Europe day


The Europe Day is a celebration that takes place every May 9 in the European Union, in memory of the so-called Schuman Declaration, in which the French foreign minister, Robert Schuman, gave the first step for the integration of the European states by proposing that the coal and steel of Germany (then Federal Republic of Germany) and France (and the other countries that adhered) be submitted to a joint administration, promoting the creation of the first European community: that of Coal and Steel, being the origin of the current European Union. The importance of this proposal, made in May 1950 (the fifth anniversary of the surrender of the Nazi regime) before a Europe devastated by World War II World War, also lies in the fact that by submitting the two essential productions of the arms industry to a single authority, the countries that participated in this organization would find great difficulty in the case of wanting to start a war between them.

The commemoration of this date has taken place since 1985, after its approval by the Heads of State and Government meeting in the European Council. Despite being the only official day of celebration in the European Union, it is a working day. and the celebrations organized by the member states are not usually equated to those held on the occasion of the national holidays of each state.

On January 29, 2019, an initiative of various organizations and personalities coordinated by the Europeanistas association was publicly presented in Brussels in order to make May 9 a holiday throughout the European Union. On February 12, the The initiative was voted on in a plenary session of the European Parliament within the European Citizenship Report presented by MEP Maite Pagazaurtundúa, ambassador of the initiative. The proposal was approved with 459 votes in favor.


Schuman Declaration

Robert Schuman delivered the statement that gave rise to the first European Community.

Five years after the end of World War II, the greatest war in history, the European continent was plunged into devastation, and the threat of a new war hung over Europe.

At 6 pm on May 9, 1950, the press was summoned in Paris, in the Clock Room of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Quai d'Orsay, to make a "communication of the greatest importance", which had been written by Jean Monnet and delivered by Robert Schuman, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The proposal consisted of creating a European supranational institution, which would be in charge of jointly managing the production of coal and steel, so that the countries that participated in it would relinquish ownership of the arms industry, which would thus be under check.


Celebration of the Day of Europe in Warsaw.

Despite being the only official day of celebration of the EU, in practice none of the member countries of the Union organize high-level commemorative festivities, such as those held on the occasion of the national holidays of each state. However, in 2006 France organized several celebrations that included free entry to the hall where the speech was delivered, as well as lighting the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Eiffel Tower in blue.

The organization of European public postal services, PostEurop, printed a stamp in tribute to the European day that entered circulation on May 9, 2000, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Schuman Declaration.

Each year the European Commission publishes a promotional poster, which includes a different motif each time, accompanied by a slogan referring to a current issue within the EU.

Many schools celebrate May 9 to convey to students the importance of that day in their lives. Children and young people are the future citizens of the European Union, which is why more and more teachers participate with activities and initiatives that promote Europeanism.

The celebrations promoted by the Célula Europa Project that seek to disseminate this day in the education sector stand out.

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