

Eremopoa is a genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the Poaceae family. It is native to central Asia and the western Himalayas.


The name of the genus is derived from the Greek eremos (desert, uninhabited area) and poa (pasture, forage), alluding to the place where the herbs are found.


The basic chromosome number of the genus is x = 7, with somatic chromosome numbers of 2n = 14, 28 and 42, since there are diploid species and a polyploid series. Relatively "large" chromosomes.


  • High school (Trin.) Roshev.
    • Eremopoa altaica subsp. altaica
    • Eremopoa altaica subsp. oxyglumis (Boiss.) Tzvelev
    • Eremopoa altaica subsp. songarica (Schrenk) Tzvelev
  • Eremopoa attalica H. Scholz
  • Eremopoa bellula (Regel) Roshev.
  • Eremopoa chapelris R.R. Mill
  • Glareous eremopoe Gamajun. ex Pavlov
  • Eremopoa mardinensis R.R. Mill
  • Eremopoa medica H. Scholz
  • Eremopoa multiradiata (Trautv.) Roshev.
  • Eremopoa nephelochloides Roshev.
  • Eremopoa oxyglumis (Boiss.) Roshev.
  • Persian eremopoe (Trin.) Roshev.
    • Eremopoa persica subsp. multiradiata (Trautv.) Tzvelev
      • Eremopoa persica var. nephelochloides Roshev.
      • Eremopoa persica var. oxyglumis Grossh.
      • Eremopoa persica var. persica
      • Eremopoa persica var. songarica (Schrenk) Bor
      • Eremopoa persica var. typica Grossh.
  • Eremopoa songarica (Schrenk) Roshev.

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