Error analysis


When performing calculations using more or less complex algorithms, it is inevitable to make mistakes. These errors can be of three types:

  • Input data errors: This type of error is caused by errors when making measurements of physical quantities.
  • Round errors: In this case, the error appears when operating with fine numerical representations. It can be solved using more decimals, but this involves using more memory (resources).
  • Mistakes (or discreetization): This type of error refers to the error that is made when using a particular algorithm. This means that if the discreetization is refined or the algorithm is changed, it can decrease. Refine general discretization leads to more accounts which is equivalent to increasing round error and calculation time.

The first type of error is not mathematically analyzable since it is subject to technological advances in measuring devices. The second and third types of errors can be quantified in an approximate way using suitable expressions.

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