ewoks).
  • Ewoks: The Battle for Endor: TV movie

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